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Oracle® Secure Enterprise Search Administrator's Guide
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E21605-01
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Setting Up Hummingbird Document Management Server Sources


The Hummingbird DM connector is deprecated in this release, so that maintenance will be provided only when issues are raised by existing customers. No active development, testing, or certification will be provided for this connector.

The Hummingbird DM Server plug-in extends the searching capabilities of Oracle SES and enables it to search Hummingbird DM Server repositories. Oracle SES can crawl documents and metadata in the Hummingbird repositories and provide secure, full-text search. It also provides metadata search and browse functionality, which allows search to be done against a specific subfolder in the hierarchy.

Hummingbird data is stored in libraries, which can contain folders, files, and workspaces. A Hummingbird DM Server instance can have one or more libraries that can be crawled with the Hummingbird DM Server plug-in by configuring parameters in Oracle SES. The Hummingbird DM Server plug-in navigates through the libraries to crawl all documents in Hummingbird DM Server. It creates an index, stores the metadata, and accesses information in Oracle SES to provide search according to the end user permissions.

Oracle SES supports incremental crawling; that is, it crawls and indexes only those documents that have changed since the most recent crawl. A document is re-crawled if the content, metadata, or the direct security access information of the document has changed. Documents deleted from a library are removed from the index during incremental crawling.

The Hummingbird plug-in includes two components: a plug-in jar file and a Web services component. The jar file is deployed in Oracle SES. The Web services component must be deployed on the computer on which Hummingbird Web Server (Webtop) is deployed.

The Hummingbird DM Server identity plug-in is used to authenticate the native users of Hummingbird DM Server.

Important Notes for Hummingbird DM Server Sources

  • The Hummingbird crawler plug-in should use the administrator account for the Container for crawling and indexing documents.

  • The Hummingbird DM Server version must be 2004 or 2005.

Required Software

  • Hummingbird DM Server must be installed and configured. The following versions of Hummingbird DN are supported: 2004, 2005.

  • Hummingbird Web Server (WebTop): Hummingbird Web Server is required to see the files and folder stored in Hummingbird DM Server.

  • Windows .NET Framework 1.1 must be on the same computer where Hummingbird Web Server (WebTop) is running.

Required Tasks

Import User/Groups from Active Directory Server to Hummingbird.

  1. Login to Hummingbird WebTop with a user having administrator privileges.

  2. Select DM ADMIN from the list at the top of page.

  3. Go to Users and Groups - User Synchronization.

  4. Select the Network Resource and click Load Network.

  5. Select the name of the domain with the users to import and click Load Network.

  6. The Network resource list shows the names of users. Select the users to import and click Import User.

  7. Click Save.

  8. In Library User, you can see the list of users that are imported in Hummingbird Web server.

Known Issues

If you update the Attribute list parameter, then a force re-crawl should be performed to delete the indexes of the old attribute list and create indexes for the new attribute list. Change the re-crawl policy to Process All Documents on the Home - Schedules - Edit Schedule page.

Setting Up Identity Management for Hummingbird

Choose an identity plug-in on the Global Settings - Identity Management Setup page.

Activate the Hummingbird identity plug-in with the following parameters.

  • Library name: The name of library to be crawled.

  • URL: This parameter is used to send the request to the Web service to retrieve the data. For example:

    [http | https]://computername:port/VirtualDirectoryName/HBDMIdentityWebservice.asmx

    The virtual directory name is given during installation of Web services for Hummingbird.

  • User name: User name of Hummingbird DM Server. The user must be an administrator user and a native user of Hummingbird. Required.

  • Password: Password for User name.

  • Authentication Attribute: NATIVE.

Creating a Hummingbird Source

Create a source for the newly created user-defined source type on the Home - Sources page. Enter a source name. Provide values for the configuration parameters in the following table.

  • Container name: The names of the containers to be crawled by Oracle SES. You can crawl an entire Hummingbird library or a specific folder. The format is LibraryName/LibraryName/FolderName/SubFolderName. This parameter is case-sensitive.

    To crawl all documents in the library the format for library is LibraryName/ LibraryName. You can enter multiple comma-delimited container names. Required.

    For example:

    • Container name: LibraryName/LibraryName

      The entire LibraryName is crawled

    • Container name: LibraryName/LibraryName/Folder21

      Folder21 and its sub-folders within LibraryName are crawled.

    • Container name: LibraryName/LibraryName/PublicFolders/Folder1

      Folder1 and its sub-folders within PublicFolders are crawled.

  • Attribute list: The comma-delimited list of attributes to be searchable. The format is AttributeName,AttributeName. Optional.

    Hummingbird stores all attributes as String data type so the data type of attributes in Hummingbird are the String data type in Oracle SES. Only LastModifiedDate is the Date data type in Oracle SES. The default attributes are Title, LastModifiedDate, and Author.

    While crawling a library or folder, an attribute is indexed only with a match; otherwise, it is ignored. For example, to make the following Hummingbird attributes searchable:

    Attribute name: account name

    Attribute name: account ID

    Attribute name: creation date

    The value of Attribute List is: account name, account ID, creation date.

    Multiple attributes with same name are not allowed. For example: Emp_ID, Emp_ID.

    If custom fields have been created, then include the name of table and column separated by a dot (.). For example: tablename.columnname,tablename.columnname

  • User name: User name of a valid Hummingbird DM Server user. The user must be an administrator user or a user who has access to all folders and documents configured in Container name. The user should be able to retrieve content, attributes, and documents. Required.

  • Password: Password of the Hummingbird user in User name. Required.

  • Crawl versions: Controls whether multiple versions of documents are crawled. Valid values are true and false. The default value is false. Any other value is interpreted as false, and only the latest version of a document is crawled. Optional.

  • Crawl folder attributes: Controls whether folder attributes are crawled. Valid values are true and false. The default value is false. Any other value is interpreted as false. Optional.

  • View Documents: The IP address or computer name where the Hummingbird Webtop (Hummingbird Web Server) application is installed. It is the URL for viewing search results. For example: http://computername.

    If SSL is enabled on Hummingbird DM Web Server, the URL is https://computername. If Hummingbird is running on a port other than the default port (80), then append the port number using this format: http://computername:port.

  • Crawl Attachments: Controls whether attachments to the documents are crawled. Valid values are true and false. The default value is false. Any other value is interpreted as false. Optional.

  • Search form: The profile name used in Hummingbird. The default value is DEF_QBE. If custom attributes have been added in profile and you want to search for these attributes, then enter the name of the custom profile.

  • URL for Webservice: The URL of Web services that are consumed by the plug-in. For example:

    [http | https]://computername/virtual_folder /HBDMWebService.asmx

    where virtual_folder is the name of the virtual folder created by the Web service installer.

    If the Web service is running on a port other then the default port (80), then include the port number. For example:

    [http | https]://computername:port/virtual_folder /HBDMWebService.asmx

  • Authentication Attribute: The name of the authentication attribute that is used to set ACL. The Oracle Internet Directory value is nick_name. The Active Directory value is USER_NAME. The Hummingbird identity plug-in value is NATIVE.

  • Hummingbird DM version: The version of Hummingbird DM to be crawled. Valid values are 5 and 6.

  • Date Format: This is to specify the date format being used in the DM Server. For example, specify the format in crawler source configuration page for date 10/23/2009 10:10:10 as MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss. If no date format is specified, or an invalid date format is specified, then the default locale settings are used to parse the date. This is an optional parameter.

  • Activity Log Based Crawl: Indicates whether incremental crawl should be based on Activity Log Records, which is an optimal incremental crawl. Set as True for optimized incremental crawl, that is Activity Log based crawl, and False for processing all documents to find modified documents.

Deploying the Web Service on the Hummingbird DM Server

The Web service is located in ORACLE_HOME/search/lib/plugins/hbdm. The Web service must be installed on the same server as Hummingbird DM.

The Web service component is provided as an installable setup file. This component must be installed on the same server on which Hummingbird Web Server and Windows .NET Framework 1.1 are installed.

Separate Web service installers are provided for Hummingbird DM 5 ( and Hummingbird DM 6 ( Ensure that the correct Web service component is installed based on the Hummingbird DM version.

To install the Web service: 

  1. Double-click setup.exe to install the Web service.

  2. The installer prompts for the name of the virtual directory. (The virtual directory name can be changed.) The installer creates a virtual directory on Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) with same name. If you have multiple Web sites in IIS running on different ports, and you want to install this Web service in a Web site other than the default Web site, then include the port number.

  3. Provide the user name and password of Hummingbird DM Server. Enter the user name in the form: domainname\username.