import com.plumtree.remote.prc.collaboration.project.IProject; import com.plumtree.remote.prc.collaboration.project.IProjectManager; import com.plumtree.remote.prc.collaboration.document.*; import com.plumtree.remote.prc.IRemoteSession; import com.plumtree.remote.prc.RemoteSessionFactory; import; import*; /** * To change this example to run on any collaboration server, be sure to change the endpointURL, username and password * which are all set at the beginning of the main method. */ public class DocumentCommandLineExample { static IDocumentManager documentManager; static IProjectManager projectManager; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //Change the values below to match your configuration URL endpointURL = new URL("http://localhost:8080/ptapi/services/QueryInterfaceAPI"); String username = "Administrator"; String password = ""; //Connect to create a session & retrieve the document manager IRemoteSession remoteSession = RemoteSessionFactory.getExplicitLoginContext(endpointURL, username, password); documentManager = remoteSession.getCollaborationFactory().getDocumentManager(); projectManager = remoteSession.getCollaborationFactory().getProjectManager(); //Create a project to work in IProject exampleProject = projectManager.createProject("document example project", "example document project"); //Store it; /*** Create new objects ***/ //Create a new folder IDocumentFolder newFolder = createAndInsertNewFolder(exampleProject, "example folder"); //Create a new document IDocument newDocument = createAndInsertNewDocument(newFolder); /*** Edit the document ***/ //Check it out for editing documentManager.checkOutDocument(newDocument); //We can query here, and get the checked out document IDocument[] checkedOutDocuments = findCheckedOutDocumentsInProject(exampleProject); //Check in a new version checkInNewDocumentVersion(newDocument); //Retrieve the content back, and store it to a file storeDocumentContent(newDocument); //Create a another folder... IDocumentFolder newFolder2 = createAndInsertNewFolder(exampleProject, "example folder 2"); //Then copy the new document to it copyDocumentToFolder(newDocument, newFolder, newFolder2); //We can query here, and get the two created folders IDocumentFolder[] rootFolders = findFirstLevelFolders(exampleProject); /*** Remove the objects ***/ //Remove the document documentManager.removeDocument(newDocument); //Remove the folder documentManager.removeDocumentFolder(newFolder); //Remove the main project (which removes all contained objects) projectManager.removeProject(exampleProject); } public static IDocumentFolder[] findFirstLevelFolders(IProject project) throws Exception { //Create the new query filter IDocumentFolderFilter filter = documentManager.createDocumentFolderFilter(); //Set to order by name DocumentFolderQueryOrder nameOrder = new DocumentFolderQueryOrder(DocumentFolderAttribute.NAME, true); DocumentFolderQueryOrder[] orders = new DocumentFolderQueryOrder[]{nameOrder}; filter.setQueryOrders(orders); //To find folders in a project, we must look in the top level folder IDocumentFolder topLevelFolder = documentManager.getTopLevelFolder(project); IDocumentFolder[] foundFolders = documentManager.queryFolders(topLevelFolder, filter); return foundFolders; } public static IDocument[] findCheckedOutDocumentsInProject(IProject project) throws Exception { //Create the new query filter IDocumentFilter filter = documentManager.createDocumentFilter(); //Set it to only search for checked-out documents filter.setFilterType(DocumentFilterType.CHECKED_OUT_BY_CURRENT_USER); //Set to order by size, then last modified date DocumentQueryOrder sizeOrder = new DocumentQueryOrder(DocumentAttribute.NUM_BYTES, true); DocumentQueryOrder lastModifiedOrder = new DocumentQueryOrder(DocumentAttribute.LAST_MODIFIED, true); DocumentQueryOrder[] orders = new DocumentQueryOrder[]{sizeOrder, lastModifiedOrder}; filter.setQueryOrders(orders); //Perform query IDocument[] foundDocuments = documentManager.queryDocuments(project, filter); return foundDocuments; } public static void copyDocumentToFolder(IDocument documentToCopy, IDocumentFolder sourceFolder, IDocumentFolder targetFolder) throws Exception { //Documents to copy IDocument[] documentsToCopy = new IDocument[]{documentToCopy}; //We won't copy any folders IDocumentFolder[] foldersToCopy = new IDocumentFolder[0]; //Copy the document, inheriting the security from the target folder documentManager.copyToFolder(sourceFolder, targetFolder, documentsToCopy, foldersToCopy, true, "copied from original sample folder"); } public static void checkInNewDocumentVersion(IDocument originalDocument) throws Exception { //Open an inputstream for the document contents FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("c:\\report2.doc"); //Check in the new version documentManager.checkInDocument(originalDocument, "this is an updated version of the example document", fileInputStream, "en", false); } public static IDocument createAndInsertNewDocument(IDocumentFolder containingFolder) throws Exception { //Create the document IDocument newDocument = documentManager.createNewDocument("my new document", "this is a test document created by the samples"); //Set optional properties newDocument.setAuthor("joe bloggs"); //Set content-type newDocument.setContentType("text/"); //Open an inputstream for the document contents FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("c:\\report.doc"); //Insert the document, inheriting the containing folder's security IDocument storedDocument = documentManager.insertNewDocument(containingFolder, newDocument, "initial check-in", fileInputStream, "en", true); return storedDocument; } public static IDocumentFolder createAndInsertNewFolder(IProject containingProject, String name) throws Exception { //Create the folder IDocumentFolder newFolder = documentManager.createNewFolder(name, "this is a test folder created by the examples"); //Could now set optional properties such as security on newFolder before store... //Get the top level folder of the project to insert the document into IDocumentFolder topLevelFolder = documentManager.getTopLevelFolder(containingProject); //Insert the folder, inheriting the top level folder's security IDocumentFolder storedFolder = documentManager.insertNewFolder(topLevelFolder, newFolder, true); return storedFolder; } public static void storeDocumentContent(IDocument toStore) throws Exception { //Generate a file name to store the content to String nameToUse = toStore.getName() + ".doc"; //Create an output stream to store the data FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(nameToUse); InputStream documentContentStream = null; try { //Get the content stream documentContentStream = toStore.getContentAsInputStream(); //Pump it out to a file byte[] buf = new byte[32 * 1024]; int read =; while(read > -1) { fileOutputStream.write(buf, 0, read); read =; } } finally //make sure the stream is closed { documentContentStream.close(); fileOutputStream.close(); } } }