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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction
10g Release 4 ( for Unix and Linux

Part Number E14550-05
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5 Post-Installation Tasks

This chapter describes the tasks you must complete after you install and start Oracle WebCenter Interaction, such as configuring environment settings, merging changes from your previous deployment, deploying the portal application and Image Service to your application server, and rebuilding your search indexes.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Configure environment settings for Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

    Source the script install_dir/ in the startup script for your application server. The script sets up the environment for Oracle WebCenter components.

  2. Add the BaseURL parameter to portalconfig.xml.

    The BaseURL parameter is a new openconfig setting. During upgrade, your original portalconfig.xml file is preserved so as not to overwrite your changes. This means that new settings will not appear in your portalconfig.xml file, and you must add them manually.

    To add the BaseURL parameter, using a text editor, and add the following to the portal:CachedSettings section of the portalconfig.xml file (located in install_dir/settings/portal:

    <setting name="BaseURL">
          <value xsi:type="xsd:string">strBaseURL</value>


    You might want to reference the portalconfig.xml file that is installed with new installations, which is located in install_dir/uninstall/ptportal/10.3.3/register/common-settings/noarch/settings/portal\.

  3. Merge any changes you had in your configuration.xml file to the newly installed configuration.xml file.

  4. Merge any changes you had in your adaptive layout files to the new adaptive layout files.

    During upgrade, the files in install_dir/ptimages/imageserver/plumtree/portal/private/pagelayouts are backed up to install_dir/backup/ptimages/imageserver/plumtree/portal/private/pagelayouts. You must merge any changes you made to those files into the new files.

  5. Deploy the portal application to your application server.

    The portal Web application archives are located in install_dir/ptportal/10.3.3/webapp/.

    • If you are deploying to Oracle WebLogic Server or IBM WebSphere, deploy portal.ear.

  6. Deploy the Image Service to your application server. For details, see Deploying the Image Service.

  7. Restart your portal and search daemons. For details, see Starting the Oracle WebCenter Interaction Daemons..


    Do not start the automation server daemon.

  8. Rebuild the portal search index. For details, see Rebuilding the Search Index.

  9. Upgrade any other Oracle WebCenter products you previously installed using the associated installers.

    For example, if you use identity services, content services, Oracle WebCenter Collaboration, Oracle WebCenter Analytics, or any other Oracle WebCenter products, you must also upgrade those products. For details, see the upgrade guides for the associated products.

  10. If you are using Oracle WebCenter Collaboration or Oracle-BEA AquaLogic Interaction Publisher, rebuild the associated search indexes.

    To rebuild the indexes, access the administration utility for each product through your portal. For details, see the following administrator guides:

    • Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Collaboration

    • Administrator Guide for AquaLogic Interaction Publisher

  11. Start your automation server daemon. For details, see Starting the Oracle WebCenter Interaction Daemons.

  12. Perform additional post-upgrade tasks for optional components as described in the following appendices:

Deploying the Image Service

The Image Service is a collection of static, non-secure files that should be served by an HTTP server, such as Apache HTTP Server. The Image Service files are located in install_dir/ptimages/imageserver

This directory should be aliased in your HTTP server configuration so that the URL specified for the Image Service when the installer was run is correct. For example, if you were running an Apache HTTP Server on port 8082, and you had specified http://webserver:8082/imageserver as your Image Service URL, you might configure Apache HTTP server as follows:


This is only an example. In a production environment the imageserver directory should be aliased to the Web server by a knowledgeable Web server administrator.

  1. In a text editor, open the file Apache_home/conf/httpd.conf.

  2. Alias your install_dir/ptimages/imageserver directory to /imageserver on the Web server by adding the following alias to the httpd.conf file:

    Alias /imageserver/ “install_dir/ptimages/imageserver/”
  3. Create a Directory entry for the imageserver directory:

    <Directory “install_dir/ptimages/imageserver”>
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
  4. Save httpd.conf and exit the text editor.

  5. Verify /opt/oracle/middleware/wci/ptimages/imageserver is readable by Apache HTTP Server:

    $ chmod a+r /opt
    $ chmod a+r /opt/oracle
    $ chmod a+r /opt/oracle/middleware/wci
    $ chmod a+r /opt/oracle/middleware/wci/ptimages
    $ chmod -R a+r /opt/oracle/middleware/wci/ptimages/imageserver
  6. When Apache HTTP Server is restarted, http://webserver:8082/imageserver/ should point to install_dir/ptimages/imageserver.

Starting the Oracle WebCenter Interaction Daemons

This section describes how to start the daemons associated with Oracle WebCenter Interaction components and the order in which they must be started. Depending on which components you installed, some daemons might not be applicable to your portal installation.

  1. Start the Search daemon by executing install_dir/ptsearchserver/10.3.3/bin/ start.

  2. Start the Search Cluster Manager daemon by executing install_dir/ptsearchserver/10.3.3/adminui/bin/ start.

  3. Start the API daemon by executing install_dir/ptws/10.3.3/bin/ start.

  4. Start the LDAP Directory daemon by executing install_dir/aluidirectory/1.1/bin/ start.

  5. Start the Automation daemon by executing install_dir/ptportal/10.3.3/bin/ start.


    Do not start the automation daemon until you have rebuilt the portal search index, and, if necessary the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration and Oracle-BEA AquaLogic Interaction Publisher, search indexes

  6. Start the Notification daemon by executing install_dir/cns/1.1/bin/ start.

  7. Start the Document Repository daemon by executing install_dir/ptdr/10.3.3/bin/ start.

  8. Start the Console Logger daemon by executing install_dir/ptlogging/10.3.3/bin/ start.

  9. Start the Configuration Manager daemon by executing install_dir/configmgr/2.1/bin/ start.

  10. Start the Content Upload daemon by executing install_dir/ptupload/10.3.3/bin/ start.

  11. Start the Tagging Engine daemon by executing install_dir/pathways/10.3.3/bin/ start.

  12. Start the Search Service daemon by executing install_dir/searchservice/1.2/bin/ start.

  13. Start the Remote Portlet daemon by executing install_dir/remoteps/1.1/bin/ start.

  14. Start the Content Service for Documentum by executing install_dir/dctmcws/10.3.3/bin/ start.

  15. Start the Content Service for UCM daemon by executing install_dir/ptucmcws/10.3.3/bin/ start.

  16. Start the Identity Service for LDAP daemon by executing install_dir/ptldapaws/10.3.3/bin/ start.

Running the Diagnostics Script

This section describes how to use the diagnostics script to determine the health of your Oracle WebCenter Interaction installation before running the portal for the first time after upgrade.

before running the diagnostics script, you must completely configure Oracle WebCenter Interaction using the Configuration Manager. You must also upgrade the portal database.

Run the diagnostics script before starting your portal for the first time after upgrade. It tests basic portal startup functionality. If there are issues with your Oracle WebCenter Interaction installation, the diagnostics script generates a list of warnings and recommendations about how to correct the issues.Run the script, follow the recommendations, and correct any issues before starting your portal for the first time.


If the diagnostics script fails, run install_dir/ptportal/10.3.3/bin/ and review any issues it discovers.

Rebuilding the Search Index

This section describes the proper procedure for rebuilding your Search index.


We do not recommend clicking Run Once from the administrative folder or selecting Run Once from the Job Editor. If you click Run Once from the administrative folder, the job log is not available in the Job Editor, which may inhibit troubleshooting if the rebuild fails. If you select Run Once from within the Job Editor, the Search Update Agent is not scheduled to run again in the future.

  1. Log in to the portal as the administrator.

  2. Click Administration.

  3. From the Select Utility drop-down menu, select Search Service Manager.

  4. Schedule the next search repair to occur either in the past or in the very near future.

  5. Click Finish.

  6. Navigate to the administrative folder that contains the search update agents that are registered with the Automation Service.

  7. Schedule a search update agents to run in the past or in the very near future.

  8. Click Finish.

The next search update agent that runs rebuilds the search index.