import com.plumtree.remote.logging.ILogger; import com.plumtree.remote.logging.LogFactory; /** * Demonstrates IDK logging API. */ public class LoggingCommandLineExample extends Thread { private static final String INSTANCES_COMPONENT_NAME = "Instances"; private static final String MAIN_LOOP_COMPONENT_NAME = "Main Loop"; // characters legal for logging application names: ASCII alphanumerics and space plus . - and _. public static final String LOGGING_APPLICATION_NAME = "Logging_API_Example-1"; // set to true to multicast log messages to local network // set to false to send message only listeners on local machine public static final boolean LOG_TO_NETWORK = true; private ILogger logger; // instance logging class private static ILogger mainLogger; // main component logging class // Suggested initialization for non-web applications is in a static block // in your application's main class or a logging utility class. static { // Don't attempt to re-initialize in case logging was already // initialized (for example, as part of an EDK-based web application). if (!LogFactory.isInitialized()) { LogFactory.initialize(LOGGING_APPLICATION_NAME, LOG_TO_NETWORK); } System.out.print("Set your logging receiver to the \"server\" or \"application name\" "); System.out.println(LogFactory.getApplicationName()); System.out.println("The logging component names are \"EDK\", \"" + MAIN_LOOP_COMPONENT_NAME + "\" and \"" + INSTANCES_COMPONENT_NAME + "\"."); mainLogger = LogFactory.getLogger(MAIN_LOOP_COMPONENT_NAME, LoggingCommandLineExample.class); } public LoggingCommandLineExample(String instanceName) { setName(instanceName); this.logger = LogFactory.getLogger(INSTANCES_COMPONENT_NAME, LoggingCommandLineExample.class);"Created new instance named {0}", instanceName); } public static void main(String[] args) { final String methodName = "main"; mainLogger.functionBegin(methodName); // get a timestamp to measure performance of this function long performanceStartTicks = mainLogger.performanceBegin(); mainLogger.action("Creating and starting instances"); LoggingCommandLineExample bill = new LoggingCommandLineExample("Bill"); bill.start(); LoggingCommandLineExample larry = new LoggingCommandLineExample("Larry"); larry.start(); mainLogger.action("Done creating instances"); // send log message with time since performanceBegin mainLogger.performanceEnd(methodName, performanceStartTicks); mainLogger.functionEnd(methodName); } // Each thread runs through a small test of logging messages and // interleaves work to the other by calling yield(). public void run() { final String methodName = "run"; // send log message that function is starting logger.functionBegin(methodName); // get a timestamp to measure performance of this function long performanceStartTicks = mainLogger.performanceBegin(); yield(); logger.action("Action log messages are on by default in the log receiver."); // demonstrates the available logging levels and shows use of token // substitution in format strings to construct messages. String levelDescriptionFormat = "{0} level messages are {1} by default in the log receiver."; // debug() through fatal() are increasingly serious warning messages. // By comparison, the message types action, function, and performance // are generally "info" or "debug" level, with Action perhaps representing // a message more important than "Info". Function and performance messages // are off by default. logger.debug(levelDescriptionFormat, "Debug", "off");, "Info", "off"); logger.warn(levelDescriptionFormat, "Warn", "on"); logger.error(levelDescriptionFormat, "Error", "on"); logger.fatal(levelDescriptionFormat, "Fatal", "on"); yield(); // Exceptions may also be caught and logged, and may use token substitution. try { throw new InterruptedException(getName() + " was interrupted."); } catch (Exception eCaught) { logger.warn(eCaught, "Caught an exception from {0}. ", eCaught.getClass().getPackage().getName()); } yield(); // send log message with time since performanceBegin mainLogger.performanceEnd(methodName, performanceStartTicks); // send log message that function is ending logger.functionEnd(methodName); } }