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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Site Studio Contributor
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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2 Getting Started With Contributor

Site Studio Contributor provides numerous options for editing the web pages of your Web site. It offers an editing environment that looks a lot like a word-processing application and provides most of the commonly used word-processing functions. You can write text, format it, add images, create tables, and much more.

The available options may vary from one web page to another, and from one Web site to another, depending on how the site designer set up the site. Working in Contributor, you might be working in one or several editing areas, each one used to add and edit bits of content. The available editing options in each area may vary as well, depending on what the site designer made available.


By default, the editor used with Site Studio Contributor is based on FCKeditor. This guide assumes the use of this default editor. Your content server administrator may have chosen to set up an alternative editor. If that is the case, your editing environment may look slightly different than shown in this guide. Also, there may be minor differences in the editing experience (for example, some editing features may not be available or work slightly differently).

This section covers the following topics:

Further information regarding specific areas of editing can be found in following sections:

2.1 Launching Contributor

The site designer can make particular areas on a Web site available to site contributors (the 'contribution regions'), so they can edit or update the content in these contribution regions. The first step to edit or update content on a web page is to open that page in contribution mode. This is done by pressing a special key combination while viewing the web page in a web browser. The default key combination is Ctrl+Shift+F5, but the site administrator may have set up a different combination. Contact your site designer or administrator if you are not sure what key combination to use to activate contribution mode.

When you press the assigned key combination, you may be prompted for your login credentials (user name and password) to connect to the content server that the Web site resides on. After you log on, the Contributor application is launched and the page is displayed in contribution mode (see "Contribution Mode"). Please note that pressing the special key combination is the only way to launch the Contributor application; you cannot launch it from the Windows desktop or the Start menu.

2.2 Contribution Mode

After you press the correct key combination (Ctrl+Shift+F5 by default), the web page is displayed in contribution mode. You see two changes in your web browser: the page now has a Contribution Mode bar at the top (Figure 2-1) with one or more options for the web page as a whole, and the page includes several contribution graphics, one for each of the contribution regions (that is, the areas on the web page that can be edited) (Figure 2-2). See "Contribution Graphic" for more information on the contribution graphic.

Figure 2-1 Contribution Mode Bar

Description of Figure 2-1 follows
Description of "Figure 2-1 Contribution Mode Bar"

Figure 2-2 Contribution Graphic

Description of Figure 2-2 follows
Description of "Figure 2-2 Contribution Graphic"

Editing the Contribution Region

To edit the selected contribution region, click its edit icon, or click the menu icon and choose the Edit option. The Contributor editor then opens in a browser popup window, and you can start editing the content in that contribution region. Please note that this browser popup window may be suppressed by popup-blocking software, so you must configure that software to allow pop-ups on your site. Also, when the Contributor editor opens, the web browser displaying the original web page becomes temporarily unavailable. You can return to the web browser when you close the Contributor editor.


The Contributor editor may show more editable data segments than are actually displayed in the contribution region being edited. This is because the current display definition for the contribution region may have been set up to use only a portion of the data file associated with it. The other information may be used elsewhere on the Web site, so editing that information may affect other pages on the site.

Once you are done editing and save the contributor data file, the Web site is automatically updated to reflect the changes.

2.3 Design Mode

Design mode is used to allow some functions of Site Studio Designer to be accessible through Contributor. Since design mode is only made available for certain, specific roles, it is not typically used or accessible by contributors.

Design mode does not allow you to edit the data file. Design mode does let the user edit, add, and delete placeholders, region templates and subtemplates, data files, and even placeholder definitions. A designer can set up a contributor to change the region template or data file, but in those cases the contributor is limited to the templates and data files determined by the designer. Those users with design mode access can select site assets without being limited in the search. It is also possible to work with the replaceable regions while in design mode.

Users in design mode cannot edit or modify site assets. Changes to the data file itself cannot be made; that is done in contribution mode. Additionally, the region templates, placeholder definitions, and other site assets themselves cannot have any of their properties changed via design mode; they can only be added, replaced or removed. Placeholders can be modified, however.

For more information on design mode, see the User's Guide for Site Studio Designer.

2.4 Contribution Graphic

With a web page in contribution mode (see "Contribution Mode"), each editable contribution region on the page has a contribution graphic (Figure 2-3).

Figure 2-3 Contribution Graphic

Contribution Graphic showing region in workflow
Description of "Figure 2-3 Contribution Graphic"

The contribution graphic shows (from left to right) the name of the contribution region, a status/edit icon, and a menu icon. If you hover your mouse cursor over a contribution graphic, its associated contribution region is marked in a yellow box. This is the content that can be edited using the selected contribution graphic.

The contribution graphic may include the following icons, depending on the status of its associated contribution region:

Icon Meaning
Item in Workflow icon
This icon means that you can change the content file assigned to the contribution region. The site designer controls what kinds of files you can assign (contributor data files, native documents, local files, files on the content server). If you click this icon, the Switch Content wizard is launched (see "Switch Content Wizard"), which enables you to switch the content file assigned to the contribution region.
Switch Content icon
This icon means that the contribution region currently has no content file assigned to it. If you click this icon, the Switch Content wizard is launched (see "Switch Content Wizard"), which enables you to assign a new or existing content file to the contribution region.
Edit Content icon
This icon means that none of the situations above apply and the contribution region can be edited. Click to start editing the file (contributor data file or native document) associated with the contribution region. See Chapter 3, "Editing Web Pages in Contributor" for more information.
Surrounding text describes icon_workflow.gif.
This icon means that the content of the contribution region is currently in a workflow. See Chapter 12, "Working With Workflows" for more information.
Surrounding text describes icon_menu.gif.
Click this icon to see a menu of context-sensitive options.

2.5 Contributor Editor Window

After you choose to edit a contribution region on a web page, the Contributor editor launches in a browser popup window (Figure 2-4), and you can start editing the content in the current contribution region. Please note that this browser popup window may be suppressed by popup-blocking software, so you must configure that software to allow pop-ups on your site. Also, when the Contributor editor opens, the web browser displaying the original web page becomes temporarily unavailable. You can return to the web browser when you close the Contributor editor.

Figure 2-4 Contributor Editor Window (FCKeditor)

Description of Figure 2-4 follows
Description of "Figure 2-4 Contributor Editor Window (FCKeditor)"

The Contributor interface is very similar to the interface of a word processing program. You can add, remove, and edit text, images, hyperlinks, and more. There is even a list option that enables you to manage simple or complex lists. The appearance and behavior of Contributor varies depending on how each contribution region and associated elements were set up by the site designer.

The main editor window contains various elements:

2.6 Contribution Toolbar

The contribution toolbar is provided at the top of the Contributor editor window (see "Contributor Editor Window"). It provides a set of functions that apply to contribution regions as a whole.

Figure 2-5 Contribution Toolbar

Contributor toolbar

Each toolbar option is described below:

Toolbar Option Description
Preview icon
Previews the content as it will appear in a web browser.
Reset icon
Removes the changes made since you last clicked the Save and Close icon.
Report icon
Opens a report that you can use to see where this data file is used on the Web site (and other sites in the content server). See Chapter 11, "Working With Site Reports" for more information.
Differences icon
Opens a browser window that shows the differences between the unsaved version of the data file you are working on and the saved one on the content server. See "Comparing Different Versions of a Web Page" for more information.
Save and Close Saves the changes made in Contributor and closes the Contributor window.
Cancel Cancels all changes made in Contributor and closes the Contributor window. If there are unsaved changes, a dialog verifying this opens before changes are canceled.

2.7 Element Editing Areas

The Contributor editor window (see "Contributor Editor Window") has one or more editing areas, one for each element in the data file associated with the current contribution region on the web page (or more specifically, its display definition) (see Figure 2-6). Please note that the Contributor editor may show more editable data elements than are actually displayed in the contribution region being edited. This is because the current display definition for the contribution region may have been set up to use only a portion of the data file associated with it. The other information may be used elsewhere on the Web site, so editing that information may affect other pages on the site.

Figure 2-6 Element Editing Area (Expanded)

Description of Figure 2-6 follows
Description of "Figure 2-6 Element Editing Area (Expanded)"

If on-demand editing has been enabled for the Web site, then a preview of the content of each element will be displayed. As you move the mouse cursor over each element, it will highlight in yellow. Each element must be clicked to begin editing.

Each editing area has the element title at the top, one or more toolbars (see "Element Toolbars"), and the content area (where you type in your text and format your document). Each separate element in the contributor data file has its own editing area. If there is a red ball in the top-right corner of an editing area (Figure 2-7), then the site designer has marked this element as required, which means that the editable contribution region must have associated content (that is, it cannot be empty).

Figure 2-7 Required Element Marker

Required Element marker

If you hover your mouse cursor over the element title, a tooltip appears which shows additional information about the element, as specified by the site designer (if available).

You can use the plus or minus symbol next to the element title to expand or collapse its editing area (Figure 2-8).

Figure 2-8 Element Editing Area (Collapsed)

Description of Figure 2-8 follows
Description of "Figure 2-8 Element Editing Area (Collapsed)"

You can also use the resize handle symbol below an editing area (Figure 2-9) and drag it to change the height of the area.

Figure 2-9 Resize Handle Symbol

Resize drag handler symbol

You can navigate and work with the contents of an editing area in much the same way as in most other text editors using the customary key combinations and mouse movements. Each editing area also has one or more toolbars (see "Element Toolbars"). In addition, you can use your right mouse button in the editing area to see a menu of context-specific options.

2.8 Element Toolbars

This section covers the following topics:

2.8.1 About Element Toolbars

Each editing area in the Contributor editor has one or more toolbars that provide several editing options for the element in that area. The site designer decides what editing options are available for each specific element type. Some element types, such as plain-text elements, may have very limited options, whereas WYSIWYG elements typically have a full set of editing features (including advanced text formatting, images, tables, hyperlinks, and the like). Many of the toolbar options are very similar to those of a word-processing application such as Microsoft Word, and are easily recognizable. You can format text and images; cut, copy, and paste content; create lists and tables; and so on.

You can use the arrows on the left of the toolbar area to expand or collapse the element toolbars (Figure 2-10 and Figure 2-11).

Figure 2-10 Element Toolbar (Expanded)

Description of Figure 2-10 follows
Description of "Figure 2-10 Element Toolbar (Expanded)"

Figure 2-11 Element Toolbar (Collapsed)

Description of Figure 2-11 follows
Description of "Figure 2-11 Element Toolbar (Collapsed)"

To use a toolbar function, place your cursor in the editing area where you would like to perform a task, such as formatting text, and then click the desired icon in the toolbar. Or, highlight the text first and then click an icon in the toolbar to format that text.

The element toolbars may offer the following functions, depending on the element type and what the site designer chose to make available:

2.8.2 Common Editing Functions

The element toolbars in the Contributor editor may offer any of the following common editing functions, depending on the element type and what the site designer chose to make available:

Toolbar Option Description
Source Shows the document source HTML code, so you can edit it directly (for advanced users).
Cut icon
Cuts the highlighted text to the clipboard.
Copy icon
Copies the highlighted text to the clipboard.
Paste icons (with or without formatting)
Pastes the data that was copied to the clipboard (with or without formatting).
Paste icon (from applications)
Pastes the data that was copied from Microsoft Word.
Print icon
Prints the current document.
Spell-check icon
Spell-checks the text in the document.
Undo and Redo icons
Undoes or redoes the most recent action taken.
Search icon
Finds a word or phrase within the document.
Search and Replace icon
Finds and replaces a word or phrase within the document.
Delete All Text icon
Selects the entire text in the document.
Remove Formatting icon
Removes all formatting from the highlighted text.
Formatting icons (bold, italic, underscore, strikethrough)
Applies bold, italic, underscore or strikethrough formatting to the highlighted text.
Superscript and Subscript icons
Applies superscript or subscript formatting to the highlighted text.
Lists icons (numbered and bulleted)
Creates numbered or bulleted lists.
Text Indentation icon
Increases or decreases the text indentation level.
Quotation icon
Formats a block of text to identify quotations (text coming from other sources).
Text Alignment icons (left, centered, right, justified)
Sets the text alignment (left, centered, right or justified).
Hyperlink icons
Creates or removes a hyperlink for the selected text.
Anchor icon
Inserts or modifies a link anchor.
Image icon
Inserts an image into the document.
Flash icon
Inserts an Adobe Flash element into the page.
Table icon
Creates a table with the specified number of columns and rows.
Horizontal Line icon
Inserts a divider line (horizontal rule).
Symbols and Special Characters icon
Inserts symbols and special characters (accented characters, trademark, currency symbol, and so on).
Style Applies a CSS formatting style to the selected text. The list of available styles is defined by the site designer. To remove the applied style, select the style name again.
Format Applies an HTML formatting tag to the selected text (for example, <H1>). The list of available formats is defined by the site designer.
Font Applies a font to the selected text.
Size Applies a font size to the selected text.
Text Color icon
Changes the color of the text.
Text Background icon
Changes the background color of the text.
Block Boundaries icon
Shows where the block elements boundaries are in the text.

2.8.3 Form Functions

The element toolbars in the Contributor editor may offer any of the following form-related functions, depending on the element type and what the site designer chose to make available:

Toolbar Option Description
New Form Block icon
Creates a form block on the page.
Checkbox icon
Inserts a check box on the page.
Radio Button icon
Inserts a radio button on the page.
Text Field icon
Inserts a text field on the page.
Multi-line Text Area icon
Inserts a multi-line text area on the page.
Selection Field icon
Inserts a selection field on the page.
Form Button icon
Inserts a form button on the page.
Form Image icon
Inserts an image into the page, which behaves much like form button used to submit forms. Do not use it to insert plain images into the document.
Hidden Field icon
Inserts a hidden field into the page.

2.8.4 Site Studio Specific Functions

The element toolbars in the Contributor editor may offer any of the following Site Studio specific functions, depending on the element type and what the site designer chose to make available.


Toolbar Option Description
Surrounding text describes icon_edit_target.gif.
Opens the data file or native document that an existing hyperlink points to in the Contributor editor, so you can modify it as needed.

Static Lists

Toolbar Option Description
Add Row icon
Adds a row to the static list.
Remove Row icon
Removes the currently selected row from the static list.
Surrounding text describes icon_statlist_edit.gif.
Launches the static list row editor (see "Static List Row Editor"), where you can edit the current row in the static list.
Move Up icon
Moves the selected row up one position in the static list.
Move Down icon
Moves the selected row down one position in the static list.

Dynamic Lists

Toolbar Option Description
New Item icon
Launches the Dynamic List wizard, which enables you to add an item to the dynamic list (see "Dynamic List Wizard (Create New)").
Surrounding text describes icon_edit_target.gif.
Opens the content item in the dynamic list in its associated application for editing (Contributor for contributor data files, Microsoft Word for .doc native documents, and so on)
Exclude Item icon
Excludes the currently selected item from the dynamic list. An excluded item is colored differently and shows 'No' in the "Included" column.
Include Item icon
Includes the currently selected item in the dynamic list.
Refresh Listing icon
Refreshes the list of items in the dynamic list.
Show Excluded Items icon
Shows all excluded items in the dynamic list in a column called "Included." The excluded items are colored differently and show 'No' in the "Included" column.
Hide Excluded Items icon
Hides all excluded items in the dynamic list.