Oracle Coherence for C++ API


InvocableMap::EntryProcessor Member List

This is the complete list of members for InvocableMap::EntryProcessor, including all inherited members.

_isEscaped(bool fAttemptCapture=true) const Object [inline]
clone() const Object [virtual]
clone(Object::View v)Object [static]
equals(Object::View v) const Object [virtual]
equals(Object::View v1, Object::View v2)Object [static]
Handle typedefInvocableMap::EntryProcessor
hashCode() const Object [virtual]
hashCode(Object::View v)Object [inline, static]
Holder typedefInvocableMap::EntryProcessor
isImmutable() const Object [virtual]
notify() const Object
notifyAll() const Object
Object()Object [protected]
Object(const Object &that)Object [protected]
onConst()Object [protected, virtual]
onEscape(bool fEscaped) const Object [protected, virtual]
onInit()Object [protected, virtual]
process(Entry::Handle hEntry) const =0InvocableMap::EntryProcessor [pure virtual]
processAll(Set::View vSetEntries) const =0InvocableMap::EntryProcessor [pure virtual]
self()Object [inline, protected]
self() const Object [inline, protected]
sizeOf() const Object [virtual]
toStream(std::ostream &out) const Object [virtual]
toStream(std::ostream &out, Object::View v)Object [static]
View typedefInvocableMap::EntryProcessor
wait() const Object
wait(int64_t cMillis) const Object

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