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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository
11g Release 1 (
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3 Data Migration Tool

This chapter describes how to use the data migration utility to migrate assets from the earlier versions of Oracle Enterprise Repository.

This chapter contains the following sections:

3.1 Overview

Oracle Enterprise Repository is Oracle's solution for storing and governing SOA metadata.

In the past, Oracle Enterprise Repository had a variety of tools for importing metadata. In version 3.x of ALER, these included Web and Open API (REX) utilities for importing from WSDL, BPEL, and UDDI and the command-line RRXU tool. These import service metadata into an asset model called the ALER 3.x Asset Model, as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 ALER 3.x Asset Model

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of "Figure 3-1 ALER 3.x Asset Model"

In Oracle Enterprise Repository 10.3 release, there were two main tools to import metadata, the Harvester and Exchange Utility tools. The Oracle Enterprise Repository Harvester imported metadata from Oracle BPEL PM 10g and standards-based files such as WSDLs, XSDs, XSLT, and BPELs. The Exchange Utility (XU) imported metadata into Oracle Enterprise Repository from UDDI registries. These imported metadata into a particular asset model called the Oracle Enterprise Repository 10g Asset Model.

In Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g R1 release, the harvester has been extended to support Oracle SOA Suite 11g and Oracle Service Bus 10g. The Exchange Utility is also enhanced to support Oracle Service Bus. The Enterprise Manager Integration utility is added to integrate with metrics in Enterprise Manager 10g. To support these products, the Oracle Enterprise Repository asset model is also extended, which is known as the 11g R1 Asset Model.

3.1.1 Best Practices

This section describes the key points about Oracle Enterprise Repository content migration in an upgrade:

  • The custom types are left intact when upgrading to 11g. Also, the extensions, for example, the addition of metadata attributes, but not necessarily deletions, made in the type manager to standard out-of the box asset types also remain intact. The instances of these types with their extended metadata are ordinarily preserved in an upgrade.

  • Some or all instances of service assets/artifacts that you previously harvested or captured at design time must be harvested or reharvested with deployment/endpoint information, especially if you and your customer require Oracle Enterprise Repository/Oracle Service Registry use cases such as consumption in Oracle SOA Suite/JDeveloper, registry/repository exchange between Oracle Enterprise Repository and Oracle Service Registry, and other more advanced lifecycle use cases that are beyond simple visibility in Oracle Enterprise Repository).

  • To behave properly in Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g, artifact files must either be hosted remotely on HTTP/HTTPS/FTP site or harvested directly from deployment instances. In addition, endpoints must be present from concrete WSDL in order for Oracle Enterprise Repository to publish to Oracle Service Registry, which is an Oracle Service Bus-related case to support late binding being one of the few exceptions.

    Typically, this re-harvesting is recommended for any services/artifacts that have locally cached artifact files in file info.

  • If you have manually entered service assets/artifacts (non-harvested) of the same types that are typically used by the harvester, then you can manually plug-in a remote reference to the concrete WSDL hosted on an HTTP/HTTPS/FTP site before an upgrade to Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g and the harvester Migration Tool ( creates the new Harvester model.

3.1.2 Prerequisites

Before using the migration tool, you must perform the following prerequisites:

  • The Oracle Enterprise Repository server instance must first be upgraded to 11g R1, and must be started.

  • The Oracle Enterprise Repository database must be backed up, so it can be restored if there are any problems with the migration.

  • The migration tool requires the Java JRE or JDK version 6 or higher.

  • The migration tool connects to Oracle Enterprise Repository using its WebService API. So it can be run on any computer that can access the Oracle Enterprise Repository server. It runs much faster if run on the same computer as the Oracle Enterprise Repository server.

  • The Oracle Enterprise Repository System Setting, cmee.extframework.enabled, must be set to true. This can be set from the Web UI in the Admin, System Settings page.

3.1.3 High Level Use Cases

You can use the migration tool to:

  • Migrate assets that were imported into Oracle Enterprise Repository through the ALER 3.x WSDL importer in the Web console.

  • Migrate assets that were imported into Oracle Enterprise Repository through the ALER 3.x UDDI importer in the Web console.

  • Migrate assets that were imported into Oracle Enterprise Repository through the ALER 3.x BPEL importer in the Web console.

  • Migrate assets that were imported into Oracle Enterprise Repository through the ALER 3.x ALRR-XU (version 3.x).

  • Migrate assets that were imported into Oracle Enterprise Repository through the ALER 3.x ad-hoc "Submit an Asset" functionality in the Web console.

  • Migrate assets that were imported into Oracle Enterprise Repository through the 10g R3 Harvester.

  • Migrate assets that were imported into Oracle Enterprise Repository through the 10g R3 Exchange Utility.

  • Migrate WSDL assets that were imported into Oracle Enterprise Repository through the Open API (REX) WSDL import functionality.

  • Preview the results of a migration, without committing any changes to Oracle Enterprise Repository.

3.1.4 Migration Tool Functionality

This section describes the migration tool functionality for ALER 3.x assets and Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g assets. This section contains the following topics: Migration Tool Functionality - ALER 3.x Assets

Service Assets

The contents of the WSDL that is pointed to by the Service FileInfo is introspected from its download URI. An interface asset is created, and related to the service. An Artifact: WSDL asset is introspected from its download URI. An Artifact: WSDL asset is created and related to the endpoint.

Business Process Assets

The contents of the BPEL that is pointed to by a business process asset is introspected from its download URI. An Artifact: BPEL asset is created and related to the business process. The business process asset has its asset type changed to Business Process: BPEL.


Any WSDLs or XSDs imported by the WSDL results in new artifact assets and relationships, as in the Harvester (or points to existing assets if their fingerprints match).


Any WSDLs used by a BPEL in partnerlinks results in new artifact assets and relationships, as in the Harvester.


The FileInfo is removed from the service and endpoint assets. The new Artifact: WSDL asset contains the updated FileInfo.


The SFID (fingerprint) is removed from the service and endpoint assets. Any Artifact: WSDL assets and Artifact: XSD assets contain a new SFID, using the Harvester's SFID algorithm.

Internal Names

Any non-artifact asset that is migrated gets a new internal name, which is used for duplicate checking.


Pre-existing service, endpoint, and business process assets keep their original name. New assets are named according to the Harvester's naming rules.

WSDL Summary

WSDL Summary metadata entries are created on the migrated assets, as in Harvester.

Manifest Metadata

Manifest metadata entries are created on the migrated assets, as in Harvester, to support the new download functionality in Oracle Enterprise Repository.

Ad-hoc Assets (through "Submit an Asset"): Limited Support

Assets that were imported into Oracle Enterprise Repository in an ad-hoc manner are migrated as described in Section, "Asset Types to Migrate", only if they conform to the ALER 3.x Asset model. For example, if an ad-hoc service asset contains a FileInfo that points to a WSDL, it is migrated as described above. But an asset of another type, for example, "TestCase", are not migrated. Migration Tool Functionality - Oracle Enterprise Repository 10g R3 Assets


Recalculates and store the SFID for artifact assets from the original artifact files, using the 11gR1 fingerprinting code.


Updates the CMF entry and FileInfo with the correct artifact location according to the following 11g R1 harvester rules:

  • Artifacts that were harvested from remote URLs have the FileInfo updated to point to the remote location (to match the Manifest).

  • Artifacts that were harvested from local files have the Manifest updated to point to the repository download URL (to match the FileInfo).

  • Deletes obsolete CMF entries for artifacts that were harvested from remote URLs.

Exchange Stores

Updates the CMF entry to conform to the latest Exchange Utility rules.

  • Sets <tmodel> entries in the CMF entry on Service and Endpoint assets, with the UDDI keys of porttype and binding TModels. (Connects to the UDDI registry to get these).

  • Sets the <uddiRegistries> custom data table on Endpoint assets, including the registry-name, registry-url, and service-key elements. The registry-name and registry-url elements are set from the original CMF entry. The service-key is read from the UDDI registry during migration.

  • Sets the <uddi> custom data elements on Service assets, including the business-key and service-key elements. These are read from the UDDI registry during migration.

  • Sets the <uddi> custom data elements on Business Entity assets, specifically the business-key element. This is read from the UDDI registry during migration.

Harvester Properties

Converts the CMF entry to the new format used by 11gR1 harvester.

  • Sets the intname harvester property for abstract assets, according to the 11gR1 harvester rules.

  • Calculates and sets the following harvester properties, which are automatically set by 11gR1 harvester, on the appropriate assets: Namespace, Short Name, SCA Name, Endpoint URI, Deployment URL, Transport Type, Interface Type, Service Type.

  • Updates the wsdlLocation element in the WSDLSummary, based on the download URL calculated in "Manifests".

Asset Type

Updates the asset types according to the 11g R1 model:

  • Changes Endpoint: WebService assets to Endpoint

  • Changes Interface: WebService assets to Interface

3.2 Using the Data Migration Tool

This section contains the following topics:

3.2.1 Running from Command Line

The migration tool is available in the file. Unzip this file to a directory on your computer. The migration tool can be run in the command line using the migrate.bat utility (for Windows) or (for Linux and Unix).

Before running migrate.bat or, ensure that the environment variables mentioned in Table 3-1 are set. In Windows, from a command window, you can type "set X" to see the value of the variable X, and "set X=abc" to set the value of FOO to "abc".

Table 3-1 Comman Line Script

Environment Variable Description


Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to an installed java runtime (JRE) or SDK. This must be Java version 5 or higher.


Ensure that you set your JAVA_OPTS parameter as follows:

set JAVA_OPTS=-Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts= "*|localhost"

JAVA_OPTS refers to the extra options to the java executable. In normal cases, there is no need to set this variable. However, a common exception when you need to set this variable is when your computer is inside a firewall, and you need to use an HTTP proxy to access external servers.

See Also:

You can preview the results of a migration in the Data Migration tool, without committing any changes to Oracle Enterprise Repository, by using the command-line options. Table 3-2 describes the command-line options for the Data Migration tool.

Table 3-2 Command Line Options for the Data Migration Tool

Environment Variable Description


If true, the data migration tool runs in the preview mode. A detailed information about successes and failures are logged. No changes are committed to Oracle Enterprise Repository.If false, the data migration tool runs in the production mode. A detailed information about successes and failures are logged, and the changes are committed to Oracle Enterprise Repository.

3.3 Configuring the Data Migration Tool

This section contains the following topics:

3.3.1 Setting the Repository Connection Information for the Command-line Utility

Open the HarvesterSettings.xml file located at <Data Migration Home> and modify the following XML chunk to point to the Oracle Enterprise Repository instance with the right credentials.



It is recommended that you run the Migration Tool as a user with the Basic Access Settings for Assets - View, Edit, Accept, and Register.

The passwords in this file must be encrypted before running the migrate script. To encrypt the passwords, use the encrypt.bat/ script, which is located in <Oracle_home>/tools/solutions/

3.3.2 Advanced Configuration

The section describes the following advanced configuration options for the migration tool: Asset Types to Migrate

By default, the migration tool is configured to migrate the assets of the types that are created by default by the ALER 3.x and 10g R3 tools. However, these legacy importers can be configured to use different asset types, through the file.

If the assets were imported using nondefault asset types, you must configure the migration tool to use the same nondefault asset types. These can be configured by editing the following XML chunk in the HarvesterSettings.xml file:

        <assetType.endpoint>Endpoint: Web Service</assetType.endpoint>
        <assetType.interface>Interface: Web Service</assetType.interface>
        <assetType.process>Business Process: BPEL</assetType.process>
        <assetType.process>Business Process</assetType.process>
        <assetType.xsd>Artifact: XSD</assetType.xsd>
        <assetType.wsdl>Artifact: WSDL</assetType.wsdl>
        <assetType.bpel>Artifact: BPEL</assetType.bpel>
        <assetType.xslt>Artifact: XSLT</assetType.xslt>


It is recommended that all the Assets be migrated during single run of migration tool. Individually migrating specific Asset types might cause some problems such as having same internal names. Logging

The migration tool uses log4j for logging the detailed tasks performed and the log file is placed in the < Migration Tool Home>. The logging options can be changed by updating the file located in the <Migration Tool Home>.

3.3.3 Known Issues

This section describes the following known issues in the Data Migration tool:

  • The Data Migration tool does not support assets that are created using the ALSync framework, from ALSB or ALDSP. ALSB assets must be re-introspected using Harvester. Harvesting from ALDSP is currently not supported.

  • The Data Migration tool, with exceptionally large data sets, may take hours to run. Some application servers may time out the sessions and cause the migration to fail. To prevent this issue you must add the following entry to the web.xml file, within the <webapps> element, where the number is in minutes:
