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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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10 Managing Oracle Virtual Directory Server Processes

This chapter explains Oracle Virtual Directory process management using Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server and includes the following topics:

10.1 What is Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server?

The Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) is a daemon process that monitors Oracle Fusion Middleware components, including Oracle Virtual Directory. Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control uses OPMN to stop or start Oracle Virtual Directory. From the command-line, you can use opmnctl, the command-line interface to OPMN, to perform the process management tasks for Oracle Virtual Directory that are documented in this chapter.

See Also:

The Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Administrator's Guide for complete information about OPMN and the opmnctl command.

10.2 Understanding the Default Oracle Virtual Directory Image

When you install Oracle Virtual Directory on a host computer, the Oracle Identity Management 11g Installer creates:

If you selected either the Create New Domain or Extend Existing Domain options during installation, the Oracle Virtual Directory component is registered with a WebLogic domain. If you selected the None option during installation, the Oracle Virtual Directory component is not registered with a domain. Oracle recommends registering the Oracle Virtual Directory component with a domain. You can register it from the command-line using opmnctl as described in this chapter.

If you install multiple Oracle Virtual Directory components on multiple nodes using the Extend Existing Domain option during installation, the second and subsequent nodes will have component names of ovd2, ovd3 and so on.

10.3 Creating an Oracle Virtual Directory Component Using OPMNCTL

You create an Oracle Virtual Directory component in an Oracle instance by using opmnctl createcomponent. The following is the syntax for creating an Oracle Virtual Directory component using opmnctl createcomponent:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl createcomponent 
   [-adminHost hostname] 
   [-adminPort weblogic_port] 
   [-adminUsername weblogic_admin]
   -componentType OVD 
   -componentName componentName
   [-admin cn=orcladmin]
   [-isAdminSSL true | false ]
   [-namespace dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com]
   [-ldapPort LDAP_PORT]
   [-ldapSport  SSL_ENABLED_LDAP_PORT]
   [-httpPort HTTP_PORT]
   [-isHttpSSL true | false]

You can use several parameters with the opmnctl createcomponent command. The following is a list of parameters that are specific to Oracle Virtual Directory. Refer to the Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Administrator's Guide to see all the parameters for the opmnctl createcomponent command.


Oracle Virtual Directory admin username, for example: cn=orcladmin. The default value is cn=orcladmin.


Oracle Virtual Directory admin password file. You are prompted for a password if you do not specify a file location.


Enables and disables SSL on the Oracle Virtual Directory Admin Listener. Supported values are true and false. The default value is true.


Identifies the port for the Oracle Virtual Directory Admin Listener. The default values is 8899.


Namespace value, for example: dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com


Identifies the port for Oracle Virtual Directory LDAP Listener. The default value is 6501.


Identifies the SSL port for Oracle Virtual Directory LDAP Listener. The default value is 6502.


Identifies the port for Oracle Virtual Directory HTTP Listener. The default value is 8080.


Enables and disables SSL on the Oracle Virtual Directory HTTP Listener. The default value is true.

Example 10-1 opmnctl createcomponent Command

The following example command creates an Oracle Virtual Directory component named ovd3:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl createcomponent -adminHost \
-adminPort 7001 -adminUsername weblogic -componentName ovd3 -componentType OVD \
-admin cn=admin -isAdminSSL true -ovdAdminPort 8890 \
-namespace dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com -ldapPort 5566 -ldapSport 4455 -httpPort 9090 \
-isHttpSSL true

10.4 Registering an Oracle Instance Using OPMNCTL

To register an Oracle instance and all the components in that Oracle instance, you use opmnctl registerinstance. The syntax is:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl registerinstance 
 [-adminHost hostname] 
 [-adminPort weblogic_port]
 [-adminUsername weblogic_admin]

For example:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl registerinstance \
 -adminHost myhost \
 -adminPort 7001 \
 -adminUsername weblogic \

The default administrative port on the WebLogic Administration Server is 7001.

10.5 Unregistering an Oracle Instance Using OPMNCTL

To unregister an Oracle Instance and all the components in that Oracle instance, you use opmnctl unregisterinstance. The syntax is:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl unregisterinstance 
 [-adminHost hostname] 
 [-adminPort weblogic_port]
 [-adminUsername weblogic_admin]

For example:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl unregisterinstance -adminHost myhost \
-adminPort 7001 -adminUsername weblogic \

The default administrative port on the WebLogic Administration Server is 7001.

10.6 Updating the Component Registration of an Oracle Instance Using OPMNCTL

To update the registration of an Oracle Virtual Directory component in a registered Oracle instance after changing the Oracle Virtual Directory component's registration, you use opmnctl updatecomponentregistration. The opmnctl updatecomponentregistration command updates the registration for the Oracle Virtual Directory component using the values in its listeners.os_xml and server.os_xml files.

The syntax for opmnctl updatecomponentregistration is:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl updatecomponentregistration 
   [-adminHost hostname] 
   [-adminPort weblogic_port] 
   [-adminUsername weblogic_admin]
   [-componentType OVD] 
   -componentName componentName
   [-Host OVD_HOST_NAME]


  • If you do not use the -Host option, the value in listeners.os_xml is used.

  • Both the componentName and componentType parameters are required.

For example:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl updatecomponentregistration -adminHost myhost \
-adminPort 7001 -adminUsername weblogic -componentType OVD -componentName ovd1    

10.7 Deleting an Oracle Virtual Directory Component Using OPMNCTL

You remove an Oracle Virtual Directory component by using opmnctl deletecomponent. The syntax is:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl deletecomponent
    [-adminHost hostname] 
    [-adminPort weblogic_port] 
    [-adminUsername weblogic_admin]
    [-componentType ovd]
    -componentName componentName

For example:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl deletecomponent -adminHost myhost -adminPort 7001 \ -adminUsername weblogic -componentType OVD -componentName ovd1 

10.8 Viewing Active Server Instance Information Using OPMNCTL

To view the status of components and processes using opmnctl, use the following:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl status -l


Both HTTP endpoints (Admin and WebGateway) in Oracle Virtual Directory have the identical protocol name of http. However, you can differentiate between the two using the description reflected in the opmnctl debug command, not using the opmnctl status -l command.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control does not show the description field while displaying port information of a server.

10.9 Starting the Oracle Virtual Directory Server Using OPMNCTL

Typically, the component name of the first Oracle Virtual Directory component is ovd1.

To start the first Oracle Virtual Directory component, use the following:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=ovd1

To start all Oracle Virtual Directory components, use the following:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl startproc process-type=OVD

To start all components, use the following:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl startall 

10.10 Stopping the Oracle Virtual Directory Server Using OPMNCTL

To stop the first Oracle Virtual Directory component, use the following:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl stopproc ias-component=ovd1

To stop all Oracle Virtual Directory components, use the following:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl stopproc process-type=OVD

To stop all components, use the following:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl stopall 

10.11 Restarting the Oracle Virtual Directory Server Using OPMNCTL

The opmnctl restartproc command performs a "soft" restart of the Oracle Virtual Directory server, that is, it reloads the Oracle Virtual Directory configuration, but does not kill the current the Oracle Virtual Directory server process.

To restart the first Oracle Virtual Directory component, use the following:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl restartproc ias-component=ovd1

To restart all Oracle Virtual Directory components, use the following:

$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl restartproc process-type=OVD