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Oracle® Secure Enterprise Search Administrator's Guide
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E21605-01
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Setting Up Open Text Livelink Sources


The Open Text LiveLink Enterprise Server connector is deprecated in this release, so that maintenance will be provided only when issues are raised by existing customers. No active development, testing, or certification will be provided for this connector.

Livelink data is stored in Workspaces, which in turn can contain folders, files, projects, and task lists. A Livelink Enterprise Server instance can have one or more Workspaces that can be crawled. Oracle SES navigates through the Workspaces to crawl all the objects in Livelink Enterprise Server. It creates an index, stores the metadata, and accesses information in Oracle SES to provide search according to the end user permissions.

Important Notes for Open Text Livelink Sources

  • The administrator account must be used by the Livelink crawler plug-in for the container for crawling and indexing documents.

  • The Livelink Enterprise Server version must be 9.2, 9.5.0, 9.5.5

Required Tasks

Because Open Text Livelink software is not included with Oracle SES, certain files must be copied manually into Oracle SES. Copy the lapi.jar file from LAPI installation folder into ORACLE_HOME/search/lib/plugins/llcs.

The Directory Services module of Livelink should be installed with Livelink, if users and groups are importing from LDAP server and you want to use the Active Directory identity plug-in.

To import users and groups of Active Directory into Livelink Server: 

  1. Create an LDAP user that has permission in Active Directory to administer users and groups. This user synchronizes the Active Directory with Livelink.

  2. To extend the schema of Active Directory, install the Active Directory Schema snap-in:

    1. Select Run from Windows Start menu.

    2. Type mmc /a in the Open field and click OK.

    3. On the Console menu, choose Add/Remove Snap-in and click Add.

    4. Under Snap-in, double-click Active Directory Schema. Click Close, then OK. Save the console (for example, as "Active Directory Schema.msc"). If the new snap-in does not appear under Snap-in, then you may have to re-install the Windows 2003 Administrative Tools and start again at step 2.

  3. Open the following file in a text editor.:


  4. Open the Active Directory Schema console from the Windows All Programs menu. The console has a name such as Active Directory Schema.msc.

  5. Right-click Active Directory Schema and select Operations Master.

  6. Right click the Attributes folder and select Create Attribute.

  7. Create the attribute llserverinfo using the information from ot-livelink-schema.conf, as shown in Table 7-8.

    Table 7-8 llserverinfo Values

    Name Value

    Common Name


    LDAP Display Name


    Object ID

    Oracle_Internet_Directory from ot-livelink-schema.conf


    Case-insensitive string



  8. Create the attribute llquery using the information from ot-livelink-schema.conf as follows:

    Table 7-9 llquery Values

    Name Value

    Common Name


    LDAP Display Name


    Object ID

    OID from ot-livelink-schema.conf


    Case-insensitive string



  9. Browse through the Directory Services Administration section of the Livelink Administration page to enable the following configuration.

    1. To enable the Synchronization Features:

      Click the Choose Directory Services link.

      Select LDAP Synchronization (Read-Only LDAP) from the Synchronization list.

      For Livelink CGI Hosts, specify,Livelink_Server_IP

      Click Save Changes.

    2. To configure LDAP Read-Only Parameters, set the parameters described in Table 7-10.

      Click Save Changes.

    3. Click Synchronize LDAP Read-only.

      Click Synchronize.

Table 7-10 LDAP Read-Only Parameters

Parameter Value

New User Password Policy


User name Case Sensitivity

Preserve case

Livelink Server Name

Computer name on which Livelink Server is running

LDAP Server

Computer name or IP Address on which LDAP server is running

LDAP Server Port


Search Root


LDAP User name

cn=<LDAP_User_Name>,cn=Users, dc=otdomain,dc=com

LDAP Password


Log-in Name

sAMAccountName or cn

First Name


Last Name








Department Mapping


Group Name


Group Leader


Group Member


Group Member Query



Select Log-in enabled, Public Access

Group Search Filter


Synchronize Group


Known Issues

If you update the attribute list, then you must update the crawler re-crawl policy to Process All Documents on the Home - Schedules - Edit Schedules page, and re-crawl the source.

Setting Up Identity Management for Open Text

The Livelink Enterprise Server identity plug-in authenticates native users of Livelink Enterprise Server. The identity plug-in communicates with the directory to authenticate a user's credentials, validate a user or group and return the associated canonical form, and return the groups associated with a given user.

Activate the identity plug-in on the Global Settings - Identity Management Setup page, as described in "Activating the Active Directory Identity Plug-in".

Creating an Open Text Livelink Source

Create an Open Text source on the Home - Sources page. Select Open Text from the Source Type list, and click Create. Enter values for the following parameters:

  • User name: Name of a valid Livelink Enterprise Server user. The user must be an Administrator user or a user who has access to all folders and documents of the workspaces configured in the Container name parameter. The user should be able to retrieve content, metadata, and ACL from folders, documents and other custom sub classes of all workspaces configured in Container name parameter. Required

  • Password: Password of the Livelink user. Required.

  • Server Name and Port Number for Livelink: The computer name/IP address and the port number on which Livelink server is running. The format is ServerName:port.

  • Container name: The names of the containers to be crawled by Oracle SES. You can crawl an entire Livelink Workspace or a specific folder. The format for is: WorkspaceName/FolderName/SubFolderName. You can enter multiple comma-delimited container names. Required.

    For example:

    • Container name: Workspace1: The entire Workspace1 is crawled.

    • Container name: Workspace2/Folder21: Folder21 and its sub-folders within Workspace2 are crawled.

  • Attribute list: The comma-delimited list of Livelink attributes along with their data types to be searchable. The format of an attribute list is AttributeName:AttributeType, AttributeName:AttributeType. Valid values are String, Number, and Date. Optional.

    Table 7-11 shows equivalent Open Text and Oracle SES data types. The crawler indexes an attribute only if both name and type match with configured name and type; otherwise, it is ignored. Multiple attributes with same name are not allowed. For example Emp_ID:String, Emp_ID:Number

    The default searchable attributes for Livelink Enterprise Server are Modified Date, Title, and Author.

    For example: Consider the following Livelink attributes:

    • Attribute name: account name attribute type: String

    • Attribute name: account ID attribute type: Integer

    • Attribute name: creation date attribute type: Date

    For these attributes to be searchable, the value of Attribute List must be:

    Account Name: String, Account ID: Number, Creation Date:Date

  • Crawl versions: Controls whether multiple versions of documents are crawled. Valid values are true and false. The default value is false. Any other value is provided interpreted as false, and only the latest versions of the documents are crawled. Optional.

  • Crawl folder attributes: Controls whether folder attributes are crawled. Valid values are true and false. The default value is false. Any other value is provided interpreted as false, and only the latest versions of the documents are crawled. Optional.

  • Authentication attribute: The attribute used to set ACL. With Active Directory, the value is USER_NAME. With the Livelink identity plug-in, the value is NATIVE. Required and case sensitive.

  • Crawl objects with public access: Controls whether objects with public access are crawled without an ACL. Valid values are true and false. When false, all objects with this ACL are ignored.

  • Livelink URL: The Livelink URL for viewing objects from the Livelink Server. For example, for Windows, the URL must be

    http | https://host/livelink_service/livelink.exe.

    For other application servers like WebLogic, Tomcat, and WebSphere, the URL must be

    http | https://host:port/livelink_service/livelink.

Table 7-11 Open Text Data Types

Sr. No Open Text Data Type Oracle SES Data Type






Number (Big Decimal)





