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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for IBM: Linux on System z
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23 Oracle Human Workflow

This chapter describes issues associated with human workflow. It includes the following topic:


The issues and workarounds listed here are those that were known at the time of the product's initial release to the public. Additional issues and workarounds may have been discovered since the initial release. To view the latest known issues associated with Oracle SOA Suite, BPM Suite, and related SOA technologies, go to the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at:

23.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issue and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

23.1.1 Demo Certificate Entry Required for Oracle BPM Worklist Logins

Oracle BPM Worklist requires the demo certificate to be configured for a user to log in successfully, even if the server is not SSL-enabled. Therefore, do not remove the demo certificate entry from under $ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domain/WLS_SOAWC/bin unless you replace it with a valid certificate:


23.1.2 Protecting Oracle BPM Worklist Using Oracle Virtual Directory

Section "Configuring the Identity Service" of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite describes how to configure Oracle WebLogic Server (and therefore, components such as Oracle BPM Worklist) to use an authentication provider. If you want to protect Oracle BPM Worklist using Oracle Virtual Directory (OVD), perform the following tests to confirm that OVD is properly configured:

  • Confirm that the human workflow layer can see the users and groups from the OVD and Oracle Internet Directory (OID) providers. Even if you set the OVD and OID provider as the first provider in the list of authentication providers on the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console (with the SUFFICIENT control flag) and restart Oracle WebLogic Server, there may be other issues.

    To ensure that human workflow can see the users and groups from the first authentication provider, invoke the necessary User and Role APIs such as getUser, getUsers, getRoles, and so on using the following URL:


    If you can see the users and groups using the APIs from the above link (use your host name and port to test), then users can access Oracle BPM Worklist.

  • Incorrect user or group settings in the provider configuration page can cause even a valid user to be denied access. For example, you may have incorrect group settings or may not have set up users with any groups. Even then, a valid user may be denied service. This is because human workflow checks groups and roles to see that they have access to a service. If the configuration is incorrect, then the authorization service displays an error causing the validated user to be denied service. If group settings are not required, completely remove them. This way, the authorization service is successful in not getting group and role entitlements for the user as set in the OVD/ OID providers, and is given access to the service.

For information about Oracle Virtual Directory, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory.

23.1.3 Committing Changes to Rules in Oracle SOA Composer and Oracle BPM Worklist

If you save, but do not commit, changes to a rule in Oracle SOA Composer, go to Oracle BPM Worklist and make other changes to the same rule, save and commit those changes, then return to Oracle SOA Composer to commit your original changes, you receive an error.

For example, perform the following steps:

  1. Deploy a human task-based composite with at least one rule-based participant.

  2. Log in to Oracle SOA Composer and make changes to the custom dictionary rule.

  3. Save your changes, but log out without committing them.

  4. Log in to Oracle BPM Worklist and go to Task Configurations > Data Driven.

  5. Perform other changes to the same rule, then save and commit your changes.

  6. Log out of Oracle BPM Worklist.

  7. Log in again to Oracle SOA Composer and notice that the rule you originally edited is still in edit mode, and awaiting a commit action.

  8. Click Save, then click Commit.

    You receive the following error:

    EJB Exception: ; nested exception is: oracle.fabric.common.FabricException: :
    MDS-01805: Sandbox
    k1.task missing in BufferedMetadataStore:DBMetadataStore : MDS Repository
    connection = (JNDI Location = jdbc/mds/MDS_LocalTxDataSource).; nested
    exception is: oracle.fabric.common.FabricException: : MDS-01805: Sandbox
    k1.task missing in BufferedMetadataStore:DBMetadataStore : MDS Repository
    connection = (JNDI Location = jdbc/mds/MDS_LocalTxDataSource). 

23.1.4 Compilation Error When Selecting the Apply and OK Buttons on the Human Task Dialog

If you create a BPEL process that includes a human task, and select both the Apply and OK buttons in the Human Task dialog, you receive a compilation error when deploying the SOA composite application.As a workaround, select only the OK button in the Human Task dialog. This action enables the SOA composite application to be successfully compiled and deployed.

23.1.5 Schema Elements Not Displaying in Expression Builder for Old Projects

If you open a human task file from a release prior to 11g Release 1, schema elements do not display in the Expression Builder. For example, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the human task file in Oracle JDeveloper.

  2. In the Assignment section, double-click the participant type and add a participant using the Expression Builder. Note that the schema elements do not display in the Schema section of the Expression Builder dialog. Only the file location is shown.

For 11g Release 1 and Release 1 human tasks, there is a workaround:

  1. Edit anything, such as adding a space in the Task Title field, and select File > Save All.

  2. Close the human task file and reopen it. The Expression Builder correctly displays the schema elements.

Note that this workaround does not apply to 10g human task files.

23.1.6 Task Attachments are Automatically Saved

When you add an attachment to a task in Oracle BPM Worklist, it is automatically saved without you having to explicitly save it.

This can cause a conflict in a scenario in which you added an attachment, forgot to delete it, assumed that it was not saved (because you never performed a save action), and then reassigned, approved, or performed a similar action on the task. As a consequence, the task attachment was sent to the next assignee even though you did not intend to send it.

As a workaround, delete the attachment if it was added inadvertently before routing the task to others.

23.1.7 Push Back Action Not Supported If Including the Task History of Another Task

When you include the task history of another task in a SOA composite application, selecting the push back action in Oracle BPM Worklist is not supported. For example:

  1. Create a SOA composite application that includes a BPEL process.

  2. In Oracle BPEL Designer, drag a human task into the BPEL process.

  3. In the Create Human Task dialog, select the Add icon to invoke the Human Task Editor.

  4. Create a human task (for example, named humantask_1).

  5. Add a payload to the task and assign the task to a user (for example, jcooper).

  6. Save the human task and exit the Human Task Editor.

  7. In Oracle BPEL Designer, drag a second human task into the BPEL process.

  8. Create a second human task (for example, named humantask_2) and add a payload to the task.

  9. Assign the second task to another user (for example, jstein).

  10. Click the Advanced tab for the second human task and select the Include task history from checkbox.

  11. From the dropdown list, select the first task, human_task1.

  12. Select Use existing payload.

  13. Save and deploy the SOA composite application.

  14. Invoke an instance of the SOA composite application.

  15. Log in to Oracle BPM Worklist as the assignee of the first task (jcooper), and approve the task for human_task1.

    The task is completed.

  16. Log in to Oracle BPM Worklist as the assignee of the second task (jstein).

    The task for human_task2 is displayed.

  17. From the dropdown box, select Push back.

    Although a push back is completed successfully, the task is still assigned to jstein.

23.1.8 Specifying Date From and Date To Values on Notification Management Page

You must specify values for both the Date From and Date To fields in the Search sections on the Notification Management page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console to receive the correct search results. These fields do not work independently. Specifying values for only one of these fields does not display the correct search results. To access these fields:

  1. Right-click soa-infra in the navigation tree, and select Service Engines > Human Workflow > Notification Management.

  2. Expand the Search icon in the Outgoing Notifications section or Incoming Notifications section to display the Date From and Date To fields.

23.1.9 Some Fields Do Not Appear After Updating and Saving a ToDo Task in a Portlet

After you update and save a ToDo task or a ToDo subtask for a business task in a Worklist Portlet, the following fields should appear, but do not: Assignee, Status, and Search options.

23.1.10 Customized Outcomes Are Not Displayed at Runtime

This issue can occur under all of the following conditions combined:

  • You have created a SOA project with a human task, which includes task outcomes to use.

  • You have also created a task display form project associated with that SOA project.

  • You have deployed the project.

  • You have then added new outcomes, deleted existing outcomes, or made other changes to the task in the SOA project by using the Human Task Editor.

After redeploying both projects, you see that the human task-based ADF task flow does not get updated with your recent changes.

To resolve this issue so that new outcomes are displayed in the Task Details page, you must regenerate the task form.

23.1.11 Error Appears When Loading Task Details in Oracle BPM Worklist

When loading task details in Oracle BPM Worklist, the following error message appears:

Content was blocked because it was not signed by a valid security certificate

This is the expected behavior under the following conditions:

  • You are logged in to Oracle BPM Worklist using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7 or version 8.

  • The main page is not using SSL.

  • The IFrame for the task detail is using SSL, but the SSL certificate is not signed by a valid certificate authority.

If you are using Internet Explorer, and Oracle BPM Worklist is over HTTP and the task detail IFrame is over HTTPS, then a valid certificate must be used.