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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle IRM Desktop
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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2.5 Silent and Unattended Installations

Silent and unattended installations are intended to be made by IT specialists with full administrator rights for all the client computers.

This section contains the following topics:

2.5.1 About Silent and Unattended Installations

The Oracle IRM Desktop installation package is a self-extracting executable that contains an MSI installer. If you are the network administrator for many Oracle IRM Desktop users, you can use the installer to manage silent installations and preconfigure settings.

You can either pass arguments to the self-extracting executable, or run it once to extract the MSI installer and then use msiexec.exe to pass arguments directly to it. However, if using GPO (Group Policy Object) then the standard way to set parameters is to use Orca from the Windows SDK to create MST files that set the required arguments, then to apply that transform and the MSI together in GPO.

The following example shows how to pass arguments directly to an extracted MSI installer:

msiexec /i "OracleIRMDesktop_en.msi" /qn EMAIL_OUTLOOK_ACTIVATED=1

The following shows how to achieve the same effect by passing arguments to the self-extracting executable:

"OracleIRMDesktop_en.exe" /v' /qn EMAIL_OUTLOOK_ACTIVATED=1'

The /v argument signifies the arguments enclosed by the single quotes are to be passed to the MSI installer within the executable.

Most of the configurable settings relate to the functional subcomponents of Oracle IRM Desktop:

  • Oracle IRM Desktop - controls access to sealed documents

  • Desktop sealing - integrates sealing options into Windows Explorer

  • Synchronization manager - automates rights synchronization

  • Search integration - integrates with search facilities

  • Email integration - integrates with popular email applications such as Microsoft Outlook

After installation, the above settings are accessible by right-clicking the Oracle IRM icon in the Windows notification area (tooltray) and selecting Options.

There are also configurable settings for:

  • authentication

  • legacy server authentication types

  • clean-up of local data

The following sections provide information about the configurable settings. All components have valid defaults that enable a user to open and work with sealed documents, subject to their rights, immediately after installation. Configuration of settings during installation is optional.

2.5.2 Oracle IRM Desktop Settings

The Oracle IRM Desktop settings that you can preconfigure are as follows:

Property and description UI Option Values Default

Determines whether the integration with Microsoft Office is enabled.

Enable Microsoft Office support 0 = disabled

1 = enabled


Determines whether the Oracle IRM notification icon is shown.

Display in system tray 0 = hide

1= show


Determines whether the Oracle IRM information bar is displayed within Microsoft Office for sealed documents.

Display Sealed Office information bar 0 = hide

1 = show


These options relate to settings that appear on the Oracle IRM Desktop tab of the Oracle IRM Desktop Options dialog.

2.5.3 Desktop Sealing Settings

The Desktop sealing settings that you can preconfigure are as follows:

Property and description UI option Values Default

Determines whether the sealing of content through Oracle IRM Desktop is enabled.

Enable Desktop Sealing 0 = disabled

1 = enabled


Sets the maximum number of recently used contexts displayed in Seal To menus in Windows Explorer.

Recently Used Context List integer 5

Determines whether the original unsealed files are deleted after sealed versions of them are created, or whether the original unsealed files are moved to the recycle bin, and whether the user is prompted before these actions.

Delete original file(s) after sealing 0 = No deletion

1 = Original files moved to recycle bin, with confirmation

2 = Original files permanently deleted, with confirmation

3 = Original files moved to recycle bin, with no confirmation

4 = Original files permanently deleted, with no confirmation


These settings relate to options on the Desktop Sealing tab of the Oracle IRM Desktop Options dialog.

2.5.4 Synchronization Manager Settings

The synchronization manager settings that you can preconfigure are as follows.

Property and description Values Default

Determines a set of servers to which Oracle IRM Desktop will be initially synchronized, as shown in the list of synchronized servers. The set of servers has to be encoded into a compound string in the form:


For example, to add the following servers:



the string to pass in the SYNCINITIALSERVERS property is:


where the value 1 means that synchronization for the server is enabled and the value 0 means that synchronization for the server is disabled.


Determines a set of servers that are locked from user modification. If a locked server appears in the list of synchronized servers, the user cannot disable synchronization for that server, nor remove it from the list of synchronized servers.

The presence of a server in this set does not add it to the list of synchronized servers. Locked servers will appear in the list of synchronized servers only because they have been added through the SYNCINITIALSERVERS property or because a user has added it.

For example, to lock the following servers:


the string to pass in the SYNCLOCKEDSERVERS property is:


where the value 1 means the server is locked. A value of 0 would mean that the server is unlocked, but this has the same effect as simply not listing the server.


These settings relate to the server list on the Synchronization tab of the Oracle IRM Desktop Options dialog.

Property and description UI option Values Default

Determines the level of logging of synchronization messages to the Windows event log. The messages are categorized as low-level, standard, and detailed.

Synchronization Messages 0 = no messages

1 = success notifications

2 = error notifications only; no success notifications

3 =

7 =


These settings relate to the checkboxes on the Synchronization Log Configuration dialog.

2.5.5 Search Settings

The search settings that you can preconfigure are as follows:

Property and description UI option Values Default

Determines whether searching of sealed documents is enabled.

Enable Search 0 = disabled

1 = enabled


Determines whether search errors are reported in the Windows event log.

Search Error Messages 0 = do not report

1 = report


Determines whether search warnings are reported in the Windows event log.

Search Warning Messages 0 = do not report

1 = report


Determines whether search information is reported in the Windows event log.

Search Information Messages 0 = do not report

1 = report


These settings relate to the option on the Search tab of the Oracle IRM Desktop Options dialog, and to the checkboxes on the Search Log Configuration dialog.

2.5.6 Email Settings

The email settings that you can preconfigure are as follows:

Property and description UI option Values Default

Determines whether the sealed email integration is activated within Microsoft Outlook.

Microsoft Outlook 0 = deactivated

1 = activated


Determines whether the sealed email integration is activated within Lotus Notes.

Lotus Notes 0 = deactivated

1 = activated


Determines whether a Microsoft Word template file should be used when sending sealed emails.

Use Custom Template 0 = do not use custom template

1 = use custom template


Specifies the Microsoft Word template file to use when sending sealed emails. The file could contain watermarking that you want added to every sealed email you send.

Specify the Word template file.... path and filename none

Specifies the RTF or HTML file that contains the unsealed body text of sealed emails.

Template Body File path and filename none

Determines the type of the unsealed body text of sealed emails.

Unsealed Email Body 0 = blank

1 = plain text

2 = RTF or HTML file


Specifies the unsealed body text of sealed emails.

Specify Text string none

Determines the format that sealed emails will be sent as.

Seal Format 0 = Microsoft Word

1 = RTF

2 = Plain Text


These settings relate to options on the Email tab of the Oracle IRM Desktop Options dialog, and on the Sealed Email Options dialog you can access by clicking the Settings button on the Email tab.

2.5.7 Authentication Settings

The authentication settings that you can preconfigure are as follows:

Property and description UI Option Values Default

Determines whether users can cache their authentication credentials. If caching is not allowed, users will have to enter their username and password whenever foreground synchronization to the Oracle IRM Server is required.

None 0 = allow caching option

1 = disable caching option


Suppresses the dialog that allows users to read a server's policy on handling personal data. Normally, this dialog appears before first contact with any new server, and a user must accept the policy before using Oracle IRM. This dialog should only be suppressed at sites which have a known, fixed list of Oracle IRM Servers, and where the users have been informed of the privacy policy by other means.

None 0 = show dialog normally

1 = never show dialog


2.5.8 Legacy Setting

The term "Legacy" refers to earlier releases of Oracle IRM Server, specifically 10g. The legacy setting that you can preconfigure is as follows:

Property and description UI option Values Default

Determines whether the drop-down menu for authentication types is shown.

Synchronization Messages 0 = do not show

1 = show


This setting relates to the authentication dialog that is shown for legacy servers.

2.5.9 Local Data Clean-Up Setting

This setting is read both on install and uninstall.

The local data clean-up setting that you can preconfigure is as follows:

Property and description UI option Values Default

Determines whether a local data clean-up is performed and, if so, whether it is a safe clean or a full clean.

A safe clean:

  • deletes HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Oracle\IRM

  • moves C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Oracle\IRM folder (on Windows XP) or C:\Users\<user>\AppData\LocalLow\Oracle\IRM (on Windows Vista) to the recycle bin for all users

  • moves C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Oracle\IRM (on Windows XP) or C:\ProgramData\Oracle\IRM (on Windows Vista) to the recycle bin

A full clean performs all the operations of a safe clean, plus the following:

  • deletes HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oracle\IRM\StoreSecurity (the machine key)

None 0 = no action

1 = safe clean

2 = full clean


2.5.10 Oracle IRM Background Process Startup Setting

The Oracle IRM background process startup setting that you can preconfigure is as follows:

Property and description UI option Values Default

Determines whether IrmBackground.exe starts automatically at the end of the installation.

If set to 1, IrmBackground.exe automatically starts for the logged in user at the end of the installation.

If set to 0, IrmBackground.exe will start on login, so it is advisable to reboot the machine to make this happen.

None 0 = do not start

1 = automatically start


2.5.11 Extracting the MSI File from the Self-Extracting Executable

If you prefer to use the MSI file directly, you can extract it as follows:

  1. On a test box, run the Oracle IRM Desktop installation executable, but click Cancel on the first installation screen.

    Runing the executable extracts the MSI file to a subfolder of the current user's temporary area. For example:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Fred\local settings\temp\Oracle-IRM-Installer-NNN

    where NNN is a number. This is a subfolder of the folder defined by the %TEMP% environment variable.

    The equivalent location in Windows Vista and Windows 7 is:


  2. Navigate to that folder and take a copy of the MSI file.

You can now use the MSI file for your corporate roll-out.