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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Services Reference Guide for Oracle Universal Content Management
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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7 Archiving Services

This chapter describes the services available when using and customizing archives. The location for specific archive services are listed within each individual service.

This chapter covers the following topics:

7.1 About Archiving Services


The most commonly used services have more extensive descriptions.

A typical service entry is similar to the following:

FileService 34 null null null !csUnableToDownloadFile

In this example:

Each element of the service's action is separated by a colon (:).


All services have at least one required parameter. The IdcService parameter takes the name of the service as its argument. If other parameters are required, they are noted in the description of the service.

See "Customizing Services" for details about a service's attributes and actions.


Most archive services use the underlying method used by EDIT_ARCHIVEDATA and consequently require the EditItems parameter set to the appropriate value. The user interface usually controls what is put into this parameter. If necessary, the user should exercise archive services through the user interface with Filter Debug flags enabled to determine how the values should be set. By using the Filter Debug flags, the request as it is sent to the server can be captured.

7.2 Archive Services

Unless noted otherwise, all services listed here are the ArchiveService Service Class. Frequently used services are marked with an asterisk (*) in the following list.

The following services are described in this section:


Service that adds an archive to an archive collection. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or when an archive name is not unique.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • aArchiveDescription: The menu label for the Oracle Content Server instance (used on the interface). For example, Master_on_server01.


To add an archive to a master Oracle Content Server, the required parameters will be:

aArchiveDescription=this is an archive test


Service that creates a new archive collection. The most likely error is an instance menu label that is not unique.


Using duplicate IDC_Name collection names will cause data corruption. The Archiver cannot be used to move or copy data between two collections that share the same IDC_Name. To do so will corrupt the data on the target system.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection.

  • aCollectionLocation: The absolute path to the collection location. Use the slash as the file separator.

  • aVaultDir: The absolute path to the vault directory. Use the slash as the file separator.

  • aWeblayoutDir: The absolute path to the weblayout directory. Use the slash as the file separator.




Service used to add an archive collection from another server.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • psIDC_Name: The name of the provider (proxied connection).

  • IDC_Name: The name of the archive collection.


Service that cancels the current archive request.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm


Service that checks a content item revision into an archive.

Access Level: Admin (8)

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

  • This service executes one of the following subservices, based on parameters and conditional variables:

    • DELETE_BYREV: If the Action parameter is Delete and the content item revision exists in the system.

    • DELETE_BYCLASS: If the Action parameter is Delete and the content item revision does not exist in the system.

    • CHECKIN_NEW_SUB: If the content item does not exist in the system, the Action parameter is not Delete, and the conditional variable IsPublish is set to true.

    • INSERT_NEW: If the content item does not exist in the system, the Action parameter is not Delete, and the conditional variable IsPublish is set to false or not specified.

    • UPDATE_DOCINFO_BYREV: If the Action parameter is not Delete and the primaryFile parameter is not empty. Additionally, the conditional variable IsPublish must be true or the content item revision must exist in the system.

    • UPDATE_BYREV: If the Action parameter is not Delete and the primaryFile parameter is empty. Additionally, the conditional variable IsPublish must be true or the content item revision must exist in the system.


      The IsPublish variable is set by the server when a workflow or project is unregistered. This value cannot be set as a parameter or as a configuration entry in this service.

  • If the IsNative parameter is true, the service executes one of the following subservices:

    • DELETE_BYREV: If the content item exists in the Revisions table and action parameter is Delete.

    • UPDATE_BYREV: If the content item exists in the Revisions table, the content has not been deleted, and the action parameter is Update.

    • INSERT_NATIVE: If the content item does not exist in the server and the action parameter is not Delete.

  • If a content item already exists in the system and has not been deleted, the server cannot update or insert the entry; an error will be thrown.

  • The most likely error is when the content item name is not unique or when the service is unable to check in the specified file.

  • A primary file is required. If you do not want to check in a primary file and want to check in only metadata, an additional parameter must be included and a configuration entry added in the Oracle Content Server.

  • Required additional parameter (metadata checkin):

  • Required Oracle Content Server configuration entry (metadata checkin):


Additional Required Service Parameters

  • Action: Must be set to a value as specified earlier.

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.

    • If Content ID auto generation is enabled, this parameter is not required. If dDocName is defined, it will override the auto generated Content ID.

    • The Content ID cannot contain spaces or invalid characters ;/ \?:@&=+"#%<>*~|[ ].

  • dDocAuthor: The content item author (contributor).

  • dDocTitle: The content item title.

  • dSecurityGroup: The security group such as Public or Secure.

  • dDocAccount: The account for the content item. Required only if accounts are enabled.

  • primaryFile: The absolute path to the location of the file as seen from the server. Use the slash as the file separator.

    A primary file must be specified unless checking in metadata only. If an alternate file is specified with the primary file, the content refinery will convert the alternate file. Otherwise, the primary file will be converted.

    • If a primary file is not specified, you can use a metafile in its place. Only one metafile can exist though for each content item (a primary AND alternate meta file cannot coexist).

    • If both a primary and alternate file is specified, their extensions must be different.

    • doFileCopy: 1 (true): The file will not be deleted from the hard drive after checkin. 0 (false): The file will be removed from your hard drive after checkin.

  • Required custom fields: Custom metadata fields that are required must also be specified.

Optional Service Parameters

  • alternateFile: The alternate file for conversion.

    • Only one metafile can exist though for each content item (a primary AND alternate meta file cannot coexist.)

    • If an alternate file is specified with the primary file, the content refinery will convert the alternate file. Otherwise, the primary file will be converted.

  • dCreateDate: The date the content item was created. By default, this is the current date.

  • dRevLabel: The revision label for the content item. If set, the label will be used to locate the specified revision.

  • doDocSecurityCheck: Enables the document security check. By default this entry is false.

  • dPublishState: The publish state. If the content item exists in the system, this parameter must be empty.

  • dReleaseState: The release state (used to indicate the Web state of the revision).

  • IsNative: This is a configuration entry but can be specified as a parameter.

    • If the IsNative parameter is true and the content item exists in the system, the specified Content ID (dDocName) must coincide with the content name in the database. Otherwise, the command is not native and the service will be determined as if the IsNative parameter is false.

    • If the IsNative parameter is true and the Action parameter is Delete, the content item must exist in the system. Otherwise, the command is not native and the service will be determined as if the IsNative parameter is false.

  • webViewableFile: If the content is marked as Web-viewable the file format is determined by the parameter webViewableFile:format and the extension is determined by the parameter dWebExtension. Otherwise, the extension and file format are determined by the parameters dExtension and dFormat, respectively. The user can override the file format and extension by overriding these parameters.

  • Optional custom fields: Custom metadata fields that are not required can also be specified.


  • Local Data:

    • Action

    • dRevClassID

    • dRevisionID,

    • dRendition2

    • dRendition1

    • dDocAuthor

    • DocExists

    • isCheckin

    • StatusMessage

    • primaryFile

    • dStatus

    • dRevLabel

    • dWorkflowState

    • dDocTitle

    • StatusCode

    • dpEvent

    • isNew

    • dUser

    • isEditMode

    • dDocName

Used By

  • Applets: Batch Loader


dDocTitle=new content


Service that copies an archive into a collection.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IdcService: Must be set to COPY_ARCHIVE.

  • InstanceMenuLabel: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.




Service that deletes an existing archive from a collection. The most likely error is when the specified archive does not exist on the system.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IdcService: Must be set to DELETE_ARCHIVE.

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.




Service that deletes a batch file from an archive.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • aBatchFile: The batch file subdirectory and HDA file name.




Service used during batch file editing. It is available when using the Archiver/General/View Batch Files/Edit dialog. Using this dialog, a user can delete selected entries in a batch file.

When the user finishes editing and clicks OK, the changes are sent to the server. The delete actions performed during the dialog operation are handled by this service.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • aBatchFile: The batch file subdirectory and HDA file name.

  • DeletedRows: A resultset which contains the items to delete.




Service similar to DELETE_BATCH_FILE_DOCUMENTS except it is used on exported table data.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.


Service used to change the description of an archive after it has been created. To access the description, double click the archive in the archive list.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.




Service used to edit the data as specified in the EditItems parameter.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm


Most archive services use the underlying method used by EDIT_ARCHIVEDATA and consequently require the EditItems parameter set to the appropriate value. The user interface usually controls what is put into this parameter. If necessary, the user should exercise these services through the user interface with Filter Debug flags enabled to determine how the values should be set. By using the Filter Debug flags, the request as it is sent to the server can be captured.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • EditItems: A comma-delimited list of keys that are used to define the archive. Any key used must also be specified as a parameter. For example, if EditItems=aValueMaps, then aValueMaps is a required parameter to this service.

  • KeyValue: Value for key in the EditItem parameter.

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.




Service that edits the archive data for the specified archive. If specified, it registers or unregisters the archive.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • EditItems: The only values accepted are aIsAutomatedExport and aRegisteredExporters.

By setting EditItems, these parameters are also required:

  • aIsAutomatedExport

  • aRegisteredExporters


Service used to edit transfer options for an archive process.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.


Service that executes a batch operation for an archive.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • aBatchFile: The path and name of the batch file to be executed.


Service that exports an archive.

  • The export will read in the archive's definition file and will follow the export rules specified. This includes specifying the export query, whether users or document configuration information should be exported (or both), and whether previous batch files should be deleted.

  • The Oracle Content Server executes this service asynchronously. The server must be running for the services to be even executed and that IdcCommand will exit announcing success, when actually all it has done is told the server to perform the action.


    The EXPORT_ARCHIVE service only starts the archive export and provides confirmation that the request to start the export has been made. No notification is sent regarding the status or completion of the archive export. A custom component could be created to provide notification of the status and completion of the archive export.

  • The Oracle Content Server can only export archives one at a time. A batch file that has multiple exports will declare success on the first and failure on all subsequent commands until it has finished the first. A batch file should have only one export in it, and some external process will need to determine that the action has completed before issuing another export command.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • dataSource: Must be set to RevisionIDs. This is the query stub which, along with the export query, will be used to create the list of revisions to export.

Optional Service Parameters

  • aDoDelete:

    • 1 (true): Revisions are deleted after successful export.

    • 0 (false): Revisions are not deleted after export.


  • IdcCommand command file format (exports the archive archive_test in the collection Master_on_server01):

    # To export an archive
  • HDA format with optional parameter:

    @Properties LocalData


Service that returns a list of all archive collections.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm


Service used to preview the table data to be exported. It is used in the Archiver/Export Data/Table/Preview dialog.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • resultName: The result set name for the table content.


Service that returns a specific rendition of an archived content item revision from an archive.

Given a dID or a dDocName and RevisionSelectionMethod parameter, the service determines the file name of a particular rendition of the revision and returns that file to the client.

The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or a request for a revision or rendition that does not exist.


It is recommended that dDocName be included in all requests for content items where the requester knows the dDocName. Error messages in the Oracle Content Server assume that it is present, as do other features such as forms.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters


Either the content item revision ID (dID) must be specified or a Content ID (dDocName) along with a RevisionSelectionMethod parameter must be defined.

Optional Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.

    • If dID is not specified, dDocName and RevisionSelectionMethod must specified.

    • A rendition of the revision of the content item with this ID will be returned, if it exists, and the RevisionSelectionMethod parameter does not exist or has the value Specific.

  • dDocName: The content item identifier (Content ID).

    • If dDocName is not present, dID must be present and RevisionSelectionMethod must not be present.

    • If RevisionSelectionMethod is present, a rendition of a revision of the content item with this name will be returned, if it exists. If RevisionSelectionMethod is not present, dDocName will be used in error messages.

    • RevisionSelectionMethod: The revision selection method.

    • If present, dDocName must be present. The value of this variable is the method used to compute a dID from the specified dDocName. Its value can be Specific, Latest, or LatestReleased.

    • If the value is Specific, the dDocName is ignored, and dID is required and is used to get a rendition. If the value is Latest, the latest revision of the content item is used to compute the dID. If the value is LatestReleased, the latest released revision of the content item is used to compute the dID.

  • Rendition: The content item rendition. This parameter specifies the rendition of the content item and can be set to Primary, Web, or Alternate. If Rendition is not present, it defaults to Primary.

    • If the value is Primary, the primary rendition of the selected revision is returned.

    • If the value is Web, the Web-viewable rendition of the selected revision is returned.

    • If the value is Alternate, the alternate rendition of the selected revision is returned.




Service that returns a list of all archives in a collection.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.




Service used to query for the established relationships between exported tables. All parameters are provided by the user interface and come from the definition of the archive. Depending on the archive export definition, this service must be called before GET_ARCHIVETABLECONTENT.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm


Service that returns all batch file content items.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • aBatchFile: The batch file subdirectory and HDA file name.




Service that returns the properties of the specified batchfile.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • aBatchFile: The batch file subdirectory and HDA file name.


Service that returns the batch schema. Schema information describes the classes of objects that are stored in the database.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • aBatchFile: The batch file subdirectory and HDA file name.




Service that returns the metadata field values for the batch.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • aBatchFile: The batch file subdirectory and HDA file name.




Service that returns batch files for a specified archive.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.




Service that returns a list of all archive collections on a proxied Oracle Content Server.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • psIDC_Name: The name of the proxied Oracle Content Server.




Service that returns a list of outgoing providers.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm


Service that returns replication data. The most likely error is an incorrect archive location.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.




Service that retrieves the column information about specified tables. It returns the name, type, and length of the columns. In order to execute this service, the caller must have ADMIN rights.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • tableName: A list of comma-delimited table names.


Service that performs a status check of a target. It does an initial status check to determine if the target is still targetable and if it exists.

This service is not intended for external use.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • TargetCollection: The name of the collection to be targeted.

  • TargetArchive: The name of the archive within the target collection.

  • aTransferOwner: The name of the user who is initiating the transfer.


Service used during transfer to determine transfer status. The TransferMonitor uses it to determine if the transfer has completed or is still in progress.

Not intended for external use.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm


Service that is used during a pull transfer to establish the work that must be performed. Used when the source Archiver for the transfer resides on a proxied server and the transfer owner must determine what work, if any, must be done.

Not intended for external use.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • SourceArchive: The archive used as source for the target.

  • aTransferOwner: The name of the user who is initiating the transfer.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.


Service that imports an archive.

  • The import will read in the archive's definition file and will follow the import rules specified.

  • The Oracle Content Server executes this service asynchronously. The Oracle Content Server must be running for the service to be executed and that IdcCommand will announce success as soon as the service has been requested, not when it has been executed successfully.


    The IMPORT_ARCHIVE service only starts the archive import and provides confirmation that the request to start the import has been made. No notification is sent regarding the status or completion of the archive import. A custom component could be created to provide notification of the status and completion of the archive import.

  • The server can only import archives one at a time. A batch file that has multiple imports will declare success on the first and failure on all subsequent commands until it has finished the first. A batch file should have only one import in it and some external process will need to determine that the action has completed before issuing another import command.

  • The most likely error is an archive name that does not exist.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.


    At least one of theAdditional Service Parameters must be set for this service to execute successfully.

Additional Service Parameters

  • aImportDocuments: When set to true, the service will import content item revisions.

  • aImportDocConfig: When set to true, the service will import document configuration information.

  • aImportUsers: When set to true, the service will import user information.


    If the users have not been exported and aImportUsers is set to true, the service fails. If the document configuration has not been exported and this parameter is set to true, the service fails.


  • IdcCommand command file format (import the revisions in the archive_test archive from the Master_on_server01 collection):

    # To import an archive
  • HDA format:

    @Properties LocalData


Service that registers a queued archive for import.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.


Service that imports the content items in the specified batch files, as selected from the View Batch File dialog, into the Oracle Content Server.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.


Service that imports a specified document, usually selected from the View Batch File dialog, into the Oracle Content Server.

The most likely error is a content item name that does not exist.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.




Service used to add entries to a table in an archive. This service is equivalent to IMPORT_DOCUMENT. It works on exported table items instead of exported content items. It is accessible from the View Batch File dialog and is used to import the specified table item.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • aBatchFile: The path and name of the batch file where the table is stored.


Subservice used by the Archiver to recover IDs created during INSERT_NEW. This service does not generate new IDs. It reuses the IDs stored during the export. This subservice is only used when the administrator is archiving back into the original system that created the export. The Archiver uses INSERT_NATIVE when the exporter and importer have the same instance name (IDC_name) and the system is trying to recover the content item completely.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

To disallow the check in of empty files, set the following: ValidatePrimaryFileNotEmpty=1


Subservice used during a CHECKIN_ARCHIVE when the system has discovered no prior item with the specified dDocName. This subservice is used during a batch load and during an archive import operation. It adds a new content item into the system and creates new IDs (such as dID, dRevClassID) for it.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

To disallow the check in of empty files, set the following: ValidatePrimaryFileNotEmpty=1


Service that registers or unregisters the importer for an archive. The most likely errors are mismatched parameters or an incorrect instance menu label or archive name.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • EditItems: Must be set to aRegisteredImporter,aImportLogonUser.

  • IsRegister: Defines the registration setting:

    • 1 (true): Register Self

    • 0 (false): Unregister


Self register the Oracle Content Server as importer:



Service that removes an archive collection. You cannot remove the default archive collection.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection.




Service that removes an exporter from an archive. The most likely error is an incorrect archive location.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • IDC_Name: The name of the exporter.

  • Example



Service that removes an importer from an archive. The most likely error is an incorrect archive location.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the importer. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.




Service that is called when removing the transfer settings for an archive but the Oracle Content Server performing the activity is not the Oracle Content Server that owns the archive (that is, the transfer is being proxied). To remove or stop the transfer, the request must be submitted to this proxied server.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • aArchiveLocation: Location of the archive.

  • IDC_Name: The name of the owner of the transfer.


Service that allows a user to delete a queued import. It is used from the Automation dialog, accessible by clicking Archiver Options then View Automation then Queued Automated Imports.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the importer. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.


Service that allows a user to delete or stop an automated transfer. It is used from the Automation dialog, accessible by clicking Archiver Options then View Automation.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • aArchiveLocation: Location of the archive.

  • IDC_Name: The name of the importer. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.


Service that initiates a transfer request.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • IDC_Name: The name of the exporter. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.


Service that initiates a specified manual transfer.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • aArchiveName: The archive name.

  • IDC_Name: The name of the exporter. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.


Service that updates the amount of work the archiver has completed in the archive definition file. This service is not intended for external use. It is part of the Transfer engine that is responsible for monitoring the automated transfer and updating the data on completion of any manual or automated transfers.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm


Service used by the TransferMonitor to send update information about the progress of the transfer. Not intended for use by client applications.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm


Service used to upload the export batch file to the target. This service is not extended for external use and is part of the service that make up the Transfer engine of the Archiver.

Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • IDC_Name: The name of the collection. If you are using the default collection, this is the name of the Oracle Content Server instance.

  • TargetCollection: The name of the collection to be targeted.

  • TargetArchive: The name of the archive within the target collection.

  • SourceCollection: The name of the collection used for the transfer.

  • SourceArchive: The archive used as source for the target.

  • aBatchFile: The name of the batch file used in the transfer.

  • ZipFile:path: The path name to the zip file of the transfer to be uploaded.