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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Application Adapters Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server
11g Release 1 (
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C Migrating to Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Adapter for SAP R/3 (SAP JCo 3.x)

This appendix describes how to migrate to Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Adapter for SAP R/3 (SAP JCo 3.x). It contains the following sections:


A new version of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Adapter for SAP R/3 is available that supports SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) version 3.x. The SAP JCo API has changed by providing a different set of connection parameters to connect with the SAP R/3 server. As a result, the new Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Adapter for SAP R/3 has a different set of connection parameters than the previous version, which supported SAP JCo version 2.x. This introduced a backward compatibility issue by preventing users to reuse adapter targets and channels that were created by the previous version of the SAP R/3 adapter with the new version of the adapter that supports SAP JCo version 3.x. To enable the transition from the previous version of the SAP R/3 adapter, a command line migration utility is available that can be used to migrate the adapter targets and channels from the SAP R/3 adapter (using SAP JCo 2.x) to the SAP R/3 adapter (using SAP JCo 3.x).

This migration utility cannot completely automate the migration of the targets and channels between the SAP R/3 adapters because of the incompatibility between the SAP JCo versions. As a result, some manual operation is required. The scope of the migration utility is to provide adapter target and channel migration capabilities between both versions of the SAP R/3 adapter. The migration utility does not provide any other functionality and cannot be used for any other purposes. In this appendix, the SAP R/3 adapter (using SAP JCo 2.x) is referred to as the sap2 adapter and the SAP R/3 adapter (using SAP JCo 3.x) is referred to as the sap3 adapter.

Supported Releases

The following Oracle releases are supported:

Only J2CA configurations are supported for migration purpose. BSE configurations are not be supported by the migration utility. The migration utility only supports Oracle database repositories for migration purposes. No other database repositories are supported. The utility works with a file repository, but migrating file repositories is not supported.

Migration Utility Installation Overview

The migration utility is located in the following directory:


The contents of the util folder include:

Working With the Migration Utility

This section describes the syntax that must be used with the migration utility.

Syntax for Listing the Targets or Channels

sapupd list config [targets | channels] [sap2 | sap3 | sap2to3] [-jdbc driver url user password | -file file] > [output file]

Table C-1 Syntax for Listing the Targets or Channels

Syntax Description

sapupd list

Command to list the adapter targets or channels.


The name of the J2CA configuration that was specified by the user in Application Explorer.

targets | channels

List of targets or channels.

sap2 | sap3 | sap2to3

List of sap2 objects, sap3 objects, or sap2 objects as mapped to sap3 parameters.

-jdbc driver url user password | -file file

Repository to connect to, which can be a file or Oracle database repository. The JDBC URL is used to connect to the Oracle database repository.

output file

List of adapter targets or channels are redirected to the output file, which must use the .tab extension.

Usage considerations:

File Repository Example

sapupd list jca targets sap2to3 -file $ADAPTER_HOME\config\jca_sample\repository.xml  >

In this example:

Database Repository Example

sapupd list jca targets sap2to3 -jdbc oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@ scott scott1 >

For UNIX/Linux platforms, execute the file. For example, the following command lists all sap2 channels mapped to sap3 parameters into the file for a database repository:

 ./ list jca_sample channels sap2to3 -jdbc oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@ system welcome1 >

Syntax for Updating the Targets or Channels

sapupd update config [targets | channels] sap2to3[source file]  [-jdbc driver url user password | -file file]

Table C-2 Syntax for Updating the Targets or Channels

Syntax Description

sapupd update

Command to update the adapter targets or channels.


The name of the J2CA configuration that was specified in Application Explorer.

targets | channels

List of targets or channels to update.

source file

The source Excel file that contains the mappings between sap2 and sap3 parameters.

-jdbc driver url user password | -file file

Repository to connect to, which can be a file or Oracle database repository. The JDBC URL is used to connect to the Oracle database repository.

Use the sapupd update command to update the targets or channels in a file or Oracle database repository (J2CA configuration).

File Repository Example

sapupd update jca targets sap2to3 -file $ADPTER_HOME\config\jca_sample\repository.xml

Database Repository Example

sapupd update jca targets sap2to3 -jdbc oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@ scott scott1

For UNIX/Linux platforms, run the file. For example:

./ update jca targets sap2to3 -jdbc oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@ system welcome1

A manual step must be performed before you create the list and update the J2CA repository. This is the process of mapping the values between sap2 and sap3 adapter targets and channels. At this stage, you must take a look at the values underneath each adapter target/channel column and update the output file that has been created accordingly. While editing, do not remove or add rows and columns to the file. Also, do not change the SAP R/3 connection parameters in the file. The only action allowed is to update the parameter values.

Figure C-1 shows sample output from a J2CA repository with two SAP R/3 application server targets, "asserver2" and "isdsrv2", and one SAP R/3 message server target, "msgsrvr", as opened in an Excel spreadsheet. The SAP R/3 parameters have been pre-populated with the matching sap2 parameter values. If no matching value was present in the sap2 target, then the sap3 parameter default is used.

Figure C-1 Sample Mapping Document

Sample Mapping Document
Description of "Figure C-1 Sample Mapping Document"

You can add or modify parameter values as required, then save the file and use it to replace existing sap2 objects with sap3 objects.

The update command can be used only to replace existing sap2 targets or channels with their sap3 equivalents. It cannot be used to create new targets or channels or to edit the parameter values of existing targets and channels. Also, you cannot change the adapter target or channel names in the file.

Use Case Scenario

This section provides a use case scenario for the migration utility.

  1. Close Application Explorer. Ensure that no instance of Application Explorer is running and that no updates are being made in the J2CA repository.

  2. Use the sapupd list command to list the connection parameters into an Excel spreadsheet. This command inserts the sap2 targets or channels into the spreadsheet. Running this command only extracts targets or channels. As a result, first run the command to list the adapter targets and then repeat the command to list the channels. Ensure to save the contents in separate files for adapter targets and channels.

  3. Make an required updates to the Excel spreadsheet. This is the step where the Excel spreadsheet is updated with the sap3 targets and channels.

  4. Stop Oracle WebLogic Server if it is running. Remove the SAP R/3 adapter (using SAP JCo 2.x) files and any SAP JCo 2.x library files from the adapter environment.

  5. Install the SAP R/3 adapter (using SAP JCo 3.x) in the environment. This adapter is delivered as a patch for and 11g PS1 releases. It is a part of the application adapters in the 11g PS2 release.

  6. If you are using a adapter environment, then check the installation documentation when making any changes to configuration files (for example, server.xml).

  7. Use the sapupd update command to update the connection parameters for sap3 targets or channels. Running this command only updates adapter targets or channels from different files. As a result, repeat the steps accordingly with the correct input file. As a best practice, first update the adapter targets and then update the adapter channels.

  8. Start Application Explorer and connect to an SAP R/3 adapter (using SAP JCo 3.x) target and channel to ensure that the design time is working.

  9. Restart the Oracle WebLogic Server and execute runtime test cases to verify successfully functionality.

Useful Considerations

This section includes useful considerations for the migration utility.

The following is list of actions that are recommended:

The following is list of actions that must be avoided:

Best Practices

This section describes best practices for the migration utility.


This section provides troubleshooting information for the migration utility.