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Oracle® Traffic Director Installation Guide
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E21034-04
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5 Creating the Administration Server and an Administration Node

This chapter provides information about creating administration server and administration nodes for Oracle Traffic Director.

This chapter contains the following sections:

5.1 Creating the Administration Server

After installing Oracle Traffic Director, create the Oracle Traffic Director administration server by performing the following steps:


For more information about the administration server, see "Managing the Administration Server" in the Oracle Traffic Director Administration Guide.

  1. Use the configure-server command to create the administration server. You can configure Oracle Traffic Director as the root or a non-root user.

    When the administration server is configured as root, then Oracle Traffic Director starts the keepalived daemon automatically when you start instances that are part of a failover group, and stops the daemon when you stop the instances. On the other hand, if the administration server is configured as non-root and if the administration node process is running as non-root on the node where the instances are located, then the keepalived daemon does not start or stop automatically. In this case, you will need to run the start-failover command on those nodes as a root user. This is to manually start the failover. If this command is not executed, failover will not start and there will be no high availability. For more information about creating and managing failover groups, see "Configuring Oracle Traffic Director for High Availability" in the Oracle Traffic Director Administrator's Guide.

    To configure Oracle Traffic Director as the root user, run the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/tadm configure-server [--user=admin-user] [--password-file=admin-passwd-file] [--host=admin-host] [--port=admin-port] [--rcfile=rcfile] [--echo] [--no-prompt] [--verbose] ([--admin-node] [--node-host=node-host] [--node-port=node-port]) [--server-user=root] [--java-home=java-home] [--bind-ip=ip] --instance-home=instance-home


    • ORACLE_HOME is the directory in which you installed Oracle Traffic Director.

    • The user name can contain a maximum of 100 characters and must not contain spaces.


    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/tadm configure-server --user=otd_admin --server-user=root


    If the --port option is not specified, it defaults to 8989.

    To configure Oracle Traffic Director as a non-root user, run the configure-server command without the --server-user option. Oracle Traffic Director supports high availability even when it is configured as a non-root user. For more inform see "Configuring Oracle Traffic Director for High Availability" in the Oracle Traffic Director Administrator's Guide.

    If you do not use the --password-file option to specify the file containing the password, the following prompt is displayed:

    Please enter admin-user-password>


    You can remove the administration server instance by running the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/tadm unconfigure-server --instance-home=path

    For more information about the configure-server and unconfigure-server commands, see the Oracle Traffic Director Command-Line Interface Reference.

  2. Enter the administrator password. You will later use this password to log in to the Oracle Traffic Director administration console.

    A prompt to re-enter the administrator password is displayed, as follows:

    Please enter admin-user-password again>
  3. Confirm the administrator password by entering it again.

    An administration server instance of Oracle Traffic Director is created and deployed on the local host in a directory named admin-server within the instance-home directory that you specified in step 1.

5.2 Creating an Administration Node

To create an administration node, make sure that the administration server is running, and then run the configure-server command from the shell prompt of the host that you want to designate as the administration node. You can create the administration node as the root or a non-root user.

For example, to designate a mount point called secondary as an Oracle Traffic Director administration node that is registered with the administration server on the host admin_server, do the following:


To create the administration node as root, run the configure-server command as root and include the --server-user=root option.

  1. Run the configure-server command from the secondary system.


    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/tadm configure-server --user=admin --host=admin_server
    --port=8889 --admin-node --node-host=secondary --node-port=8900
    • ORACLE_HOME is the path to the directory or mount point containing the Oracle Traffic Director installation on the node that you want to designate as the administration node.

    • The --instance-home option specifies the directory in which the instance directories should be created on the node.

    • The --admin-node option specifies that the specified host should be configured as an administration node.

    • The --port option specifies the port where the administration server is running. If the --port option is not specified, it defaults to 8989.

    • The --node-port option specifies the port where the administration node will run. If the --node-port option is not specified, it defaults to 8989.

    The following message is displayed.

    This command will create an administration node and register it with the remote administration server: https://secondary:8900.
    Enter admin-user-password>
  2. Enter the password for the administration server user.

    The configure-server command attempts to connect to the remote administration server by using the specified administration server host, port, user, and password.


    If the administration server is not reachable, the following error message is displayed.

    OTD-70104 Unable to communicate with the administration server:
     Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is
     up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.

    Start the administration server and run the configure-server command again.

    If this is the first time that the host on which you are creating the administration node is attempting to connect to the administration server, the server certificate of the administration server is displayed.

  3. Enter y to trust the certificate.

    The following message is displayed:

    OTD-70215 The administration node has been configured successfully.The node can be started by executing: /home/otd/instances/admin-server/bin/startserv

For more information about configure-server, see the Oracle Traffic Director Command-Line Reference or run the command with the --help option.

After you start the administration node, you can create instances of Oracle Traffic Director configurations on the administration node. Note that on each administration node, you can create only one instance of a configuration.