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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Application Adapters for Oracle Enterprise Content Management
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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3 Configuring the Oracle PeopleSoft Suite Plug-In

This chapter describes how to configure the Oracle PeopleSoft plug-in for use by one or more Oracle ECM adapter solutions. It covers the following topics:


If installing adapter solutions for Oracle E-Business Suite but not Oracle PeopleSoft, skip this chapter after completing the steps described in Chapter 2, "Configuring the Oracle E-Business Suite Plug-In."

3.1 Importing the Oracle PeopleSoft Project

Follow these steps to import the Oracle PeopleSoft project, which creates and populates the AXF-related Oracle PeopleSoft tables and enables AXF configuration on Oracle PeopleSoft pages:

  1. As a user with administrative privileges, create a tablespace called AXF in the database containing the Oracle PeopleSoft schemas.


    Oracle PeopleSoft integration does not require an additional database user, as all necessary tables are created when importing a project.


    SQL Server automatically creates the tablespace upon importing the project. If your Oracle PeopleSoft installation uses a SQL Server, this step is not required.

  2. Start the Oracle PeopleSoft Application Designer in two-tier mode and log in as the user with administrative privileges.

  3. From the menu, select Tools, then Copy Project, then From File. The Copy From File screen displays.

  4. Locate the following directory.


  5. Select the psft directory, then select the AXF_PS_INTEGRATION directory and click Open.

    The second AXF_PS_INTEGRATION directory contains the project XML files, but you must select its parent directory (of the same name) to access them from the Oracle PeopleSoft Application Designer. The AXF_PS_INTEGRATION project displays in the lower pane of the screen.

  6. Click Select, select all definition types, and click Copy. The project files begin copying.

  7. After all files have copied, select Build, then Project from the menu. The Build screen displays.

  8. Select the Create Tables and Execute SQL Now options, and click Build. You can monitor the build status as the files are imported into Oracle PeopleSoft.

  9. Once done, check the PSBUILD.LOG file to verify that the project imported successfully.

  10. If the log file shows tablespace 'AXF' does not exist errors, the tablespace was not created properly. Manually create a tablespace called AXF in the same database you logged into when starting the Oracle PeopleSoft Application Designer, then return to step 5 to rebuild the project.

  11. Click Save All.

3.2 Configuring and Securing Adapter Communications for Oracle PeopleSoft

Oracle PeopleSoft adapter security is configured through Integration Broker, where you select username token authentication and then grant AXF access for Oracle PeopleSoft users.

This section covers the following topics:

3.2.1 Securing Communications Through SSL

Follow these main steps to implement web server SSL encryption for the Oracle PeopleSoft adapter:

  1. Install web server-based digital certificates.

    Refer to the Oracle PeopleSoft documentation for an overview of securing integration environments, and outbound PeopleSoft Integration Broker security processing. In the Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook, Integration Broker Administration Guide, see the section on installing web server-based digital certificates.

  2. Enable SSL on Oracle WebLogic Server on the ECM side.

    For information, see "Configuring SSL for Oracle ECM Applications" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite.

  3. Exchange server certificates between the web servers.

    For information, see "exportKeyStoreObject" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

3.2.2 Configuring Integration Broker to Communicate With AXF

Importing the AXF_PS_INTEGRATION project into Oracle PeopleSoft also imports the Integration Broker connection information. These components contain information needed to connect from Oracle PeopleSoft to the AXF Server. This section describes how to access this information in the Oracle PeopleSoft web client and edit it to point to the AXF Server.

For the appropriate AXF Server version, follow the steps listed to configure communication between the Integration Broker and AXF:

After configuring communication for the appropriate AXF Server version, complete these steps:


An Oracle PeopleSoft local integration gateway is required for Oracle PeopleSoft external communications. See the Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise documentation for information about setting up gateways. You can then proceed with configuring the Oracle PeopleSoft service operation to communicate with an AXF server. Configuring Communication With an 11g AXF Server

  1. In Oracle PeopleSoft Server, open PeopleTools, then Integration Broker, then Integration Setup. The Integration setup menu expands to show available options.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. On the Find an Existing Value tab, select Node Name in the Search By field, enter AXF in the Begins With field, and click Search.

  4. From the search results, click the AXF_SOLUTION_MEDIATOR_11G link.

  5. On the Node Definitions tab, select the Active Node field. Enter a valid user name and password in the External User ID and External Password fields.

    This user authenticates against the Solution Mediator web services installed on the application server on which AXF is installed.

  6. Click the Connectors tab.

  7. In the Property Value column, set Host to the AXF Server name or IP address.

  8. In the Property Value column, set the URL.

    • If using SSL, set it to the following URL, using https instead of http. Note that port_number must match the secure port on the ECM side.

      https://AXF_Server name or IP address:port_number/axf-ws/AxfSolutionMediatorService

      For example:

    • If not using SSL, set it to the following URL:

      http://AXF_Server name or IP address:port_number/axf-ws/AxfSolutionMediatorService

      For example:

  9. Click Save.

  10. Click Ping Node to verify that the node is configured properly.

  11. Click the WS Security tab.

  12. Select Username Token in the Authentication Token Type field and select the Use External User ID field.

  13. Click Save. Configuring Communication With a 10g AXF Server

  1. In Oracle PeopleSoft Server, open PeopleTools, then Integration Broker, then Integration Setup. The Integration setup menu expands to show the available options.

  2. Click Nodes.

  3. On the Find an Existing Value tab, select Node Name in the Search By field, enter AXF in the Node Name field, and click Search.

  4. From the search results, click the AXF_SOLUTION_MEDIATOR_10G link.

  5. Click the Connectors tab.

  6. In the Property Name column, set Host to the AXF Server name or IP address.

  7. In the Property Name column, set URL to the following URL:

    http://AXF_Server name or IP address:port_number/imaging-bai-axf/AxfSolutionMediator

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click Ping Node to verify that the node is configured properly.

  10. Click the WS Security tab and verify that the Authentication Token Type field is set to None. Encrypting the Gateway Password

If Success is not displayed after pinging the node, encrypt the secureFileKeystorePasswd value under Gateway Properties, as described in the following steps.

  1. In Oracle PeopleSoft Server, open PeopleTools, then Integration Broker, then Configuration, then Gateways.

  2. Search for and open the LOCAL gateway, then click the Gateway Setup Properties link.

  3. Sign on to access the file.

  4. Click the Advanced Properties Page link.

  5. Use the Password Encryption Utility on the Gateway Properties page to encrypt the secureFileKeystorePasswd value.

  6. In the Gateway Properties screen, paste the encrypted password after secureFileKeystorePasswd= and click OK. Setting Up the Service Operation Routings

  1. From the Integration Setup options, select Service Operations.

  2. On the Find Service Operation tab, enter AXF in the Service Operation field and click Search. A single results listing is returned.

  3. Click the AXF_EXECUTE link.

  4. Click the Routings tab.

  5. Verify status.

    • If communicating with an 11g AXF Server, verify that the AXF_SOLUTION_MEDIATOR_ROUTING routing definition's status is Active. If it is not, choose its Selected field, click the Activate Selected Routings button, and ensure that all other routing definition are set to Inactive.

    • If communicating with a 10g AXF Server, verify that the AXF_SM_ROUTING_10G routing definition's status is Active. If it is not, choose its Selected field, click the Activate Selected Routings button, and ensure that all other routing definition are set to Inactive.

  6. Click the Save button. Validating Domain Status

Once you have configured the Integration Broker to communicate with AXF, follow these steps to verify its status.

  1. Navigate to the Service Operation Monitor page by selecting PeopleTools, then Integration Broker, and then Service Operations Monitor. The Service Operations Monitor page displays.

  2. Click Domain Status under the Administration section. The Domain Status page displays.

  3. Under Domains, verify that the domain status is listed as Active next to the Oracle PeopleSoft Server. If not, select Active from the Domain Status field and click Update.

3.2.3 Configuring AXF Access For Oracle PeopleSoft Users

Follow the steps in these sections to grant AXF access to Oracle PeopleSoft users: Verifying the AXF_ROLE for Oracle PeopleSoft Users

During Oracle PeopleSoft project import, the AXF_ROLE is automatically configured. Follow these steps to verify that appropriate Oracle PeopleSoft users have access to AXF functionality. If needed, follow the steps listed to manually add the AXF_ROLE and permissions to Oracle PeopleSoft.

  1. In Oracle PeopleSoft Server, open PeopleTools, then Security, then Permissions & Roles. The Permissions & Roles menu expands to show available options.

  2. Click Roles. The Roles page displays. The AXF_ROLE should be displayed. If it is not, follow the steps below to add it.

Manually Adding the AXF_ROLE to Oracle PeopleSoft

Follow these steps only if the AXF_ROLE was not successfully verified in the previous section.

  1. Click the Add a New Value tab.

  2. Enter AXF_ROLE in the Role Name field and click Add. The Role Name field is cleared and the AXF_ROLE is added. Enter a description if needed and click Save.

  3. Click Roles. Click the Find an Existing Value tab and find AXF_ROLE from the listing of available roles. Click AXF_ROLE, and its details are displayed.

  4. Click the Permission Lists tab, enter AXF_PERMS in the Permission List field, and click Save. Assigning Users the AXF_ROLE

After creating the AXF_ROLE in Oracle PeopleSoft, follow these steps to assign the role to all users that require access to AXF functionality.


You must assign the AXF_ROLE in Oracle PeopleSoft to all users needing access to AXF functionality for AXF calls to process correctly from Oracle PeopleSoft.

  1. In Oracle PeopleSoft Server, open PeopleTools, then Security, then User Profiles. The User Profiles menu expands to show available options.

  2. Click User Profiles. The User Profiles page displays.

  3. Select the criteria by which to search, enter it in the search field, and click Search. A listing of users displays.

  4. Click the user to which to assign the role. A detailed page of user information displays.

  5. Click the Roles tab. A listing of roles assigned to the user displays.

  6. Enter AXF_ROLE in a blank field (clicking the + icon to create a blank row if needed), or click the magnifying glass icon to search for the role.

  7. Click Save. The user can now access AXF functionality on Oracle PeopleSoft pages.

3.3 Placing AXF Components on Oracle PeopleSoft Pages

You configure AXF components on Oracle PeopleSoft pages using the Oracle PeopleSoft Application Designer and the AXF tables in Oracle PeopleSoft.

Determining Primary Keys for Oracle PeopleSoft Screens

If needed, follow these steps to determine the primary keys for specific Oracle PeopleSoft screens.

  1. In the Oracle PeopleSoft application, navigate to the page to enable.

  2. Press Ctrl+J. In the info page, note the Page and Component entries for the selected screen.

  3. In the Application Designer, select File/Open and choose Page from the Definition field.

  4. In the Name field, enter the page name you noted in step 2 and click Open.

  5. Select the Order tab at the top.

  6. From the set of fields listed, identify the field that is the most likely unique ID (for example, VOUCHER_ID for Invoice Entry) and note the record name.

  7. From the Insert menu, choose the Definitions into Project command, and select Records from the Definition Type field.

  8. In the Name field, enter the record name you noted in step 6 and click Insert.

  9. Select the record in the list and click Insert. The record is inserted into the Project Tree on the left.

  10. Expand the Records tree on the left, then expand the record you added. The primary keys are listed at the top, with a gold key icon to the left of the key name. Note the primary keys.

Sample Primary Keys

Table 3-1 Sample Primary Keys

Screen Page Name Record Name Primary Key

Maintenance Management / Work Order Management / Work Order




Maintenance Management / Work Order Management / Work Order




Asset Management / Asset Transactions / Owned Assets




Asset Management / Asset Transactions / Owned Assets




Quick Invoice Entry




Quick Invoice Entry




About Placing AXF Components on Oracle PeopleSoft Pages

There are two categories of AXF components for use on Oracle PeopleSoft pages:

Steps For Placing AXF Components on Oracle PeopleSoft Pages

  1. Open the AXF_PS_Integration Project in Oracle PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. Open an Oracle PeopleSoft page to enable. For example, open VCHR_HEADER_QV2.

  3. From the Pages folder, select a button or link and drag it onto the Oracle PeopleSoft page in an appropriate location.

  4. Save the page.

3.4 Configuring AXF-Related Oracle PeopleSoft Tables

After placing a component on an Oracle PeopleSoft page, configure the AXF-related Oracle PeopleSoft tables to associate a command with the newly added button, link, or event.

For the Imaging Solution

  1. Configure AXF-related Oracle PeopleSoft tables as described in Section A.5.

  2. Specify an Oracle PeopleSoft role in the PS_AXF_COMMANDS Table to either grant users permission to use a specified user interface item or allow a specified system event to trigger for a user.

For the Managed Attachments Solution

  1. Configure AXF-related Oracle PeopleSoft tables as described in Section B.3.

  2. Enter the primary screen keys you noted in Section 3.3.

  3. Specify an Oracle PeopleSoft role in the PS_AXF_COMMANDS Table to grant users permission to use a specified user interface item.

3.5 Configuring Oracle PeopleSoft Logging

The AXF Oracle PeopleSoft adapter uses standard apache log4j logging. You can activate and manage logging through the file. This file is located in the PeopleSoft Installation Directory/class directory. Set the following options:

# A1 is set to be a ConsoleAppender which outputs to System.out. 

# A1 uses PatternLayout.
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{DATE} [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n, A1

At a minimum, define an appender with a valid file location, and the level of messages to report (see above). Valid levels include the following in order of decreasing detail, where DEBUG displays all messages and detail:


For detailed information about log4j, see the log4j documentation.

3.6 Uninstalling AXF From Oracle PeopleSoft

No resources are being used if no AXF solutions are implemented, so there is no harm in leaving AXF objects in the system. If no AXF solutions are implemented, you can remove all AXF objects using Application Designer.