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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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3 Using Adapters

This chapter describes how to work with and manage the adapters you have created to connect with external resources. It contains these sections:

3.1 Working with Rule Generator Adapters

This section explains how to work with rule generator adapters, and contains these topics:

3.1.1 Mapping Rule Generator Adapter Variables

In Chapter 2, "Developing Adapters", you learned how to create a rule generator. Now, you must map the adapter variables of the rule generator to their proper locations to ensure that the adapter will function as intended.

To map these adapter variables, access the Data Object Manager form from the Development Tools/Business Rule Definition folder of the Design Console.

To map the adapter variables of a rule generator to their proper locations:

  1. Open the Data Object Manager form. In the Design Console workshops, the Data Object Manager form is displayed.

    The following table lists and describes the various regions of the Data Object Manager form:

    Name Description
    Form Description Field From this lookup field, select the form that contains the field to which you are attaching the rule generator.
    Data Object Field This field displays the name of the data object, which is represented by the selected form.
    Attach Handlers Tab This tab displays:
    • The rule generators that are attached to the selected form.

    • The execution schedule of the rule generators associated with this form.

    • The order in which Oracle Identity Manager will run the rule generators.

    • Insert, update, and delete permissions for roles.

    Map Adapters Tab This tab displays:
    • The names of the rule generators that are associated with the form;

    • The status of these adapters.

    • The names, descriptions, and mapping statuses of the rule generators' adapter variables.

    Note: The Map Adapters tab is grayed out until an adapter is assigned to the current data object.

  2. Double-click the Form Description field. A Lookup dialog box appears with the forms to which you can attach rule generators.

  3. Select the form you want (for example, Solaris). Then, click OK.

  4. On the toolbar, click Save.

    The selected form, the form's data object, and the rule generator adapters associated with the form appear. In addition, Oracle Identity Manager enables the Map Adapters tab.

    For this example, the Solaris form has been selected. Its data object Thor.CarrierBase.tcUD_SOLARIS appears, along with the four rule generator adapters associated with it (adpCONVERTTOLOWERCASE, adpSOLARISHMDSTRINGGEN, adpSETSOLARISASSET, and adpSETPASSWORDFROMMAIN). Oracle Identity Manager will trigger these four rule generators on preinsert.

    Based on the sequence numbers of these adapters, Oracle Identity Manager will trigger the adpCONVERTTOLOWERCASE adapter first, followed by the adpSOLARISHMDSTRINGGEN, adpSETSOLARISASSET, and adpSETPASSWORDFROMMAIN adapters respectively.


    To change the sequence of triggering a rule generator:
    1. Click Assign. The Event Handlers dialog box is displayed.

    2. Select the rule generator from.

    3. Click the up arrow and down arrow buttons to modify the order of the rule generator.

    For these rule generators to work properly, you must map the adapter variables to their proper locations.

  5. Click the Map Adapters tab.

  6. From the Name combo box, select the rule generator, which has adapter variables that can be mapped (for example, the adpCONVERTTOLOWERCASE rule generator).

    The Map Adapters tab now displays the following:

    • The name of the rule generator that is to be attached to the form.

    • The status of the rule generator.

    • The names, descriptions, and mapping statuses of the rule generator's adapter variables.

    See Also:

    "Attaching Process Task Adapters to Process Tasks" for information about various mapping statuses for an adapter

  7. Set the mappings for each variable that appears in the Adapter Variables region of the Map Adapters tab. To do so, double-click the row header of the variable you want to map (for example, Data). The Data Mapping for Variable dialog box is displayed.

    Table 3-1 describes the various fields of the Data Mapping for Variable dialog box.

    Table 3-1 Fields of the Data Mapping for Variable Dialog Box

    Field Name Description

    Variable Name

    This field displays the name of the adapter variable for which you are setting a mapping (for example, Data).

    Data Type

    This field shows the data type of the adapter variable (for example, String is the data type for the Data adapter variable).

    Map To

    This field contains the source and target locations of the mappings you can set for the adapter variable (for example, User Definition).

    When you map the adapter variable to a location or a contact, Oracle Identity Manager enables the adjacent combo box. From this combo box, select the specific type of location or contact to which you are mapping the adapter variable.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a location or contact, this combo box is grayed out.


    This field contains the qualifiers for the mapping you selected in the Map To combo box (for example, User Login).

    IT Asset Type

    This field enables you to select a specific IT Resource (for example, Solaris) when you map an adapter variable to an IT Resource, and this variable's data type is String.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to an IT Resource, or the variable's data type is not String, this field does not appear.

    IT Asset Property

    This field enables you to select a specific field that will receive the results of the mapping (for example, User Name), when you map an adapter variable to an IT Resource, and this variable's data type is String.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to an IT Resource, or the variable's data type is not String, this field does not appear.

    Important: The IT Asset Type and IT Asset Property fields are included within this window for backward compatibility. The preferred way is to create an adapter variable with a data type of IT Resource, in which case these fields will not appear.

    Literal Value

    When you map the adapter variable to a literal, type the name of the specific literal in this field (for example, IBM).

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a literal, this field does not appear.

    Complete the Map To, Qualifier, IT Asset Type, IT Asset Property, and Literal Value fields.

    See Also:

    "Adapter Mapping Information" for more information about the mappings to select

  8. Click Save. Then, click Close

    The Data Mapping for Variable window disappears. The Map Adapters tab is active again.

  9. On the main screen toolbar, click Save.

Repeat Steps 7 and 8 for all adapter variables that can be mapped.

The contents in the Status field change from Mapping Incomplete to Ready. In addition, the mapping statuses for the adapter variables change from No (N) to Yes (Y).

This signifies that all the adapter variables for the rule generator adapter have been mapped correctly. You are now ready to attach this rule generator to a provisioning process, so it can be triggered after the process is provisioned to a target user or organization.


When you map all the adapter variables for a rule generator that is associated with a form, a quick way to see the form to which it is attached as well as the execution schedule of the rule generator, is by accessing the Usage Lookup tab of the Adapter Factory form.

After the rule generator is assigned to a process, and the process is provisioned, the rule generator will be executed by Oracle Identity Manager.

3.1.2 Associating Rule Generators with Processes

After you map the adapter variables of a rule generator to their proper locations, you must attach it to a provisioning process. Then, once the process is provisioned to a target user or organization, Oracle Identity Manager will trigger the associated rule generator.

Similarly, when a rule generator, which has been assigned to a provisioning process, is no longer needed for the process to be completed, you must remove the rule generator from the provisioning process.

To assign a rule generator to a provisioning process or remove a rule generator from a provisioning process, access the Event Handlers/Adapters tab in the Process Definition form. This form can be found in the Process Management folder.

3.1.3 Removing Rule Generators from Form Fields

Sometimes, after you attach a rule generator to a form field, you can connect a different rule generator to that form field. When this occurs, you must first remove the rule generator that is currently attached to the form field.


If you remove a rule generator from a form and if the class name of the form's data object matches the table name of a provisioning process, you will not be able to assign the rule generator to that provisioning process.

For example, suppose the adpCONVERTTOLOWERCASE rule generator is removed from the Solaris form. If the class name of the form's associated data object is UD_SOLARIS, the rule generator cannot be assigned to any provisioning process with a table name of UD_SOLARIS.

To remove a rule generator from a form field, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Data Object Manager form.

  2. Select the form that contains a rule generator you want to remove.

  3. The selected form, along with its rule generators, appear in the Data Object Manager form.

  4. Click the rule generator that you want to remove from the form field.

  5. Click Delete.

The selected rule generator no longer appears in the Data Object Manager form. This indicates that you have removed the rule generator from the form field.


If you attempt to remove a rule generator from a form field, and if an error box appears, the adapter has already been associated with a provisioning process. First, detach the rule generator from the process. Then, you can remove it from the form field.

3.2 Working with Entity Adapters

For information about working with entity adapters, see:

3.3 Working with Task Assignment Adapters

This section contains these topics:

3.3.1 Attaching Task Assignment Adapters to Process Tasks

In Chapter 2, "Developing Adapters" , you learned how to create a task assignment adapter. Once created, you must attach it to a process task so that Oracle Identity Manager can automate the assignment of the task to a user or role.

To connect a task assignment adapter to a process task, access the Assignment tab (from the Process Definition form). From this tab, you can also map any adapter variables to their proper locations.

The following procedure shows you how to attach a task assignment adapter to a process task.

  1. Open the Process Definition form, which is located in the Process Management folder.

    Within the Oracle Identity Manager workspace, the Process Definition form appears.

  2. Select the process, which contains a task to which you want to attach an adapter.

    The selected process, along with its tasks, appears in the Process Definition form.

  3. Double-click the row header of the task to which you want to attach a task assignment adapter.

    The Editing Task window appears, containing information about the task (for example, the Get Solaris UUID process task).

  4. Click the Assignment tab. The Assignment dialog box is displayed.

  5. From this tab, click Add.

    A blank row appears within the Assignment tab.

    The following table lists the relevant fields of the Assignment tab:

    Field Name Description
    Priority From this field, set the priority number for the associated task assignment rule.
    Rule From this lookup field, select the rule that will determine if the associated adapter will be used to automate the assignment of the process task to a user or role.
    Target Type From this lookup field, specify whether the task is to be assigned to an Oracle Identity Manager user or role.
    Adapter From this lookup field, select the adapter that is to be associated with the designated task assignment rule.
    Adapter Status This field displays the mapping status of the adapter's variables.

    See "Attaching Process Task Adapters to Process Tasks" for information about the various mapping statuses for an adapter.

  6. Double-click the Priority field. From this field, set the priority number for the associated task assignment rule.

  7. Double-click the Rule lookup field. From the Lookup dialog box that is displayed, select the rule that will determine if the associated adapter will be used to automate the assignment of the process task to a user or role.

  8. Double-click the Target Type lookup field. From the Lookup dialog box that is displayed, specify whether the task is to be assigned to an Oracle Identity Manager user or role.

  9. Double-click the Adapter lookup field. From the Lookup dialog box that is displayed, specify the task assignment adapter that is to be associated with the rule you selected in Step 7 of this procedure.

  10. On the toolbar that is displayed within the Assignment tab, click Save.

    The mapping status of the task assignment adapter variables is displayed within the Adapter Status field. Use the following table to decide which action to perform, based on the adapter's mapping status.

    Mapping Status Action
    Ready The adapter does not have any variables that can be mapped. In other words, none of the adapter variables are return variables or have been designated as Resolve at Run time. So, proceed to Step 14 of this procedure.
    Mapping Incomplete At least one of the adapter's variable must be mapped. So, proceed to Step 11 of this procedure.
    Adapter Unavailable After the adapter had been compiled successfully, it was modified. As a result, you must recompile the adapter.


    To learn more about the various mapping statuses for an adapter, see Section 3.5.2, "Attaching Process Task Adapters to Process Tasks".

  11. Click Map.

    The Adapter Variables window appears. It displays the following information:

    • The name of the task assignment adapter that is attached to the process task;

    • The status of the adapter; and

    • The mapping statuses, names, and descriptions of the adapter's variables.

  12. Set the mappings for each variable that appears in the Adapter Variables region of this window. To do so, double-click the row header of the variable you want to map (for example, UUID).

    The Edit Data Mapping for Variable dialog box is displayed.

    Table 3-2 lists the fields of the Edit Data Mapping for Variable dialog box is displayed.

    Table 3-2 Fields of the Edit Data Mapping for Variable Dialog Box

    Field Name Description

    Variable Name

    This field displays the name of the adapter variable for which you are setting a mapping (for example, UUID).

    Data Type

    This field shows the data type of the adapter variable (for example, String is the data type for the UUID variable).

    Map To

    This field contains the types of mappings that you can set for the adapter variable (for example, IT Resources).

    When you map the adapter variable to a location or a contact, Oracle Identity Manager enables the adjacent combo box. From this combo box, select the specific type of location or contact to which you are mapping the adapter variable.

    In addition, if you map the adapter variable to a custom process form, and this form contains child table(s), Oracle Identity Manager enables the adjacent combo box. From this combo box, select the child table to which you are mapping the adapter variable.If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a location, contact, or child table of a custom process form, this combo box is grayed out.


    This field contains the qualifiers for the mapping you selected in the Map To combo box (for example, IT Asset).

    IT Asset Type

    This field enables you to select a specific IT Resource (for example, Solaris) when you map an adapter variable to an IT Resource, and this variable's data type is String.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to an IT Resource, or the variable's data type is not String, this field does not appear.

    IT Asset Property

    This field enables you to select a specific field that will receive the results of the mapping (for example, Unique ID), when you map an adapter variable to an IT Resource, and this variable's data type is String.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to an IT Resource, or if the variable's data type is not String, this field does not appear.

    Important: The IT Asset Type and IT Asset Property fields are included within this window for backward compatibility. The preferred way is to create an adapter variable with a data type of IT Resource, in which case these fields will not appear.

    Literal Value

    When you map the adapter variable to a literal, use this field to specify the specific literal value.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a literal, this field does not appear.

    Old Value

    By selecting this check box, you map the adapter variable to the value that was originally in the selected Qualifier field before modification.

    Process task adapters associated with process tasks are conditionally triggered when some field on the process form is changed. If you click the Old Value option, and the process task is marked Conditional, the value that is passed to the adapter is the previous value of the field. This is useful in cases of fields that accept passwords.

    For example, if you want to disallow setting the password to the same value, you can use the old value for comparison.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a field that belongs to a child table of a custom process form, this check box is grayed out.

  13. Complete the Map To, Qualifier, IT Asset Type, IT Asset Property, Literal Value, and Old Value fields.

    See Also:

    "Adapter Mapping Information" for more information about the mappings to select

  14. On the toolbar, click Save. Then, click Close.

    The Edit Data Mapping for Variable window disappears. The Adapter Variables dialog box is active again.

    The contents in the Status field change from Mapping Incomplete to Ready. In addition, the mapping statuses for the adapter's variables change from No (N) to Yes (Y).

  15. Click Save. Then, click Close.

    The Adapter Variable dialog box disappears, and the Assignment tab is active once again.

    The adapter that you assigned to the process task (for example, Assign Solaris Task) now has a status of Ready.

  16. From the toolbar that appears within the Assignment tab, click Save and Close

    The Assignment tab disappears, and the main screen is active once again. This signifies that the task assignment adapter is attached to the process task.


    Once you attach a task assignment adapter to a process task, a quick way to see the process and the task to which it is connected is by accessing the Usage Lookup tab of the Adapter Factory form.

3.3.2 Removing Task Assignment Adapters from Process Tasks

When a task assignment adapter either becomes invalid, or is no longer necessary for Oracle Identity Manager to allocate the process task to a user or role, you must remove the adapter from the task. To Remove a Task Assignment Adapter from a Process Task

To detach a task assignment adapter from a process task, perform the following tasks:

  1. Open the Process Definition form.

    The Process Definition form appears in the Design Console workspace.

  2. Select the process, which contains a task from which you want to remove an adapter (for example, the Solaris 8 process).

    The selected process, along with its tasks, appears in the Process Definition form.

  3. Double-click the row header of the process task from which you want to remove the adapter (for example, the Get Solaris UUID task).

    The Editing Task dialog box is displayed, containing information about the process task.

  4. Click the Assignment tab.

    The Assignment tab appears, displaying information about the adapter that is attached to the process task.

  5. Highlight the row, containing the adapter that you want to remove from the process task.

  6. Click Delete. The adapter no longer appears within the Assignment tab.

  7. Click Save. Then, click Close.

    The Assignment tab disappears, and the Main Screen is active once again. This signifies that the task assignment adapter is removed from the process task.

3.4 Working with Prepopulate Adapters

This section contains these topics:

3.4.1 Attaching Prepopulate Adapters to Form Fields

To attach a prepopulate adapter to a form field, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the field to which a prepopulate adapter will be attached.

  2. Select the rule that will determine if the adapter will be used to populate the designated field with information.

  3. Select the adapter that will be associated with the designated field.

  4. Set the priority number of the selected rule.

  5. Map the adapter variables of the prepopulate adapter to their proper locations.


    To attach a prepopulate adapter to a form field, you must ensure the following:
    • The form is not in an active state. Otherwise, create a new form version.

    • After attaching the adapter, you must activate the form to be able to use it.

  6. Open the Form Designer form.

  7. Query for the form to which you want to attach a prepopulate adapter (for example, Solaris).

  8. Click the prepopulate tab.

    The prepopulate adapters, which have already been attached to the form you queried, appear within this tab.


    If no adapters have been attached to a form field, the prepopulate tab will be empty.

  9. Click Add.

    The prepopulate Adapters dialog box is displayed.

    Table 3-3 lists and describes the fields of the prepopulate Adapters dialog box.

    Table 3-3 Fields of the Prepopulate Adapter Dialog Box

    Name Description

    Field Name

    This combo box contains a list of all of the form fields to which a prepopulate adapter can be attached.


    From this lookup field, select the rule that will determine if the associated adapter will be used to populate the designated form field with information.


    From this lookup field, select the adapter that will be associated with the designated field.


    From this field, set the priority number of the selected rule.

    Adapter Status

    This field displays the mapping status of the adapter variables.

    See "Attaching Process Task Adapters to Process Tasks" for information about the various mapping statuses for an adapter.

    Adapter Variables

    This area displays the following:

    • Mapped: The mapping statuses of the adapter's variables. "Y" indicates that an adapter variable has been mapped properly; "N" indicates that this variable has not been mapped correctly.

    • Name: The names of the adapter variables.

    • Mapped to: The form fields to which the variables are mapped If an adapter variable is not yet mapped, the corresponding cell in this column will be empty.

  10. From the Field Name combo box, select the form field, such as User ID, to which the prepopulate adapter will be attached.

  11. Double-click the Rule lookup field. From the Lookup dialog box that is displayed, select the rule that will determine if the associated adapter will be used to populate the designated form field with information (for example, Rule for Lowercase User ID).

  12. Double-click the Adapter lookup field. From the Lookup dialog box that is displayed, choose the adapter that will be associated with the field you selected in Step 10, for example, Display Lowercase Letters for User ID.

  13. In the Order field, enter the priority number of the rule you selected in Step 11, for example, 2.

  14. On the prepopulate Adapters window toolbar, click Save.

  15. Mapping Incomplete appears within the Adapter Status field. This signifies that the adapter you selected contains variables that have not been mapped correctly. These variables can be mapped to their proper locations. Otherwise, the adapter will not work.

  16. Set the mappings for each variable that appears in the Adapter Variables region of the prepopulate Adapters window. To do so, double-click the row header of the variable you want to map, for example, UserID.

    The Map Adapter Variables window is displayed.

    Table 3-4 describes the fields of the Map Adapter Variables window.

    Table 3-4 Fields of the Map Adapter Variables WIndow

    Field Name Description

    Variable Name

    This field displays the name of the adapter variable for which you are setting a mapping (for example, UserID).

    Data Type

    This field shows the data type of the adapter variable (for example, String is the data type for the UserID adapter variable).

    Map To

    This field contains the types of mappings that you can set for the adapter variable (for example, Process Data).

    When you map the adapter variable to a location or a contact, Oracle Identity Manager enables the adjacent combo box. From this combo box, select the specific type of location or contact to which you are mapping the adapter variable.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a location or contact, this combo box is grayed out.


    This field contains the qualifiers for the mapping you selected in the Map to combo box (for example, User ID).

    IT Asset Type

    This field enables you to select a specific IT Resource (for example, Solaris) when you map an adapter variable to an IT Resource, and this variable's data type is String.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to an IT Resource, or the variable's data type is not String, this field does not appear.

    IT Asset Property

    This field enables you to select a specific field that will receive the results of the mapping (for example, User Name), when you map an adapter variable to an IT Resource, and this variable's data type is String.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to an IT Resource, or the variable's data type is not String, this field does not appear.

    Important: The IT Asset Type and IT Asset Property fields are included within this window for backward compatibility. The preferred way is to create an adapter variable with a data type of IT Resource, in which case these fields will not appear.

    Literal Value

    When you map the adapter variable to a literal, use this field to specify the specific literal value.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a literal, this field does not appear.

  17. Complete the Map To, Qualifier, IT Asset Type, IT Asset Property, and Literal Value fields.

    See Also:

    "Adapter Mapping Information" for more information about the mappings to select

  18. On the Map Adapter Variable window toolbar, click Save. Then, click Close.

    The Map Adapter Variables window disappears. The prepopulate Adapters window is active again.

    The text in the Adapter Status field changes from Mapping Incomplete to Ready. In addition, the mapping statuses for the adapter's variables change from No (N) to Yes (Y).

  19. On the prepopulate Adapters window toolbar, click Close.

The prepopulate Adapters window disappears, and the Form Designer form is active again. The prepopulate adapter, which you attached to the User ID form field (Display Lowercase Letters for User ID), appears in the prepopulate tab of the Results of 1Q Sales 2003 form.

After a process, which references this form, is provisioned to a target user or organization, the form will appear. Oracle Identity Manager will check to see if the prepopulate rule, which has the highest priority, is valid. If so, Oracle Identity Manager will assign the associated prepopulate adapter to the designated field (User ID), and execute it. At this point, one of the following actions occur:

  • If the Auto-prepopulate check box is selected for the provisioning process, Oracle Identity Manager will display the data that is generated by the prepopulate adapter automatically.

  • If the Auto-prepopulate check box is cleared, an Oracle Identity Manager user must manually trigger the displaying of the data that is generated by the prepopulate adapter. To do this, the administrator must click the prepopulate button on the form section of the direct provisioning wizard in the Web client, while provisioning the form to a user.


Once you allocate a prepopulate adapter to a form field, and assign a prepopulate rule to the adapter, a quick way to see the association among the adapter, the form field, and the rule is by accessing the Usage Lookup tab of the Adapter Factory form.

3.4.2 Removing Prepopulate Adapters from Form Fields

If a prepopulate adapter, which has been associated with a form field, is no longer valid, you must remove the adapter from the field.


Before removing the prepopulate adapter from a form field, you must create a new version of the form.

To remove a prepopulate adapter from a form field:

  1. Select the prepopulate adapter that you want to remove.

  2. Click Delete. The prepopulate adapter is removed from the form field. It cannot be triggered when the form is launched.

  3. After removing the adapter, you must activate the form.

3.5 Working with Process Task Adapters

This section contains these topics:

3.5.1 Guidelines for Working with a Process Task Adapter

After you create a process task adapter, you attach it to the appropriate process task by using the Integration tab of the Process Definition form. From this tab, you can also map any variables of the adapter to their proper locations, which were designated as either Resolve at Run time or as an adapter return variable.For example, the adapter named adpSOLARISPASSWORDUPDATED is connected to the Password Updated task of the Solaris process.After you attach an adapter to a process task, for the adapter to be functional, it might need data from fields of other forms. For this example, the adpSOLARISPASSWORDUPDATED adapter cannot work unless it obtains the following information:

  • The user's Oracle Identity Manager ID and password.

  • The user's Solaris ID and password.

  • The IP address where Solaris is located.

Therefore, it must get this information from the UserID, Passwd, SolarisUserID, SolarisUserPasswd, and ServerAddress adapter variables respectively. These five variables are created by using the Adapter Factory form. The "Y" that precedes each adapter variable signifies that it has been mapped correctly.The form that enables you to create process-specific fields, which will be used by a process to obtain the information it needs, is called the Form Designer. When you create these fields, Oracle Identity Manager stores them into a table. Then, by associating this table with a process (through the Table Name lookup field of the Process Definition form), the adapter, which you attach to a task of this process, will use the table to retrieve the appropriate data.If you want to modify this table, you can do so through the Form Designer form.The UD_SOLARIS table contains two fields: UD_SOLARIS_USERID and UD_SOLARIS_PASSWD. By accessing this record of the Form Designer form, you can edit the fields of the table.

Once you attach the process task adapter to a dependent process task, and the status of this process task is Pending (the status of the previous process task is Completed), Oracle Identity Manager will trigger the adapter automatically. When the process task is an independent task, Oracle Identity Manager will execute the adapter as soon as the process is requested.The result of the adapter being executed represents the state of the process task. When the adapter is finished successfully, the process task to which this adapter is attached will have a status of Completed.On the other hand, if the adapter cannot perform its designated function, the process task to which this adapter is attached will have a status of Rejected. By discovering the cause of the error, you can modify the process task and/or adapter so it can run successfully.


To determine why a process task might have failed:

Find the process task. When the process task has not yet been provisioned to the target user or organization, it is located in the To Do List or Pending Approvals. To find the task:

  1. Log in as the user.

  2. Select the To Do List link or the Pending Approvals links in the left side of the window.

3.5.2 Attaching Process Task Adapters to Process Tasks

In the previous chapter, you learned how to create a process task adapter. You must attach it to a process task to execute that process task automatically.To connect an adapter to a process task, access the Integration tab (from the Process Definition form). From this tab, you can also map any adapter variables to their proper locations.The following procedure shows you how to attach a process task adapter to a process task:

  1. Open the Process Definition form, which is located in the Process Management folder.

    In the Oracle Identity Manager Workspace, the Process Definition form appears.

  2. Select the process, which contains a task to which you want to attach an adapter. The selected process, along with its tasks, appears in the Process Definition form. For this example, the Solaris process has been selected.

  3. Double-click the row header of the task to which you want to attach an adapter. The Editing Task window appears, containing information about the task (for example, the Password Updated process task).

  4. Click the Integration tab.

  5. Click Add.

    The Handler Selection window appears.

  6. To access Oracle Identity Manager adapters, click the Adapter option.

    The adapters appear, which you can attach to the process task.

  7. From this region, select the adapter that you want to attach to the process task, for example, the adpSOLARISPASSWORDUPDATED adapter.


    For classification purposes, the first three letters of each adapter's name are adp. For classification purposes, the first three letters of each adapter's name are adp.

  8. From the Handler Selection window's toolbar, click Save.

    A dialog box appears, stating that the adapter was successfully added to the process task.

  9. Click OK.

    The dialog box disappears, and the Integration tab is now active. This tab now displays the following:

    • The name of the adapter that is attached to the process task;

    • The status of the adapter; and

    • The names, descriptions, and mapping statuses of the adapter's variables.


    An adapter can have one of three mapping statuses:

    Ready. This adapter has been successfully compiled, and all of its variables have been mapped correctly.

    Mapping Incomplete. This adapter has been successfully compiled, but at least one of its variables have not been mapped correctly.

    Adapter Unavailable. After this adapter had been compiled successfully, it was modified, and recompiled.


    If an adapter does not have any mappable variables, the Adapter Variables region is empty. In addition, the Status field will display either Ready or Adapter Unavailable, depending on whether the adapter has to be recompiled.


    A mappable adapter variable either has been designated as Resolve at Run time or it is an adapter return variable.


    Once you attach the adapter to the process task, any responses that you defined for the adapter appear in the Responses tab of the Editing Task window.

  10. Set the mappings for each variable that appears in the Adapter Variables region of the Integration tab. To do so, double-click the row header of the variable you want to map (for example, SolarisUserID).

    The Data Mapping for Variable window is displayed.

    Table 3-5 describes the fields of the Data Mapping for Variable window.

    Table 3-5 Fields of the Data Mapping for Variable WIndow

    Field Name Description

    Variable Name

    This field displays the name of the adapter variable for which you are setting a mapping (for example, SolarisUserID).

    Data Type

    This field shows the data type of the adapter variable (for example, String is the data type for the SolarisUserID variable).

    Map To

    This field contains the types of mappings that you can set for the adapter variable (for example, IT Resources).When you map the adapter variable to a location or a contact, Oracle Identity Manager enables the adjacent combo box. From this combo box, select the specific type of location or contact to which you are mapping the adapter variable. In addition, if you map the adapter variable to a custom process form, and this form contains child table(s), Oracle Identity Manager enables the adjacent combo box. From this combo box, select the child table to which you are mapping the adapter variable. If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a location, contact, or child table of a custom process form, this combo box is grayed out.


    This field contains the qualifiers for the mapping you selected in the Map to combo box (for example, IT Asset).

    IT Asset Type

    This field enables you to select a specific IT Resource (for example, Solaris) when you map an adapter variable to an IT Resource, and this variable's data type is String.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to an IT Resource, or the variable's data type is not String, this field does not appear.

    IT Asset Property

    This field enables you to select a specific field that will receive the results of the mapping (for example, User Name), when you map an adapter variable to an IT Resource, and this variable's data type is String.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to an IT Resource, or the variable's data type is not String, this field does not appear.

    Important: The IT Asset Type and IT Asset Property fields are included within this window for backward compatibility. The preferred way is to create an adapter variable with a data type of IT Resource, in which case these fields will not appear.

    Literal Value

    When you map the adapter variable to a literal, use this field to specify the specific literal value.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a literal, this field does not appear.

    Old Value

    By selecting this check box, you map the adapter variable to the value that was originally in the selected Qualifier field before modification.

    Process task adapters associated with process tasks are conditionally triggered when some field on the process form gets changed. If you click the Old Value option, and the process task is marked Conditional, the value that is passed to the adapter is the previous value of the field, before it got modified. This is useful in cases of fields that accept passwords. For example, if you want to disallow setting the password to the same value, you can use the old value for comparison.

    If you are not mapping the adapter variable to a field that belongs to a child table of a custom process form, this check box is grayed out.

  11. Complete the Map To, Qualifier, IT Asset Type, IT Asset Property, Literal Value, and Old Value fields.

    See Also:

    "Adapter Mapping Information" for more information about the mappings to select

  12. On the toolbar, click Save. Then, click Close.

    The Data Mapping for Variable window disappears. The Integration tab is active again.

  13. On the Editing Task window toolbar, click Save.

    The contents in the Status field change from Mapping Incomplete to Ready. In addition, the mapping statuses for the adapter's variables change from No (N) to Yes (Y).

  14. On the toolbar, click Close.

    The Editing Task window disappears, and the main screen is active once again. The adapter you added to the Password Updated task (adpSOLARISPASSWORDUPDATED) appears in the Process Definition form.This signifies that the adpSOLARISPASSWORDUPDATED process task adapter was attached to the Password Updated process task.


    Once you attach a process task adapter to a process task, a quick way to see the process and task to which it is connected is by accessing the Usage Lookup tab of the Adapter Factory form.

3.5.3 Removing Process Task Adapters from Process Tasks

If a process task adapter is no longer necessary for Oracle Identity Manager to complete the process task automatically, or when you wish to attach a different adapter to a process task, you must first remove the adapter that is attached to the process task.This procedure will show you how to remove a process task adapter from a process task. To Remove a Process Task Adapter from a Process Task

  1. Open the Process Definition form.

    In the Design Console workspace, the Process Definition form appears.

  2. Select the process, which contains a task from which you want to remove an adapter (for example, the Solaris process).

    The selected process, along with its tasks, appears in the Process Definition form.

  3. Double-click the row header of the process task from which you want to remove the adapter (for example, the Password Updated task).

    The Editing Task window appears, containing information about the process task. Click the Integration tab.

  4. Click the Integration tab.

    The Integration tab displays information about the adapter that is attached to the process task.

  5. Click Remove.

    A dialog box appears, asking if you want to remove the adapter from the process task.

  6. Click OK.

    A dialog box appears, signifying that the adapter has been removed from the process task.

  7. Click OK.

    The contents of the adapter no longer appear in the Integration tab.

  8. On the toolbar, click Close.

    The Editing Task window disappears, and the main screen is active once again. The adapter that was once linked to the Password Updated task (adpSOLARISPASSWORDUPDATED) no longer appears in the child table of the Process Definition form.

    This signifies that you have removed the adapter from the process task.

3.6 Adapter Mapping Information

An adapter is a Java class, generated by the Adapter Factory, which enables Oracle Identity Manager to interact with an external JAR file, a target IT resource (for example, a resource asset), or a user-defined form. The Adapter Factory is a code-generation tool provided by Oracle Identity Manager, which enables a User Administrator to create Java classes.

An adapter extends the internal logic and functionality of Oracle Identity Manager. It automates process tasks, and defines the rules for the auto-generation and validation of data in fields within Oracle Identity Manager. There are five types of adapters: task assignment adapters, task adapters, rule generator adapters, pre-populate adapters, and entity adapters.

The following topics are discussed in this section:

3.6.1 Adapter Task Mapping Information

An adapter task is one of the several possible components within an adapter. And this is a logical step within an adapter, equivalent to calling a programming language method. The following types of adapter tasks are available: Functional Tasks (Java Task, Remote Task, and Stored Procedure Task), Utility Tasks (Utility Task and Oracle Identity Manager API Task), and Logic Tasks (Set Variable Task and Error Handler Task).

This section lists the mappings that you can set for the parameters of an adapter task, in the following topics: Adapter Variables

The following table lists and describes the items of the Map To list box of the Data Mapping for Variable window and the Name list box to which you can map the parameters of an adapter variable for an adapter task.

Map To Combo Box Name Combo Box Description
Adapter Variables A list of adapter variables are displayed You can map the parameter to the adapter variables that you created for this adapter.

Note: When the adapter variable's classification type is Object, it cannot be used with process task adapters.

Note: If the adapter variable's classification type is IT Resource, then an Attribute combo box is displayed. From this combo box, select the attribute of the IT resource to which you wish to map the parameter. Adapter Task

The following table lists and describes the items of the Map To, Name, and Output combo boxes of the Adapter Factory form to which you can map the parameters of an adapter task.

Map To Combo Box Name Combo Box Output combo Box Description
Adapter Task A list of adapter tasks are displayed. A list of output variables pertaining to the selected adapter task is displayed. You can map the parameter to the adapter tasks that you created for this adapter. Literal

The following table lists and describes the items of the Map To and Type combo boxes, as well as the Value field of the Adapter Factory form, to which you can map the parameters of a constant (or literal) for an adapter task.

Map To Combo Box Type Combo Box Value Field Description
Literal String, Boolean, Character, Byte, Date, Integer, Float, Long, Short, Double Enter the value of the literal into this field. You can map the parameter to a String, Boolean, Character, Byte, Date, Integer, Float, Long, Short, or Double data type, respectively. Adapter References

The following table lists and describes the items of the Map To and Type combo boxes of the Adapter Factory form to which you can map the parameters of an adapter reference for an adapter task.

Map To Combo Box Type Combo Box Description
Adapter References Event Handler Name or Database Reference You can map the parameter to the active adapter. Organization Definition

The following table lists and describes the items of the Map To and Field combo boxes of the Adapter Factory form to which you can map the parameters of an organization definition for an adapter task.

Map To combo box Field Combo Box Description
Organization Definition Organization Name You can map the parameter to the Organization Name field of the Organizations form.

Organization Type You can map the parameter to the Type field of the Organizations form.

Organization ID You can map the parameter to the Organization # field of the Organizations form.

Organization Parent You can map the parameter to the Parent Organization field of the Organizations form.

Organization Status You can map the parameter to the Status field of the Organizations form.

Organization Parent ID You can map the parameter to the parent_key field in the ACT database table.

Any fields that are displayed in the User Defined Fields tab of the Organizations form. You can map the parameter to the selected user-defined field. Process Definition

The following table lists and describes the items of the Map To and Field combo boxes of the Adapter Factory form to which you can map the parameters of a process definition for an adapter task.

Map To Combo Box Field Combo Box Description
Process Definition Name You can map the parameter to the Name field of the Process Definition form.

Type You can map the parameter to the Type field of the Process Definition form. User Definition

The following table lists and describes the items of the Map To and Field combo boxes of the Adapter Factory form to which you can map the parameters of a user definition for an adapter task.

Map To Combo Box Field Combo Box Description
User Definition User Key You can map the parameter to a key, representing a unique record of the Users form.

First Name You can map the parameter to the First Name field of the Users form.

Middle Initial You can map the parameter to the Middle Name field of the Users form.

Last Name You can map the parameter to the Last Name field of the Users form.

User Login You can map the parameter to the User ID field of the Users form.

Password You can map the parameter to user password of the Users form.

Type You can map the parameter to the Xellerate Type field of the Users form.

User Status You can map the parameter to the Status field of the Users form.

Role You can map the parameter to the Role field of the Users form.

Identity You can map the parameter to the Identity field of the Users form.

Disabled You can map the parameter to the Disable User check box of the Users form.

Organization You can map the parameter to the Organization field of the Users form.

Manager You can map the parameter to the Manager field of the Users form.

Start Date You can map the parameter to the Start Date field of the Users form.

End Date You can map the parameter to the End Date field of the Users form.

Email You can map the parameter to the Email field of the Users form.

Provisioning Date You can map the parameter to the Provisioning Date field of the Users form.

Provisioned Date You can map the parameter to the Provisioned Date field of the Users form.

Deprovisioning Date You can map the parameter to the Deprovisioning Date field of the Users form.

Deprovisioned Date You can map the parameter to the Deprovisioned Date field of the Users form.

Any fields that are displayed in the User Defined Fields tab of the Users form. You can map the parameter to the selected user-defined field.

3.6.2 Adapter Variable Mapping Information

For a newly created adapter to work, you can map data to the parameters of the adapter's tasks. For this reason, you create placeholders, also known as adapter variables, to map the data at run time. Once an adapter variable is not needed for the adapter to run, you can remove it from the adapter. After you have deleted the adapter variable, recompile the adapter.

When an adapter variable is not the adapter return variable, or it is not designated as Resolve at Run time, it should be mapped within the Variable List tab of the Adapter Factory form. On the other hand, if the adapter variable is classified as an adapter return variable, or the adapter variable is set to Resolve at Run time, it can be mapped at another location within Oracle Identity Manager. This location is contingent upon the adapter's type. For example, the variables of a process task adapter will be mapped at a different place than the variables of a pre-populate adapter. The following table lists the variables of a particular type of adapter that can be mapped.

Adapter Type Location
Process Task The Integration tab of the Editing Task window
Task Assignment The Assignment tab of the Editing Task window
Rule Generator The Map Adapters tab of the Data Object Manager form
Pre-Populate The Pre-Populate tab of the Form Designer form
Entity The Map Adapters tab of the Data Object Manager form

The following topics are discussed in this section: From the Variable List Tab

The following table lists the mappings that you can set from the Variable List tab.

Variable Type Map To Qualifier/Resource Type
Object Adapter References Database References

Data Object References

Set at run time (for Task Assignment adapters only) Database References

Data Object References
IT Resource Resolve at Run time The IT Resource types that are displayed in the Table view of the IT Resources Type Definition form
String, Character, Byte, Integer, Float, Long, Short, Double Literal If you are mapping the adapter variable to a literal, a Literal Value field is displayed below the Resource Type combo box. Within this field, enter the value of this literal.

Resolve at Run time NA

Adapter References Event Handler Name

Note: If the data type of the adapter variable is not String, Adapter References cannot be selected from the Map To combo box.

Boolean Literal Boolean. If you select this resource type, two Literal Value options are displayed below the Resource Type combo box: True and False.

Select the option that corresponds to the value of the adapter variable.

Resolve at Run time NA
Date Literal If you are mapping the adapter variable to a literal, a Literal Value lookup field is displayed below the Resource Type combo box.

Double-click this lookup field. From the Date & Time window that is displayed, select the date and time that will be the value of this literal.

Resolve at Run time NA

System Date NA

Note: This variable's value will reflect Oracle Identity Manager's date and time. Hence, you do not map it. Process Task Adapter Variable Mappings

The following table lists the process task adapter variable mappings.

Variable Type Map To Qualifier/Description
Object (Adapter Return Variable) Process Data You can map the parameter to a field of either the associated custom process form, or a child table that belongs to this form.

Response Code NA

Task Information Note. You can map the parameter to the Note tab of the Task List form.

Reason. You can map the parameter to the Error Details window. To access this window, double-click a task that is displayed within the Task List form.

Process Definition Name. You can map the parameter to the Name field of the Process Definition form.

Type. You can map the parameter to the Type lookup field of the Process Definition form.

Object (Adapter Return Variable) Organization Definition The fields of the Organizations form to which you can map the adapter variable.

Note: Because the data type of the adapter variable is Object, you cannot select Organization ID from the Qualifier combo box.

User Definition The fields of the Users form to which you can map the adapter variable.
IT Resource IT Resource You can map the parameter to an IT resource. This IT resource is a member of the IT resource type that is displayed in parenthesis from within the Data Type field.

Process Data You can map the parameter to a field of the associated process-specific form.

Note: The only field names that are displayed in this combo box are ones with a data type of IT Resource Lookup Field.

String, Boolean, Character, Byte, Date, Integer, Float, Long, Short, Double Process Data You can map the parameter to a field of either the associated custom process form, or a child table that belongs to this form.

Task Information Note. You can map the parameter to the Note tab of the Task List form.

Reason. You can map the parameter to the Error Details window. To access this window, double-click a task that is displayed within the Task List form.

Process Definition Name. You can map the parameter to the Name field of the Process Definition form.

Type. You can map the parameter to the Type lookup field of the Process Definition form.

Organization Definition The fields of the Organizations form to which you can map the adapter variable.
String, Boolean, Character, Byte, Date, Integer, Float, Long, Short, Double User Definition The fields of the Users form to which you can map the adapter variable.

Literal If you are mapping the adapter variable to a literal, and the variable's data type is String, Character, Byte, Integer, Float, Long, Short, or Double, a Literal Value field is displayed below the Qualifier combo box. Within the field, enter the value of this literal.

When you are mapping the adapter variable to a literal, and the variable's data type is Boolean, two Literal Value options are displayed below the Qualifier combo box: True and False. Select the option that corresponds to the value of the adapter variable.

If you are mapping the adapter variable to a literal, and the variable's data type is Date, a Literal Value lookup field is displayed below the Qualifier combo box. Double-click this lookup field. From the Date & Time window that is displayed, select the date and time that will be the value of this literal.

String IT Resources If you are mapping the adapter variable to an IT Resource, three combo boxes are displayed below the Map To combo box: Qualifier, IT Asset Type, and IT Asset Property. From these combo boxes, select the qualifier for the mapping, the specific name of the IT resource, and the field of the IT resource that will receive the results of the mapping.

Note: If the data type of the adapter variable is not String, IT Resources cannot be selected from the Map To combo box. Task Assignment Adapter Variable Mappings

The following table lists the task assignment adapter variable mappings.

Variable Type Map To Qualifier/Description
IT Resource Object Data You can map the parameter to an IT resource's instance key. This IT resource is a member of the IT resource type that is displayed in parenthesis from within the Data Type field.

IT Resource You can map the parameter to an IT resource.
Object (Adapter Return Value) Object Data You can map the parameter to a field of either the associated custom resource object form, or a child table that belongs to this form.

Response Code NA

Task Information The fields of the Task List form to which you can map the adapter variable.

Process Definition The fields of the Process Definition form to which you can map the adapter variable.

Organization Definition The fields of the Organizations form to which you can map the adapter variable.

User Definition The fields of the Users form to which you can map the adapter variable.
String, Boolean, Character, Byte, Date, Integer, Float, Long, Short, Double Object Data You can map the parameter to a resource object's instance key.

Task Information The fields of the Task List form to which you can map the adapter variable.

Process Definition The fields of the Process Definition form to which you can map the adapter variable.

Organization Definition The fields of the Organizations form to which you can map the adapter variable.
String, Boolean, Character, Byte, Date, Integer, Float, Long, Short, Double User Definition The fields of the Users form to which you can map the adapter variable.

Request Info Request ID. You can map the parameter to the Request ID field of the Requests form.

Request Action. You can map the parameter to the Request Action field of the Requests form.

Request Priority. You can map the parameter to the Request Priority field of the Requests form.

Request Target User The fields of the Users form to which you can map the adapter variable.

Request Target Organization The fields of the Organizations form to which you can map the adapter variable.

Requester Info The fields of the Users form to which you can map the adapter variable.

Literal If you are mapping the adapter variable to a literal, a Literal Value field is displayed below the Qualifier combo box. Within the field, enter the value of this literal.

Note: If the data type of the adapter variable is Boolean, two options are displayed in place of the field: True and False. Select the option that reflects the value of the adapter variable.

Note: If the data type of the adapter variable is Object, Literal cannot be selected from the Map To combo box.

String IT Resources Resource Instance. You can map the parameter to an IT resource's instance key. This IT resource is a member of the IT resource type that is displayed in parenthesis from within the Data Type field.

IT Asset Type. You can map the parameter to an IT resource type.
String IT Resources IT Asset Property. You can map this parameter to one of the properties that comprise the selected IT resource type. Rule Generator and Entity Adapter Variable Mappings

The following table lists the rule generator and entity adapter variable mappings.

Variable Type Map To Qualifier/Description
Object (Adapter Return Variable), IT Resource, String, Boolean, Character, Byte, Date, Integer, Float, Long, Short Literal If you are mapping the adapter variable to a literal, a Literal Value field is displayed below the Qualifier combo box. Within the field, enter the value of this literal.

Note: If the data type of the adapter variable is Object, Literal cannot be selected from the Map To combo box.

Entity Field You can map the adapter variable to a field of the associated process form. The name of this form is displayed in the Form Description field of the Data Object Manager form.

Organization Definition The fields of the Organizations form to which you can map the adapter variable.

Note: If the data type of the adapter variable is not Object, you cannot select Organization ID and Organization Parent ID from the Qualifier combo box.

User Definition The fields of the Users form to which you can map the adapter variable. Prepopulate Adapter Variable Mappings

The following table lists the prepopulate adapter variable mappings.

Variable Type Map To Qualifier/Description
IT Resource IT Resource You can map the parameter to an IT resource. This IT resource is a member of the IT resource type that is displayed in parenthesis from within the Data Type field.

Process Data You can map the parameter to a field of the associated process-specific form.

Note: The only field names that are displayed in this combo box are ones with a data type of IT Resource Lookup Field.

Object, String, Boolean, Character, Byte, Date, Integer, Float, Long, Short, Double Process Data You can map the parameter to a field of the associated process-specific form.

Organization Definition The fields of the Organizations form to which you can map the adapter variable.

User Definition The fields of the Users form to which you can map the adapter variable.
String, Boolean, Character, Byte, Date, Integer, Float, Long, Short, Double Literal If you are mapping the adapter variable to a literal, and the variable's data type is String, Character, Byte, Integer, Float, Long, Short, or Double, a Literal Value field is displayed below the Qualifier combo box. Within the field, enter the value of this literal.

When you are mapping the adapter variable to a literal, and the variable's data type is Boolean, two Literal Value options are displayed below the Qualifier combo box: True and False. Select the option that corresponds to the value of the adapter variable.

If you are mapping the adapter variable to a literal, and the variable's data type is Date, a Literal Value lookup field is displayed below the Qualifier combo box. Double-click this lookup field. From the Date & Time window that is displayed, select the date and time that will be the value of this literal.

String IT Resources If you are mapping the adapter variable to an IT Resource, three combo boxes are displayed below the Map To combo box: Qualifier, IT Asset Type, and IT Asset Property. From these combo boxes, select the qualifier for the mapping, the specific name of the IT resource, and the field of the IT resource that will receive the results of the mapping.

Note: If the data type of the adapter variable is not String, then IT Resources cannot be selected from the Map To combo box.