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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit)
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35 Oracle Directory Integration Platform

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle Directory Integration Platform. It includes the following topics:

35.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

35.1.1 LDIF Files That Contain Non-ASCII Characters Will Cause the testProfile Command Option to Fail if the LDIF File has Native Encoding

When running DIP Tester from a command-line, the manageSyncProfiles testProfile command will fail if the -ldiffile option is specified and the LDIF file contains non-ASCII characters.

Note that LDIF files with UTF-8 encoding are not impacted by this limitation. If an LDIF file containing multibyte characters cannot be saved with UTF-8 encoding, then use the following workaround:

  1. From a command-line, add the entry using the ldapadd command and include the -E option to specify the locale. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware User Reference for Oracle Identity Management for the required command syntax.

  2. Get the specific changeNumber for the last add operation.

  3. Execute the testProfile command using the changeNumber from the previous step.

For more information, see "Section, Running DIP Tester From the WLST Command-Line Interface" in the Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

35.1.2 Some Changes May Not Get Synchronized Due to Race Condition in Heavily-Loaded Source Directory

If the source directory is heavily-loaded, a race condition may occur where database commits cannot keep pace with updates to the lastchangenumber. If this race condition occurs, Oracle Directory Integration Platform may not be able to synchronize some of the changes.

To work around this issue, perform the following steps to enable database commits to keep pace with the lastchangenumber:

  1. Increase the value of the synchronization profile's Scheduling Interval.

  2. Control the number of times the search is performed on the source directory during a synchronization cycle by setting the searchDeltaSize parameter in the profile. Oracle suggests starting with a value of 10, then adjusting the value as needed.

35.1.3 Synchronization Continues After Stopping Oracle Directory Integration Platform

If you stop the Oracle Directory Integration Platform application during synchronization, the synchronization process that the Quartz scheduler started will continue to run.

To work around this issue, restart the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server hosting Oracle Directory Integration Platform or redeploy the Oracle Directory Integration Platform application.

35.1.4 File Path Separator Must Be Escaped on Windows

On Windows, you must escape the file path separator using a back-slash ( \ ) in profile properties files and when executing Oracle Directory Integration Platform commands. For example:

  • In profile properties files:

    odip.profile.configfile = C:\\test\\Oracle_
  • When executing an Oracle Directory Integration Platform command, such as manageDIPServerConfig:

    C:\test\Oracle_IDM1\BIN>manageDIPServerConfig.bat set -attribute \
    keystorelocation -h -p 7005 -D LOGIN_ID \
    -value C:\\test\\Oracle_IDM1\\bin\\server_keystore.jks

35.1.5 Certain Queries and Provisioning Profile Functionality may Fail on JDK 1.6 u 21

LDAP JNDI filter processing has been updated to be stricter in JDK 1.6 u21. Consequently, certain queries performed by Oracle Directory Integration Platform may fail on JDK 1.6 u21 and provisioning profile functionality may also be affected. To fix this issue, download and apply patch 10631569, which is available for download on My Oracle Support (formerly MetaLink). Access My Oracle Support at

Oracle strongly recommends that you download and apply patch 10631569 for Identity Management

35.2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes configuration issues and their workarounds. It includes the following topics:

35.2.1 Do Not Use localhost as Oracle Internet Directory Hostname When Configuring Oracle Directory Integration Platform

When configuring Oracle Directory Integration Platform against an existing Oracle Internet Directory—using either the installer's Install and Configure installation option or the Oracle Identity Management 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) Configuration Wizard—you must specify the hostname for Oracle Internet Directory using only its fully qualified domain name (such as Do not use localhost as the Oracle Internet Directory hostname even if Oracle Directory Integration Platform and Oracle Internet Directory are collocated on the same host.

If you use localhost as the Oracle Internet Directory hostname, you will not be able to start the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server hosting Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

35.3 Documentation Errata

There are no known documentation issues at this time.