D Files and Directories in the Flat File Installation Media

These are the components of the connector installation media that comprise the Flat Files connector.

Table D-1 Files and Directories on the Installation Media

File in the Installation Media Directory Description


This JAR file is the ICF connector bundle.


This XML file contains configuration information. The Connector Installer uses this XML file to create connector components that are used for both direct and request-based user account creation.



This file contains commands to run the metadata generator.

Note that the .cmd file is the Microsoft Windows version of the FlatFile Generator. Similarly, the .sh file is the UNIX version of the FlatFile Generator.



These files contain the commands that add the JAR files (located in the lib directory) to the classpath on Microsoft Windows.


This file contains the default logging configurations of the metadata generation utility.


This JAR file contains the class files of the FlatFile generator.


This JAR files contains class files that implement ICF.


This JAR file contains class files that define the ICF Application Programming Interface (API). This API is used communicate between Oracle Identity Manager and this connector.


This JAR file contains the groovy libraries required for running the FlatFile generator.


This file contains properties that store basic information about the flat file schema, which is used for configuring your flat file either as a trusted source or target resource. In addition, it stores information about the manner in which the connector must connect to the flat file. See Understanding Entries in the FlatFileConfiguration.groovy File for more information.


This XML file contains definitions for the following connector components:

  • IT resource types

  • IT resource instance

  • Lookup definitions

  • Scheduled jobs