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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Components and Utilities User's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack
11g Release 1 (
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3 Introduction to Defining and Running CAVS Tests Using the CAVS UI

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Describing the CAVS UI

The Composite Application Validation System (CAVS) enables you to configure test data, execute tests, review test results, and migrate tests using the following user interface (UI) components.

Test Definitions

A test definition is a configuration of a single execution of the test initiator service. The test definition stores test data and test execution instructions. A test definition can be executed alone, or in a single-threaded batch as a part of a group definition.

You will find that the values you set for a test definition and simulator definition are similar. The test definition differs from the simulator definition in that it is an active participant in the CAVS framework, initiating tests. The test definition carries the following values that are not a part of the simulator definition. These values inform the active state of the test definition:

For more information about test definitions, see Chapter 4, "Creating and Modifying Test Definitions."

If required by the business service pattern of the web service you are testing, you can assign a simulator definition to the test definition.

Simulator Definitions

A simulator definition is a configuration of a single execution of response simulator service. The simulator definition simulates a web service and receives data from the tested web service and returns previously defined data so that the tested web service can continue processing.

You will find that the values you set for a simulator definition and test definition are similar. The simulator definition differs from the test definition in that it is a passive participant in the CAVS framework, awaiting initiation.

The simulator definition carries the following additional XPath attributes that are not a part of the test definition. These values participate in simulator definition request matching:

For more information about simulator definitions, see Chapter 5, "Creating and Modifying Simulator Definitions."

The success of the test is verified based on the simulator definition's previously defined data being accurately returned and matched to the expected response results defined in the test definition.

Group Definitions

A group definition is a configuration of a single execution of one or more test definitions in a single-threaded batch.

Test Instances

A test instance captures the details of the execution of a test definition.

Simulator Instances

A simulator instance captures the details of a simulator definition's behavior during the execution of a test definition with which it is associated.

Group Instances

A group instance captures the details of the execution of a group definition.

Component Overview

Figure 3-1 provides a high-level overview of the relationships among the CAVS components discussed in this section.

Figure 3-1 Overview of CAVS Component Relationships

This image is described in surrounding text

3.2 Overview of Defining and Running CAVS Tests

This high-level procedure provides the steps involved in defining and running tests using the CAVS UI.

To define and run tests using the CAVS UI:

  1. Assess your test requirements and gather required content.

    For more information, see Chapter 2, "Preparing to Use the Composite Application Validation System."

  2. If your test requires a test definition, access the Create Test page to create your test definition.

    For more information, see Chapter 4, "Creating and Modifying Test Definitions."

  3. If your test requires a simulator definition, access the Create Simulator page to create your simulator definition.

    For more information, see Chapter 5, "Creating and Modifying Simulator Definitions."

  4. If your test requires a test definition and simulator definition, you can link their definitions on either Modify Test Definition page or Modify Simulator Definition page.

  5. If your test requires multiple (single-threaded) executions of the same or different test definitions, create a group definition on the Create Group Definition page.

    For more information, see Chapter 7, "Working with Group Definitions."

  6. If your test or group definition utilizes a simulator definition, you must set the Application Business Connector Service (ABCS) being tested to route to the response simulator. To do this:

    1. Access the Routing Setup page.

    2. Create a routing setup ID for the invoking service being tested.

    3. Associate this routing setup ID with the test definition being used to test your scenario.

      For more information about routing setup IDs, see Chapter 8, "Defining CAVS Routing Setup IDs."

    4. Alternatively, you can quickly set up a routing configuration on the Configurations page.

      For more information about routing configurations, see Section 8.5, "How to Set Up CAVS Routing Configurations Without Creating Routing Setup IDs."

  7. To run a single test, access the test definition on the Definitions page or Modify Test Definitions page to run the test.

    For more information, see Chapter 6, "Searching for Test and Simulator Definitions."

    To run a group test, access the Group Definition page or Group Definition Detail page to run the group test.

    For more information, see Chapter 7, "Working with Group Definitions."

  8. Once an individual test has been executed, view test results generated for the test instance on the Test Instances Detail page. If the test definition includes an associated simulator definition, view the simulator instance on the Simulator Instances Detail page.

    For more information, see Chapter 9, "Working with Test and Simulator Instances."

    Once a group of tests has been executed, view the test results generated for the group instance on the Group Instance Detail page.

    For more information, see Chapter 10, "Working with Group Instances."

  9. Once testing is complete for a test that involved a simulator definition for which you defined a routing configuration on the Configurations page, be sure to reset the ABCS tested to return to routing to its usual production destination and no longer route to the response simulator. To do this:

    1. Access the Configurations page.

    2. Clear the Route To CAVS option.

    3. Click Reload.

    For more information about routing configurations, see Section 8.5, "How to Set Up CAVS Routing Configurations Without Creating Routing Setup IDs."

3.3 How to Execute CAVS Definitions as Web Services

The CAVS provides a web service that enables you to execute test definitions and test group definitions without the use of the CAVS user interface.

You can call this CAVS web service from any system: http://<hostname>:<port>/AIAValidationSystemAPIService/AIAValidationSystemAPIServiceSoapHttpPort.

This web service provides two operations:

Typically, these operations can be consumed by third-party testing tools or other systems to execute test definitions and test group definitions whenever desired, without the use of the CAVS UI.

The WSDL that defines the service contract is: http://<hostname>:<port>/AIAValidationSystemAPIService/AIAValidationSystemAPIServiceSoapHttpPort?wsdl.