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Oracle® Life Sciences Data Hub Release Content Document
Release 2.2 Revision C

Part Number E22748-03
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Oracle® Life Sciences Data Hub

Release Content Document

Release 2.2 Revision C


June 2011

This Release Content Document (RCD) describes the product features that are included in Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub (LSH) Release 2.2.

1 Contents

Section 1, "Contents"

Section 2, "Disclaimer"

Section 3, "Introduction"

Section 4, "Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Release 2.2"

Section 4.1, "Product Overview"

Section 4.2, "Features"

Section 4.3, "Terminology"

Section 4.4, "Desupported features"

Section 4.5, "Technology Stack"

Section 5, "Change Record"

Section 6, "Documentation Accessibility"

2 Disclaimer

This Release Content Document (RCD) describes product features that are proposed for the specified release of Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub (LSH). It is intended solely to help you assess the business benefits of implementing LSH Release 2.2. This document in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information that is the exclusive property of Oracle. Your access to and use of this confidential material is subject to the terms and conditions of your Oracle Software License and Service Agreement, which has been executed and with which you agree to comply. This document and information contained herein may not be disclosed, copied, reproduced or distributed to anyone outside Oracle without prior written consent of Oracle. This document is not part of your license agreement nor can it be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates.

This document is for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist you in planning for the implementation of the product features described. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described in this document remain at the sole discretion of Oracle.

3 Introduction

3.1 Purpose of Document

The Release Content Document communicates information about new or changed functionality in Release 2.2 of Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub. Existing functionality from prior releases is not described.

3.2 Reference Documents


4 Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Release 2.2

4.1 Product Overview

In this release we have focused on adding several features to enable easier data pooling and read access to LSH data from external tools. Several other features to enhance the ease of use, such as additional capabilities in text data loading, and SAS IDE, have been added.

Release 2.2 includes the following enhancements:

  • Programs and Tables of Type View

  • Generic Visualization Adapter

  • Text Load Set Enhancements

  • Usability Enhancements

In addition, this release implements a technology stack upgrade. It is now on E-Business Suite 12.1.3.

4.2 Features

4.2.1 Programs and Tables of Type View

This feature enables users to pool data from multiple sources in a view and use the data for reporting and analysis in LSH.

A new View Program type has been introduced, which allows the user to create views based on existing Tables in LSH. The view is created as a Table instance of type View and enables pooling data from multiple sources. This eliminates the need to store multiple copies of data in separate database tables and also eliminates the need to refresh data across such tables. View Table instances can be used as a source Table for other LSH Programs. The View Tables support basic view-type transformations and union views.

As with Tables populated by any other Program, View Tables provide full currency traceability across the view to the source Tables. They also support blinding and backchaining.

4.2.2 Generic Visualization Adapter

Prior to this release, any external tools that needed Read access to LSH data were required to have a specific LSH adapter. In LSH Release 2.2, a new Generic Visualization Adapter enables external tools to read LSH data without needing a tool-specific LSH adapter, using a new type of Business Area. External users with appropriate security permissions can access, analyze and report on LSH data using any external visualization tool.

Public APIs are available to initialize access to the Generic Visualization Business Area based on either the association of a database account with an existing LSH user account or direct grants to a database account. The Public APIs also set the user's security and blinding privileges based on LSH security permissions or database grants.

This generic adapter uses LSH Generic Visualization Business Areas to define and create database schemas. Each Generic Visualization Business Area has a corresponding database schema with a schema name that is unique within LSH. The database schema accesses LSH data through the use of views and synonyms.

4.2.3 Text Load Set Enhancements

Release 2.2 supports the following additional capabilities in loading text files:

  • Creation of Table Descriptors from metadata files.

  • Processing multiple data files and metadata files from a zipped file.

  • Using multiple date formats for different Table Descriptors during the execution of a single Load Set .

4.2.4 Usability Enhancements

The following usability enhancements are included:

  • Table Descriptor Mapping: When a target Table Descriptor in a Load Set, Data Mart, Program or Business Area is updated and new columns are added, the installation process automatically upgrades the mapped Table instance, completes the mapping, and installs the Load Set, Data Mart, Program or Business Area.

  • SAS Programming: When a SAS Program in 'Development' validation status is executed, LSH detects all outputs and target data sets produced by that Program and automatically creates any needed Planned Outputs and Target Table Descriptors for that Program.

4.3 Terminology

Not Applicable.

4.4 Desupported features

The LSH adapter for Oracle Discoverer is desupported.

4.5 Technology Stack

4.5.1 Supported Tech Stack Components

The following components are certified with Release 2.2. See My Oracle Support article 180430.1, Oracle Life Sciences Applications Supported Technology Stacks for the latest information.

Component Version Dependency Required?
E-Business Suite 12.1.3 Install, Runtime Required
Oracle Database Install, Runtime Required
Oracle Warehouse Builder Runtime Required
Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.1 Runtime Required
Oracle Clinical 4.6 Runtime Optional
Oracle Reports Runtime Optional
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) and Runtime Optional
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Runtime Optional
SAS 8.2, 9.1.3, 9.2 Runtime Optional
Informatica PowerCenter 8.6.1 HF 11, 9.0.1 HF 2 Runtime Optional

4.5.2 Supported Platforms

The following platform configurations are supported with LSH Release 2.2.

Tier Platform
  • Windows XP with IE 7/8
  • Windows 7 with IE 8

Application Server
  • Solaris
  • Oracle Enterprise Linux

  • Red Hat Linux

  • HP-UX

  • AIX

Database Server
  • The Database Server is supported on all the platforms supported for the Application Server

4.5.3 Supported Upgrade Paths

Upgrading to LSH 2.2 from the following versions is supported:

  • LSH 2.1.3

  • LSH 2.1.4

5 Change Record

12 May 2011: First version.

16 May 2011: Corrections to the Technology Stack Components section.

16 June 2011: Corrections to the Technology Stack Components section.

6 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Release Content Document


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