Oracle Coherence for C++ API



00001 /*
00002 * ReadBuffer.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00016 #ifndef COH_READ_BUFFER_HPP
00017 #define COH_READ_BUFFER_HPP
00019 #include "coherence/lang.ns"
00021 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE2(coherence,io)
00024 /**
00025 * The ReadBuffer interface represents an in-memory block of binary data.
00026 *
00027 * @author jh  2007.12.20
00028 */
00029 class COH_EXPORT ReadBuffer
00030     : public interface_spec<ReadBuffer>
00031     {
00032     // ----- handle definitions (needed for nested classes) -----------------
00034     public:
00035         typedef this_spec::Handle Handle;
00036         typedef this_spec::View   View;
00037         typedef this_spec::Holder Holder;
00040     // ----- ReadBuffer interface -------------------------------------------
00042     public:
00043         /**
00044         * Determine the length of the buffer.
00045         *
00046         * @return the number of octets of data represented by this ReadBuffer
00047         */
00048         virtual size32_t length() const = 0;
00050         /**
00051         * Returns the octet at the specified offset. An offset ranges
00052         * from <code>0</code> to <code>length() - 1</code>. The first octet
00053         * of the sequence is at offset <code>0</code>, the next at offset
00054         * <code>1</code>, and so on, as for array indexing.
00055         *
00056         * @param of  the offset (index) of the octet
00057         *
00058         * @return the octet at the specified offset in this ReadBuffer
00059         *
00060         * @throws  IndexOutOfBoundsException if the <code>of</code> argument
00061         *          is not less than the length of this ReadBuffer
00062         */
00063         virtual octet_t read(size32_t of) const = 0;
00065         /**
00066         * Copies octets from this ReadBuffer into the destination octet
00067         * array.
00068         * <p>
00069         * The first octet to be copied is at offset <code>ofBegin</code>;
00070         * the last octet to be copied is at offset <code>ofEnd-1</code>
00071         * (thus the total number of octets to be copied is <code>ofEnd -
00072         * ofBegin</code>). The octets are copied into the subarray of
00073         * <code>habDest</code> starting at offset <code>ofDest</code> and
00074         * ending at index:
00075         * <pre>
00076         *     ofDest + (ofEnd - ofBegin) - 1
00077         * </pre>
00078         * This method allows the caller to extract a chunk of octets into the
00079         * caller's own array.
00080         *
00081         * @param ofBegin  offset of the first octet in the ReadBuffer to copy
00082         * @param ofEnd    offset after the last octet in the ReadBuffer to
00083         *                 copy
00084         * @param habDest  the destination octet array
00085         * @param ofDest   the offset in the destination octet array to copy
00086         *                 the first octet to
00087         *
00088         * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if any of the following is true:
00089         *   <ul>
00090         *   <li><code>ofBegin</code> is greater than <code>ofEnd</code>
00091         *   <li><code>ofEnd</code> is greater than the length of this
00092         *       ReadBuffer;
00093         *   <li><code>ofDest + (ofEnd - ofBegin)</code> is larger than
00094         *       <code>habDest->length</code>
00095         *   </ul>
00096         * @throws NullPointerException if <code>habDest</code> is NULL
00097         */
00098         virtual void read(size32_t ofBegin, size32_t ofEnd,
00099                 Array<octet_t>::Handle habDest, size32_t ofDest) const = 0;
00101         /**
00102         * Obtain a ReadBuffer for a portion of this ReadBuffer.
00103         *
00104         * @param of  the beginning index, inclusive
00105         * @param cb  the number of octets to include in the resulting
00106         *            ReadBuffer
00107         *
00108         * @return a ReadBuffer that represents a portion of this ReadBuffer
00109         *
00110         * @throws  IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>of + cb</code> is
00111         *          larger than the length of this ReadBuffer
00112         */
00113         virtual ReadBuffer::View getReadBuffer(size32_t of, size32_t cb) const = 0;
00115         /**
00116         * Get the contents of the ReadBuffer as an octet array.
00117         * <p>
00118         * This is the equivalent of <code>toOctetArray(0, length())</code>.
00119         *
00120         * @return an octet array with the contents of this ReadBuffer object
00121         */
00122         virtual Array<octet_t>::View toOctetArray() const = 0;
00124         /**
00125         * Get a portion of the contents of the ReadBuffer as an octet array.
00126         *
00127         * @param of  the beginning index, inclusive
00128         * @param cb  the number of octets to include in the resulting array
00129         *
00130         * @return an octet array containing the specified portion of this
00131         *         ReadBuffer
00132         *
00133         * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>of + cb</code> is
00134         *         larger than the length of this ReadBuffer
00135         */
00136         virtual Array<octet_t>::View toOctetArray(size32_t of, size32_t cb) const = 0;
00139     // ----- BufferInput inner interface ------------------------------------
00141     public:
00142         /**
00143         * The BufferInput interface represents a data input stream on top of
00144         * a ReadBuffer.
00145         *
00146         * @author jh  2007.12.20
00147         */
00148         class COH_EXPORT BufferInput
00149             : public interface_spec<BufferInput>
00150             {
00151             // ----- BufferInput interface ------------------------------
00153             public:
00154                 /**
00155                 * Get the ReadBuffer object that this BufferInput is reading
00156                 * from.
00157                 *
00158                 * @return the underlying ReadBuffer object
00159                 */
00160                 virtual ReadBuffer::View getBuffer() const = 0;
00162                 /**
00163                 * Determine the current offset of this BufferInput within the
00164                 * underlying ReadBuffer.
00165                 *
00166                 * @return the offset of the next octet to read from the
00167                 *         ReadBuffer
00168                 */
00169                 virtual size32_t getOffset() const = 0;
00171                 /**
00172                 * Specify the offset of the next octet to read from the
00173                 * underlying ReadBuffer.
00174                 *
00175                 * @param of  the offset of the next octet to read from the
00176                 *            ReadBuffer
00177                 *
00178                 * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if
00179                 *         <code>of > getBuffer()->length()</code>
00180                 */
00181                 virtual void setOffset(size32_t of) = 0;
00183                 /**
00184                 * Returns the number of octets that can be read (or skipped
00185                 * over) from this input stream before the end of the stream
00186                 * is reached.
00187                 *
00188                 * @return the number of octets that can be read (or skipped
00189                 *         over) from this BufferInput
00190                 */
00191                 virtual size32_t available() const = 0;
00193                 /**
00194                 * Skips over the specified number of octets of data.
00195                 *
00196                 * @param cb  the number of octets to skip over
00197                 *
00198                 * @throws EOFException if the stream is exhausted before the
00199                 *         number of octets indicated could be skipped
00200                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00201                 */
00202                 virtual void skip(size32_t cb) = 0;
00204                 /**
00205                 * Read an octet value.
00206                 *
00207                 * @return an <code>octet_t</code> value
00208                 *
00209                 * @throws EOFException if the value could not be read because
00210                 *         no more data remains to be read
00211                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00212                 */
00213                 virtual octet_t read() = 0;
00215                 /**
00216                 * Read <code>hab->length</code> octets and store them in
00217                 * <code>hab</code>.
00218                 *
00219                 * @param hab  the array to store the octets which are read
00220                 *             from the stream
00221                 *
00222                 * @throws NullPointerException if the passed array is NULL
00223                 * @throws EOFException if the stream is exhausted before the
00224                 *         number of octets indicated by the array length could
00225                 *         be read
00226                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00227                 */
00228                 virtual void read(Array<octet_t>::Handle hab) = 0;
00230                 /**
00231                 * Read <code>cb</code> octets from the input stream and store
00232                 * them into the passed array <code>hab</code> starting at
00233                 * offset <code>of</code>.
00234                 *
00235                 * @param hab  the array to store the octets which are read
00236                 *             from the stream
00237                 * @param of   the offset into the array that the read octets
00238                 *             will be stored
00239                 * @param cb   the number of octets to read
00240                 *
00241                 * @throws NullPointerException if the passed array is NULL
00242                 * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>of+cb</code>
00243                 *         is greater than the length of the <code>hab</code>
00244                 * @throws EOFException if the stream is exhausted before the
00245                 *         number of octets indicated could be read
00246                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00247                 */
00248                 virtual void read(Array<octet_t>::Handle hab, size32_t of,
00249                         size32_t cb) = 0;
00251                 /**
00252                 * Read <code>cb</code> octets and return them as a ReadBuffer
00253                 * object.
00254                 *
00255                 * @param cb  the number of octets to read
00256                 *
00257                 * @return a ReadBuffer object composed of <code>cb</code>
00258                 *         octets read from the BufferInput
00259                 *
00260                 * @throws EOFException if the stream is exhausted before the
00261                 *         number of octets indicated could be read
00262                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00263                 */
00264                 virtual ReadBuffer::View readBuffer(size32_t cb) = 0;
00266                 /**
00267                 * Read a boolean value.
00268                 *
00269                 * @return either <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>
00270                 *
00271                 * @throws EOFException if the value could not be read because
00272                 *         no more data remains to be read
00273                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00274                 */
00275                 virtual bool readBoolean() = 0;
00277                 /**
00278                 * Read a 16-bit Unicode character value.
00279                 *
00280                 * @return a 16-bit Unicode character as a
00281                 *         <code>char16_t</code> value
00282                 *
00283                 * @throws EOFException if the value could not be read because
00284                 *         no more data remains to be read
00285                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00286                 */
00287                 virtual char16_t readChar16() = 0;
00289                 /**
00290                 * Read a sequence of UTF-8 encoded 16-bit Unicode characters.
00291                 *
00292                 * @return a String value; may be NULL
00293                 *
00294                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00295                 */
00296                 virtual String::View readString() = 0;
00298                 /**
00299                 * Read a 16-bit integer value.
00300                 *
00301                 * @return an <code>int16_t</code> value
00302                 *
00303                 * @throws EOFException if the value could not be read because
00304                 *         no more data remains to be read
00305                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00306                 */
00307                 virtual int16_t readInt16() = 0;
00309                 /**
00310                 * Read a 32-bit integer value.
00311                 *
00312                 * @return an <code>int32_t</code> value
00313                 *
00314                 * @throws EOFException if the value could not be read because
00315                 *         no more data remains to be read
00316                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00317                 */
00318                 virtual int32_t readInt32() = 0;
00320                 /**
00321                 * Read a 64-bit integer value.
00322                 *
00323                 * @return an <code>int64_t</code> value
00324                 *
00325                 * @throws EOFException if the value could not be read because
00326                 *         no more data remains to be read
00327                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00328                 */
00329                 virtual int64_t readInt64() = 0;
00331                 /**
00332                 * Read a 32-bit floating-point value.
00333                 *
00334                 * @return a <code>float32_t</code> value
00335                 *
00336                 * @throws EOFException if the value could not be read because
00337                 *         no more data remains to be read
00338                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00339                 */
00340                 virtual float32_t readFloat32() = 0;
00342                 /**
00343                 * Read a 64-bit floating-point value.
00344                 *
00345                 * @return a <code>float64_t</code> value
00346                 *
00347                 * @throws EOFException if the value could not be read because
00348                 *         no more data remains to be read
00349                 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
00350                 */
00351                 virtual float64_t readFloat64() = 0;
00352             };
00354         /**
00355         * Get a BufferInput object to read data from this buffer. Note that
00356         * each call to this method will return a new BufferInput object, with
00357         * the possible exception being that a zero-length ReadBuffer could
00358         * always return the same instance (since there is nothing to read).
00359         *
00360         * @return a BufferInput that is reading from this buffer starting at
00361         *         offset zero
00362         */
00363         virtual BufferInput::Handle getBufferInput() const = 0;
00364     };
00368 #endif // COH_READ_BUFFER_HPP
Copyright © 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.