Interface Summary |
ActivatableBean |
Interface to be implemented by beans that need to react when dynamic configuration has been set and the containing EPN is activated. |
Adapter |
Marker interface for Adapters. |
AdapterFactory |
Factory for creating Adapters. |
ApplicationIdentityAware |
Interface to be implemented by beans that wish to know the application id of the containing EPN. |
BatchRelationSender |
A BatchRelationSender send a batch of events emitted by an RelationSource to RelationSink listeners. |
BatchRelationSink |
Interface to be implemented by beans that want to receive a batch of events modeling a OCEP stream. |
BatchStreamSender |
A BatchStreamSender sends a batch of events emitted by an StreamSource to StreamSink listeners. |
BatchStreamSink |
Interface to be implemented by beans that want to receive a batch of events modeling a OCEP stream. |
BoundStatement |
Statement created through binding placeholder values for a PreparedStatement. |
DataProvider |
Provider of non-streaming data. |
DisposableBean |
Interface to be implemented by beans that want to release resources when the containing EPN is destroyed and the application undeployed. |
EventBean |
Interface needed to be implemented by beans that wish to managed by the container. |
EventBeanFactory |
Factory for creating EventBean's. |
EventBuilder |
Builder that knows how to create events of a certain event type. |
EventBuilder.Factory |
Factory for event builder. |
EventChannel |
A event channel is a conduit for events. |
EventChannelFactory |
EventMetadata |
All the metadata that is associated with an event instance. |
EventProperty |
EventPropertyDescription |
Describes a property of an event. |
EventQueue |
EventSender |
Deprecated. As of OCEP 10.3, replaced by StreamSender and RelationSender |
EventSink |
Deprecated. As of OCEP 10.3, replaced by StreamSink and RelationSink . |
EventSource |
Deprecated. As of OCEP 10.3, replaced by StreamSource and RelationSource |
EventType |
This interface provides event type metadata for events. |
EventTypeRepository |
EventTypeRepository is a repository for all of the registered event types in the Event Server. |
ExternalSource |
Externally-managed source of data that can be used to enrich the streaming events flowing from event sources. |
Factory |
Factory interfaces for all stages. |
HeartbeatAware |
Interface to be implemented by beans that want to receive heartbeat events. |
InitializingBean |
Interface to be implemented by beans that need to react once all their properties have been set by the EPN container, for example, to perform custom initialization, or merely to check that all mandatory properties have been set. |
InstanceConstants |
Predefined property names used in instance creation and advertisement |
JavaBeanEventType |
Marker interface for EventTypes that handle JavaBean-type classes. |
Key |
Manageable |
Marker interface to denote monitoring and configuration capability. |
MapEventObject |
An event may either be represented as a JavaBean or as a Map. |
MapEventType |
Marker for map-type EventTypes |
MetadataEnabledEvent |
An event that has instance metadata associated with it. |
PreparedStatement |
Statement that contains placeholders for values to be bound at runtime. |
Processor |
Processors filter, correlate, aggregate, and perform other event processing functions. |
ProcessorFactory |
Factory for creating Processors. |
RelationSender |
A RelationSender sends events emitted by an RelationSource to RelationSink listeners. |
RelationSink |
Interface to be implemented by beans that want to receive events modeling a OCEP relation. |
RelationSource |
Interface to be implemented by beans that want to emit events modeling a OCEP relation. |
ResumableBean |
Interface to be implemented by beans that need to prepare (e.g. acquire or configure resources) before resuming work. |
RunnableBean |
Interface to be implemented by beans that want to be run in a thread. |
Stage |
A Stage is a node of an Event Processing Network (EPN). |
StageConstants |
Predefined property names uses in Stage creation and advertisement |
StageFactory |
Factory interface that is implemented by all Stage creators |
StageIdentityAware |
Interface to be implemented by Stage components that wish to be aware of their identity. |
Statement |
Represent a single compiled query. |
StatementManager |
Manages compiled and prepared statements. |
Stream |
Deprecated. As of OCEP 10.3, replaced by EventChannel . |
StreamFactory |
Factory for creating Streams. |
StreamSender |
A StreamSender sends events emitted by an StreamSource to StreamSink listeners. |
StreamSink |
Interface to be implemented by beans that want to receive events modeling a OCEP stream. |
StreamSource |
Interface to be implemented by beans that want to emit events modeling a OCEP stream. |
SuspendableBean |
Interface to be implemented by beans that want to suspend resources or stop processing events when the containing EPN is suspended. |
TimestampType |
Type returned by EventType 's getPropertyType method for timestamp properties. |
TupleEventType |
Market for tuple-type EventTypes |
XMLType |
Type returned by EventType 's getPropertyType method for xml value properties. |