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Oracle® Clinical, Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture, and Oracle® Thesaurus Management System Security Configuration Guide
Release 4.6.2

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Oracle® Clinical, Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture, and Oracle® Thesaurus Management System

Security Configuration Guide

Release 4.6.2


July 2011

This guide describes essential security management options for the following applications:


This guide presents the following security guidelines and recommendations:

Configuring Strong Passwords on the Database

Although the importance of passwords is well known, the following basic rule of security management is worth repeating:

Ensure all your passwords are strong passwords.

You can strengthen passwords by creating and using password policies for your organization. For guidelines on securing passwords and for additional ways to protect passwords, refer to the Oracle Database Security Guide specific to the database release you are using.

You should modify the following passwords to use your policy-compliant strings:

Closing All Open Ports Not in Use

Keep only the minimum number of ports open. You should close all ports not in use.

Disabling the Telnet Service

The Oracle Clinical, RDC Onsite, and TMS applications do not use the Telnet service. Telnet listens on port 23 by default.

If the Telnet service is available on the Oracle Clinical host machine, Oracle recommends that you disable Telnet in favor of Secure Shell (ssh). Telnet, which sends clear-text passwords and user names through logins, is a security risk to your servers. Disabling Telnet tightens and protects your system security.

Disabling Other Unused Services

In addition to not using Telnet, the Oracle Clinical, RDC Onsite, and TMS applications do not use the following services or information for any functionality:

Therefore, restricting these services or information will not affect those Oracle applications. If you are not using these services for other applications, Oracle recommends that you disable these services to minimize your security exposure.

If you need SMTP, identd, or SNMP for other applications, be sure to upgrade to the latest version of the protocol to provide the most up-to-date security for your system.

Replacing Verbose Errors with Custom Messages

Web applications issue HTTP error messages, such as Error Code 500 (Internal Server Error) and Error Code 404 (Not Found), for servlet exceptions that occur at run time (for example, when a servlet is processing the form data). Some internal error messages are verbose and provide sensitive system information.

To tighten the security on your production systems, Oracle recommends that you replace the verbose error messages with brief customized messages.

You can create an HTML error page containing a custom message, and then use the XML error-page element and subelements in the web.xml file to specify the HTML error page to use for the servlet exceptions. You can create a different error message for each error number or use the same generic message for more than one error.

Oracle recommends that you edit the web.xml file for the:

Creating the HTML Error Page

You need to design and create the customized HTML error pages that you specify in the web.xml file. For example, for error 500, you can create a 500error.html page with the following lines of code:

           <TITLE> HTML Error Page </TITLE>
        <P>An internal server error occurred. Contact the administrator.</P>

After you create your customized HTML error page, place the page in the appropriate directories as follows:

  • For the RDC Onsite application:ORACLE_AS10gR3_HOME\j2ee\rdc\applications\olsardc\rdconsite

  • For the OPA Administration utility:ORACLE_AS10gR3_HOME\j2ee\opa\applications\opaadmin\opaadmin

  • For the TMS application:ORACLE_AS10gR3_HOME\j2ee\opa\applications\tms\tmsuix

Editing the web.xml File

After you can create an HTML error page containing your customized message, you must edit the web.xml file to specify the error numbers and the HTML error page to display for that error. You can create a different error message for each error number or use the same generic message for more than one error.

Oracle recommends that you modify the web.xml file for each instance of RDC Onsite, OPA Administration, and TMS in your installation.

To edit the web.xml file and specify your customized error pages:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control.

  2. Stop the appropriate instance:

    • For RDC Onsite: Stop the rdc OC4J instance.

    • For OPA Administration: Stop the OPA OC4J instance.

    • For TMS: Stop the OPA OC4J instance.

  3. Log in to the application server computer.

  4. Navigate to the appropriate WEB-INF directory depending on which web.xml file you are modifying:

    • For RDC Onsite:


    • For OPA Administration:


    • For TMS:


  5. Open the web.xml file with a text editor.

  6. Add the following lines to the file:


    Where number is the HTTP error code and file-name is the name of the HTML page you created for the error. For example:



    If you installed the Oracle Thesaurus Management System patch TMS_4.6.1.6, the patch automatically adds the <error-page> entry to the TMS web.xml file. You need to edit the lines and replace the default information with the error number and the corresponding custom HTML error page that you created.
  7. Save your changes.

  8. Restart the appropriate instance.

Deleting or Disabling Demos

Oracle Application Server ships with several demos, which are available on the Demonstrations tab on the Welcome page. Demos are available for configured components only. You should not make these demos available in a production environment because some demos contain system default information that others can use to gain unauthorized access to your system.

The sample Oracle Clinical demos execute the following scripts and display the client's environment settings:

To secure the Oracle application server, Oracle recommends that you:

  1. Apply the latest available CPU patch for the application server.

  2. Delete the following executable files:



    Alternatively, you can disable the demos by moving the echo.exe and echo2.exe files from the ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\fcgi-bin directory to another protected directory.

  3. Navigate to the htdocs directory.

  4. Move all the files in the htdocs directory to another protected directory so no one can access.

Hiding Sensitive Information on the Apache Server

By default, many Apache installations expose the following sensitive information:

Attackers can use this information to their advantage when performing an attack. In addition, it sends the message that you did not modify the default values or behavior.

To hide sensitive information on the Apache server, you need to add or edit the following lines in the httpd.conf file:

     ServerSignature Off
     ServerTokens Prod
     ExtendedStatus Off

Checking External Links that May Expose Account Data

In RDC Onsite, you can add customized links to the Home page, the Patient Summary Report page, and the CRF Help icon. Any information that can be made available through a URL can be made accessible to RDC Onsite users.

In addition, your customized links support passing session parameters, such as login user ID and user role, to a URL. By passing these session parameters, you can create target Web pages that switch the content according to the user login ID, user role, study, and site. You can create links that access Web sites relevant to your clinical trial or that relate to your use of the RDC Onsite application.

However, be aware that in some situations, like links that access external Web sites, passing account data and session information may pose a security risk. In these cases, you can define the link to pass no session parameters to the URL.

For details on configuring links, refer to the Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite Administrator's Guide.

Providing Security for Session-Tracking Cookies

You can use the XML session-tracking element to provide security for the RDC Onsite and TMS session-tracking cookies.

In the orion-web.xml file, you can configure the following flags (attributes) for the session-tracking element:


If you configure the secure and HttpOnly flags for session-tracking cookies, you must make the changes on all servers in a load-balanced environment.

Configuring the Secure and HttpOnly Flags

To configure the secure and HttpOnly flags for session-tracking cookies:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate directory on Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 depending on whether you are configuring the session-tracking cookie for the RDC Onsite application or the TMS application.

    • For RDC Onsite:


    • For TMS:



    Make sure you navigate to the correct directory. On Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3, the orion-web.xml file is also located in the following directory:


    However, modifying this version of the orion-web.xml file does not enable the secure and HttpOnly flags.

  2. Back up the orion-web.xml file.

  3. Open the original orion-web.xml file with a text editor.

  4. Add the session-tracking element to the file. For example:

    <session-tracking set-secure="true" cookie-domain="domain-name;HttpOnly" />


    domain_name is the domain name of the server to which the user connects (that is, the URL domain that users specify in their browser). For example:

    Note that the server may not be the actual server you are working on, but may be the proxy server or the load balancer that you connect to in order to access this server. Note also that you must make these changes on all servers in a load-balanced environment.

  5. Save your changes.

  6. Restart the appropriate instance.

    • For RDC Onsite: Restart the rdc OC4J instance.

    • For TMS: Restart the OPA OC4J instance.

Once you complete the above changes, access to the application using HTTP will not work. Users will be forced to use HTTPS only.

Confirming the Secure and HttpOnly Flags Are Configured Properly

You can confirm that the secure and HttpOnly flags are configured properly and verify the system behavior by inspecting the Set-Cookie headers that are passed from the Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 to the client.

To confirm that you configured the secure and HttpOnly flags properly:

  1. Open a standard HTTP Traffic Tracking utility. Many HTTP Traffic Tracking utilities are available for download from the World Wide Web. You can download and install the utility if you do not have one available on your system.

  2. Use your HTTP Traffic Tracking utility to start the RDC Onsite application.

    On the RDC Onsite Login page, verify that the utility reports that the secure and HttpOnly flags are enabled. For example:

    8Oa3aQaxiOai0LbhaRbx0Tb30Pe0;; path=/olsa/oc;
    secure; HttpOnly

Disabling Cross-site Tracing

To disable cross-site tracing:

  1. Navigate to the following directory on Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2:


  2. Open the httpd.conf file with a text editor.

  3. Add the following lines to the file:

    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ApacheModuleRewrite.dll 
    AddModule mod_rewrite.c
  4. Add the following lines if not already present in the file:

    RewriteEngine On 
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^TRACE 
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^TRACK 
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^PUT 
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^DELETE 
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^PATCH 
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^MKCOL 
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^COPY 
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^MOVE
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^LOCK 
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^UNLOCK 
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
  5. Save your changes.

  6. Restart the HTTP server for your changes to take effect.


These settings apply only to Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2. They do not affect Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3.

Change Record

April 2011: Original publication of this document

July 2011: Add part number and release on; changed title and introduction to reflect applicability to RDC Classic as well as RDC Onsite; no content changes.

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Oracle Clinical, Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture, and Oracle Thesaurus Management System Security Configuration Guide, Release 4.6.2


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