Oracle ATG Web Commerce Documentation
Release 2007.3

Installation and Configuration Guide  HTML | PDF
Describes how to install and run the Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform on WebLogic, JBoss, or IBM WebSphere. Includes information about server management, database configuration, session management, performance planning, and troubleshooting.

Multiple Application Integration Guide  HTML | PDF
Provides "best practice" instructions for installing, configuring, and running multiple Oracle ATG Web Commerce applications together. Intended for system administrators and those responsible for installing and configuring the applications.

Business Control Center User's Guide  HTML | PDF
Describes how to use the ATG Business Control Center's Web interface to define rules for personalizing site content. Shows how to create user segments, targeters, and content groups. Also gives general information on using the ATG Business Control Center interface. Intended for business users.

Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide  HTML | PDF
Describes how to configure the ATG Business Control Center. Includes information on creating and managing user profiles, organizations, and roles. Explains how to customize the ATG Business Control Center user interface. Intended for system administrators and developers.

Page Developer's Guide  HTML | PDF
Provides an introduction to developing JavaServer Pages on the Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform. Intended primarily for JSP developers, but should also be read by programmers who are new to the product suite.

Programming Guide  HTML | PDF
Presents a detailed description of Nucleus programming concepts for developers and other advanced users. Includes examples and reference information about developing applications with the Dynamo Application Framework.

Repository Guide  HTML | PDF
Describes the Oracle ATG Web Commerce repository API. Presents programming concepts for advanced users, including SQL repositories, LDAP repositories, secured repositories, and composite repositories. Includes examples and reference information to help programmers develop applications using the repository API.

Personalization Programming Guide  HTML | PDF
Describes programming tasks for the ATG Personalization and Scenarios modules. Includes information on setting up profile repositories, creating targeting rules and services, configuring scenario servers, and adding custom scenario events and actions.

Personalization Guide for Business Users  HTML | PDF
Designed to help business users understand and work with the ATG Personalization and Scenarios modules. Describes how to use the ATG Control Center to perform typical tasks such as segmenting site visitors, defining rules for personalizing site content, and using scenarios to create promotional campaigns.

Web Services and Integration Framework Guide  HTML | PDF
Describes Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform support for creating and calling Web services, to share data and business logic with external applications. Also describes other data integration tools in the Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform.

Quincy Funds Demo Documentation  HTML | PDF
Describes how to use the Quincy Funds demo, a financial services Web site assembled from standard Personalization and Scenarios components. Also provides sample JavaServer Pages from the demo.

Commerce Programming Guide  HTML | PDF
Describes how to install and customize Consumer Commerce and Business Commerce. Intended for programmers and site administrators.

Commerce Guide to Setting Up a Store  HTML | PDF
Describes how to use Business Commerce and Consumer Commerce to create an online store. Intended for business users and page developers.

Commerce Search Guide  HTML | PDF
Describes how to use the ATG platform with ATG Search to index and search content in product catalogs and other repositories. Includes information about Dynamic Search and Navigation, which can be used to create navigational structures for Commerce sites based on facets.

Guide to Commerce Reports  HTML | PDF
Describes the reports provided with Oracle ATG Web Commerce, which allow a merchandiser or other business user to analyze sales, promotion, and other data from the store.

Business Commerce Reference Application Guide  HTML | PDF
Introduces Motorprise, the ATG Business Commerce Reference Application. Provides details about how the site is built using Business Commerce main components and customized components.

Consumer Commerce Reference Application Guide  HTML | PDF
Introduces the Pioneer Cycling store - the ATG Consumer Commerce Reference Application. Provides details about how the site is built using ATG Consumer Commerce main components and customized components. The site is intended to be used as an example or template for your own Web site.

Merchandising User Guide  HTML | PDF
Intended for all audiences. Describes how to install and configure ATG Merchandising. Provides detailed information on all ATG Merchandising activities, including managing product catalogs; setting up promotions and pricelists; and configuring rules that determine the search results displayed to customers.

Content Administration Programming Guide  HTML | PDF
Describes how to set up and customize ATG Content Administration and its browser-based user interface, the ATG Business Control Center. Also describes how to deploy content to a production Web site. Intended for system administrators, developers, and page developers.

Content Administration Guide for Business Users  HTML | PDF
Designed to help business users understand and work with ATG Content Administration. Describes how to use the ATG Business Control Center to create and manage Web site assets. Intended for content developers and editors.

Portal Administration Guide  HTML | PDF
Describes how to install and configure ATG Portal; create, edit, and administer user communities; and construct custom portal pages for those communities.

Portal Development Guide  HTML | PDF
Presents concepts and guidelines for developing the Web applications or "gears" that will appear within pages served by ATG Portal.

API Reference  HTML
Javadoc descriptions of the Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform API classes.

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