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Oracle® Life Sciences Data Hub Installation Guide
Release 2.2

Part Number E22743-06
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5 Installing the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub

This section includes the following topics:


$APPL_TOP, $CDR_TOP, and $JAVA_TOP are all on the middle tier. <OWB_HOME> is on the database server. The DP Server Home directory is located on the DP Server. These may all be physically located on the same computer or they may be located on different computers, depending on your installation.

These instructions include copying files from one of these directories to another. Remember that you need to use FTP if they are on different computers.


During its initial development, the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub (Oracle LSH) was known as CDR. Therefore many Oracle LSH-related directories, files, scripts, parameters, and so on are named CDR or contain the string cdr. Please think of CDR as a synonym for Oracle LSH as you go through the installation process.

Apply the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub AD Splicer Patch

Because Oracle LSH is off-cycle from the rest of Oracle Applications, you must use the Applications DBA AD Splicer. You must apply the AD Splicer patch for Oracle LSH, patch number 6114439, which is on the Oracle LSH media pack, before you apply the Oracle LSH patch.

Follow instructions in the readme file on how to splice Oracle LSH into your Oracle Applications instance using the AD Splicer.


The readme file contains contradictory information about how to apply the patch, saying first to use the AD Splicer and not Autopatch, and later saying to apply the driver using Autopatch. Use only the AD Splicer. Do not apply the unified driver using Autopatch as it says at the end.

For information on the AD Splicer utility, see the section on the AD Splicer in Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Utilities (E13676-03). This document is on the media pack.

Install Oracle LSH Release 2.2

You must install the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Release 2.2 as a patch to Oracle Applications using AutoPatch. The patch, number 10161040, is on the media pack.

  1. Unzip the patch to $APPL_TOP/patches.

  2. Run AutoPatch. See "How to Use AutoPatch" for instructions.

  3. Using AutoPatch, install the following Oracle LSH patches, which are available on the media pack:

    • 12613341 enables integration with OBIEE 10g

    • 12633426 includes new APIs

Install Online Help

Install online help patch 12663875, available on the media pack, to be able to access context-sensitive online help from Oracle LSH. From the Oracle LSH online help, you can also access HTML versions of the:

The patch includes documentation of all Oracle Applications products. The Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide is available under the Applied Technology node of the online help navigation tree.

Install the patch using AutoPatch. See "How to Use AutoPatch" for instructions.

Grant Execute Privileges to the APPS Schema

In SQL*Plus, grant privileges to the apps schema as follows:

grant execute any procedure to apps;

Integrate Oracle LSH with the Oracle Warehouse Builder

After you have installed both the Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) and the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub (Oracle LSH), do the following:

Set Up Your Environment

You must set up your environment as follows.

Ensure that Oracle SID and Short Global Names Match

The database short global name must be the same as the Oracle SID. If they are not the same, you must change the short global name to match the Oracle SID.

For example, if the Oracle SID is LSHX2R10, the short global name must also be set to LSHX2R10.

Edit init.ora

Check the init.ora file and add the following parameters and values if they do not already exist.

Usually located in <ORACLE_HOME>/dbs on the database tier, the file is named initOracle SID.ora; for example, initLSHX2R10.ora where the database Oracle SID is LSHX2R10.

The required parameter values are:

Compatible This value must match the database release number; for example, in Oracle LSH 2.2:


Global Names If you plan to set up a database link to one or more databases with a name different from the current database, set the Global Names parameter to FALSE both in the current Oracle LSH database and in each database to which you create a link from Oracle LSH.


Job Queue Processes This parameter value determines the number of job queue processes that are started. The default value is 2. Oracle recommends changing this to a minimum value of 10. If you do not have enough job queues started, OWB processes may not be able to start. However, too many job queues use resources unnecessarily.


Local Listener Set as follows:

local_listener="(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP)HOST=hostname.domain)(PORT=db_port))"

For example:


where the hostname is apx208rt, the domain is, and the port is 4321.

Service Names Set as follows:

service_names=Oracle_SID, Oracle_SID.domain

For example:


where the Oracle SID is LSHX2R10 and the domain is

Time Manager The Time Manager process is required to move deferred messages from WAIT state to READY state when the message has passed its delay time. Set the aq_tm_processes parameter to 1 to enable the Time Manager process.

aq_tm_processes = 1

Utility File Directory The first value of the parameter utl_file_dir must match the value of the Oracle Applications variable $APPLPTMP. Otherwise the post-installation program will fail. For instructions on reading and modifying Oracle Applications variables, see Increase JVM Memory.


Restart the Database and Listener

If you changed the value for the any parameter in the init.ora file, you must stop and start both the database and the listener for the changes to take effect.

Test Database Connectivity

Set up the environment so that you can connect to the database using SQL*Plus for the Oracle SID. This requires having values set for the following two variables in the environment:



Create Directories and Copy Files

Create directories for Oracle LSH in the OWB home directory and copy files into them.

  1. Go to the <OWB_HOME> directory.

  2. Create a directory under <OWB_HOME> called cdr and run chmod 755 to grant access permissions.

  3. Copy files into the <OWB_HOME>/cdr directory as follows:

    • From $FND_SECURE/secure copy the .dbc Oracle Applications database connection file.

    • From $CDR_TOP/jar copy This zip file contains the Oracle LSH/OWB integration jar files.

    • From $CDR_TOP/admin/template copy and and These shell scripts integrate Oracle LSH adapters and operators with OWB.

  4. Using a zip utility, unzip to extract the following files:

    • cdr_owb_operators.jar

    • cdr_owb_adapters.jar

    • cdr_owb_bip_adapters.jar

  5. Create a directory under <OWB_HOME>/cdr called appslibs.

  6. Copy the following files into <OWB_HOME>/cdr/appslibs from


    • fndsec.jar

    • fndaolj.jar

    • fndcct.jar

Disable Application Server Authentication

By default when Oracle Applications is installed, the application security authentication is set to ON. To enable OWB to find the jdbc connection from the dbc file during Business Area installation, set this to OFF by doing the following:

  1. Open your Oracle LSH URL and log in as sysadmin.

  2. Click System Administration in the left-hand column under Navigator. The system refreshes the page and adds a column of links on the right.

  3. Under Oracle Applications Manager in the Navigation pane click Dashboard. The Applications Dashboard screen opens.

  4. Click Sitemap to go to the Sitemap tab.

  5. Under System Configuration, click AutoConfig. The AutoConfig screen opens.

  6. Under Context Files, click the Edit Parameters icon for the Application Tier. The Context File Parameters screen opens.

  7. From the Search drop-down list, select OA_VAR.

  8. In the field next to the Search drop-down list, enter the parameter name s_appserverid_authentication and click Go.

  9. In the Value field for s_appserverid_authentication, change the value to OFF.

  10. Run AutoConfig. See My Oracle Support article 387859.1, Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.

  11. Stop and start the Apache server for the new value to take effect.


Edit the file as follows:

  1. Go to the directory <OWB_HOME>/owb/bin/unix

  2. Back up the as

  3. Open

  4. Find the command starting with: $JAVAPATH/bin/java

  5. Modify this command by adding the DBC_LOCATION environment variable using the -D command line option. Enter the following string before the first existing -D parameter in the command:


    For example:

    $JAVAPATH/bin/java -Xmx768M -DDBC_LOCATION="${OWB_HOME}/cdr/XYZ.dbc" -D...

    where XYZ.dbc is the DBC file name.


This step enables OWB to read the setting of the profile LSH: Use Character Semantics for Workarea Installation. You can then set that profile to select whether to use byte or character semantics during Work Area installation. The default setting is byte. If your data includes special characters, Oracle recommends using character semantics to help ensure that Oracle LSH stores and displays the characters correctly. See the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide for more information and instructions for setting the profile.

Edit the file as follows:

  1. Go to the directory <OWB_HOME>/owb/bin/admin.

  2. Edit by adding the following lines at the end:


Edit owb.classpath

Edit the owb.classpath file as follows:

  1. Go to the directory <OWB_HOME>/owb/bin/admin.

  2. Back up the owb.classpath as owb.classpath.orig

  3. Edit owb.classpath. After the section on "OWB external jars" add the following lines:






    If you are using or plan to use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, add the following lines as well:











    If your database and application servers are installed on different machines, you must copy this file from the application server to the $OWB_HOME/cdr/appslibs directory on the database server and include the new path instead of the line above:


    In addition, for use with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, add the physical path for the Oracle Home:


Edit Shell Scripts to Match Directory Structure

Before you run the shell scripts, edit the following values in each script to reflect your environment values:




  • DB_SID


Make sure that the <OWB_HOME> directory is set up the same way as in the file pathnames in the files and; see Run OWB Shell Scripts.

You must edit the value of DB_USER_PASS if the OWBSYS account password has been reset:


DB_USER_PASS=<password> (the password created for the OWBSYS account)

Run OWB Shell Scripts

To run the scripts:


These scripts require using a bash shell. Other shells do not work.
  1. Change directory to <OWB_HOME>/cdr.

  2. Install the adapters by running the following scripts. The third script is required only if you are using the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP) adapter (required for creating BIP Programs).




No Java exceptions should occur.


If you run more than once, you receive a unique constraint violation error. You can safely ignore this message.

The system creates a log file for each script in <OWB_HOME>/cdr called installOwbOperator.log and installOwbAdapter.log. The log files spool out the actual Java statement that the shell script sets up.

Restart the OWB Service

You must restart the OWB service. You will need the password you created for the OWBSYS account.

Stop the OWB Service

To stop the OWB service do the following:

  1. Change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/owb/rtp/sql

  2. Log into SQL*Plus as OWBSYS.

  3. At the SQL prompt, enter:


When the system displays the words "Not Available" the service is stopped.

Starting the OWB Service

To start the OWB service do the following:

  1. Change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/owb/rtp/sql

  2. Log into SQL*Plus as OWBSYS.

  3. At the SQL prompt, enter:


When the system displays the word "Available" the service has been restarted.

Edit listener_ifile.ora

If you have not already done so, configure the database listener to allow OWB to communicate with the database by editing your listener_ifile.ora file; see Edit listener_ifile.ora.

Create System Administrator and Security Administrator Users

You must create Oracle LSH user accounts for one or more users and give them the roles required to perform Oracle LSH setup tasks:

The Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide includes instructions for these and other security-related tasks. The Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Implementation Guide includes information on designing an object security system for your organization.

Log on as sysadmin

To log on, do the following:

  1. Open your web browser.

  2. Enter the eBusiness Suite SSWA (Self-Service Web Application) URL as follows:

    http://<host name>.<domain name>:<HTTP port>/OA_HTML/AppsLogin

    For example:

    The Applications Login screen appears.

  3. Log in as sysadmin.

    An E-Business Suite screen opens.

Create a User Account for the Administrator

You must create a user account for each person to whom you want to assign the LSH Security Administrator or LSH System Administrator role. Oracle LSH uses the standard Oracle Applications UMX interface for creating user accounts.


For complete information, see the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide—Security, Oracle Part Number B13923-02. The book is included on the media pack.
  1. Select User Management by clicking on it in the Navigator (near the bottom of the list on the left). New links appear in the second column, including Users.

  2. Click Users under User Management. The User Maintenance screen appears.

  3. From the Register drop-down list, select External Organization Contact and click Go. The Register Business Contact screen appears.

  4. Enter values in the following fields:

    • Email Address. Enter the user's email address. Oracle LSH uses this address for corresponding with the user.

    • Name Fields. Type the name of the user in the fields. The First Name and the Last Name are mandatory. Prefix, Middle Name and Suffix are optional.

    • Organization. If you have a multi-organizational setup, enter or search for the Organization the user belongs to.

    • Phone Number. The telephone contact details for the user.

    • Extension. The extension of the provided telephone number of the user.

    • Account Information. Select Generate Automatically for Oracle LSH to generate and email the password. Or select Enter Manually and type and confirm the password.

  5. Click Submit. The Confirmation screen appears.

  6. Click OK. Oracle LSH creates the user account and returns to the User Management screen.

Assign a Role

Assign administrator roles as follows:

  • LSH System Admin. You must assign the LSH System Admin role to at least one user.

  • LSH Setup Admin. You must assign the LSH Setup Admin responsibility to at least one user.

  • LSH Adapter Security Admin. You must assign the LSH Adapter Security Admin role to at least one user.

  • LSH Data Security Admin. This role allows a user to create all the objects required by the Oracle LSH object security system: object subtypes, object roles, and user groups.

  • LSH Function Security Admin. This role allows a user to create user accounts and assign functional roles to them. Functional roles control which parts of the Oracle LSH user interface a user can view or allow special privileges.

  • LSH Security Administrator. This role is a combination of the LSH Data Security and Functional Security Admin roles.


For further information on Oracle LSH security and security roles, see "Setting Up the Security System" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.

To assign a functional role to a user:

  1. Go to the User Maintenance screen.

    If you are already in the User Management tab, click the Users subtab.

    Or log in as sysadmin, click the User Management responsibility in the navigator, click Users, and click the Users subtab.

  2. Search for the user to whom you want to assign roles. The system displays the search results in the lower portion of the screen.

  3. Click the Update icon corresponding to the user. The Update User screen appears.

  4. Click Assign Roles. The Search and Select screen appears.

  5. Search for all Oracle LSH predefined roles by selecting Search By Roles and Responsibilities, entering LSH%, and clicking Go. The system displays all the predefined Oracle LSH functional roles in the lower part of the screen.

  6. Select each role you want to assign by checking its box. See Assign a Role for further information.

  7. Click Select. The system displays additional fields. Enter values as follows:

    • Justification. You must enter text in this field. Describe the reason this person needs this role.

    • Active From. The system automatically enters the current date. If you prefer to have the user's privileges begin at a later date, you can select the date you want by clicking the calendar icon.

    • Active To. Leave this field blank to avoid having the user's privileges automatically expire on the date you specify. When the user leaves the company or changes roles, you can enter an expiration date here. If you want to set an end date for the user's privileges associated with this role, use the calendar icon to specify the end date.

  8. Click Apply. The system assigns the role(s) you specified plus any necessary base roles to the user.

Run Script

Run the following script to add the apps user to the CDR_RTREPOS OWB workspace.

  1. Log in to the database as CDR_RTREPOS.

  2. Run the script $CDR_TOP/patch/115/sql/cdrowbaddappstows.sql

Run the Post-Installation Programs

You must run the Oracle LSH LOB Loader and post-installation concurrent programs.


If you are using RAC, shut down all but one database node before running the post-installation programs. If you leave more than one node up, the jobs may run successfully but you may get OWB errors.

Check That OWB Is Running Without Errors

You must have OWB running to run the post-installation programs; see Restart the OWB Service. If OWB is not running when you run the LOB Loader and Post-Installation programs, some required objects may not be created and you cannot create them by rerunning the programs after restarting OWB.

To check that the OWB service is running do the following:

  1. Change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/owb/rtp/sql

  2. Log into SQL*Plus as OWBSYS.

  3. At the SQL prompt, enter:


The system displays the word "Available" if service is running.

To check that the OWB service is running without errors do the following:

  1. If necessary, change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/owb/rtp/sql and log into SQL*Plus as OWBSYS.

  2. At the SQL prompt, enter:


The system returns a series of statements. Read them to see if any error conditions are reported. Resolve any errors.

Log On to Oracle Applications

To run the jobs, you must log on to Oracle Applications as an Oracle LSH user with the following roles:

  • LSH Setup Admin

  • LSH Adapter Security Admin

  1. Open your Web browser.

  2. Enter the eBusiness Suite SSWA (Self-Service Web Application) URL as follows:

    http://<host name>.<domain name>:<HTTP port>/oa_servlets/AppsLogin

    For example:

    The Applications Login screen appears.

  3. Log in as a user with LSH Setup Admin and LSH Adapter Security Admin privileges. An Oracle LSH page opens. Click Home from the links on the top right corner of the page to reach the Oracle Applications Home Page.

  4. Select the LSH Setup Admin Responsibility by clicking on it. Lookups appears in the second column.

  5. Click Lookups. (If necessary, click Grant This Session or Grant Always.) The Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Lookups window opens.

  6. From the View menu, select Requests.

Load the Adapter Files

Oracle LSH includes predefined adapters that control the interaction between Oracle LSH and other systems. The Oracle LSH LOB Loader concurrent program finds all the adapter SQL files and loads them into a table in Oracle LSH.

To run the Oracle LSH LOB Loader:

  1. Follow steps in Log On to Oracle Applications.

  2. Click Submit a New Request. The Submit a New Request window opens.

  3. Select Single Request and click OK. The Submit Request window opens.

  4. Click the gray LOV button on the right of the Name field. The Reports List of Values opens.

  5. Select LSH LOB Loader Concurrent Program and click OK.

  6. Click Submit. A window pops up with the job ID and asks if you want to submit another request.

  7. Click No.

To monitor the concurrent program's progress:

  1. Click Find.

  2. Click Refresh Data periodically to update the execution phase and status displayed on screen.

When the status is Complete you can view the log file by clicking the View Log button.


Always check the log file, because the phase may be Complete and the status Normal and yet the program may not have successfully completed all its tasks.

Set the Tech Type Value

In a fresh install of Oracle LSH 2.2, you need to set the Tech Type value as described below. These steps are not required in an upgrade from Oracle LSH 2.1.3 or 2.1.4 to Oracle LSH 2.2.

  1. Log in to SQL*Plus as apps.

  2. Run the following SQL statement:

    select CDR_TECH_TYPES_ID_SEQ.nextval from dual;

Run the Post-Installation Program


Read this whole section before you do this step. You must be very careful to SET ALL PARAMETERS CORRECTLY. You cannot change some of them after you run the job.

The Oracle LSH post-installation program takes parameter values you enter to configure your Oracle LSH instance and creates accounts and objects that Oracle LSH uses internally:

  • Sets the Oracle LSH context from the parameter values you enter (listed below).

  • Creates required FND Oracle Applications profiles for the company ID and owning location you specify.

  • Creates the Oracle LSH instance domain. This is the parent defined object that contains all the Oracle LSH Domains and other defined objects in your Oracle LSH instance.

  • Loads the predefined Oracle LSH object subtypes.

  • Creates internal adapters, defined objects that store required Parameters and other elements used by Execution Setups and Oracle LSH Workflows. Oracle LSH uses these adapters as a template in creating required elements of these defined objects.

  • Starts and enables the job queue. (Information on explicitly stopping and starting the job queue is available in the "Troubleshooting" chapter of the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.)

  • Configures a PL/SQL service and three service instances for internal Oracle LSH use. For information on services, see "Setting Up Services" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.

  • Deploys standard process flows to enable the Notifications feature of LSH Workflows.

In addition to the adapter files loaded by the LOB Loader, Oracle LSH's adapters are composed of metadata elements that are Oracle LSH definitional objects. The post-installation job creates and installs these objects as follows:

  • For each adapter, the job creates an Adapter Domain, an Adapter Area within the Adapter Domain, and an Adapter Work Area within the Adapter Area. In the case of Oracle Clinical the job creates a single Adapter Domain containing an Adapter Area and Adapter Work Area for each of the specialized Oracle Clinical adapters.

  • The job creates a Program and related object definitions in each adapter's Adapter Area and object instances in its Work Area. The job adds the adapter SQL files loaded by the Oracle LSH LOB Loader job to the Source Code definition.

  • The job installs each Adapter Work Area, creating a schema dedicated to each adapter. You must assign user groups to each Adapter Area; see "Setting Up Security for Adapters" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide. Users in the user groups assigned to an Adapter Area can create and run Load Sets, Data Marts, Programs, or Business Areas based on that adapter.


If you run the Oracle LSH post-installation job more than once, the job upgrades the adapters.


The first value of the parameter utl_file_dir of the init.ora file must match the middle tier variable $APPLPTMP. Otherwise the post-installation program will fail. See Edit init.ora.

Run the Job To run the Oracle LSH post-installation concurrent process:

  1. Click the Submit a New Request button either:

    • in the Requests window you used to monitor the Oracle LSH LOB Loader concurrent process

    • after following steps under Log On to Oracle Applications

  2. Select Single Request and click OK. The Submit Request window opens.

  3. Click the gray LOV button on the right of the Name field. The Reports List of Values opens.

  4. Select LSH: Post Installation Program and click OK. The Parameters pop-up window appears.

  5. Enter values for the following Parameters:


    Be very careful to set these Parameters correctly. You cannot change some of them after you run the job.

    See If You Must Change a Post-Installation Job Parameter Value for details.

    • Company ID. The company ID serves as part of the primary key for all the Oracle LSH objects you define in this instance of Oracle LSH. If your company ever merges with another company and your Oracle LSH data and metadata are merged with the other company's, the company ID distinguishes the objects created in each original company and helps prevent duplicate object primary keys.

      In order to ensure that you have a unique number relative to other Oracle LSH customers, Oracle recommends that you use a number assigned to you by Oracle; see Get Your Company ID from Oracle. If you are installing multiple Oracle LSH instances, use a different Company ID for each one.


      Be sure to enter the correct company ID. Oracle LSH uses the company ID in the internal ID for every defined object in Oracle LSH. Changing the ID requires manually removing the data in internal tables for all objects created with the original ID.
    • Owning Location. Enter the name of your Oracle Applications instance.

    • Object Sequence Start Value. Enter a single-digit number. The system will end all object IDs with this digit to further distinguish objects created in this Oracle LSH instance.

    • Database Host Name. Enter the machine name of the database server instance.

    • Database Port Number. Enter the port number of the database server instance.

  6. Click Submit. A window pops up with the job ID and asks if you want to submit another request.

  7. Note the job ID and click No.

Monitor the Process To monitor the concurrent process's progress:

  1. Click Find. Use the job ID to search for the process.

  2. Click Refresh Data periodically to update the execution phase and status displayed on screen.

  3. When the phase is Complete, click the View Log.


    Always check the log file, because the phase may be Complete and the status Normal and yet the process may not have successfully completed all its tasks.

    Check the log file to make sure it did the following:

    • Set the company ID

    • Set the owning location

    • Recreated the cdr_object_id_seq with the start value you provided

    • Inserted one record each in the cdr_namings and cdr_naming_versions tables for the instance domain


      The job does the above only the first time it runs.
    • Set the profile to check if the post-installation has been run for this site.

If You Must Change a Post-Installation Job Parameter Value

To create an adapter, the post-installation job creates objects—including a Work Area and Program—inside an Adapter Area in an Adapter Domain, and installs the Work Area. These objects are created using the post-installation job parameters values that you entered when you ran the job. If you change the values of some of these parameters after running the job, it may cause problems. The problems vary depending on which parameter you change, and are given for each parameter below.

However, you can call the function FND_PROFILE.SAVE in SQL*Plus to change most parameters. This function takes the following parameters. You must enter single quotes around each value.

  • x_name is the profile name

  • x_value is the profile value that you want to set

  • x_level_name is the name of the level at which the value should be set


You must set each value at the Site level. To do this, enter 'Site' for the function parameter x_level_name each time you call the function.


  1. Log in to SQL*Plus as apps.

  2. At the SQL prompt, enter:

    FND_PROFILE.SAVE ('x_name''x_value' 'x_level_name');

You need a line calling FND_PROFILE.SAVE for each post-installation job parameter you need to change. The function parameter values required to change each post-installation parameter are included below. When you are ready to commit the changes, enter:


The details for each post-installation job parameter are:

  • Object ID Sequence. You cannot change this value.

  • DB Host Name. If the Oracle LSH database moves to a different machine or the name of the current machine changes, you can call FND_PROFILE.SAVE to change the name. However, changing this value will result in subsequent adapter Work Area installations and upgrades failing when you upgrade to a new version of Oracle LSH. Provide the following function parameter values:

  • DB Port Number. If the DB port number changes, you can call FND_PROFILE.SAVE to change it. However, changing this value will result in subsequent adapter Work Area installations and upgrades failing when you upgrade to a new version of Oracle LSH. Provide the following function parameter values:

  • Owning Location. There are currently no restrictions in changing this parameter value. Provide the following function parameter values:

    FND_PROFILE.SAVE('OWNING_LOCATION','New_Owning_Location', 'SITE');
  • Company ID. Never change the company ID. The company ID is part of the unique key for every object in Oracle LSH, including the adapter objects that were created by running the post-installation job. Changing this value could lead to the system not working in many places, including job execution, the user interface not listing submitted jobs, and more.

Synchronize the OWB Password

You must synchronize the OWB password for the Workflow store using the following steps:

  1. Login to the database as OWBSYS.

  2. Run $CDR_TOP/patch/115/sql/cdrowbpwsynch.sql.

  3. Enter the APPS password when prompted by the script.

Schedule the Context Index Refresh Program

The Oracle LSH Context Index Refresh Program refreshes context server indexes in Oracle LSH and TMS. You must set it up to run regularly so that user-entered metadata is continuously updated and available for use in Oracle LSH.

To schedule the Context Index Refresh Program:

  1. Click the Submit a New Request button either:

  2. Select Single Request and click OK. The Submit Request window opens.

  3. Click the gray LOV button on the right of the Name field. The Reports List of Values opens.

  4. Select LSH Context Index Refresh Program and click OK.

  5. Click Schedule. The Schedule pop-up opens.

  6. In the Run the Job section, select Periodically. Additional fields appear.

  7. Schedule the job to run every two minutes by typing the number 2 in the blank field and selecting Minutes from the drop-down list in the Run Every line.

  8. Click OK. A warning message appears stating that selecting a schedule without an end date will result in the request's being resubmitted until cancelled.

  9. Click OK. The Submit Request screen appears.

  10. Click Submit.

Start Journaling Internal Tables

Oracle keeps an audit trail of all data changes in some of its internal metadata tables in shadow journaling tables. However, you must explicitly turn this feature on. Journaling tables help to satisfy regulatory requirements.

Set AuditTrail:Activate Profile to Yes

Set the AuditTrail:Activate profile to Yes at the Oracle LSH Application level.

  1. Log on as sysadmin; see Log on as sysadmin for details.

  2. Click the System Administrator responsibility link. A new column of links appears.

  3. Under Profile in the right-hand column, click System.

    If you receive a message asking if you want to install an applet, do so.

    The Find System Profile Values window appears.

  4. In the Display section, uncheck Site and check Application.

  5. In the Application field, enter%life% to bring up Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub.

  6. In the Profile field, enter AuditTrail:Activate in the Profile text box at the bottom of the window.

  7. Click Find. The system returns you to the System Profile Values window with AuditTrail:Activate displayed in the Profile Option Name column and Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub displayed in the Application column.

  8. Select Yes as the value for the column Application and click the Save icon or save from the File menu (File > Save).

Define the Audit Installation

To start journaling, do the following:

  1. Log on as sysadmin; see Log on as sysadmin for details.

  2. Click the System Administrator responsibility link. A new column of links appears.

  3. In the new column of links, scroll down to Security: Audit Trail. In this section, click Install.

    If you receive a message asking if you want to install an applet, do so.

    The Audit Installations window appears.

  4. Click the Search icon (flashlight/torch) in the toolbar. The Find Audit Installations pop-up appears.


    If the icon is inactive, the wrong window is in focus. If necessary, retrieve the Audit Installations window:
    1. In the Navigator - System Administrator window, Functions tab, expand the Security node.

    2. Expand the Audit Trail node.

    3. Click Install.The Audit Installations window appears.

    Then click the Search icon in the toolbar.

  5. Click in the Oracle Username field to display the ellipsis (...), then click the ellipsis to display the list of values. Find and select CDR.

  6. Click Find. The system returns you to the Audit Installation window with CDR displayed in the Oracle Username column

  7. Select the Audit Enabled checkbox and click Save.

Run the Audit Trail Concurrent Program

After you have defined CDR as the audit installation, run the Audit Trail Concurrent Program to enable auditing.

  1. From the View menu, select Requests. The Find Requests pop-up appears.

  2. Click Submit a New Request. The Submit a New Request pop-up appears.

  3. Select Single Request and click OK. The Submit Request pop-up appears.

  4. From the Name drop-down list, select AuditTrail Update Tables and click OK. The system returns you to the Submit Request window with AuditTrail Update Tables displayed in the Name field.

  5. Click Submit. A window pops up with the Request ID and asks if you want to submit another request.

  6. Make a note of the Request ID and click No.

Monitor the Job To monitor the job's progress:

  1. Click Find and use the Request ID to search for the job.

  2. Click Refresh Data periodically to update the execution phase and status of the job displayed on screen.

  3. When the phase is Complete, click the View Log. Always check the log file.

    The log file contains a record of queries to update the FND tables, creating shadow tables, giving grants, creating triggers and procedures. At the end it should say: Concurrent Request completed successfully or, if the job did not complete successfully, an error message giving the reason for the failure.

Increase Memory Available for MetaData Reports

To allow predefined Oracle LSH metadata reports to run, you must change the Options setting for each of the concurrent programs that runs a set of reports. In addition, you may want to change the Priorities setting to the highest possible setting for the quickest display of the reports. The short names of the concurrent programs, with the type of reports they run, are:

See the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide chapter on System Reports for information on the reports.

To change the setting, do the following for each set of reports:

  1. Log on as sysadmin; see Log on as sysadmin for details.

  2. Click the System Administrator responsibility link. A new column of links appears.

  3. In the new column of links, scroll down to Concurrent: Program. In this section, click Define.

    If you receive a pop-message asking if you want to install an applet, do so.

    The Concurrent Programs window appears.

  4. Press the F11 key to enter Query mode.

  5. In the Short Name field, enter the short name of one of the sets of meta-data reports (see list above). For example, enter: CDR_MDATA_DEFN_CP

  6. Press Ctrl+F11 to enter the query. The system populates all the fields with the current information for that set of reports.

  7. In the Options field, enter: -Xmx512M

  8. (Optional) In the Priority field, enter: 1

    1 is the highest possible setting and 100 is the lowest possible setting.

  9. From the File menu, select Save.

  10. Repeat the procedure until you have changed the setting(s) for all meta-data report sets.

Grant Security Rights to Seeded Adapters

In order to ensure that seeded adapters have the security rights they need to call APIs, do the following:

  1. Make sure that no LSH session is up and running.

  2. Log in to SQL*Plus as apps.

  3. Run $CDR_TOP/patch/115/sql/cdradaptergrants.sql

Set Up the Notification Mailer

To enable Oracle LSH to send Notifications to users' email address (as well as their Oracle LSH My Home page) you must set up an email account for the purpose of handling Notification responses and configure the Notification Mailer in the Oracle Workflow user interface. Follow instructions in My Oracle Support article 164871.1, Configuring the Workflow Notification Mailer in Oracle Applications Manager 11i.

For information on the Notification Mailer, see the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance, Release 11i.

Set Up the Distributed Processing Server

The Distributed Processing (DP) Server is the mechanism Oracle LSH uses to communicate with the external processing engines that run some Oracle LSH jobs.

Install the DP Server on each computer where you have installed an external processing engine (such as SAS) and where you have installed XML Publisher. If you install multiple external processing engines on the same computer, you can install the DP Server once on that computer.

For information about the DP Server, see "Setting Up Services" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide. For information on integrating particular external systems with Oracle LSH, see Chapter 6, "Integrating Other Systems."

Setting up the DP Server includes the following steps. You must do them in the following order:

  1. Create the Distributed Processing Server User Account

  2. Install the Distributed Processing Server

  3. Set NLS_LANG to UTF8

  4. Copy and Edit Files

  5. Define Service Locations and Services

  6. Start the DP Server

Create the Distributed Processing Server User Account

You must run a script to create the Distributed Processing (DP) Server database account cdr_dpserver and set its password. You need to use this account to start the DP Server. Information about the Distributed Processing (DP) Server is included in "Setting Up Services" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.

To run the script:

  1. Go to $CDR_TOP/patch/115/sql

  2. Log in to SQL*Plus as apps

  3. Run the script:


    At the prompt, enter the password you want to use for the cdr_dpserver account.

  4. Exit from SQL*Plus.

Install the Distributed Processing Server

On each computer where you have installed one or more processing engines for use with Oracle LSH, do the following to install the Oracle LSH Distributed Processing (DP) Server:

  1. Create a home directory for the DP Server. It can be located anywhere on the computer where the DP Server resides. Oracle recommends naming it DPServer_Home.

  2. In the DP Server Home directory, create two subdirectories: lib and log.

    The lib directory will hold the jar files the DP Server uses. The log directory will hold DP Server log files. Each time you start the DP Server it creates one log file. The DP Server adds log information to that log file each time it runs a job.

  3. Change to the lib directory.

  4. Copy from $CDR_TOP/jar to the lib directory.

  5. Using GNU zip or another utility, unzip the DPServer.jar from the zip file into the lib directory.

  6. Copy from the $COMMON_TOP/java/lib directory to the lib directory.

  7. Copy jmscommon.jar from the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib directory to the lib directory.

  8. Change directories to the DP Server Home directory.

  9. Create a working directory with a meaningful name for each service that will run on this machine. For example, if you will run SAS jobs on this computer, create a directory such as SASWORK. If you will also run Oracle Reports jobs on this computer, create another directory with a name like REPWORK.

    Each time one of these engines runs a job, the DP Server creates a directory containing the files required for the job and gives the directory the job ID as a name. When you define services in the Oracle LSH user interface (see Define Service Locations and Services) specify that you want the DP Server to create these job directories in the working directories you have created.

  10. Set the TNS alias in the tnsnames.ora file to the global_name of the database server. This is required because the DP server runs jobs, such as SAS programs, that connect to the database server using the global_name.


    If you need to set up the DP Server outside the firewall, make sure the computer outside the firewall can connect to the database server inside the firewall. To do this, change a firewall setting to allow external access to the TNS listener port on the database server.


On each Server where you install the DP Server, set the computer's NLS_LANG environment variable to UTF8.


Check and set your NLS_LANG environment variable:

  1. Right-click the My Computer icon on your desktop, then click Properties.

  2. Click the Advanced tab, then click Environment Variables.

  3. In User Variables and System Variables, check if there is a variable named NLS_LANG.

  4. If there is an NLS_LANG variable, highlight it and click Edit.

  5. Set the variable value to UTF8; for example: AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8

If you do not have the NLS_LANG environment variable, change your registry settings:

  1. Click Start, then Run.

  2. In the Run window, enter regedit and click OK.

  3. Locate one of the following registry key entries:



      where x is the unique number identifying the Oracle home

  4. Add a new key named NLS_LANG with a value including UTF8; for example:



Do the following:

  1. Check the environment variable NLS_LANG:

    echo $NLS_LANG
  2. Set the environment variable NLS_LANG to UTF8; for example:

    % setenv NLS_LANG American_America.UTF8

Copy and Edit Files

This section contains the following topics:

Copy DP Server Files

  1. Go to the DP Server home directory you created when you installed the DP Server code.

  2. Copy the following files from $CDR_TOP/admin/template to the DP Server home directory:

    • (or cdr_apps_dpserver.cmd for running Windows services such as OBIEE)





      Do not copy if the DP server is running on a Windows computer, for example, running the OBIEE server.

Edit the DP Server Start Script

You must add local values to (or cdr_apps_dpserver.cmd on Windows) before you can start the DP Server.

  1. Log in as the owner of the DP Server Home Directory.

  2. Go to the DP Server home directory.

  3. Edit (or cdr_apps_dpserver.cmd). Enter the actual value for each of the following:

    • $DPSERVER_HOME. Enter the full path for the DP Server home on this computer.

    • SVC. Enter the Service Location Name (not a Service name) that you defined or will define (see Define Service Locations and Services in the Service Location subtab for the Service Location that corresponds to this computer. The name is case-sensitive. For example:

    • JDK Location (JDK_LOC). Enter the full path to the JDK 1.5 executable.

      For example:

    • JVM Arguments. Add the following line immediately after the Java command (COMMANDLINE=java), which follows the RAC flag setting:

      -DFile.encoding=UTF8 -Duser.language=en

    You can accept the default values for all other variables.

Copy RTF Template Files for XML Publisher

The following steps are required only on the computer where you are running XML Publisher:

  1. In the DP Server home directory, create a directory called cdrtemplates.

  2. Copy the following files from $CDR_TOP/patch/115/publisher/templates to the new cdrtemplates directory:

    • cdr_output_summ_cs.rtf

    • lsh-title-page.rtf

    • lsh-toc-template.rtf

    • lsh-pagenum.rtf

    • lsh-template.rtf

    • lsh-blank-page.pdf

Copy and Edit Execution Command Files for Processing Engines

Do the following on each computer where you have installed a processing engine:

  1. From $CDR_TOP/admin/template, copy the sample execution command script for each processing engine installed on the computer. You can copy the scripts directly into the DP Server Home directory or create a subdirectory for them.


    Keep a record of the absolute location of these scripts. You will need it when you define a service location for the computer; see Define Service Locations and Services..

    The scripts include:

    • and cdrunzip.shfor Text Data Marts

    • for SAS Programs

    • for Oracle Export Data Marts

    • for Oracle Reports Programs

    • sqlplus for PL/SQL Programs

    • txtNormal for Text Load Sets

    • for post-processing Report Sets

    • for the Oracle LSH system reports and for cover sheets for outputs

    • obieeinstall.cmd for Oracle Business Intelligence Business Areas—required only on the BI Server

    • obieedeploy.cmd for Oracle Business Intelligence Business Areas— required only on the BI Server

    • obieepsrestart.cmd for Oracle Business Intelligence Business Areas—required only on Windows computers where a Presentation Service instance is installed but the BI Server is not installed

    • for Oracle Business Intelligence Business Areas—required only on Unix computers where a Presentation Service instance is installed but the BI Server is not installed.

    • for Informatica Programs


      For Informatica programs, copy the script infa.env to the same location as and edit it to include the location of the Informatica Home and the Informatica executables on the same computer. Refer Install Informatica PowerCenter for details.
    • infa.env for Informatica Programs. Copy this script to the same location as and edit it to include the location of the Informatica Home and the Informatica executables on the same computer.

  2. Edit each script with information specific to the computer, for example:

    • the Oracle SID

    • the location of the technology server

    • the location of Oracle setup script coraenv

    • paths

    Ensure that environment variables are accessible to the DP server. For example, if the script refers to the variable $ORACLE_HOME, either define the variable or provide the full path in the script.


    If you run SAS programs, add instructions to to start SAS in UTF8 mode; see Start SAS in UTF8 Mode.

Define Service Locations and Services

You must define Service Locations and Services in the Oracle LSH user interface for each computer where the Oracle LSH Distributed Processing (DP) Server will run. You define one service location for each computer, and at least one service for each engine or development environment that you want to run on that computer.

To define service locations and services you must have a user account with the LSH System Admin role assigned to it; see Create System Administrator and Security Administrator Users.

To log into Oracle LSH, do the following:

  1. Open your web browser.

  2. Enter the eBusiness Suite SSWA (Self-Service Web Application) URL as follows:

    http://<host name>.<domain name>:<HTTP port>/oa_servlets/AppsLogin

    For example:

    The Applications Login screen appears.

  3. Enter the username and password associated with the LSH System Admin responsibility and click Login.

  4. Under Navigator, click Life Sciences Data Hub. The system displays the list of Oracle LSH user interface locations to which you have access.

  5. Click Service Location. The Service Location screen opens.

To define service locations and services in the Oracle LSH user interface, follow instructions in "Setting Up Services" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.

Start the DP Server

To start the DP Server, do the following:

  1. Log on as the owner of the DP Server Home Directory.

  2. Run the script by entering the following command for UNIX:


    or for Windows:

    c:> cdr_apps_dpserver.cmd ORACLE_SID DB_HOST DB_PORT RAC_TNS RAC_FLAG


    • ORACLE_SID is the Oracle SID of the database


      The Oracle SID is case-sensitive.
    • DB_HOST is the name of the computer where the Oracle_SID resides.

    • DB_PORT is the SQL*Net Listener port for the Oracle_SID.

    • RAC_TNS is the JDBC connection string of the database server.

    • RAC_FLAG indicates whether you are using an Oracle RAC (Real Application Cluster) database installation. Set to RAC if you have a RAC installation. Set to NO-RAC if you do not.

      The RAC_FLAG setting determines which input parameter values the script uses when starting the DP Server.

      • If RAC_FLAG is set to RAC, the script uses only the value for RAC_TNS.

      • If RAC_FLAG is set to NO-RAC, the script uses the values for ORACLE_SID, DB_HOST, and DB_PORT.

      In either case, it does not matter what value you enter for the unused parameters.

    Example when RAC_FLAG is set to NO-RAC:

    ./ CDRD6X10 20502 NA NO-RAC


    • CDRD6X10 is the Oracle SID

    • is the host

    • 20502 is the port

    • You may enter NA (Not Applicable) or any other value for RAC_TNS.

    • NO-RAC is the setting for RAC_FLAG

    Example when RAC_FLAG is set to RAC:



    • You may enter NA (Not Applicable) or any other value for ORACLE_SID.

    • You may enter NA (Not Applicable) or any other value for DB_PORT.

    • You may enter NA (Not Applicable) or any other value for DB_HOST.

    • 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(LOAD_BALANCE=YES)(FAILOVER=YES)(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)( the JDBC connection string of the database server

    • RAC is the setting for RAC_FLAG

  3. The script prompts you for a password. Enter the password for the cdr_dpserver user.


Do not change the value of DB_USER.

Set Up Client Computers

There are two types of client setups depending on the role of the Oracle LSH user:

For information on supported operating systems and browsers for the client, see My Oracle Support article 180430.1, Oracle Life Sciences Applications Supported Technology Stacks.

Consumers and Administrators

Oracle LSH Consumers, who retrieve information in the form of reports and visualizations, and Oracle LSH Administrators, who perform administrative tasks within Oracle LSH, require the following on their personal computers:

  • A Web browser (one of those supported by Oracle Applications)

  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

Administrators require either JInitiator or JVM to use any of the Oracle Forms screens related to security, to run the post-installation jobs or to set up user accounts or functional roles.

The first time a user opens one of the Oracle Forms screens, the user is prompted to download and install JVM if it is not already installed.


If you are currently using JInitiator, you can continue to do so.

Application Developers

An Oracle LSH Application Developer (also called a Definer) writes source code on his or her personal computer in an integrated development environment (IDE) and then uploads the source code file to Oracle LSH.

An Oracle LSH Definer client requires:

  • A Web browser (one of those supported by Oracle Applications)

  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

  • Winzip Pro 11.2 SR-1, Winzip 8.1, or any other Winzip version that includes the WZUNZIP.exe

Install the Client Plug-In

Oracle LSH files contained in handle the integration of the IDEs with Oracle LSH.

System Administrator Tasks To prepare these files for installation by developers, do the following:

  1. Download from $CDR_TOP/plugin/sas.

  2. Unzip One of the files unzipped is cdrconfig.xml.

  3. (Optional) Edit cdrconfig.xml to add a directory path for each IDE developers may use, including the IDEs mentioned in Chapter 6, "Integrating Other Systems." and any other IDEs that your company is using with Oracle LSH, either by buying a third party adapter or developing your own adapter.

  4. Write the unzipped contents of to a CD-ROM.

  5. Give the CD-ROM to each Oracle LSH Definer who will use an IDE, with instructions for where to install the IDE software so that the directory paths you entered in cdrconfig.xml are correct.


    Alternatively, do not edit cdrconfig.xml before writing it to the CD-ROM and tell each Definer to edit his or her own copy.

Oracle LSH Definer Task On each Definer's personal computer, load the CD-ROM that contains the unzipped files. InstallShield automatically runs setup.exe, which loads cdrconfig.xml and cdrclient.exe to a location the Definer specifies on his or her local computer. The default location is ProgramFilesDir\oracle\cdr where ProgramFilesDir is the registry entry for the value name ProgramFilesDir. If the specified location does not exist, the InstallShield creates it.

In addition, it sets the location for the CDR Work directory. By default this location is %USERPROFILE%/Application Data/CDR. Oracle recommends using this setting if you are installing the client IDE on a server for access by multiple users. It creates a separate work space for each user so they do not overwrite each other's files.


Check and set your NLS_LANG environment variable:

  1. Right-click the My Computer icon on your desktop, then click Properties.

  2. Click the Advanced tab, then click Environment Variables.

  3. In User Variables and System Variables, check if there is a variable named NLS_LANG.

  4. If there is an NLS_LANG variable, highlight it and click Edit.

  5. Set the variable value to UTF8; for example: AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8

If you do not have the NLS_LANG environment variable, change your registry settings:

  1. Click Start, then Run.

  2. In the Run window, enter regedit and click OK.

  3. Locate one of the following registry key entries:



      where x is the unique number identifying the Oracle home

  4. Add a new key named NLS_LANG with a value including UTF8; for example:


Set Up Development Environments

Oracle LSH supports several integrated development environments (IDEs). For information on configuring these for use with Oracle LSH, see:

For information on setting up the Oracle BI Administration Tool, see the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.