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Oracle® Clinical Installation Guide
Release 4.6.2

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7 Installing Reports Servers

This chapter describes how to install Oracle Clinical Reports Server. The Oracle Clinical Reports Server runs on the application tier.

The Reports Server runs most batch reports, schedules all jobs, including PSUB jobs, and runs job sets. In addition, it creates PDF output for RDC Patient Data Reports, RDC Blank Casebook Reports, and Oracle Clinical Audit Reports.

The Oracle Application Server technology stack must be installed before you install the Reports Servers. See Chapter 5, "Installing and Configuring Oracle Application Server" for installation instructions.

This chapter includes the following topics:

7.1 Types of Reports Server Installations

Oracle Clinical supports two types of Reports Server installations:

  • Combined: a Reports Server on the same computer as a computer with a Forms Server installation.

    To install a Reports Server on the same computer as the Forms Server, set up the Forms Server first as described in Chapter 6, "Installing Oracle Clinical Front End." When you finish that installation, restart your computer and then continue with the tasks in this chapter to install the Reports Server.

  • Standalone: a Reports Server on a computer without an installed Forms Server. You can add standalone Reports Servers to balance the workload between running Oracle Clinical and running reports jobs.

    To set up a standalone Reports Server, set up the application server as described in Chapter 5, "Installing and Configuring Oracle Application Server." When you finish that installation, restart your computer and then continue with the tasks in this chapter to install the Reports Server.

7.2 Installing the Oracle Clinical Reports Server

Perform these instructions to deploy the Oracle Clinical Reports Server onto the application tier installation.


If you run Patient Data Reports from a Reports Server, install Acrobat Reader before installing the Oracle Clinical Reports Server. The Installer detects the Reader's location and automatically configures the registry.

To install the Oracle Clinical Reports Server:

  1. Log in as a user with system administrator privileges.

  2. Insert the Oracle Clinical and Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.2 disk.

  3. Locate and run the following file:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.

  4. Follow the instructions on the installation screens. For additional information about each screen, see Section 7.2.1, "Attend to the Oracle Clinical Reports Server Installation Screens."

7.2.1 Attend to the Oracle Clinical Reports Server Installation Screens

The Oracle Universal Installer guides you through the installation and configuration of Oracle Clinical Reports Server.


Click Next to continue the installation.

Select a Product to Install

Select Oracle Clinical Report Server (where XX is the build number).

Click Next.

Specify Home Details Destination

In the Name field and the Path field, enter values for the Oracle Home you created when you installed Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 Forms and Reports Services on:

  • A combined Forms and Reports server

  • A separate Reports Server

Click Next.

Oracle Clinical Report Server Choose the Oracle AS10gR3 Home Directory

Select the location where you installed Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3. This installation guide refers to this location as the ORACLE_AS10gR3_HOME.

Click Next.

Oracle Clinical Report Server Choose OPA home directory

Specify the directory that is the root directory for installations of Oracle Health Sciences products. Typically, you respond with the path to the opapps46 directory.

The recommended installation directory for Release 4.6.x is:


where drive is the disk's letter designation.

This installation guide refers to this location as OPA_HOME.

Click Next.

Oracle Clinical Report Server Enter OC4J Admin Password

When you installed Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3, you created a password for the OC4J administrator. You must enter and confirm that password. Click Next.

Oracle Clinical Report Server Enter OPMN Port Number

Enter the port number that the Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN Server) uses. The default port number is 6004.

If you modified the default installation, you can check the following configuration file for the OPMN port number:


Oracle Clinical Report Server Enter Report Server Name

The default value is the repcomputer_name. You can update this value. This document refers to the value you enter here as the report_server_name. If the name includes an underscore, remove it. Do not put underscores in the new value if you change it. Click Next.

Oracle Clinical Report Server Acrobat Reader

If installed, Oracle Universal Installer detects the location of the computer's Acrobat Reader installation. The Acrobat Reader is necessary for generating Patient Data Reports. Click Next.

Oracle Clinical Report Server Do you want to store DCIF images locally

Note that Oracle Universal Installer displays this screen only if you are installing a standalone Reports Server.

  • To store the DCIF images locally, select Yes and then click Next. The Installer displays the Choose the Local DCIF Images Directory screen. Enter or browse to the path of the local directory where you want to save the DCIF images.

  • To store the DCIF images remotely, select No and then click Next. The Installer displays the Enter the Shared Location of DCIF Images screen. Enter the path of the remote directory where you want to store the DCIF images. Typically, this location is:


Click Next.

Summary Oracle Clinical Report Server

The Summary screen provides information about the global settings, languages, space requirements, and products for this installation.

Review the installation details to verify that they are correct. To revisit earlier installation screens and make changes, click Back.

When you are ready to continue, click Install.


Oracle Universal Installer copies the files onto the server, completes the setup and configuration tasks, and generates a log file of this installation.

In addition, the Install screen displays the location of the log file that records the results of the installation activities for this session. Make a note of this information so you can view the log file after the installation.

End of Installation

The End of Installation screen reports whether the installation was successful.

Click Exit.

7.2.2 Review the Installation Log File

Review the generated installation log file for errors. See Section 1.13, "Reviewing the Installation Log Files" for details.

Work with Oracle Support, if necessary, to resolve any errors.

7.2.3 Restart the Computer

To ensure that all configuration changes are initialized, you must restart the computer before you continue with the next task in the installation process.

7.3 Setting Up the Reports Server for Access and File Viewing

Perform these Reports Server file viewing tasks once for each Oracle Clinical location.

7.3.1 Create the Reports Server Root Directory

Create a directory on a computer for report and log files. The Reports Server root directory can reside on the Forms Server, on any of the Reports Servers, or any other computer. The directory must be accessible by all Reports Servers.

7.3.2 Share and Grant Access to the Reports Server Root Directory

Make the Reports Server UNC sharable, and grant the administrator account read and write access to this directory.

To share the Reports Server root directory on Windows with the administrator account:

  1. Use Windows Explorer to select the Reports Server root directory.

  2. Right-click on the folder and select Properties.

  3. Click the Sharing tab.

  4. Select Shared This Folder, and then enter a value in the Share Name field.

  5. Click OK to save your changes.


    The Microsoft Windows Universal Naming Convention (UNC) for any Reports Server log directory cannot exceed 35 characters.

    The UNC syntax is:


    For example, if the computer name is oclfsrv1, and the share name is opareportout, and the report log is stored in a subdirectory user under this shared directory, then the UNC is:


    This works as long as user does not exceed eight characters. If you want to have longer names for user, then shorten the share name.

7.3.3 Create Reports Server Log Directories for Each User

For each Oracle Clinical database account, create the Reports Server log directory for the user. See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for information.

7.3.4 Specify Directory Mappings for PSUB in Each Database

To set up file viewing by mapping directories in each database, see the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for information.

7.3.5 Configure the Reports Server for DCI Forms and PDRs

If you are using DCI Forms or Patient Data Reports (PDRs) on this computer, there are more configuration tasks you must perform. See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for more information. (In particular, if you run the PDR, and you send the output directly to a printer, be sure to set RDC_PDF_PRINT_TOOL according to the instructions in Appendix A of the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide.)

7.4 Adding the Reports Server to the Database Reference Codelist

For each Reports Server that you install and want to access from this database, you must edit the Maintain Reference Codelists in Oracle Clinical to specify the values for the Reports Server.

To set the Reports Server values:

  1. Start Oracle Clinical.

  2. Navigate to Admin, Reference Codelist, and then Local Codelist to open the Maintain Reference Codelists form.

  3. Query for REPORT_SERVER in the Name field.

  4. Complete the Short Value and Long Value fields as follows:

    • For each Short Value listed in Table 7-1, enter in the Long Value field the connection string of the Reports Server that you want to use as the default for the specified function.

    • For each additional, non-default Reports Servers, add a row to the reference codelist. Specify a unique name in the Short Value field and the connection string in the Long Value field.

      Table 7-1 REPORT_SERVER Local Reference Codelist Values

      Short Value Enter in Long Value Field


      The connection string for the Reports Server you want to use as the default for Oracle Reports.


      The connection string for the Reports Server you want to use as the default for job sets.


      The connection string for the Reports Server you want to use as the default for PSUB jobs.

  5. Click Save.

7.5 Replacing the Placeholder DCF Logo Graphic

The Oracle Clinical Data Clarification Form (DCF) report system is a utility for generating paper forms from an Oracle report. The report includes a bitmap image on the cover page.

You can replace the default image with your own graphic or logo, or you can use a graphics application to redraw the image.

The source file for the bitmap image is at the following location on Oracle Clinical Reports Server installations:


You can edit the image locally and then copy it to your server.

7.6 Customizing and Upgrading DCF Reports

For DCF Reports, you can customize the following files:

  • rxcdrptl.rdf

  • rxcdrptp.rdf

These source files are located on the Forms Server in the following directory:


If you customized these files for a previous release and you are upgrading Oracle Clinical, recompile the files with Oracle 10g DS Reports Developer Release 2.

7.7 Testing the Reports Server Installation

To test that the Reports Server can create printouts and files:

  1. Start Oracle Clinical.

  2. Navigate to Admin, Admin Reports, and then Reference Codelist. The Report Reference Codelist submission screen opens.

  3. Click the Reference Codelist Name field, and enter OCL_STATE.

  4. Print the report:

    1. Click the Job Details button.

    2. Change the Output Type to PRINTER.

    3. Examine the printer's path to see if it is correct.

    4. Click Submit Job. You receive a status prompt. Close the prompt to return to the Submission screen.

    5. Click Job Status to check the progress of your print job. Look for the printout from your printer.

  5. Print the report to file:

    1. Return to the Report Reference Codelist submission screen.

    2. Click the Reference Codelist Name field, and enter OCL_STATE.

    3. Click Job Details.

    4. Change the Output Type to FILE.

    5. Click Submit Job. The system displays a status prompt. Close the prompt to return to the Submission screen.

    6. Click Job Status.

    7. Check its status in the Execution Status field.

    8. Click View Output. The system displays a path location prompt.

    9. Click OK. The Report Server processes the file and converts it to the selected format. If successful, the file then opens in a separate window.

7.8 Troubleshooting Reports Server Problems

This section lists solutions to a few Reports Server problems that can arise under certain conditions. In addition, see the Reports Server Troubleshooting Guide on My Oracle Support.

Preview for Form layout editor or DCI Form Generation Fails on Standalone Reports Servers

This problem can arise if you add separate Reports Servers to an installation with no Forms Servers configured to support them. For separate Reports Servers to work, you must set up registry settings on each separate Reports Server and a Forms Server, and share directories on the Forms Server. See Section 6.5, "Sharing the RDC Directory and Setting Image Browsing" for more information.

Unable to stop a Reports job

Check if this is a scheduled job. If it is, use the Oracle AS10gR2 Enterprise Manager to stop it. Navigate to Action, Report Queue Manager from any screen, or Admin, PSUB/Report Jobs, Enterprise Manager. The Report Queue Manager window opens. The instructions vary by manager version, so follow the instructions in the window to stop the job.