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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for Linux x86-64
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5 Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control

This chapter describes issues associated with Fusion Middleware Control. It includes the following topics:


This chapter contains issues you might encounter while using Fusion Middleware Control to manage any of the Oracle Fusion Middleware products.

Be sure to review the product-specific release note chapters elsewhere in this document for any additional issues specific to the products you are using.

5.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issue and workarounds. It includes the following topic:

5.1.1 Product Behavior After a Session Timeout

For security purposes, your sessions with the Fusion Middleware Control will time out after a predefined period of inactivity, and you will be asked to log in to the console again. In most cases, you are returned to the page you had displayed before the session timed out.

However, in some circumstances, such as when you are using the Fusion Middleware Control deployment wizards, you will not be returned the same location in the product after you log in. In those cases, you will have to navigate to the specific Fusion Middleware Control page you were using before the session timed out.

5.1.2 Fixing Errors Displayed When Selecting the TopLink Sessions Command in Fusion Middleware Control

In Fusion Middleware Control, you can view the Oracle TopLink management pages by selecting TopLink Sessions from the Application Deployment menu.

However, if you receive an error message when you select this command, you can remedy the problem by adding one or both of the following MBean system properties, as follows

On Windows operating systems:


On UNIX operating systems:


For more information, see the following URL on the Eclipse WIKI Web site:

5.1.3 Verifying the DISPLAY Variable to Correct Problems Displaying Graphics

The graphics subsystem for the Fusion Middleware Control generates some of its graphics on demand, and if the DISPLAY environment variable is set, Fusion Middleware Control tries to open the specified DISPLAY environment.

If Fusion Middleware Control fails to start due to graphics errors, check to see whether the DISPLAY environment variable is set to a proper DISPLAY environment.

If the DISPLAY environment variable is set incorrectly, unset the DISPLAY environment variable. Then restart Fusion Middleware Control.

5.1.4 Incomplete Information Available on the MDS Configuration Page

After deploying a Oracle SOA Suite application that requires Oracle Metadata Services (MDS), in some rare circumstances, you may find that the MDS configuration page for the application does not contain complete information about the MDS repository.

To address this problem, use the Metadata Repositories page to register the repository again. For more information, see "Create and Register an MDS Repository" in the Fusion Middleware Control online help.

5.1.5 Exceptions When Starting Oracle Web Cache After Accessing Configuration Pages from Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control

To start, stop, or restart Oracle Web Cache from Fusion Middleware Control, from the Web Cache menu, you can choose Control, and then Start Up, Shut Down, or Restart.

If you select Shut Down, and then Start Up on a configuration page, Fusion Middleware Control may return exception errors. If these errors occur in your environment, perform the operations from Web Cache Home page.

5.1.6 Table Display Problems When Using Some Language Variants

When you use Fusion Middleware Control in some non-English language environments, some of the tables on the component home pages display incorrectly. For example, some rows of the table appear to be merged and without content.

These issues can be safely ignored, since no data on the pages is hidden. The table cells that appear incorrectly do not contain performance data or other information.

5.1.7 Problems When Internet Explorer 7 is Configured to Open Pop-Up Windows in a New Tab

If you configure Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 so it always displays pop-up windows in a new browser tab, then you may experience problems using Fusion Middleware Control. For example, in some cases, Enteprise Manager content displays in a new tab as expected, but Fusion Middleware Control stops responding to mouse clicks. The only way to continue working is to close the tab.

To avoid this problem, use the Internet Options dialog box in Internet Explorer to disable the option for displaying pop-up windows in a new tab.

5.1.8 Additional Fusion Middleware Control Release Notes

Refer to Chapter 4, "Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration" for additional Fusion Middleware Control release notes.

Additional Fusion Middleware Control release notes are also included in the component chapters of the Release Notes.

5.1.9 Problem with Performance Charts After Moving a Chart Region

Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control provides performance charts on many of the component home pages. For example, it provides charts that display the current response and load metrics, as well as the CPU and memory usage.

If you move one of these charts to a new location on the home page, then sometimes the Table View link (which provides a tabular view of the data) does not work properly and the chart might stop refreshing automatically.

To fix this problem, click the refresh icon at the top, right corner of the page to refresh the page.

5.1.10 Display Problems When Running JDK 160_18 on Intel Systems that Support the SSE4.2 Instruction Set

Some of the newer Intel-based computers support the SSE4.2 instruction set. If you are using the 160_18 version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) on one of these computers, then you might see some display issues in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

This is related to the following issue on the Sun Developer Network (SDN):

In particular, when using Fusion Middleware Control, you might experience some font size and alignment issues, and an error similar to the following appears in the server log file:

Servlet failed with Exception
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range

To remedy this problem:

  1. Locate and open the setDomainEnv configuration file in your Oracle WebLogic Server domain home.

    For example:

  2. Add the following to the JAVA_OPTIONS entry in the setDomainEnv file and save your changes:


    For example:

     -Dwlw.iterativeDev=${iterativeDevFlag} -Dwlw.testConsole=${testConsoleFlag}
     -Dwlw.logErrorsToConsole=${logErrorsToConsoleFlag} -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics"
  3. Locate the following directory in your Oracle WebLogic Server domain home:

  4. Delete the style sheets (.css) files from the directory.

  5. Restart the Oracle WebLogic Server domain.

  6. Clear the cache in your Web browser.

5.1.11 Adobe Flash Plugin Required When Displaying Fusion Middleware Control in the Apple Safari Browser

To use the Apple Safari browser to display Fusion Middleware Control, you must have the Adobe Flash browser plugin installed.

If you experience problems displaying graphics or other Fusion Middleware Control elements, download and install a newer version of the plugin from the Adobe Web site.

5.1.12 Unable to Access Fusion Middleware Control After Installing the Oracle Identity Management Patch Set

After you install the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( patch set, you might experience problems when accessing the Fusion Middleware Control pages used to manage the Oracle Identity Management components.

Specifically, an error similar to the following appears in the Administration Server log files:

[ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default
(self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid:
0000In^zrbUF8DQ6ubU4UH1D1qXF00000s,0] [APP: em] [[
oracle.adf.controller.ControllerException: ADFC-00025: The ADF controller has
not been successfully initalized.

If you experience this problem, restart the Administration Server. After the restart, you should be able to log in and access the Fusion Middleware Control pages.

5.2 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata. It includes the following topics:

5.2.1 Search Unavailable for Some Embedded Administrator's Guides

Search is unavailable for the following embedded administrator's guides in the Fusion Middleware Control help system:

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Federation

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Content Server for installations with Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite