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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for Linux x86-64
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2 Installation, Patching, and Configuration

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle Fusion Middleware installation, patching, and configuration. It includes the following topics:


This chapter contains issues you might encounter while installing, patching, or configuring any of the Oracle Fusion Middleware products.

Be sure to review the product-specific release note chapters elsewhere in this document for any additional issues specific to the products you are using.

2.1 Installation Issues and Workarounds

This section describes installation issue and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

2.1.1 Error Messages When Installing on IBM AIX 7.1

When installing Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g products on IBM AIX 7.1, you may see the following errors during the prerequisite checking portion of the installation:

Checking operating system certification
Expected result: One of 5300.08,6100.02
Actual result:: 7100.xx
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
Problem: This Oracle software is not certified on the current operating system
Checking recommended operating system patches
Check complete: The overall result of this check is: Not executed <<<< 

These messages can be safely ignored. Selecting Continue in the dialog box will allow the installation to proceed.

2.1.2 Asian Languages Not Supported on SUSE10 and SUSE11

Asian languages are not supported on the SUSE10 and SUSE11 Linux operating systems.

There is no work around for this issue.

2.1.3 Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Application Developer Must Be Installed Before Oracle Web Tier

To ensure that the oracle_common/soa/modules/commons-cli-1.1.jar (on UNIX operating systems) or oracle_common\soa\modules\commons-cli-1.1.jar (on Windows operating systems) file is installed properly, if you plan to associate Oracle Web Tier with an existing domain, you must install Oracle Web Tier after all other products are installed.

2.1.4 Installing Release on SUSE 11 Operating Systems

If you want to install Release or later software on a certified SUSE 11 Linux operating system, you must first install the Release software, and then run the Patch Set Installer to update your software to the latest release.

However, Release is not supported on the SUSE 11 operating system. If you try to install Release on a SUSE 11 operating system, you will see the following message:

Checking operating system certification
Expected result: One of
Actual Result:SuSE-11
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed
Problem: This Oracle software is not certified on the current operating system.

To work around this issue, you can click the Continue button to ignore this warning message, or you can start the installer with the -ignoreSysPrereqs option. For example:

./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs

2.1.5 Installing Oracle SOA Suite on a Dual Stack Host with IPv4

If you install Oracle SOA Suite on a dual stack host and the SOA front end URL is only set to IPv4, Oracle BPM Worklist or asynchronous callbacks from IPv6-only clients may have problems resolving IPv4 callback URLs (and vice-versa).

The work around is to use either a split Domain Name System (DNS) or another forward proxy configuration. This enables the IPv6-only client to connect to a dual stack box through its IPv6 interface.

2.1.6 Installing Oracle SOA Suite Release in a Turkish Environment

If you are installing Oracle SOA Suite Release in a Turkish environment, there will be some functionality loss for Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

There is no work around for this issue. Oracle recommends that you avoid installing in a Turkish environment and install in an English environment instead.

2.1.7 Installing Oracle Service Registry in the Same Domain as Oracle SOA Suite

When installing Oracle Service Registry 11g in the same Weblogic Domain as Oracle SOA Suite 11g Release or Release, you may see the following error message on the WebLogic Server console when Oracle Service Registry is starting up:

java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation in interface itable

To work around this issue:

  1. Make sure Oracle Service Registry is installed on a different Managed Server from Oracle SOA Suite.

  2. Download patch 9499508 and follow the instructions in the README file included with the patch:

    1. Go to My Oracle Support.
    2. Click on the Patches & Updates tab.

    3. In the Patch Search area, search for patch 9499508.

    4. Download the patch.

  3. Edit the file and, for Oracle Service Registry Server, remove fabric.jar from classpath:

    if [ "${SERVER_NAME}" != "osr_server1" ] ; then

When installing Oracle Service Registry 11g in the same Weblogic Domain as Oracle SOA Suite 11g Release, you may see the following error message when accessing the Oracle Service Registry console:


To work around this error, edit the file and remove oracle.soa.fabric.jar from the classpath when running the Oracle Service Registry Managed Server. To do this:

  1. Make a backup of the MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/soa_domain_name/bin/ file.

  2. Edit the file and replace the following line:


    with the following:

    if [ "${SERVER_NAME}" != "<your_osr_server_name>" ] ;
  3. Restart the Oracle Service Registry Managed Server.

If you have multiple Oracle Service Registry Managed Servers in the domain, each Managed Server must be added to the condition. For example, if you have two Oracle Service Registry Managed Servers named WLS_OSR1 and WLS_OSR2:

case "$SERVER_NAME" in
echo "Setting WLS_OSR1 CLASSPATH..."


echo "Setting WLS_OSR2 CLASSPATH..."

echo "Setting default SOA CLASSPATH..."


2.1.8 Prerequisite Warnings During Installation

Vendor release updates cummulative patches and/or packages that may superseed our listed Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 prerequisites for platforms. As long as vendor approved patches and/or packages are installed, the prerequisite warnings could be ignored and the installation completed.

Another option is to use -ignoreSysPreReqs command line additional argument to the runInstaller as:

$  Mount_Point/runInstaller -ignoreSysPreReqs other required install options

2.1.9 JRF Startup Class Exceptions May Appear in Oracle WebLogic Managed Server Logs After Extending Oracle Identity Management Domain

After extending an Oracle Identity Management domain, you may see exception messages related to JRF Startup Class in the managed server log files. For example:

Failed to invoke startup class "JRF Startup Class",
oracle.jrf.PortabilityLayerException: Fail to retrieve the property for the Common
Components Home.
oracle.jrf.PortabilityLayerException: Fail to retrieve the property for the Common
Components Home.

You can safely ignore these exception messages—there is no loss in functionality.

2.1.10 WebLogic Administration Server Must Be Running When Extending Oracle Identity Management Domains

When you install Oracle Identity Management, you have several options for choosing how the Oracle Identity Management components are installed in relation to an Oracle WebLogic Server administration domain. If you select the Extend Existing Domain option on the installer's Select Domain screen, Oracle Identity Management components are installed in an existing Oracle WebLogic Server administration domain.

To install Oracle Identity Management components in an existing administration domain using the Extend Existing Domain option, the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server instance must be running.

2.1.11 Problems Installing in Thai and Turkish Locales

Turkish and Thai users are recommended to install and run Oracle Fusion Middleware using the English locale. Oracle Fusion Middleware does support Turkish and Thai locales as clients.

2.1.12 Installing Oracle UCM in Stand-Alone Mode

The Oracle WebCenter installation gives you the option of installing Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM). If you choose not to install Oracle UCM during the Oracle WebCenter installation, you can install Oracle UCM separately in stand-alone mode. Installation instructions are available at the following location:

These installation instructions are missing some important information, which is covered below. The following topics are covered: Do Not Include Folders_g in the Installation

The last question is during the installation procedure is:

Select components to install.
         1. ContentFolios: Collect related items in folios
         2. Folders_g: Organize content into hierarchical folders
         3. LinkManager8: Hypertext link management support
         4. OracleTextSearch: External Oracle 11g database as
            search indexer support
         5. ThreadedDiscussions: Threaded discussion management
Enter numbers separated by commas to toggle, 0 to unselect all, F to finish:

Make sure you DO NOT include number 2 (Folders_g) for this answer; you should not install Folders_g using the installation script. Folders_g will be installed when the script is run. Disable Trash in the Installation

Instead of installing an new Content Server to use with Oracle WebCenter, you have the option of using an existing Content Server. Any existing Content Server used with Oracle WebCenter should have the Trash disabled. Trash will only be in the Content Server if you have installed a foldering component.

To see if Trash is enabled in the Content Server:

  1. Go to Administration.

  2. Go to Folder Configuration.

  3. Go to System Folder Configuration.

    The colour of the dot next to the Trash folder indicates whether or not the Trash is enabled:

    • Green = enabled

    • Gray = disabled

To disable the Trash:

  1. Ensure you can edit marked folders:

    1. Open the stellent_dir/custom/Folders_g/folders_environment.cfg (on UNIX) or stellent_dir\custom\Folders_g\folders_environment.cfg (on Windows) file.

    2. Verify that the CollectionReadOnlyMarkedFolders value is set to true:

  2. Restart the Content Server if you changed the folders_environment.cfg file.

  3. Log in to the Content Server Home Page as a user with Administrator privileges.

  4. Go to Administration.

  5. Go to Folder Configuration.

  6. Go to System Folder Configuration.

  7. Click on the green dot next to Trash. This will disable the Trash folder and will turn the dot grey.

  8. Restore the value of CollectionReadOnlyMarkedFolders if you had changed it and restart the Content Server.

2.1.13 Setting the nls_length_semantics Parameter in your Database

Oracle Fusion Middleware only supports schemas in a byte-mode database. The nls_length_semantics initialization parameter on the database where the schemas reside must be set to BYTE; setting this parameter to CHAR is not supported.

To check the values of this parameter using SQL*Plus, you can use the show parameters command:

prompt> sqlplus "sys/password as sysdba"SQL> show parameters nls_length_semantics

Replace password with the actual password for the SYS user.

Alternatively, you can check the values by querying the V$PARAMETER view:

prompt> sqlplus "sys/password as sysdba"SQL> select name,value from v$parameter;

2.1.14 Proper Deinstallation for Reinstallation in the Event of a Failed Installation

In the event that an installation fails, and you want to deinstall the failed installation and then reinstall the software to the same location, you must do the following:

  1. Make sure that all the managed servers in the failed installation are shut down. You must verify this in the Administration Console; the word "SHUTDOWN" must appear next to the managed server name.

  2. Deinstall the binaries in the Oracle home directory using the deinstaller in the ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin directory.

  3. Delete all the managed servers from the failed installation in the config.xml file by using the Administration Console or WLST.

  4. Delete all directories in the DOMAIN_HOME/servers directory:

This procedure will enable you to reinstall the software to the same location, using the same managed server names.

2.1.15 Installing the SOAINFRA Schema with DBA Permissions

If you need to install the SOAINFRA schema and you are using a user with only DBA permissions, run the following commands on your database prior to running RCU:


Replace user in the command with the name of your database user.

2.1.16 Deinstallation Does Not Remove WebLogic Domains

There may be certain scenarios where you will need to remove WebLogic Domains that you have created. The Oracle Universal Installer is used to remove Oracle Instances and Oracle home directories only; it does not remove WebLogic Domains.

If you need to remove a WebLogic Domain, you must do so manually. Please refer to your Oracle WebLogic Server documentation for more information.

2.1.17 Failures in the Installation Log File

Upon completing of an Oracle Web Tier, Oracle Identity Management, or Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer installation, the following errors may be seen in the installtime_and_date.log file:

[2009-11-04T21:15:13.959-06:00] [OUI] [NOTIFICATION] [] [OUI] [tid: 16]
[ecid: 0000IJ2LeAeFs1ALJa5Eif1Aw^9l000007,0] OUI-10080:The pre-requisite for
the component Sun JDK  has failed.
[2009-11-04T21:15:13.960-06:00] [OUI] [NOTIFICATION] [] [OUI] [tid: 16]
[ecid: 0000IJ2LeAeFs1ALJa5Eif1Aw^9l000007,0] OUI-10080:The pre-requisite for
the component Oracle Configuration Manager  has failed.   

These messages occur because the Sun JDK and Oracle Configuration Manager are not installed in the oracle_common directory. You can safely ignore these messages.

2.1.18 Response File is Missing the MIDDLEWARE_HOME Entry

When installing Oracle Web Tier, the sample response files that are provided in the Disk1/stage/Response (on UNIX operating systems) or Disk1\stage\Response (on Windows operating systems) directories are missing an entry for specifying the Middleware home directory.

If you plan on using these response files for silent installation, you must add the MIDDLEWARE_HOME entry to the file. For example:


2.1.19 Prerequisite Checks Fail During the Installation of Oracle SOA Suite and Web Tier on SLES11

When the runInstaller script is run on shiphome for installing Oracle SOA Suite and Web Tier on SLES11, the prerequisite checks fail as it tries Checking operating system certification, showing the following error:

Check Description: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the Oracle software is certified on the current O/S or not.
Expected result: One of enterprise-5.4,enterprise-4,enterprise-5,redhat-5.4,redhat-4,redhat-5,SuSE-10
Actual Result: SuSE-11
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed

To work around this issue, perform either of the following steps:

  • Press Continue and ignore the failure.

  • Use -ignoreSysPreReqs command line additional to the runInstaller:

    /runInstaller -ignoreSysPreReqs

2.1.20 Database Connection Failure During Schema Creation When Installing Oracle Internet Directory

If the installation of Oracle Internet Directory fails due to timeout or connection failure when connecting to a database for schema creation, you can try to reset the timeout parameter in the file. This file is located in the IDM_Home/rcu/config directory on UNIX operating systems. On Windows operating systems, this file is located in the IDM_Home\rcu\config directory.

Open the file in a text editor, search for the property JDBC_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, and set its value to 30.

2.1.21 Benign Errors Logged When Patching Oracle Identity Management Installation to

You may see some benign error messages in installation log files, such as the following, after you patch an Oracle Identity Management installation to


In doFinish method checking for inventory lock...InstallProgressPage

Next page is a progress page and the inventory lock is false

/bin/chmod: changing permissions of /scratch/aime1/Oracle/Middleware/oracle_ps2/install/root.log': Operation not permitted

/bin/chmod: changing permissions of /scratch/aime1/Oracle/Middleware/oracle_ps2/bin/nmb': Operation not permitted

/bin/chmod: changing permissions of /scratch/aime1/Oracle/Middleware/oracle_ps2/bin/nmhs': Operation not permitted

/bin/chmod: changing permissions of /scratch/aime1/Oracle/Middleware/oracle_ps2/bin/nmo': Operation not permitted

inventoryLocation: /scratch/aime1/oraInventory


Such messages can be ignored.

2.1.22 Unable to Extend an Existing Domain by Selecting Only Oracle Directory Integration Platform Without Cluster

Selecting only Oracle Directory Integration Platform without cluster in a session followed by creating cluster and extending domain on the same system fails.

In this domain configuration scenario, ensure that you install and configure Oracle Directory Services Manager on the same system where you extending the domain to configure Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

2.1.23 Starting Managed Servers on Remote System After Packing and Unpacking Domain

After you unpack a domain on a remote system using the unpack command, complete the following steps:

  1. Start Node Manager on the remote system. This action creates a file on your system in the MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager directory (on UNIX). On Windows, this file is created in the MW_HOME\wlserver_10.3\common\nodemanager directory.

  2. Stop Node Manager.

  3. Open the file in a text editor and set the StartScriptEnabled property to true.

  4. Start the Node Manager on the remote system before starting the Managed Server on the remote system through the Oracle WebLogic Administration Console.

2.1.24 Errors Logged to Managed Server Log Files When Extending a Oracle Identity Management Domain on a Remote System

When extending a (patched) domain on a remote system, you may see a Null Pointer exception message, such as the following, in the Managed Server log files after installation:

0000IW5hUxgDc_Y5HrDCif1Bm1sl000000,0] [APP: DMS Application#]
     initialization error[[java.lang.NullPointerException
        at oracle.dms.impl.util.AdmlLocator.<init>(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$

To work around this issue, do the following:

  1. Stop the instance running on the second system.

  2. Stop the Managed Server on the second system.

  3. Stop the instance running on the first system.

  4. Stop Managed Servers on the first system.

  5. Stop the Administration Server on the first system.

  6. Start the instance, the Administration Server, and then Managed Servers on the first system manually from the command line.

  7. Start the instance and then Managed Servers on the second system manually from the command line.

For information about starting and stopping Oracle Fusion Middleware, see the "Starting and Stopping Oracle Fusion Middleware" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

2.1.25 WebLogic Administration Server Fails to Start Due to Memory Issues

On Windows 32-bit operating systems, the WebLogic Administration Server may fail to start, as it cannot allocate sufficient memory despite the availability of free memory.

As a workaround, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the setSOADomainEnv.cmd file, located in your <Domain_Home>\bin directory, in a text editor.

  2. Update the PORT_MEM_ARGS entry as follows:

    set PORT_MEM_ARGS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m

  3. Save the file and close.

2.1.26 Installation Fails on 64-bit Operating Systems with 32-bit JDKs

To work around this issue:

Append -jreLoc and the 32-bit JDK path to the install command.

In UNIX/Linux environments:

INSTALL_PATH/runInstaller -jreLoc 32BIT_JAVA_HOME

In Windows environments:

INSTALL_PATH\setup.exe -jreLoc 32BIT_JAVA_HOME

2.1.27 Commands for Determining if Shared GCC Libraries for 11g WebGate Are Correct Versions

The Oracle Access Manager 11g WebGates require operating system-specific GCC libraries on Linux and Solaris platforms. During the installation process of the 11g Webgates, the installer will verify the required GCC library versions. To verify that you have the correct GCC library versions before installation, run the following commands on your respective operating system. The output of each command should be greater than zero. If the output of any command is zero, install the correct GCC libraries as outlined in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity Management (Chapter 23 Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server 11g Webgate for OAM).

In Linux32/i386 environments:

  1. strings -a | grep -c "GCC_3.0"

  2. strings -a | grep -v "GCC_3.3.1" | grep -c "GCC_3.3"

  3. file | grep "32-bit" | grep -c "80386"

  4. file | grep "32-bit" | grep -c "80386"


In Linux64/x86-64 environments:

  1. strings -a | grep -c "GCC_3.0"

  2. strings -a | grep -v "GCC_3.3.1" | grep -c "GCC_3.3"

  3. strings -a | grep -c "GCC_4.2.0"

  4. file | grep "64-bit" | grep -c "x86-64"

  5. file | grep "64-bit" | grep -c "x86-64"


In Solaris64/SPARC environments:

  1. strings -a | grep -c "GCC_3.0"

  2. strings -a | grep -v "GCC_3.3.1" | grep -c "GCC_3.3"

  3. file | grep "64-bit" | grep -c "SPARC"

  4. file | grep "64-bit" | grep -c "x86-64"

  5. file | grep "64-bit" | grep -c "SPARC"

2.1.28 Do Not Install Patch 9824531 During the Setup of OIM and OAM Integration

In the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity Management, Step 10 in the section titled "Setting Up Integration Between OIM and OAM Using the Domain Agent" instructs users about installing Patch 9824531.

Do not install this patch.

Note that you must download and install the following patches instead of Patch 9824531:

  • Patch 9674375

  • Patch 9817469

  • Patch 9882205

You can download these patches from My Oracle Support.

2.1.29 JDK Installed in ORACLE_COMMON During WebTier and IDM Installation

In release, while installing WebTier or IDM on Linux x86-64, AIX and HP-UX platforms, JDK gets installed in both ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_COMMON. JDK version installed in ORACLE_COMMON is lower in version than that of ORACLE_HOME. Hence should not be used. PS3 patching fails to resolve the JDK issue. However, this issue does not affect the successful installation of Webtier or IDM.

To work around this issue, use the JDK in ORACLE_HOME and avoid using the JDK installed in ORACLE_COMMON.

2.2 Patching Issues and Workarounds

This section describes patching issues and their workarounds. It includes the following topics:

2.2.1 MDS Schema Version Number is Incorrect

If you are running Fusion Middleware products that use the Metadata Services schema (MDS) and your Fusion Middleware products are older than Release, the schema version number for the MDS schema in Enterprise Manager will be the previous release number, even if you have updated the MDS schema to Release

In order for the MDS schema version number to appear correctly, both the schema and the Fusion Middleware product software must be up to date with the most recent version.

2.2.2 Oracle BI Components Show Incorrect Version Number After Patching

After you patch your existing Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) software to Release, some Oracle BI components (for example, Oracle BI Publisher or Oracle RTD) will still show the version number from your previous release when viewed using Oracle Enterprise Manager.

There is no work around for this issue.

2.2.3 Warnings When Running upgradeOpss()

When running the upgradeOpss() WLST command to upgrade configurations and stores to Release, the following error messages may be seen:
WARNING: cannot migrate a global grant. Reason Found 2 permissions
in the store matching: ([PermissionEntry:class=java.util.PropertyPermission
target=weblogic.Name resourceType=null actions=read,PERMISSION, name=null,
uniqueName=null, guid=null]
[PermissionEntry: class=java.util.PropertyPermission target=weblogic.Name
resourceType=null actions=read,PERMISSION, name=8228FD8036F711DEAF24DB7D80B2D07C,
[PermissionEntry: class=java.util.PropertyPermission target=weblogic.Name 
resourceType=null actions=read,PERMISSION, name=8228FD8036F711DEAF24DB7D80B2D07C, 
[PermissionEntry: class=java.util.PropertyPermission target=weblogic.Name 
resourceType=null actions=read,PERMISSION, name=AC198CF0E72711DEBF9CCF0B93FB22A1, 
cn=systempolicy,cn=webcenter,cn=JPSContext,cn=jpsroot_webcenter_IR14_prod, guid=AC198CF0E72711DEBF9CCF0B93FB22A1]
[PermissionEntry: class=java.util.PropertyPermission target=weblogic.Name 
resourceType=null actions=read,PERMISSION, name=AC198CF0E72711DEBF9CCF0B93FB22A1,

These messages are harmless and can be safely ignored.

2.2.4 Deploying WebCenterWorklistDetailApp.ear for WebCenter Spaces Workflows

After running the Oracle Fusion Middleware Patch Set Installer, you must redeploy WebCenterWorklistDetailApp.ear. This file is located at the following path in your Oracle SOA Suite installation path: SOA_ORACLE_HOME/webcenter/applications/WebCenterWorklistDetailApp.ear.

2.2.5 Running Oracle Business Process Management Suite with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database

If you have patched your existing Oracle SOA Suite installation with the Patch Set Installer to include Oracle Business Process Management Suite and you are using a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database, the following procedure is required after you have patched your software:

  1. Login to the Administration Console.

  2. In the "Connection Pools" tab, add the following property in the "Properties" section for the mds-owsm and mds-soa data sources:


2.2.6 Some WebCenter Applications Show Old Version Number

After applying the patch for Oracle WebCenter, some applications still show the version number from previous releases.

There is no work around for this issue.

2.2.7 "Patch Already Installed" Warning Message in Log File

In a scenario where you have a product that is already patched to version in a Middleware home, and then you attempt to patch a second product to the same version in the same Middleware home, a warning message similar to the following will appear in the installtimestamp.out file:

Attempting to install 1 patches
Mar 3, 2010 1:00:07 PM [THREAD: Thread-1]
com.bea.cie.paf.internal.attach.PatchManagerImpl install
WARNING: Warning:  Patch already installed: PBY8
Patch installation success
Patch installation success
[SOARootService.getRootActions] autoPortsDetect =null
[SOARootService.getRootActions] privilegedPorts =null

This warning message can be safely ignored.

2.2.8 Exception Seen When Extending Your Existing Oracle SOA Suite Domain with Oracle Business Process Management Suite

The following intermittent exception may be seen in cases where you have upgraded your Oracle SOA Suite software to release with the Patch Set Installer, and are extending your existing domain to include Oracle Business Process Management Suite:

javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: EJB Exception: ; nested exception
 is: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception
[EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.0.2.v20100323-r6872):
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException:
 ORA-02292: integrity constraint (DB9128_SOAINFRA.BPM_CUBE_ROLE_FK1) violated -
 child record found.
Error Code: 2292
        bind => [247]
Query: DeleteObjectQuery(CubeProcess(domain:default, composite:counter_extended,
 revision:1.0, name:Process, hasNametab:true));
nested exception is: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception
[EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.0.2.v20100323-r6872):
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException:
ORA-02292: integrity constraint (DB9128_SOAINFRA.BPM_CUBE_ROLE_FK1) violated -
 child record found

This is a harmless exception. To avoid seeing this exception, do the following:

  1. Connect to your databsae as the SOA schema user.

  2. Drop the BPM_CUBE_ROLE_FK1 constraint by executing the following:

  3. Recreate the BPM_CUBE_ROLE_FK1 constraint by executing the following:

  4. Restart the Oracle SOA Managed Server.

2.2.9 Exception Seen When Undeploying any SOA Composite with Range-Based Dimension Business Indicators

The following intermittent exception may be seen in cases where you have upgraded your Oracle SOA Suite software to release with the Patch Set Installer, and have undeployed SOA composites that have range-based dimension business indicators:

javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: EJB Exception: ; nested
exception is: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception
[EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.0.2.v20100323-r6872):
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException:
ORA-02292: integrity constraint (DB9967_SOAINFRA.BPM_CUBE_NAMETAB_RANGE_FK1)
violated - child record found
Error Code: 2292
        bind => [0, 603]
2a); nested exception is: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception
[EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.0.2.v20100323-r6872):
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException:
ORA-02292: integrity constraint (DB9967_SOAINFRA.BPM_CUBE_NAMETAB_RANGE_FK1)
violated - child record found 

This exception is harmless and can be safely ignored. To avoid seeing this exception, do the following:

  1. Connect to your databsae as the SOA schema user.

  2. Drop the BPM_CUBE_NAMETAB_RANGE_FK1 constraint by executing the following:

  3. Recreate the BPM_CUBE_NAMETAB_RANGE_FK1 constraint by executing the following:

    FOREIGN KEY @ (ProcessId, NametabId, ExtensionId) REFERENCES
    BPM_CUBE_NAMETAB (ProcessId, NametabId, ExtensionId) ON DELETE CASCADE;
  4. Restart the Oracle SOA Managed Server.

2.2.10 Updating Oracle WebCenter Wiki and Blog Server Files

After applying the Oracle Fusion Middleware patch set, to work with Oracle WebCenter Wiki and Blog Server, you must copy the updated wiki and blog files to the applications directory where all applications created in your WebCenter domain reside.

To copy updated wiki and blog files:

  • Back up your wiki configuration file, application_config.script located at:


    Where, domain_name refers to your WebCenter domain.

  • Copy files from Oracle WebCenter Wiki and Blog Server's deployment directory in ORACLE_HOME to the DOMAIN_HOME directory of Oracle WebCenter. That is:

    Copy files from: ORACLE_HOME/wikiserver/owc_wiki

    Copy files to: MW_HOME/user_projects/applications/domain_name

    For example, you can use the following command:

    cp -r ORACLE_HOME/wikiserver/owc_wiki MW_HOME/user_projects/applications/domain_name/.

2.2.11 Update to Oracle SOA Suite Release Does Not Remove the b2b.r1ps1 Property

After you update your Release software to Release, and login to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console and navigate to the b2b Properties screen, the b2b.r1ps1 property (used to enable Release features such as DocProvisioning and TransportCallout) is still visible. This property is removed for Release

To remove this property, use the MBean browser remove property operation in Fusion Middleware Control. For more information, see "Configuring B2B Operations" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite.

2.2.12 Redeploy System Components to Ensure Proper Deinstallation

After you have patched your system component software (Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer, Oracle Identity Management, or Oracle Web Tier) and started all services, you must manually redeploy your system components if you are extending your existing domain. To do so, follow the instructions in "Redeploying System Components for Extend Domain Scenarios" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide.

If you do not redeploy your system components, you will encounter problems when you attempt to remove them.

2.2.13 Manual Steps for Migrating Oracle UMS and Oracle MDS

If you migrate your database schemas from Release to Release with the BAM Alone option:

ant master-patch-schema -DpatchMaster.Componentlist=BAM

The Oracle BAM server will not start and you will receive UMS and MDS exceptions. After executing above command, if no errors are seen in the log files and if the version in schema_version_registry is changed to for Oracle BAM, then the following commands must be executed to manually migrate Oracle UMS and MDS:

ant master-patch-schema -DpatchMaster.Componentlist=MDS
ant master-patch-schema -DpatchMaster.Componentlist=UMS

Then, start the Oracle BAM server after running these commands.

2.2.14 Warning Message When Migrating Oracle Identity Federation from Release to Release

When you are using the Patch Assistant migration scripts to migrate Oracle Identity Federation from Release to Release, you may see the following error message:

WLSTException: Error occured while performing addHelpCommandGroup : Error
getting resource bundle: : Can't find bundle for base name
oifWLSTResourceBundle, locale en_US

This message is harmless and can be safely ignored.

2.2.15 Setting Execute Permissions for emctl When Migrating System Components

When you migrate any Release system component to Release, the following error message can be seen on the console window:

Process (index=1,uid=1270434032,pid=0)
Executable file does not have execute permission.

failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit
Executable file does not have execute permission.

The work around is to manually change the permissions of the emctl executable. For example:


After changing the permissions, restart all the opmnctl processes.

2.2.16 Manual Step for ODI-BAM Users After Installing Patch Set

If you are integrating Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) with Oracle Business Activity Monitoring, you should import a new version of the following knowledge module after you install the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( patch set:

BAM_ORACLE_HOME/bam/ODI/knowledge modules/KM_RKM Oracle BAM.xml

For more information, see "Importing and Replacing Knowledge Modules" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

This new module includes bugs fixes and improvements made for the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( .

2.2.17 Applications Generate javax.xml.bind.JAXBException Runtime Errors After Installing Patch Set

If any of the applications you deployed on Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( or Release 1 ( include EclipseLink-JAXB classes that have no-arg constructors missing, then after you install Release 1 (, the application might generate the following exceptions during runtime:


To avoid this error:

  1. Modify the classes and add default no-arg constructors where necessary.

  2. Compile and redeploy your project to the newly patched Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( domain.

Example 2-1 shows an example of typical no-arg constructor.

Example 2-1 Typical Java Class with a no-arg constructor

public class PriceQuote implements Serializable
    //Make sure you have constructor with no arguments
    public PriceQuote() {

2.2.18 Monitored BPEL Processes Generate Warning Messages in Log File After Applying 11g Release 1 ( Patch Set

If you deployed BPEL processes that are instrumented with monitors, then Oracle BAM might generate warning messages in the SOA diagnotic log file after you apply the 11g Release 1 ( patch set.

This is because a new business indicator data object field ("LATEST") was added for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 (

To avoid the warning message and to take advantage of the new data object field, redeploy the BPEL process after you apply the 11g Release 1 ( patch set.

For more information about the LATEST data object field, see "Understanding Business Indicator Data Objects" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

2.3 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes configuration issues and their workarounds. It includes the following topics:

2.3.1 Starting the Configuration Wizard From a New Window

When you start the Configuration Wizard from a terminal window, make sure that it is a new terminal window to ensure that there are no environment variables set to incorrect locations from a previous configuration or installation session.

2.3.2 Extend Domain and Expand Cluster Scenarios with Remote Systems

In scenarios where you are using the Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard to extend a domain or expand a cluster with remote systems, you must make sure that both the source and destination Middleware home and Oracle home directories are identical.

2.3.3 Specify Security Updates Screen Does Not Appear in the Configuration Wizard

If you use silent installation (response file) to configure Oracle Identity Management, security updates (through Oracle Configuration Manager) are not configured. However, the ocm.rsp file is created in the Oracle home directory. If you run the Configuration Wizard GUI from the Oracle home, you will not see the Specify Security Updates Screen because of the presence of the ocm.rsp file.

To work around this issue, delete the ocm.rsp file from the Oracle home and run the Configuration Wizard to see the Specify Security Updates screen.

2.3.4 Log Messages Appearing on Console During Oracle Identity Management Schema Creation

During the creation of the Oracle Identity Management (OIM) schema, some log messages will appear in the RCU console window. These log messages are specific to Quartz, which is used by Oracle Identity Management, and can be safely ignored.

If there are any errors encoutered during the loading of this Quartz-specific data, the errors will be written to the RCU log files. Refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide for more informaiton about the RCU log files.

2.3.5 Configuring Oracle Identity Management When WebLogic Node Manager is Running

To configure Oracle Identity Management, using either the Install and Configure option or the Configuration Wizard, when the WebLogic Node Manager utility is running from the same Middleware home directory where Oracle Identity Management is installed, the StartScriptEnabled parameter in the file must be set to true. For example: StartScriptEnabled=true

To configure Oracle Identity Management when the StartScriptEnabled parameter is set to false, you must:

  1. Set the StartScriptEnabled parameter to true.

  2. Stop, then restart the Node Manager utility.

  3. Configure Oracle Identity Management using either the Install and Configure option or the Configuration Wizard.


The file is located in the WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/ directory.

2.3.6 Configuring OID with Oracle Data Vault

If you choose to configure Oracle Internet Directory (OID) with Oracle Data Vault:

  1. Apply patch 8897382 (see the README file in the patch for instructions).

  2. In the ORACLE_HOME/ldap/datasecurity/dbv_oid_command_rules.sql (on UNIX operating systems) or ORACLE_HOME\ldap\datasecurity\dbv_oid_command_rules.sql (on Windows operating systems) file, find the following code:

       command => 'CONNECT'
       ,rule_set_name => 'OID App Access'
       ,object_owner => 'ODS'
       ,object_name => '%'
       ,enabled => 'Y');
  3. Change the following line:

    ,object_owner => 'ODS'


    ,object_owner => '%'

2.3.7 Password Requirements for Oracle Internet Directory Administrator

When configuring Oracle Internet Directory, using either the installer's Install and Configure option or the Configuration Wizard, you must enter and confirm the Administrator Password.

The following is a list of the requirements for the Oracle Internet Directory Administrator Password. The password must contain:

  • At least 5 characters

  • No more than 30 characters

  • At least one number

  • Only alpha-numeric characters, underscore ( _ ), dollar sign ( $ ), and pound/hash ( # )


If the password you enter does not satisfy these requirements, the following error message appears:
INST-07037: Administrator Password field value contains one or more
invalid characters or the value is not in proper format.

2.3.8 OPMN Does Not Start if the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL Environment Variable is Set

For the Oracle Identity Management, Oracle Web Tier, and Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer installations, Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) will not start if the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable is set. Make sure that this environment variable is not set.

2.3.9 Changing the Listen Address of a Managed Server

When you run the Configuration Wizard after installing Oracle Identity Management or Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer, the listen address for WebLogic Managed Servers is left blank by default (to listen to all network interfaces). If you change the listen address to the actual host name, the Managed Server stops listening from outside the system.

It is recommended that you either leave the listen address blank, or specify the IP address of the host rather than using the host name.

2.3.10 Expand Cluster Requires Changes to the File

After running the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard to expand a cluster, the EMD_URL parameter in the INSTANCE_HOME/EMAGENT/EMAGENT/sysman/config/ (on UNIX) or INSTANCE_HOME\EMAGENT\EMAGENT\sysman\config\ (on Windows) file contains the values shown below:


You must edit this parameter and replace localhost and localdomain with the actual host and domain information of your environment. For example, using 5160 as the port number:


2.3.11 Domain Extension Overwrites JDBC Data Source Name

When a WebLogic Domain with JDBC resources is extended to either Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle WebCenter, the JDBC data source name will be changed. This behavior is commonly observed in cases where WebLogic Server version lower than 9.x is upgraded to a version higher than 9.x and then extended to Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle WebCenter.

To work around this issue, you must manually edit the JDBC data source names.

2.3.12 Schemas Are Not Visible After Upgrade of Oracle Identity Management

After upgrading Oracle Identity Management from Release 10g ( to 11g Release 1 (11.1.1), the Oracle Directory Service schemas (ODS and ODSSM) are not visible in the Repository Creation Utility (RCU).

The reason for this is because RCU is not used during the upgrade process, and RCU only recognizes schemas that are created by RCU. Refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide for more information.

2.3.13 RCU Summary Screen Issues

If you are dropping the Identity Management schemas and you select both Oracle Internet Directory (ODS) and Oracle Identity Federation (OIF) to be dropped, the RCU summary screen may not be displayed and an exception may be thrown in the console.

To work around this issue, select and drop one component at a time instead of selecting them both and dropping them together.

When other components are selected for a drop schema operation, the summary screen may display inaccurate information. However, the selected schemas will be successfully dropped from the database in spite of the erroneous information on the summary screen.

To work around this issue, select and drop only one component at a time.

2.3.14 Error Message When Configuring Oracle Identity Federation

During the configuration of Oracle Identity Federation (OIF), the following error message regarding key store and password may be seen in the configuration log file:

[app:OIF module:/fed path:/fed spec-version:2.5
version:]: Failed while destroying servlet: usermanager.
java.lang.RuntimeException: The server could not initialize properly: Invalid/unsupported
key store or incorrect password. Please verify that the password is correct
and the store is a valid PKCS#12 PFX wallet or Java KeyStore file.

This error message can be safely ignored if OIF is running properly.

2.3.15 Ensure There Are No Missing Products When Using or unpack.cmd

Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle WebCenter, and Application Developer all contain the and (on UNIX systems) or pack.cmd and unpack.cmd (on Window systems) commands in their respective ORACLE_HOME/common/bin (on UNIX systems) or ORACLE_HOME\common\bin (on Windows systems) directories.

The and pack.cmd scripts are used to create a template archive (.jar) file that contains a snapshot of either an entire domain or a subset of a domain. The and unpack.cmd scripts are used to create a full domain or a subset of a domain used for a Managed Server domain directory on a remote system.

The and unpack.cmd commands will fail if any installed products are missing from the system where you are running the or unpack.cmd command.

2.3.16 Running or unpack.cmd on a Different Host

If you are running the (on UNIX) or unpack.cmd (on Windows) command to unpack a domain on a remote host, the Oracle home location and the Middleware home location on the remote host should match the locations on the host where the pack was performed.

Below is a valid example:

Host 1:
MW_HOME = /user/home/Middleware
ORACLE_HOME =/user/home/Middleware/Oracle_SOA1

@ Host 2:
MW_HOME = /user/home/Middleware
ORACLE_HOME =/user/home/Middleware/Oracle_SOA1

The example below is NOT valid because the Oracle homes do not match:

Host 1:
MW_HOME = /user/home/Middleware
ORACLE_HOME =/user/home/Middleware/Oracle_SOA1

@ Host 2:
MW_HOME = /user/home/Middleware
ORACLE_HOME =/user/home/Middleware/SOA_Home

The example below is NOT valid because the Middleware homes do not match:

Host 1:
MW_HOME = /user/home/Middleware
ORACLE_HOME =/user/home/Middleware/Oracle_SOA1

@ Host 2:
MW_HOME = /user/home/MWHome
ORACLE_HOME =/user/home/Middleware/Oracle_SOA1

2.3.17 Rerouting to Original URL After SSO Authentication in Firefox and Safari Browsers

When configuring Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer, when both Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Web Cache are selected for configuration, re-routing (back to the original URL) after Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication does not work in Firefox and Safari browsers when the initial request comes from Oracle HTTP Server.

The work arounds are to either use the Internet Explorer browser, or manually modify the INSTANCE_HOME/config/OHS/instance_name/httpd.conf file and change the ServerName entry to include the port number. For example:


should be changed to:


Replace port with the actual port number.

2.3.18 Problem Using WebCenter Spaces Customizations with .jsp Pages After Installing the Patch Set

If you extended WebCenter Spaces 11g Release 1 ( or Release 1 ( with your own customizations, then before you upgrade, you must ensure that the customization shared library uses .jspx pages and not .jsp pages.

After you upgrade to WebCenter Spaces, custom site templates will not render if they use .jsp pages.

Note that if you followed the white paper Customizing Site Templates in WebCenter Spaces to develop your custom site templates, then your pages should already be .jspx pages.

2.4 Known Issues

This section describes known issues. It includes the following topics:

2.4.1 Forms and Reports Builder Not Supported

Forms and Reports Builder is not suported on Linux x86-64, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), AIX Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, and Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit) platforms. It is supported on Linux x86 and Microsoft Windows (32-Bit) platforms only.

2.5 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata. It includes the following topics:

2.5.1 Updating OIM Configuration to Use Oracle HTTP Server 10g WebGate

Step 4 in the Section 22.8 "Optional: Updating Oracle Identity Manager Configuration" in the chapter "Migrating from Domain Agent to Oracle HTTP Server 10g Webgate for OAM" requires you to update the OIM Configuration when the OAM URL or agent profile changes. This section is in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

To update Oracle Identity Manager configuration, complete the following steps:

  1. Export the oim-config.xml file from metadata by running <IDM_Home>/server/bin/ (on UNIX), and export the file - /db/oim-config.xml. On Windows operating systems, you can use the weblogicExportMetadata.bat file located in the same directory.

  2. Update the file to use Oracle HTTP Server 10g Webgate by updating following element under the <ssoConfig> tag:

    <webgateType>javaWebgate</webgateType> to <webgateType>ohsWebgate10g</webgateType>

  3. Import oim-config.xml back to metadata by running <IDM_Home>/server/bin/ on UNIX. On Windows, use the weblogicImportMetadata.bat located in the same directory.

  4. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager using your WebLogic Server administrator credentials.

  5. Click Identity and access > oim > oim(version). Right-click and select System MBean Browser. The System MBean Browser page is displayed.

  6. Under Application Defined MBeans, select oracle.iam > Server:oim_server1 > Application: oim > XMLConfig > config.

  7. Replace the front-end URL with the URL of Oracle HTTP Server. This should be the same Oracle HTTP Server that was used before installing Oracle HTTP Server 10g Webgate for Oracle Access Manager. Complete the following steps:

    1. Under XMLConfig MBean, move to XMLConfig.DiscoveryConfig.

    2. Update OimFrontEndURL with the URL of Oracle HTTP Server.

    3. Click Apply.

  8. Restart the OIM server.

2.5.2 Missing Logout Configuration Steps in the Oracle Identity Management Installation Guide

Steps to perform logout configuration after updating the OIM Server Configuration are missing from the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

You must perform logout configuration after updating the OIM Server configuration, as described in the Section 22.6 "Updating OIM Server Configuration" in the chapter "Migrating from Domain Agent to Oracle HTTP Server 10g Webgate for OAM".


Ensure that you have set up integration between Oracle Identity Manager and Oracle Access Manager, as described in the topic "Integration Between OIM and OAM" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

After updating OIM Server configuration, you must perform logout configuration as follows:

  1. Copy the logout.html file from the <IDM_HOME>/oam/server/oamsso directory to the <10gWebgateInstallation>/access/oamsso directory.

  2. Edit the SERVER_LOGOUTURL variable in the logout.html file to point to the host and port of the Oracle Access Manager Server. Follow the instructions in the logout.html file.

  3. If the http.conf file of the web server includes the following entries, remove the entries from the http.conf file:

    <LocationMatch "/oamsso/*">
         Satisfy any