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Oracle® Life Sciences Data Hub Implementation Guide
Release 2.2

Part Number E22744-02
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1 Overview

This section includes information on the following topics:

About the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub

The Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub (Oracle LSH) is a powerful and flexible data integration and statistical analysis tool. It is closely integrated with several external tools, notably the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite and SAS and can also be integrated with other tools using the Oracle LSH Adapter Toolkit. Oracle LSH allows you to load and analyze data from diverse systems, including clinical data management and remote data capture systems.

Oracle LSH is designed to help you comply with pharmaceutical industry regulations: it maintains an audit trail of data transactions, stores all programs and tables as database objects under version control, and provides tools for validating these objects and, by extension, the data they touch within Oracle LSH. Using labeled or timestamp-based data snapshots and program versions, you can recreate submitted data.

However, the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub is not restricted to use with clinical data; you can use it to store and analyze financial, administrative, or any other kind of data as well.

Oracle LSH's functionality covers three basic areas:

Data Storage Oracle LSH serves as a single repository of data originating in other systems, including Oracle, SAS, or any system from which you can produce a text file. You set up a connection with each source data system and load or refresh the data you specify as necessary.

Through the connection Oracle LSH can read the data sets or tables you use in external SAS or Oracle systems and reproduce them automatically in Oracle LSH before loading data into them. You can continue to use these structures in Oracle LSH or adopt new industry standards such as CDISC and LOINC and move your current data into tables based on standards. If those standards change over time, you can adjust your Oracle LSH tables accordingly.

Oracle LSH maintains data blinds on the tables you specify and allows blind breaks and unblinding with a combination of security privileges.

Oracle LSH maintains an audit trail on data and maintains version control over all programs and other objects that manipulate data. In addition, for each report output produced in Oracle LSH, the system maintains a record of all the programs and other objects that manipulated the data displayed in the report beginning when the source data entered Oracle LSH.

You can use Oracle LSH to integrate data in many ways. For example:

Data Manipulation To combine, analyze, and report on the data you load into Oracle LSH, you write programs. These programs can be developed in SAS, Oracle PL/SQL, or Oracle Reports.

Each of these development environments is closely integrated with Oracle LSH. Oracle LSH stores the program code under version control. When you run a program in Oracle LSH, the system sends the job to the appropriate engine for execution. If the program writes data to tables, Oracle LSH tables receive the data. If the program generates a report, you can view the report, as well as the program's log file, through Oracle LSH.

If you are currently using SAS to analyze clinical data, you can upload your programs, macros, and formats and continue using them in Oracle LSH. If you have SAS installed on your personal computer, you can open SAS directly from Oracle LSH and view Oracle LSH source data.

You can combine a series of programs into a single executable process; for example, automatically load fresh data into Oracle LSH at regular intervals, generate a report on the new data after each load, and send an email notification that the report is ready to the appropriate personnel.

Information Retrieval You can retrieve information from the data repository in several ways:

Developing Programs and Applications

To support the functionality outlined above, Oracle LSH supports a definitional methodology. Each time you write a program in Oracle LSH you must also define the program as an object, create an instance of the object definition, and install it in the database so that it can interact with data. You can reuse a definition by creating multiple instances of it.

Oracle LSH has seven predefined primary object types: Tables (which are equivalent to SAS data sets and Oracle tables), Load Sets, Programs, Workflows, Report Sets, Data Marts, and Business Areas (the basis for data visualizations). Each object type interacts in a predefined way with the internal system to accomplish a particular data handling task as described later in this chapter.

You can develop libraries of standard object definitions that you have validated and declared suitable for reuse. You can then use these library definitions as modular building blocks to accomplish different business tasks, called applications in Oracle LSH.

Example To develop an application whose purpose is to produce a set of adverse event reports for Study 01, you could do the following:

You can create instances of the same object definitions in a different Work Area to quickly create the same application for Study 02, and again for Study 03, and so on.

Advantages Although this definitional approach initially requires more work, it has the following advantages:

The following sections describe each data handling stage and the object type(s) predefined for use in each stage. Further information on object definition is included in Chapter 3, "Designing an Organizational Structure" and in "Applications User Interface" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Loading Data

You can load data into Oracle LSH from a variety of sources:

Definitional Object: Load Set The Oracle LSH definitional object used in loading data is called a Load Set. In addition to loading data, the Load Set reproduces the meta-data of the external Oracle table or SAS data set in Oracle LSH.

Once defined, Load Sets are saved and each subsequent time they are run they update the data in Oracle LSH to reflect changes in the source data. You can schedule a Load Set to run at regular intervals to refresh data.

If the external system is an Oracle database you can define the Load Set as a view against the source table or data set. This means that without actually loading the data into Oracle LSH you can browse the data dynamically in the external system as if it were a database view.

Adapters Each Load Set has a Type attribute setting corresponding to its source data system (or, in the case of Oracle Clinical, the type of data or meta-data being loaded). Each Load Set type is based on a different predefined adapter that includes the set of programs necessary to copy the data structures and load data and determines the parameters you must set.

Adapters serve as the interface between Oracle LSH and each external system, ensuring that Oracle LSH handles the incoming data and meta-data correctly. If you upgrade to a new version of an external system (for example, SAS), you may also need to upgrade the relevant adapter, but you do not need to upgrade Oracle LSH. If you install a new version of Oracle LSH, it includes any required new versions of the predefined adapters.

Oracle LSH includes the following adapters, each of which is designed especially to load data from one type of external system into Oracle LSH:

For further information on Load Sets, see "Defining Load Sets" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Storing Data

Oracle LSH allows you to store data from a variety of external systems in a single repository.

Oracle LSH allows you to blind data and to break the blind or permanently unblind the data with a combination of security privileges. Blinded data you load from Oracle Clinical is automatically blinded in Oracle LSH. For other source data systems, the first time you load data that should be blinded you must specify that the target Oracle LSH table be blinded. See "Security for Blinded Data" for further information.

Definitional Object: Table Oracle LSH uses a definitional object called a Table to store data. All Oracle LSH Table instances include characteristics of both standard Oracle database tables and SAS data sets. Therefore you can load data from either system into an Oracle LSH Table instance, and you can write a program that combines data from both systems into a single Oracle LSH Table instance.

Oracle LSH can create Tables with the same structure as the Oracle tables or SAS data sets in your source data systems.

If you are not already using industry standards such as CDISC or LOINC, you can define Tables that conform to those standards and write programs in Oracle LSH to move your current data into them.

Work Areas All data storage, manipulation and viewing in Oracle LSH must be performed in Work Areas. In a Work Area you create instances of Load Sets, Programs, Tables, and any other definitional objects that are required to accomplish a particular business purpose, and install the Work Area in the database.

When you install a Work Area for the first time, Oracle LSH creates a database schema and creates a database object from each object instance in the Work Area. Oracle LSH stores the data you load or write to Table instances in the Work Area in the corresponding database tables in the schema.

You can use Work Areas to create your development, quality control, and production environments. When you are ready for formal testing of the Programs and other objects you have created in the development Work Area, you can clone the development Work Area to create the quality control Work Area and install the same objects to a new schema, load fresh data, and run tests. Then clone the quality control Work Area, install it and load production data to create your production Oracle LSH environment. Oracle LSH supports this usage by enforcing a number of rules; see "Work Area Usage Intent and Validation Status" for further information.

Audit Trail Oracle LSH can store data in a manner that is compliant with industry regulations: with an audit trail of every change to every record.

Whether or not Oracle LSH maintains an audit trail on the records in a particular Table instance depends on the Data Processing type you define for the Table instance. In most cases when a record is deleted it remains in the database associated with an end timestamp and an additional row explicitly recording the deletion. It is therefore possible to reconstruct the data in a given Table instance as it was at any point in time.

Data Processing Oracle LSH can use several different methods to process data internally when you run a Program that writes data to a table. The method used depends on the setting of an attribute of the target Table instance, not the Program, though the Program type must be compatible. The way Oracle LSH handles record deletion and auditing in a table depends on the processing mode specified for the Table instance.

The data processing types available are:

See "Execution and Data Handling" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide for further information.

Snapshots Using the audit information, you can create and name a snapshot recreating the state of data in an Oracle LSH schema at any given point in time. When you run an executable in Oracle LSH, by default it runs on the most current data in the source Table instance(s). However, you can specify a previous data snapshot if you prefer.

Data File Storage Oracle LSH provides two ways to store data in files:

Operating on Data

After you load data into Oracle LSH, you can combine, transform and analyze the data as necessary.

Definitional Object: Program To manipulate data in Oracle LSH, you must create a definitional object called a Program.

You can upload SAS or PL/SQL source code you have already developed or write new programs in PL/SQL, Oracle Reports, and SAS (if you purchase SAS). Oracle LSH stores the source code in Oracle LSH under version control. When you run the program, Oracle LSH launches the appropriate engine to run the code.

For further information, see "Defining Programs" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Reporting Data

Three Oracle LSH primary definitional objects can report data. Programs can generate report outputs (tabulations, figures, and listings) directly. Report Sets and Workflows can generate report outputs because they contain Programs.

For information on Workflows, see "Automating Multiple Processes".

Definitional Object: Program Oracle LSH Programs are the primary means of reporting data as well as transforming data. To create a report in Oracle LSH, you must create or reuse an Oracle LSH Program definition that includes source code to produce the report(s) you want and a Planned Output definition for each report to be generated by the Program. You can view report outputs as files online or print them.

For further information, see "Defining Programs" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Definitional Object: Report Set A Report Set is a definitional object whose purpose is to present a set of reports and text narratives divided into logical chapters and sections, with a single table of contents and hyperlinks. You can use Oracle XML Publisher to create templates with watermarks and graphics and generate a single- or multi-volume integrated PDF file containing all the reports.

For further information, see "Defining Report Sets" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Automating Multiple Processes

Oracle LSH uses the Oracle Workflow product to enable you to link any number of executable objects—Load Sets, Programs, Report Sets, and Data Marts—into a single complex object executed as a whole. You define the sequence of the executables, which may include branching, and the necessary conditions, if any, to pass from one to the next.

Definitional Object: Workflow For example, you can create a Workflow to load data from two systems, wait until both loads are successfully completed, and then run a Program that writes data from both systems into a single set of combined Tables and generates a Report Set on the combined data.

You can also insert Notifications into a Workflow. Notifications are sent to recipients you specify either to simply inform them of something, such as the fact that the Workflow has just generated a report on fresh data, or to request their approval, for example of a load of lab data before the data is included in a statistics analysis report generated later in the Workflow. In the case of approval requests, the Workflow waits for a response. You define the next Workflow step in the case of both an approval and a rejection.

For further information, see "Defining Workflows" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Viewing Data

There are several ways to see data stored in Oracle LSH:

Reports Report outputs of Programs display Oracle LSH data. These may be generated directly by an Oracle LSH Program or as part of a Report Set or Workflow (see "Reporting Data"). Anyone with the necessary security privileges can execute a particular Program, Report Set, or Workflow to generate the report on current data, or simply view a previously generated report, either onscreen or printed. For further information, see "Defining Programs" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Visualizations Oracle LSH is designed to integrate with data visualization tools that allow users without programming skills to perform ad hoc, interactive explorations of data in tabular or graphical format.

Oracle LSH includes a user interface for defining Business Areas, Table Descriptors, Joins, and Hierarchies that determine what Oracle LSH data is available to visualizations. Security for the data displayed by visualizations is determined by the security requirements of the corresponding Business Area instance in Oracle LSH.

For further information, see "Defining Business Areas for Visualizations" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

User Interface Through the Oracle LSH user interface you can browse data in a single Table instance; either the current data or a snapshot. You can select the columns you want to view, limit the data displayed with a Where clause and order the display of data with an Order By clause. If you have the required security privileges, you can see real, blinded data if you choose to. For further information, see "Common Development Tasks" in theOracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Integrated Development Environment Users with the necessary privileges can query data in Oracle LSH Tables through a Program instance, working in an integrated development environment (IDE) such as SAS or SQL Developer. For further information, see "Defining Tables" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

Transferring Data Out of the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub

You may want to transfer Oracle LSH data to a partner, regulatory agency, or data storage facility.

Definitional Object: Data Mart To transfer data out of Oracle LSH you can create a definitional object called a Data Mart. Oracle LSH supports several formats, including fixed length or delimited text, SAS Transport (XPORT or CPORT), SAS Data Sets, or Oracle Export. To reduce the size of these export files the executable can optionally compress them into a zipped file.

To transfer the Data Mart to another system, use FTP or email.

You can also use Data Marts for secure but inaccessible long-term storage within Oracle LSH. For further information on Data Marts, see "Defining Data Marts" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide

Validating Object Definitions and Instances

Pharmaceutical regulatory agencies require that you certify that data submitted to them for approval of a drug is valid. Oracle LSH cannot certify that data entering Oracle LSH from a different system is valid. You must validate incoming data in the source system.

However, Oracle LSH allows you to validate all definitional objects that interact with data within Oracle LSH, and to publish a report coversheet that records the validation status of all objects that touched the report's source data in Oracle LSH, so that you can certify that data remained valid within Oracle LSH.

In addition, Oracle LSH allows you to manually validate report outputs in a Report Set and to reuse the validated outputs even though other reports in the same Report Set are still being developed and must be regenerated.

Validation Status Oracle LSH allows you to associate a validation status—Development, Quality Control, Production, or Retired—with an object or output. You must determine your own criteria for promoting an object or output to a new validation status.

Oracle LSH uses object validation statuses and Work Area usage intent values to enforce rules for development, quality control, and production environments.

Validation Documentation Oracle LSH allows you to associate job IDs and documents with an object to record the object's validation progress. For example, you may decide that requirements specifications for an object such as a Report Set are required for its promotion from Development to Quality Control. You can associate a pointer to the requirements specifications document with the Report Set definition. For promotion to both Quality Control and Production, your criteria may include successful execution of an object such as a Program. In the Program definition you can include a link to the ID of the job that successfully executed the Program.

For further information, see Chapter 6, "Validating Objects and Outputs".

Reusing Object Definitions

As you begin to use Oracle LSH, you must define many new objects (though you can use tables, views, data sets, and programs that you have already developed in an external Oracle or SAS system as the basis for Oracle LSH Tables and Programs). But as time goes by, you will be able to reuse existing object definitions more and more, building up libraries of valid object definitions approved for reuse. For example, if you develop and test an enrollment Report Set for one study, you may be able to use the same Report Set definition, with modifications if necessary, for another study.

Object Definitions and Instances Object definitions are stored in a Library, either in an Application Area or a Domain. To use an object definition of any type—Table, Program, Load Set, for example—you must create an instance of it in a Work Area and install the instance to the database.

The instance is itself a defined object. Oracle LSH includes a predefined object instance type corresponding to each primary definitional object type: Table instance, Load Set instance, Program instance, Report Set instance, Workflow instance, Data Mart instance, and Business Area instance. An instance object contains only a pointer to the definition, a name, description, and, depending on the object type, may have a few other characteristics.

Secondary object types, such as Source Code and Parameter, also have a corresponding predefined object instance type: Source Code instance, Parameter instance. For information on primary and secondary Oracle LSH object definitions and instances, see the chapter on each primary object type in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide. Also see Appendix A, "Object Types with Operations" and Appendix B, "Object Ownership".

How to Reuse Object Definitions There are several ways to reuse object definitions:

Developing Standard Objects and Modular Applications You can reduce the amount of time required to develop Oracle LSH applications by developing standard object definitions and reusing them as much as possible. To encourage programmers to reuse standard definitions, make it clear which definitions are standard by storing them in a special library (for example, a Standards Domain) and/or classifying them as Standard, for example.

Following are a few strategies for developing standards in object definition:

Migrating Existing Programs, Data Sets, and Tables from Other Systems

In Oracle LSH you can continue to use programs, data sets, and tables you have developed for use in other systems. Although this feature may be particularly useful as you begin to use Oracle LSH, you can continue to upload external programs, data sets, and tables and convert them to Oracle LSH Programs and Tables at any time.

Load Sets can convert Oracle tables and views, or SAS data sets, to Oracle LSH Tables, as well as load the data they contain or point to into Oracle LSH. Load Sets also automatically convert your Oracle Clinical Global Library definitions to Oracle LSH definitional objects and load any Oracle Clinical stable interface tables and data you choose. For further information, see "DefiningLoad Sets" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

You can upload SAS source code files, including macros and formats, into Oracle LSH Source Code definitions. For further information, "Defining Programs" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.