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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager
Release 11g (11.1.1)
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8 Setting Up OTP Anywhere

OTP Anywhere creates universal delivery options for auto-generated one-time-passwords used for secondary, risk-based user challenges to add sophisticated security to basic authentcation flows.

OTP is a form of out-of-band authentication that is used as secondary credentials. It is generated at pre-configured checkpoints based on policies configured.

This chapter focuses on the setting up Oracle Adaptive Access Manager to use a configured delivery method to authenticate users.

8.1 Introduction and Concepts

This section introduces you to the concept of One Time Password (OTP) and how it is used in Oracle Adaptive Access Manager.

8.1.1 Out-of-Band OTP Delivery

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g contains one time password authentication capabilities that support the delivery of a random server-generated OTP through any of the following out-of-band channels:

  • email

  • SMS

  • voice messaging

  • instant messaging

The user is OTP-challenged to enter the single-use PIN or password code he receives into a Web interface. This form of authentication is used as a secondary credential in addition to the static username and password.

8.1.2 One Time Password (OTP)

One Time Password (OTP) is a random single use authentication credential. The OTP may be either numeric or alphanumeric and any length and the randomization algorithm is pluggable.

The following are major benefits of using out-of-band OTP:

  • The one time password is delivered to the valid user through one of the configured channels. These can include SMS, IM, email or voice.

  • The user does not require any proprietary hardware or client software of any kind.

8.1.3 Registration

Registration is the enrollment process, the opening of a new account, or other event where information is obtained from the user.

During registration, the user is asked to select supported OTP delivery channels.

When OTP-challenged, the single-use PIN or password is delivered to the user through the delivery channel he selected.

8.1.4 OTP Challenge

An OTP challenge is when the user is asked to provide the OTP as a form of authentication for high risk situations based upon configured policies.

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager, depending on its configuration for OTP, sends a time-constrained single-use PIN or password to the user when further authentication is required.

The user is OTP-challenged to enter the single-use PIN or password code he receives in to a Web interface.

The user must enter the correct OTP in to the Web interface to proceed with the operation.

8.1.5 KBA vs. OTP

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager deployments may choose to use both KBA and OTP Anywhere or each separately or no challenge mechanisms at all. If both KBA and OTP Anywhere are being used in a deployment, the security team may choose to use KBA for challenges in lower risk situations and OTP Anywhere for higher risk situations.

For example, a user logging in from a new IP in a city he often logs in from is relatively low risk on its own so a KBA challenge would be a good option to gain additional verification that this is the valid user. If, however, a user is attempting a funds transfer of more than $1000 using a device and location he has never accessed from previously and the user has never performed a transfer, a stronger measure such as OTP Anywhere would be warranted.

If a customer has both KBA and OTP Anywhere enabled, the priority is configurable through properties.

For information on KBA and OTP Anywhere priority, see Section 8.5, "Enabling OTP Challenge."

8.1.6 OTP Failure Counters

An OTP failure occurs when the user supplies an incorrect answer during an OTP-challenge and the failure counter is incremented. When a correct PIN or password is provided by the user, the failure counter is reset to 0 and the user is allowed to proceed with the operation.

When the failure counter reaches the threshold value, the user is "OTP Locked."

The maximum number for OTP challenges is configurable.

OTP failures are counted across sessions.

If the user is OTP-locked, he can call the Customer Service Representative to become unlocked.

8.1.7 OTP Resets

A customer service representative (CSR) can reset a customer's OTP profile or unlock a customer when necessary. Reset OTP Profile

The CSR resets a user's OTP profile. The system deletes the contact information that is used to send the OTP. The customer must register OTP information at the log in. Unlock a Customer

The CSR unlocks the user who calls because he has been OTP-locked out of the system. Unlocking the customer resets the customer's OTP failure counter.

8.2 User Flow

Example use cases that follow illustrates the user experience when the OTP framework is configured.

Use Case 1: New Registration Example

This example illustrates the user registration experience.

  1. The user logs in to a protected application for the first time after Oracle Adaptive Access Manager is deployed.

  2. The user selects his virtual device, and personalization image and phase.

  3. The user sets up KBA challenge questions.

  4. The user selects one or more of the following OTP Anywhere delivery channels:

    • cell phone

    • email address

    • home phone number

    • Instant Message ID

    The delivery channel used is configured by an administrator for all users in a deployment.

Use Case: User Login Example

This section illustrates an example of the user login experience when a high risk rule is triggered, and OTP Anywhere is used in the deployment.

  1. A registered user logs in to a protected application.

  2. If the situation is high enough risk, the user is asked to enter an OTP sent to them in another channel/band.

  3. The user will enter the OTP in the web interface to authenticate himself.

8.3 Setting Up OTP Anywhere

To set up OTP Anywhere, you must perform the following tasks:

  1. Enabling OTP Profile Registration and Preference Setting

  2. Setting Up the Contact Input Elements for OTP Registration Page

  3. Configuring the OTP Challenge Types

  4. Configuring OTP Delivery

For information on customizing Oracle Adaptive Access Manager, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager.

8.3.1 Enabling OTP Profile Registration and Preference Setting

To enable OTP profile registration and preference setting:

  1. In the Navigation tree, double-click Properties under the Environment node. The Properties Search page is displayed.

  2. Search for the following properties and set them to true.

    If the properties do not exist, create them.

    • bharosa.uio.default.register.userinfo.enabled

      Setting the property to true enables the profile registration pages if the OTP channel is enabled and requires registration.

    • bharosa.uio.default.userpreferences.userinfo.enabled

      Setting the property to true enables the user to set preferences if the OTP channel is enabled and allows preference setting.

OTP Challenge types must be enabled before any pages are displayed.

8.3.2 Setting Up the Contact Input Elements for OTP Registration Page

If user information registration or user preferences is set to true, configure the input information for the OTP registration or preferences page. The bharosa.uio.default.userinfo.inputs.enum property values are shown in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1 OTP Properties for Contact Input

Property Description


Name used for the input field in the HTML form


Set for text or password input


Maximum length of user input


Set if the field is required on the registration page


The order displayed in the user interface

The following is an example of an enum defining mobile device registration on the OTP registration page of an authenticator: Phone Phone

The following is an example of an enum for adding a second mobile device to register:

bharosa.uio.default.userinfo.inputs.enum.mobile2=2 Phone 2
bharosa.uio.default.userinfo.inputs.enum.mobile2.description=Mobile Phone 2

The following is an example of an enum defining email registration on the OTP registration page of an authenticator: Address Address[a-zA-Z_]+?\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}

The following is an example of an enum for adding a second email to register:

bharosa.uio.default.userinfo.inputs.enum.email2=2 Address 2
bharosa.uio.default.userinfo.inputs.enum.email2.description=Email Address 2

8.3.3 Configuring the OTP Challenge Types

Configure the bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum property to edit out-of-the-box OTP challenge types or add a new challenge type.

Table 8-2 Challenge type Properties

Property Description


if the challenge type is available for use (service ready and configured). To enable/disable an OTP challenge type, the available flag should be set.


java class for handling challenges of this type. The challenge mechanism is customizable through Java classes. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager for information.


comma separated list of inputs from registration input enum

The following is an example of an enum defining email challenge for OTP:

bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeEmail = 1 = Email Challenge
bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeEmail.description = Email Challenge
bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeEmail.processor = com.bharosa.uio.processor.challenge.EmailChallengeProcessor
bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeEmail.requiredInfo = mobile
bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeEmail.available = true
bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeEmail.enabled = true

The following is an example of an enum defining SMS challenge for OTP:

bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeSMS = 2 = SMS Challenge
bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeSMS.description = SMS Challenge
bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeSMS.processor = com.bharosa.uio.processor.challenge.SmsChallengeProcessor
bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeSMS.requiredInfo = mobile
bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeSMS.available = true
bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeSMS.enabled = true

8.3.4 Configuring OTP Delivery

The delivery channel used is configured by an administrator for all users in a deployment.

8.4 Configuring OTP Presentation

8.4.1 Adding an OTP Device

By default, challenge devices are configured through rules. The rules are under the Authentication Pad checkpoint and determine the type of device to use based on the purpose of the device (ChallengeEmail, ChallengeSMS, ChallengeQuestion, and so on).

Alternatively, if you want to configure challenge devices using properties, you can bypass the Authentication Pad checkpoint by setting bharosa.uio.default.use.authentipad.checkpoint to false. Then, perform the following instructions:

Edit the challenge type properties (ChallengeEmail, ChallengeSMS) so that the desired device is displayed for challenging the user.

For the example in Table 8-3, PinPad has been configured as the SMS and Email authenticator.


Other device choices are listed in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3 Challenge Type

Property Description


No HTML page or authentication pad


Challenge user using KeyPad.


Challenge user with the alphanumeric KeyPad (numbers and letters only, no special characters)


Challenge user using TextPad.


Challenge user using QuestionPad.


Challenge user using PinPad.


Challenge user using HTML page instead of an authentication pad.

The OTP device is displayed at the next login to the application.

8.4.2 Changing an OTP Device

To change the OTP Device used for challenges, change the OTP challenge type for the rule's result action.

If properties are used, change the device for the bharosa.uio.default.<ChallengeType>.authenticator.device=<Device>

8.5 Enabling OTP Challenge

To enable OTP challenges:

  1. In the Navigation tree, double-click Properties. The Properties Search page is displayed.

  2. Search for the bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.<challengeType>.available property and set it to true for the OTP challenge you want.

  3. If you want challenge questions enabled as well, ensure that bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeQuestion.available is set to true.

  4. Configure a new policy with the OTP challenge type as the result action.

In default policies, if OTP is enabled, OTP challenges occurs after a user is KBA Challenge blocked.

High risk user are KBA Challenged. If the user fails the KBA challenge, the user will be presented with the appropriate virtual authentication device and receive the OTP through the proper channel.

8.6 Setting Up Failure Counter

When a user fails the OTP challenge, a counter is updated to indicate that user has had a failure. The failure counter looks across sessions.

The failure counter is set using the User: Check OTP failures condition.


A success for an OTP challenge automatically resets the OTP failure counters to 0.

8.7 OTP Case Management

Steps for using case management actions for OTP are described in the following subsections.

8.7.1 Resetting OTP Profile

This Reset Profile option resets the OTP profile for the user.

  1. From the Cases Search page.

    For information, see Chapter 4, "Managing and Supporting Cases."

  2. Click the case number of the case you want.

    The Case Details page appears.

  3. On the menu bar, click Customer Resets.

    The Customer Resets screen appears.

    Figure 8-1 Customer Reset

    The customer reset dialog is shown.
  4. In the Item to Select list, select Reset Profile.

  5. In the Notes list, click the note you want to add.

  6. If you selected Other from the Notes list, enter a note describing why you are taking the action.

  7. Click Submit.

8.7.2 Unlocking User

This action resets the OTP failure counter for the user.

An "OTP lock" occurs when a user's failure counter across sessions is greater than the threshold value specified.

As a CSR, you can unlock a user if the lock out occurred through OTP failures. To do this:

  1. Search for the case from Cases Search page.

    For information, see Chapter 4, "Managing and Supporting Cases."

  2. Click the case number of the case you want.

    The Case Details page appears.

  3. On the menu bar, click Customer Resets.

    The Customer Resets screen appears.

  4. In the Item to Select list, select Unlock Customer.

  5. In the Notes list, click the note you want to add.

  6. If you selected Other from the Notes list, enter a note describing why you are taking the action.

  7. Click Submit.

An OTP unlock resets the OTP failure count to 0.


An "Unlock OTP" action does not affect KBA functionality and vice versa.

8.7.3 OTP Case Details

The Case Details page provides the following OTP-specific information:

  1. In the Navigation tree, double-click Cases.

    The Cases Search page is displayed.

  2. Create a case for a user who has a registered OTP profile.

  3. From the Case Details, click Customer Resets and select Reset OTP Profile. Enter notes and click Submit.

    OTP Profile is reset. Last Case Action and Last Case Action date in Case Details page display the Reset OTP Profile action and date.

8.8 Viewing OTP Performance Data

  1. In the Navigation tree, double-click Dashboard.

  2. Check Section I of the Dashboard for OTP Challenges per minute.

    The graph displays the OTP Challenges per minute statistics

  3. Check Section II of the Dashboard

    The summary table of the Dashboard displays the Count of OTP Challenges for the specified time period.

  4. Check Section III of the Dashboard under Locations.

    The Location Dashboard displays performance statistics, such as count, percentage, and others.