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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Components and Utilities User's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack
11g Release 1 (
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1 Introduction to the Composite Application Validation System

The Composite Application Validation System (CAVS) is a framework that provides a structured approach to test integration of Oracle Application Integration Architecture (AIA) services. The CAVS includes test initiators that simulate web service invocations and simulators that simulate service endpoints.

This chapter includes the following sections:

1.1 Describing the Purpose of the Composite Application Validation System

In the context of AIA, where there is a sequence of service invocations; spanning Application Business Connector Services (ABCSs), Enterprise Business Services (EBSs), Enterprise Business Flows (EBFs), and participating applications; the CAVS test initiators and simulators enable a layered testing approach. Each component in an integration can be thoroughly tested without having to account for dependencies by using test initiators and simulators on either end.

Consequently, when you build an integration, you have the ability to add new components to an already tested subset, allowing any errors to be constrained to the new component or to the interface between the new component and the existing component. This ability to isolate and test individual web services within an integration provides the benefit of narrowing the test scope, thereby distancing the service test from possible faults in other components.

Test initiators and simulators can be used independent of each other, thereby allowing users to effectively substitute them for non-available AIA services or participating applications.

The CAVS provides a repository that stores these test initiator and simulator definitions created by the CAVS user, as well as an interactive user interface to create and manage the same. Tests can be configured to run individually or in a single-threaded batch.

The CAVS provides value as a testing tool throughout the integration development life cycle:

1.2 Describing Key Components of the CAVS Framework

The CAVS framework operates using the following key components:

Test Definition

The CAVS test initiator reads test data and feeds it to the web service being tested. You create the test data as a part of a test definition. The test definition is a configuration of the test initiator and contains test execution instructions.

The CAVS user creates a definition using the CAVS user interface (UI) to define the service endpoint URL that needs to be invoked, as well as the request message that will be passed along with metadata about the test definition itself.

For more information about creating test definitions, see Chapter 4, "Creating and Modifying Test Definitions."

The test initiator is a logical unit that executes test definitions to call the endpoint URL defined and creates test instances. This call is no different from any other request initiated by other clients. If the test definition Service Type value is set to Synchronous or Asynchronous two-way, the actual response can be verified against predefined response data to validate the accuracy of the response.

Figure 1-1 illustrates the high-level concept of the test initiator.

Figure 1-1 CAVS Test Definition

This image is described in surrounding text

Simulator Definition

The CAVS simulator is used to simulate a web service. Simulators typically contain predefined responses for a specific request. CAVS users create several simulator definitions, each for a specific set of input.

At run time, the CAVS simulator framework receives data from the service being tested. Upon receiving the request, CAVS locates the appropriate simulator definition, validates the input against predefined request values, and then returns predefined response data so that the web service being tested can continue processing.

For more information about creating simulator definitions, see Chapter 5, "Creating and Modifying Simulator Definitions."

Figure 1-2 illustrates the high-level concept of the CAVS simulator:

Figure 1-2 CAVS Simulator

This image is described in surrounding text

1.3 Describing the CAVS Design Assumptions and Knowledge Prerequisites

The CAVS operates with the following design assumptions:

To work effectively with the CAVS, users must have working knowledge of the following concepts and technologies: