Interface ITaskList

public interface ITaskList

Interface that represents a container for ITask. It handles task creation and removal. To create a subtask, use ITask.createSubTask. To create a dependent task, use ITask.addDependentTask.

Any task list modifications will not be stored permanently until store is called.

Method Summary
 ITask createTask(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, java.util.Date startTime, java.util.Date endTime)
          Creates and returns a task object.
 AccessLevel getAccessLevel(RoleType roleType)
          Returns the task list access level for the given role type.
 IProject getContainingProject()
          Returns the project that this task list belongs to.
 java.util.Date getCreatedDate()
          Returns the creation date.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Returns the task list description.
 java.lang.String getDetailsURL()
          Returns the URL at which the task list details can be viewed.
 int getID()
          Returns the task list ID.
 java.util.Date getLastModifiedDate()
          Returns the last modified date.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the task list name.
 IObjectReference[] getObjectReferences()
          Returns an array of IObjectReference.
 int getOwnerUserID()
          Returns the user ID of the owner of this task list.
 boolean hasCreatedDate()
          Returns true if the task list created date is available, else false.
 boolean hasLastModifiedDate()
          Returns true if last modified date is available, else false.
 boolean isActionAllowed(TaskListPermission permission)
          Returns whether a given TaskListPermission is allowed for this task list.
 boolean isDefaultSecurity()
          Indicates whether this task list uses project-default security.
 void removeTask(ITask task)
          Removes a task given the task ID.
 void setAccessLevel(RoleType roleType, AccessLevel accessLevel)
          Set task list access level for a given role type.
 void setDefaultSecurity(boolean isDefaultSecurity)
          Enables or disables this task list's use of project default security.
 void setDescription(java.lang.String description)
          Sets the task list description.
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the task list name.
 void store()
          Stores the task list.

Method Detail


public ITask createTask(java.lang.String name,
                        java.lang.String description,
                        java.util.Date startTime,
                        java.util.Date endTime)
Creates and returns a task object. The newly created task object will not be stored until store is called.

Note: The value of the start date and end date stored in the database may vary by a few milliseconds from the supplied date. The date in this object will reflect the stored date after a call to Store.

name - the name of the task; cannot be null
description - the description of the task; cannot be null
startTime - the start time of the task, cannot be null
endTime - the end time of the task, cannot be null
an ITask object that represents the new task
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has not yet been stored or has already been removed


public AccessLevel getAccessLevel(RoleType roleType)
Returns the task list access level for the given role type.

roleType - the role type; cannot be null
the access level for the given role type
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has already been removed


public IProject getContainingProject()
                              throws CollaborationException,
Returns the project that this task list belongs to.

the project that this task list belongs to
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has already been removed
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public java.util.Date getCreatedDate()
Returns the creation date.

the the creation date
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has not yet been stored or has already been removed


public java.lang.String getDescription()
Returns the task list description.

the task list description
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has already been removed


public java.lang.String getDetailsURL()
Returns the URL at which the task list details can be viewed.

Note: This URL is gatewayed using the Collaboration server's primary portal.

the task list details URL
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has not yet been stored or has already been removed


public int getID()
Returns the task list ID.

the task list ID
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has not yet been stored or has already been removed


public java.util.Date getLastModifiedDate()
Returns the last modified date. The last modified date of a task list will also be updated whenever a new task is created in this task list.

the task list last modified date
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has not yet been stored or has already been removed


public java.lang.String getName()
Returns the task list name.

the task list name
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has already been removed


public IObjectReference[] getObjectReferences()
                                       throws CollaborationException,
Returns an array of IObjectReference. For tasklists, object references include attached documents and discussions.

an array of IObjectReference for the current task list
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the document has not yet been inserted or has already been removed, or if the version number does not exist.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public int getOwnerUserID()
Returns the user ID of the owner of this task list. The owner of an object is the user who creates the object.

the owner user ID
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has not yet been stored or has already been removed


public boolean hasCreatedDate()
Returns true if the task list created date is available, else false.

true if the task list created date is available, else false
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has already been removed


public boolean hasLastModifiedDate()
Returns true if last modified date is available, else false.

true if the task list last modified date is available, else false
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has already been removed


public boolean isActionAllowed(TaskListPermission permission)
                        throws CollaborationException,
Returns whether a given TaskListPermission is allowed for this task list. This method can be used to determine if a user can perform a given action within the context of a task list such as editing a task list, copying a task list, editing task list security, etc. See the enumeration type TaskListPermission for details about specific task list permissions.

permission - the task list permission
true if the user can perform the given action, else false
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has not yet been stored or has already been removed
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public boolean isDefaultSecurity()
Indicates whether this task list uses project-default security. If true, trying to modify security on the current object alone will not have any effect. setDefaultSecurity must be set to false in order to modify an individual object's security. The default value for default security on a task list is true.

true if the object uses project-default security, false if the object is enabled to use its own security (if setDefaultSecurity has been called with a false value)
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has already been removed


public void removeTask(ITask task)
                throws CollaborationException,
Removes a task given the task ID.

task - the task to be removed; cannot be null
CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has not yet been stored or has already been removed
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the ID of the task is not > 0
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public void setAccessLevel(RoleType roleType,
                           AccessLevel accessLevel)
Set task list access level for a given role type. The task list must have its default security disabled prior to this call using setDefaultSecurity{false}. Any security change on the task list will be automatically applied to all tasks in this task list after store is called. Trying to modify the access level for a Leader role type will throw CollaborationException upon store.
 //Below sample code shows how to set the access level on a discussion.

 //verify if the current user has the permission to edit security for the discussion
 boolean hasPermission = discussion.isActionAllowed(DiscussionPermission.EDIT_SECURITY);

 //after making sure the current user has permission to edit security, modify the access level
 if (hasPermission)

 //first disable using project default security

 //then change discussion to have the READ access level for member role type
 discussion.setAccessLevel(RoleType.MEMBER, AccessLevels.READ);

 //need to store the discussion to persist the access level change;

roleType - the role type for which the access level will be set; cannot be null
accessLevel - the access level; cannot be null
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if project default security is used (call setDefaultSecurity(false) prior to modifying the object access level)


public void setDefaultSecurity(boolean isDefaultSecurity)
Enables or disables this task list's use of project default security. Calling this method with true will enable default security, calling it with false will disable default security.

By default, all objects are created with default security set to true. To modify security on an individual object in a project, the object must have default security disabled prior to modification. After this method is called, any project-level security modification will not be applied to the objects, and only the individual object's security will be used.

This method can be used in conjunction with isDefaultSecurity, which indicates if the current object has default security enabled.

isDefaultSecurity - true to use default security, otherwise false
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has already been removed


public void setDescription(java.lang.String description)
Sets the task list description.

description - the task list description; cannot be null
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has already been removed


public void setName(java.lang.String name)
Sets the task list name.

name - the task list name; cannot be null
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has already been removed


public void store()
           throws CollaborationException,
Stores the task list. Any modification of the task list will not be stored permanently until this method is called. Can be used to store a newly created task list or edit an existing task list.

CollaborationException - if the method call resulted in an error
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object has already been removed
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call

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