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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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15 Predefined Providers for Generic Technology Connectors

The following predefined providers are shipped with the current release of Oracle Identity Manager:

See Also:

"Integration Solutions" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager


You must determine the values of parameters for providers that you decide to use. You would need to use these values while creating the generic technology connector by using the Administrative and User Console.

15.1 Shared Drive Reconciliation Transport Provider

The shared drive reconciliation transport provider reads data from flat files stored in staging directories and moves the files to an archiving directory. The staging and archiving directories must be shared for access from the Oracle Identity Manager server.

The following are parameters of this provider:

Permissions to Be Set on the Staging and Archiving Directories

You must ensure that the required permissions are set on the staging and archiving directories. The following table describes the effect of the various permissions on the shared directories that are used to hold staging and archiving data files.

Storage Entity Access Permission Reason for Access Permission Requirement
Staging directory for parent data files Read This permission is required for reconciliation to take place. An error message is logged if this permission is not applied.
Staging directory for parent data files Write This permission is required for the deletion of data files from the parent staging directory at the end of the archive process.
Staging directory for parent data files Execute Not applicable
Staging directory for child data files Read This permission is required for the reconciliation of child data. An error message is logged if this permission is not applied.
Staging directory for child data files Write This permission is required for the deletion of data files from the child staging directory at the end of the archive process.
Staging directory for child data files Execute Not applicable
Archiving directory Write This permission is required for the copying of parent and child data files to the archiving directory during the archive process. Even if this permission is not applied:
  • Parent and child data reconciliation takes place.

  • Files are deleted from the parent and child staging directories if the required permissions have been set on those directories.

Archiving directory Execute Not applicable
Parent or child data file in staging directory Read This permission is required for the reconciliation of the data in the file. An error message is logged if this permission is not applied.
Parent or child data file in staging directory Write This permission is required for the deletion of the data file at the end of the archive process. An error message is logged if this permission is not applied. However, data in this file is reconciled.
Parent or child data file in staging directory Execute Not applicable


Data files in the staging directory cannot be deleted if they are open in any editor or are open for writing by any other program.

15.2 CSV Reconciliation Format Provider

The CSV reconciliation format provider converts reconciliation data that is in character-delimited, tab-delimited, or fixed-length format into a format that is supported by Oracle Identity Manager.

Although the CSV reconciliation format provider is packaged as a standalone provider, all of its parameters are bundled with the shared drive transport provider. If you select the shared drive transport provider on the Step 1: Provide Basic Information page, you must select the CSV format provider. When you select this provider, its parameters are displayed along with the shared drive transport provider parameters.

15.3 SPML Provisioning Format Provider

The SPML provisioning format provider converts the provisioning data generated during a provisioning operation on Oracle Identity Manager into an SPML request that can be processed by an SPML-compatible target system.


Each SPML request is sent in a SOAP message. The SOAP header carries authentication information for the request. The actual SPML request data is the SOAP message body.

See Chapter 29, "Using SPML Services" for information about the structure of the SPML-SOAP message.

You can access sample SOAP messages in the following directory:


For information about the SPML specification, see the following Web page on the OASIS Web site at

Figure 15-1 shows the setup of the system in which the SPML provisioning format provider acts as the requesting authority (RA), and the target system provides the provisioning service provider (PSP) and the provisioning service target (PST).

Figure 15-1 Communication Between the SPML Provisioning Format Provider and the Target System

SPML Provisioning Format Provider and Target System

During actual provisioning, a Velocity template engine is used to create the SOAP-SPML requests. For the following processes, the provider generates SOAP requests based on the SPML 2.0 DSML profile:

The Create Organization, Update Organization, and Delete Organization are not supported. This is because the resource object created for a generic technology connector does not support provisioning operations for organizations. The Create Group, Update Group, and Delete Group operations are not supported. This is because Oracle Identity Manager does not support operations to provision groups.

When you select this provider, the following identity fields are displayed by default on the Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration page along with the ID field:

For each provisioning task (for example, Create User and Modify User), the provider generates a request in a predefined format.

The following sections discuss the parameters of this provider:

Depending on the application server that you use, some of the run-time and design parameters are mandatory and some have fixed values. The following sections discuss these parameters:

15.3.1 Run-Time Parameters

The following are run-time parameters of the SPML provisioning format provider:

  • Target ID

    This value uniquely identifies the target system for provisioning operations.

  • User Name (authentication)

    This is the user name of the account required to connect to the target system (PST) through the Web service interface (PSP).

  • User Password (authentication)

    This is the password of the user account required to connect to the target system (PST) through the Web service interface (PSP).

15.3.2 Design Parameters

The following are design parameters of the SPML provisioning format provider:

See Also:

For more information about the SOAP elements and attributes mentioned in this section, visit the following Web site

  • Web Service SOAP Action

    In the WSDL file, this is the value of the soapAction attribute of the operation element.

  • WSSE Configured for SPML Web Service?

    Select this check box if the Web service is configured to authenticate incoming requests by using WS-Security credentials.

  • Custom Authentication Credentials Namespace


    You need not specify a value for this parameter if you select the SPML Web Service WSSE Configured? check box.

    This is the name of the credentials namespace that you have defined for the Web service. In most cases, this namespace is the same as the target namespace.

  • Custom Authentication Header Element


    You need not specify a value for this parameter if you select the SPML Web Service WSSE Configured? check box.

    This is the name of the element that will contain the credentials of the user account used to connect to the target system. In other words, this is the parent element in the custom authentication section of the SOAP message header.

  • Custom Element to Store User Name


    You need not specify a value for this parameter if you select the SPML Web Service WSSE Configured? check box.

    This is the name of the element in the custom authentication section that will contain the user name you specify as the value of the User Name (authentication) parameter.

  • Custom Element to Store Password


    You need not specify a value for this parameter if you select the SPML Web Service WSSE Configured? check box.

    This is the name of the element in the custom authentication section that will contain the user name you specify as the value of the User Password (authentication) parameter.

  • SPML Web Service Binding Style (DOCUMENT or RPC)

    In the WSDL file, this is the value of the style attribute of the binding element. You must enter either DOCUMENT or RPC.


    You must enter the value DOCUMENT or RPC. Do not use lowercase letters in the value that you specify.

  • SPML Web Service Complex Data Type

    In the WSDL file, this is the value of the name attribute of the complexType element. This parameter is applicable only if the binding style is DOCUMENT. You must specify a value for this parameter if the target Web service is running on Oracle WebLogic Server.

  • SPML Web Service Operation Name

    In the WSDL file, this is the value of the name attribute of the operation element. This parameter is applicable only if the binding style is RPC.

  • SPML Web Service Target Namespace

    In the WSDL file, this is the value of the targetNamespace attribute of the definition element.

  • SPML Web Service Soap Message Body Prefix

    This is the name of the custom prefix element that contains the SOAP message body. If the target Web service is running on Oracle WebLogic Server, IBM WebSphere Application Server, JBoss Application Server, or Oracle Application Server, then you need not specify a value for this parameter. However, if you are using a different application server, you must enter the name of the custom prefix element. The following is the prefix element if the Web service is running on Oracle WebLogic Server:

    <SPMLv2Document xmlns="">
  • ID Attribute for Child Dataset Holding Group Membership Information

    This is the name of the unique identifier field for a provisioning staging child data set that holds group membership information. For provisioning operations on the child data set that contains this field, the SOAP packet will contain SPML code for group operations. The following is an SPML code block for this type of group operation:

    <modification modificationMode="add">
      <capabilityData capabilityURI="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:2:0:reference" mustUnderstand="true">
        <reference typeOfReference="memberOf" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:2:0:reference">
        <toPsoID ID="Groups:1" targeted="120"/>

    For provisioning operations on the child data sets that do not contain this field, the SOAP packet will contain ordinary SPML code. The following is an SPML code block for this type of group operation:

      <dsml:modification name="Group Membership" operation="add">
        <dsml:value>AdminOra, System Admins, USA</dsml:value>

15.3.3 Nonmandatory Parameters

Depending on the application server you use, you need not specify values for the following parameters:

  • Oracle WebLogic Server

    • SPML Web Service Complex Data Type

    • SPML Web Service Soap Message Body Prefix

    • ID Attribute for Child Dataset Holding Group Membership Information

  • IBM WebSphere Application Server

    • SPML Web Service Complex Data Type

    • SPML Web Service Soap Message Body Prefix

    • ID Attribute for Child Dataset Holding Group Membership Information

  • JBoss Application Server

    • SPML Web Service Complex Data Type

    • SPML Web Service Soap Message Body Prefix

    • ID Attribute for Child Dataset Holding Group Membership Information

  • Oracle WebLogic Server

    • SPML Web Service Soap Message Body Prefix

    • ID Attribute for Child Dataset Holding Group Membership Information

15.3.4 Parameters with Predetermined Values

Depending on the application server you use, you can specify predetermined values for the following parameters:

  • Oracle WebLogic Server

    • Web Service URL: http://IP_address:port_number/spmlws/OIMProvisioning

    • SPML Web Service Binding style (DOCUMENT or RPC): RPC

    • SPML Web Service Operation Name: processRequest

  • IBM WebSphere Application Server

    • Web Service URL: http://IP_address:port_number/spmlws/HttpSoap11

    • SPML Web Service Binding style (DOCUMENT or RPC): DOCUMENT

    • SPML Web Service Operation Name: processRequest

  • JBoss Application Server

    • Web Service URL: http://IP_address:port_number/spmlws/services/HttpSoap11

    • SPML Web Service Binding style (DOCUMENT or RPC): RPC

    • SPML Web Service Operation Name: processRequest

  • Oracle WebLogic Server

    • Web Service URL: http://IP_address:port_number/spmlws/HttpSoap11

    • SPML Web Service Binding style (DOCUMENT or RPC): DOCUMENT

    • SPML Web Service Complex Data Type: SPMLv2Document

    • SPML Web Service Operation Name: processRequest

15.4 Web Services Provisioning Transport Provider

The Web Services provisioning transport provider acts as a Web service client and carries provisioning request data from Oracle Identity Manager to the target system Web service.

The following types of target system Web services are supported:

The following is the parameter of the Web Services provisioning transport provider:

Web Service URL

Use this parameter to specify the URL of the Web service that you want to use for sending a provisioning request to the target system. This is a run-time parameter. In the WSDL file, the Web service URL is the value of the location attribute of the wsdlsoap:address element.

If you include the Web Services provisioning transport provider in the generic technology connector that you create, you may want to configure Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communication between the target system and Oracle Identity Manager. The following section provides information about this procedure.

15.4.1 Configuring SSL Communication Between Oracle Identity Manager and the Target System Web Service

This section describes the procedure to configure the application server on which Oracle Identity Manager is installed for SSL communication.

You can perform this procedure only if all the following conditions are true:

  • You want to include the Web Services provisioning transport provider in the generic technology connector that you plan to create.

  • The target Web service is running on an SSL-enabled application server.

To configure SSL communication between Oracle Identity Manager and the target system Web service:


You can perform this procedure prior to creating the generic technology connector.

  1. Export the target application server certificate as follows:

    • For a target system Web service deployed on JBoss Application Server, Oracle WebLogic Server, or Oracle WebLogic Server, run the following command:

      JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool -export -alias default -file exported-certificate-file -keystore app-server-specific-keystore  -storetype jks –storepass keystore-password –provider

      In this command:

      • Replace JAVA_HOME with the full path to the SUN JDK directory.

      • Replace exported-certificate-file with the name of the file in which you want the exported certificate to be stored.

      • Replace app-server-specific-keystore with the path to the keystore on the application server.

      • Replace keystore-password with the password for the keystore.

    • For a target system Web service deployed on IBM WebSphere Application Server or Oracle WebLogic Server on AIX, run the following command:

      JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool -export -alias default -file exported-certificate-file -keystore app-server-specific-keystore -storetype jks –storepass keystore-password -provider

      In this command:

      • Replace JAVA_HOME with the full path to the IBM JDK directory.

      • Replace exported-certificate-file with the name of the file in which you want the exported certificate to be stored.

      • Replace app-server-specific-keystore with path to the keystore on the application server.

      • Replace keystore-password with the password for the keystore.

      When the command is run, the exported certificate file is stored in the file that you specify as the value of exported-certificate-file.

  2. Import the certificate file exported in the preceding step into the Oracle Identity Manager truststore as follows:

    1. Copy the certificate file exported in the preceding step into a temporary directory on the Oracle Identity Manager server.

    2. Run the following command:

      JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias servercert -noprompt -keystore OIM_HOME\config\.xlkeystore -file certificate_file

      In this command:

      • Replace JAVA_HOME with full path to the JDK directory. For Oracle Identity Management Server deployed on IBM WebSphere Application Server, the path must be that of the IBM JDK directory. For Oracle Identity Manager deployed on JBoss Application Server, Oracle WebLogic Server, or Oracle WebLogic Server, the path must be that of the SUN JDK directory.

      • Replace OIM_HOME with the full path of the Oracle Identity Manager home directory

      • Replace certificate_file with the path of the temporary directory into which you copy the certificate file.


    If the application server is enabled for one-way SSL communication, you need not perform the rest of this procedure.

  3. Import the Oracle Identity Manager certificate into the target system application server truststore as follows:


    Perform the following steps only if the application server is enabled for two-way SSL communication.

    1. Export the Oracle Identity Manager certificate file.

      For Oracle Identity Manager deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server, run the following command:

      JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool -export -alias xell -file OIM_HOME\config\xell.cert -keystore OIM_HOME\config\.xlkeystore -storetype jks –provider

      In this command:

      - Replace JAVA_HOME with the full path to the SUN JDK directory.

      - Replace OIM_HOME with the full path of the Oracle Identity Manager home directory.

      For Oracle Identity Manager deployed on IBM WebSphere Application Server, run the following command:

      JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool -export -alias xell -file OIM_HOME\config\xell.cert -keystore OIM_HOME\config\.xlkeystore -storetype jks -provider

      In this command:

      - Replace JAVA_HOME with the full path to the IBM JDK directory.

      - Replace OIM_HOME with the full path of the Oracle Identity Manager home directory.

    2. Import the certificate file that you export in Step 3a into the truststore of the application server as follows:

      Copy the exported Oracle Identity Manager certificate file to a temporary directory on the target application server.

      Next, run the following command on the target application server:

      • If the target application server is JBoss Application Server, Oracle WebLogic Server, or Oracle WebLogic Server, run the following command:

        JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool –import –alias alias -trustcacerts  -file OIM-certificate-file -keystore app-server-specific-truststore  -storetype jks –storepass truststore-password –provider

        In this command:

        * Replace JAVA_HOME with the full path to the SUN JDK directory.

        * Replace alias with an alias for the certificate in the truststore of the target application server.

        * Replace OIM-certificate-file with the name of the exported Oracle Identity Manager certificate file.

        * Replace app-server-specific-truststore with path to the truststore on the target application server.

        * Replace truststore-password with the password for the truststore on the target application server.

      • If the target application server is IBM WebSphere Application Server, run the following command:

        JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool -import -alias alias -trustcacerts -file OIM-certificate-file -keystore app-server-specific-truststore -storetype pkcs12 –storepass truststore-password -provider

        In this command:

        * Replace JAVA_HOME with the full path to the SUN JDK directory.

        * Replace alias with an alias for the certificate in the target truststore.

        * Replace OIM-certificate-file with the name of the exported Oracle Identity Manager certificate file.

        * Replace app-server-specific-truststore with the path to the truststore on the target application server.

        * Replace truststore-password with the password for the truststore on the target application server.

      See Also:

      SSL configuration documentation for the target application server

15.5 Transformation Providers


Use the information provided in this section while performing the instructions given in Section, "Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration Page" .

A transformation provider is used to transform user data while it is in transit between the source and destination data sets listed in the following table.

Source Data Set Destination Data Set Purpose of the Transformation
Source Reconciliation Staging Data is transformed before it is used to create reconciliation events.
Oracle Identity Manager Provisioning Staging Data is transformed before it is used to create the provisioning request to be sent to the target system.

The following predefined transformation providers are included in the current release of Oracle Identity Manager:

15.5.1 Concatenation Transformation Provider

You use the concatenation transformation provider to concatenate the values of two fields of data sets to create the input for a single field of another data set.

The following example explains the output format of this provider:

Suppose the input values are the following fields of the source data set:

  • First Name: John

  • Last Name: Doe

When the concatenation transformation provider is applied to these two fields, the output value is as follows:

John Doe


As shown in the preceding example, the concatenation transformation provider adds a space between the values of the two input fields.

The following procedure describes how to add a concatenation transformation provider while creating a generic technology connector:


This procedure explains in detail the instruction given in Step 5 of Section, "Adding or Editing Fields in Data Sets" . It is assumed that you have already selected the Concatenation option from the Mapping Action list on the Step 1: Field Information page and that you have performed Steps 2 and 3 given in that section.

On the Step 2: Mapping page in the pop-up window, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Dataset list in the Input 1 region, select the data set containing the first field that you want to concatenate. From the Field Name list, select the first field. Alternatively, you can use the Literal option to specify a literal (or fixed) value as the first concatenation input.

    For the example described earlier, from the Dataset list in the Input 1 region, select the data set containing the First Name field. Then, from the Field Name list, select First Name.

  2. From the Dataset list in the Input 2 region, select the data set containing the second field that you want to concatenate. Then, from the Field Name list, select the second field. Alternatively, you can use the Literal option to specify a literal (or fixed) value as the second concatenation input.

    For the example described earlier, from the Dataset list in the Input 2 region, select the data set containing the Last Name field. Then, from the Field Name list, select Last Name.

15.5.2 Translation Transformation Provider

A translation operation involves accepting a certain (literal) value as input and converting it into another value.

The following example illustrates a translation operation:

Suppose the Source data set contains the Country field and data values stored in this field can take one of the following values:

  • Austria

  • France

  • Germany

  • India

  • Japan

When these values are propagated to the reconciliation staging data set, you want to convert these values to the following:

  • AT

  • FR

  • DE

  • IN

  • JP

To automate this translation, you can use the translation transformation provider.

To use the translation transformation provider:

  1. Use the Design Console to create a lookup definition that stores the input and decoded values.


    While creating a lookup definition in the Lookup Definition form, you must select the Lookup Type option, and not the Field Type option.

    For the Country field example described earlier, the Code Key and Decode values are as shown in the following table.

    Code Key Decode
    Austria AT
    France FR
    Germany DE
    India IN
    Japan JP

  2. Define a transformation (translation) mapping between the input field and output field for the translation. As mentioned earlier, a transformation can be set up between the following pairs of data sets:

    • Source and Reconciliation Staging

    • Oracle Identity Manager and Provisioning Staging


    This procedure explains in detail the instruction given in Step 5 of Section, "Adding or Editing Fields in Data Sets". It is assumed that you have already selected the Concatenation option from the Mapping Action list on the Step 1: Field Information page and that you have performed Steps 2 and 3 given in that section.

    1. On the Step 3: Mapping page, from the Dataset list in the Input region, select the data set containing the field that will provide the input value for the translation operation. Then, from the Field Name list, select the field itself.

      For the Country field example described earlier, select the data set containing the Country field and select the Country field.

    2. In the Lookup Code Name region, select Literal and enter the name of the lookup definition that you create in the preceding step.


      You must not specify a data set name and field in the Lookup Code Name region. Although there is no validation to stop you from selecting a data set name and field, the translation operation would fail during actual reconciliation or provisioning operations.

      This point is also mentioned in the Mappings section .

      For the Country field example described earlier, select Literal and select the lookup definition you create in Step 1. Configuring Account Status Reconciliation

User account status information is used to track whether or not the owner of a target system account is to be allowed to access and use the account. If required, you can use the translation transformation provider to reconcile account status information.


The Design Console offers an alternative method to configure account status reconciliation. This method does not involve the use of a generic technology connector. Section, "User Account Status Reconciliation" describes this method.

You need to use the translation transformation provider only if account status values used in the target system are not the same as the values used in Oracle Identity Manager. For a target resource, Oracle Identity Manager uses the following values:

  • Enabled state: Enabled

  • Disabled state: Disabled

For a trusted source, Oracle Identity Manager uses the following values:

  • Enabled state: Active

  • Disabled state: Disabled

The procedure to configure account status reconciliation can be summarized as follows:


Detailed instructions to perform these steps are provided later in this section.

  1. Create a lookup definition that maps the status values used in the target system with the values used in Oracle Identity Manager.

  2. While creating the generic technology connector, use the translation transformation provider to create a transformation mapping between the fields that hold account status values in the Source data set and the reconciliation staging data set.

    The following example describes the action that you must perform:

    Suppose the following fields are used to hold account status values:

    • The User Status field of the Source data set holds the values True (for a user in the Enabled state) and False (for a user in the Disabled state).

    • The User Status field of the reconciliation staging data set must hold one of the following pairs of values:

      • For target resource reconciliation, the field must hold Enabled or Disabled.

      • For trusted source reconciliation, the field must hold Active or Disabled.

    You must create a transformation mapping that converts the True/False values in the User Status field of the Source data set into corresponding Enabled/Disabled or Active/Disabled values. During reconciliation, these converted values are sent to the User Status field of the reconciliation staging data set.

  3. Create a mapping between the field that holds account status values in the reconciliation staging data set and one of the following fields:

    • The OIM Object Status field of the OIM – Account data set, for target resource reconciliation

    • The Status field of the OIM – User data set, for trusted source reconciliation

    During reconciliation, this mapping is used to propagate status values from the reconciliation staging data set to the OIM – Account or OIM – User data set.

Detailed steps to configure account status reconciliation are as follows:

  1. Create a lookup definition that maps the status values used in the target system with the values used in Oracle Identity Manager.

    The Code Key values in the lookup definition must be the same as the values used to represent the account status in the target system. The Code Key and Decode values for both trusted and target resource reconciliation are as shown in the following table:

    Code Key Decode (for Trusted Source Reconciliation) Decode (for Target Resource Reconciliation)
    Target system status value for a user account that is in the Enabled state Active Enabled
    Target system status value for a user account that is in the Disabled state Disabled Disabled

    Examples of Code Key values are True/False, Yes/No, and 1/0. The Decode values must be set to the exact value, including the case (uppercase and lowercase), shown in the table.


    While creating the lookup definition in the Lookup Definition form, you must select the Lookup Type option, and not the Field Type option.

  2. The procedure to create the generic technology connector is described in Chapter 17, "Creating and Managing Generic Technology Connectors". While creating the generic technology connector, perform the following steps on the Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration page:


    These steps are a condensed version of the procedure described in Section, "Adding or Editing Fields in Data Sets". Refer to that section for a description of the terms and GUI elements mentioned in the following steps.

    1. If the target system status field is displayed on the Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration page, click the Edit icon for the field in the reconciliation staging data set.

      If the field is not displayed, click the Add icon of the reconciliation staging data set.

    2. On the Step 1: Field Information page, specify values for the following GUI elements:

      • Field Name: If you are adding the field, specify a name for it. The field name that you specify must contain only ASCII characters, because non-ASCII characters are not allowed.

      • Mapping Action: Select Create Mapping With Translation from this list.

      • Matching Only: Ensure that this check box is deselected.

      • Create End-to-End Mapping: If you are adding the field, select this check box.

      • Multi-Valued Field: Ensure that this check box is deselected.

      • Data Type: Select the data type of the field.

      • Length: Specify the character length of the field.

      • Required: Select this check box if you want to ensure that the field always contains a value.

      • Encrypted: Ensure that this check box is deselected.

      • Password Field: Ensure that this check box is deselected.

    3. Click Continue.

    4. On the Step 3: Provide Mapping Information page, perform the following steps:

      In the Input region:

      • From the Dataset list, select Source.

      • From the Field Name list, select the field that stores status values.

      In the Lookup Code Name region, select Literal and enter the name of the lookup definition that you create in Step 1.

    5. If required, select a validation check for the field and click Add. In other words, select the validation provider that you want to use.

    6. Click Continue, and click Close.

  3. Create a mapping between the status field of the reconciliation staging data set and either the OIM Object Status field of the OIM - Account data set or the Status field of the OIM - User data set as follows:


    These steps are a condensed version of the procedure described in Section, "Adding or Editing Fields in Data Sets".

    1. For target resource reconciliation, click the edit icon for the OIM Object Status field of the OIM - Account data set.

      For target resource reconciliation, click the edit icon for the Status field of the OIM - User data set.


      If a mapping already exists between the status field of the reconciliation staging data set and the OIM Object Status field or Status field, apply the instructions given in this step only where required.

    2. On the Step 1: Field Information page, specify values for the following GUI elements:

      • Mapping Action: Select Create Mapping Without Transformation from this list.

      • Matching Only: Ensure that this check box is deselected.

    3. Click Continue.

    4. In the Input region on the Step 3: Mapping page, select the status field of the reconciliation staging data set.

    5. Click Continue, Continue, and click Close.

    6. To add or edit other fields displayed on the Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration page, continue with the procedure described in Section, "Adding or Editing Fields in Data Sets".

15.6 Validation Providers

Table 15-1 describes the validation providers that are shipped with this release of Oracle Identity Manager.


Except for the Validate Date Format provider, all the providers in this table are implementations of methods of the GenericValidator class in the Apache Jakarta Commons API.

Table 15-1 Validation Providers

Validation Provider Description


Returns true if the field value is not null and is not blank


Returns true if the field value is a valid date for the locale that is in use

Note: Date formats are different for different locales. When you select this provider, you also specify the locale whose date formats must be used for the validation.


Returns true if the field value is within a range specified by a minimum and maximum value pair


Checks if the field value can be converted to a byte primitive


Checks if the field value can be converted to a double primitive


Checks if the field value can be converted to a float primitive


Checks if the field value can be converted to an integer primitive


Checks if the field value can be converted to a long primitive


Checks if the field value can be converted to a short primitive


Checks if the field value matches the specified regular expression

Note: A regular expression is a string that is used to describe or match a set of strings according to specific syntax rules.


Checks if the length of the field value is less than or equal to the specified value


Checks if the length of the field value is greater than or equal to the specified value

Validate Date Format

Validates date values in target system records before these records are reconciled into Oracle Identity Manager

The value of the Source Date Format parameter is used as the basis for validation. This validation provider is applied if you specify a value for the Source Date Format parameter on the Step 2: Specify Parameter Values page, regardless of whether or not you select this provider on the Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration page.

Note: Unlike the other providers in this table, the Validate Date Format is not an implementation of a method of the GenericValidator class in the Apache Jakarta Commons API.