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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack
11g Release 1 (
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7 Uninstalling Oracle AIA

This chapter discusses how to uninstall Oracle AIA Foundation Pack and verify uninstallation. This chapter includes the following sections:

7.1 Overview of Oracle AIA Uninstallation

If you have multiple AIA instances, you need to manually uninstall the specific AIA instance that you want to undeploy.

Refer to Section 7.3, "Undeploying a Specific Instance of AIA Foundation Pack Using Manual Steps."

If you want to completely uninstall AIA (which means undeploying all AIA instances and removing AIA Home), then you need to undeploy all AIA instances except for one instance and then use the De-installer.

If you have deployed the Foundation Pack Demo, undeploy it before you uninstall Foundation Pack, because it does not get undeployed automatically when you uninstall Foundation Pack.


Before launching the Deinstaller, ensure that the SOA server is running.

7.2 Uninstalling Foundation Pack using AIA Deinstaller

To uninstall Foundation Pack using AIA Deinstaller:

  1. Navigate to AIAHOME/oui/bin.

  2. Launch Deinstaller.

    Follow the launch instructions for your platform. Table 7-1 lists the commands you must use based on your platform.

    Table 7-1 Commands to launch Oracle AIA Deinstaller

    Platform To launch the Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer:


    Solaris SPARC

    IBM AIX Based Systems


    At the command line prompt, enter:

    ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc <SOA_HOME>/oraInst.loc -deinstall -jreloc <location of the jre specific to your operating system. This directory should have /bin/java>

    Microsoft Windows

    At the command line prompt, enter:

    setup.exe -deinstall

    AIA Deinstaller launches the Welcome screen.

  3. Click Next.

    AIA Deinstaller displays the installed products.

  4. Select the instance to be uninstalled by clicking once on the Instance name.

  5. Click Deinstall.

  6. AIA Deinstaller displays a warning message with the following deinstallation options:

    • Deinstall and delete AIA Home directory. To deinstall and delete AIA Home directory, click Yes.

    • Deinstall without deleting AIA Home directory. To deinstall without deleting the AIA Home directory, click No.

  7. Choose one of the options.

  8. Click Finish in the Deinstallation Complete screen.


After you uninstall, follow the cleanup steps in Section 7.4, "Cleaning The Environment" to clean the environment and then attempt a fresh installation of AIA.

7.3 Undeploying a Specific Instance of AIA Foundation Pack Using Manual Steps

To uninstall Foundation Pack using manual steps:

  1. Navigate to AIA_HOME/aia_instances/<instance_name>/bin.

  2. Run the following command:

    . (for Unix based)
    aiaenv.bat (for windows)
  3. Navigate to AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/Install/AID.

  4. Run the following command to initiate uninstallation:

    ant -f  AIAInstallDriver.xml
    -DDPropertiesFile=$AIA_HOME/aia_instances/<Instance Name>/config/AIAInstallProperties.xml
    -logfile $AIA_HOME/aia_instances/<Instance Name>/logs/FPUnInstall.log
    -DeploymentPlan=$AIA_HOME/aia_instances/<Instance Name>/config/FPUnInstallDP.xml


After you uninstall, follow the cleanup steps in Section 7.4, "Cleaning The Environment" to clean the environment and then attempt a fresh installation of AIA.

7.4 Cleaning The Environment

Clean the environment after you uninstall AIA Foundation Pack.

To clean the environment:

  1. Navigate to WebLogic console and click Deployments in the left navigation bar.

  2. Select all AIA related deployments if they exist (ideally they get removed during uninstallation) and click Delete.

  3. Repeat Step 2 for Datasources, JMS modules and JMS resources if they exist.

  4. Navigate to Security Realms and select your realm (myrealm).

  5. Click the Users and Groups tab and remove AIA users and AIA groups.

  6. Shutdown the SOA managed server and then shutdown the Admin server.

  7. Start the Admin server.

  8. Open the console, and verify whether you have any changes to activate in the Activation center. If there are any, activate them. If they do not get activated, undo all changes.

  9. Open the folder Middleware/domains/<your_domain> and remove the file edit.lok.

  10. Open the folder Middleware/domains/<your_domain>/pending, and remove all files.

  11. Restart the SOA Server.

You can now attempt a fresh installation. Ensure that you have completed all pre-installation steps before attempting the installation.

7.5 Verifying Uninstall Processes

To verify uninstallation:

  1. Navigate to AIA Console http://<server name>:<port number>/AIA/ and confirm that this page is not available.

  2. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager http://<server name>:<port number>/em /.

    Log in using the appropriate user which you have created using the pre-install steps.

  3. Navigate to Farm.

  4. Expand Farm_soa_domain, SOA, soa infra in the left panel.

  5. Navigate to Deployed Composites in the main panel.

    You should not be able to view any AIA related composites.