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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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4 Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer Post-Upgrade Tasks

This task involves completing the following component-specific upgrade steps:

4.1 Post-Upgrade Tasks for Oracle Portal

Refer to the following sections for information about post-upgrade tasks for Oracle Portal:

4.1.1 Configuring Preference Stores in an Upgraded Oracle Portal 11g Environment

If are using the Oracle Portal Developer Kit-Java (PDK-Java) or Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) to develop or deploy custom Oracle Portal applications, review the following information for configuration tasks you might have to perform after you upgrade to Oracle Portal 11g.

For more information about the PDK-Java, see "Creating Java Portlets" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Portal. About the jdbc/portletPrefs Data Source

By default, PDK-Java, the Oracle Portal 11g installation and configuration procedure automatically creates a data source called the jdbc/portletPrefs data source in the Oracle Portal Oracle WebLogic Server domain. This data source is created by the configuration process, but it is not configured to reference any specific preference store.

Depending on how how you configure the preference store for your PDK-Java and WSRP producer applications in Oracle Portal 10g, refer to the following sections for information on how use this data source in Oracle Portal 11g: Oracle Portal Post-Upgrade Tasks If You Are Using One Database-Based Preference Store

If you are already using a single database-based preference store for WSRP or PDK-Java producer applications in Oracle Portal 10g, then modify the existing jdbc/portletPrefs data source so it references the existing preference store. You can use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to perform this task.

For more information, see "Create JDBC data sources" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help. Specifically, you must modify the database connection details on the Connection Properties page for the data source in the Administration Console. Oracle Portal Post-Upgrade Tasks If You Are Using Multiple Database-Based Stores

If you are using multiple database-based preference stores for your PDK-Java or WSRP producer applications in Oracle Portal 10g, then you must:

  1. Identify one of your existing database-based preference stores, or create a new database-based preference store, that will serve as your single Oracle Portal 11g preference store.

    To create a new Oracle Portal preference store, see Section, "Creating a New Database Preference Store for PDK-Java or WSRP Applications".

  2. Use the PDK-Java Preference Store Migration and Upgrade Utility to migrate each of your existing Oracle Portal 10g preference stores to the Oracle Portal 11g database-based preference store you identified or created in Step 1.

    For more information, see "Using the PDK-Java Preference Store Migration and Upgrade Utility" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal.

  3. Modify the existing jdbc/portletPrefs data source so it references your existing preference store. You can use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to perform this task.

    For more information, see "Create JDBC data sources" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help. Specifically, you must modify the database connection details on the Connection Properties page for the data source in the Administration Console. Oracle Portal Post-Upgrade Tasks If You Are Not Using a Database-Based Preference Store

If you are not using a databased-based preference store, you can use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to remove the jdbc/portletPrefs data source.

For more information, see "Delete JDBC data sources" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help. Oracle Portal Post-Upgrade Tasks If You Are Using One or More File-Based Store

If you are using one or more file-based preference stores for WSPR or PDK-Java applications, then use the Preference Store Migration and Upgrade Utility to migrate each of your existing Oracle Portal 10g preference stores to the an Oracle Portal 11g file-based preference store.

For more information, see "Using the PDK-Java Preference Store Migration and Upgrade Utility" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal. Creating a New Database Preference Store for PDK-Java or WSRP Applications

A preference store is a mechanism for storing information like user preference data, portlet/provider settings, or even portlet data, while using Oracle Portal.

The information stored in the preference store is persistent in the sense that, even if you log out and log back in later, you can still access previously saved preferences. The preference store maintains the user preference information and invokes the user preferences whenever the user logs in again.

PDK-Java provides the PrefStorePersonalizationManager, which uses a PreferenceStore implementation to persist personalized data. Currently, PDK-Java has two PreferenceStore implementations: DBPreferenceStore and FilePreferenceStore. The DBPreferenceStore persists data using a JDBC compatible relational database and FilePreferenceStore persists data using the file system.

For more details of these implementations, refer to the Javadoc on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN), by clicking Java Doc API on the Portlet Development page available at:

Example 4-1 shows some sample SQL code that demonstrates how you can create a preference store table in an Oracle database.

For more information about using preference stores, refer to the following resources:

  • "Enhancing Java Portlets" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Portal

  • "Setting Up a Preference Store" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter

Example 4-1 Sample SQL Code for Creating a New Oracle Portal Preference Store

  DATA_CLASS      VARCHAR2 (250),



4.1.2 Upgrading the PDK-Java Sample Application and Its Customizations from Oracle Portal 10g to 11g

If you are using the Oracle Portal Developer Kit-Java (PDK-Java), then any PDK-Java applications you used in Oracle Portal 10g, as well as the customizations used by the applications, are not upgraded to your new Oracle Portal environment

For example, the sample PDK-Java application (jpdk.ear) is not installed in an upgraded middle tier. The following sections describe how to:

  • Deploy the jpdk.ear sample application on the upgraded Oracle Portal 11g middle tier

  • Migrate the sample application customizations from a Oracle Portal 10g file-based preference store to an Oracle Portal 11g file-based or database-based preference store.

Use one of the following procedures to accomplish this task: Upgrading the jpdk.ear file and Its Customizations to an 11g File-Based Preference Store

To redeploy the jpdk.ear file and upgrade its customizations from Oracle Portal 10g to an Oracle Portal 11g file-based preference store:

  1. Deploy the jpdk.ear file as an application to the WLS_PORTAL managed server in the Oracle WebLogic Server domain that was created during the Oracle Portal 11g installation.

    Note the following:

    • In many cases, the WLS_PORTAL managed server is part of an Oracle WebLogic Server cluster. In those cases, you deploy the jpdk.ear file to the cluster that contains the WLS_PORTAL managed server.

    • The jpdk.ear file is located in the following directory of the Oracle Portal Oracle home:

    • For information, see "Install applications and modules" in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console online help.

  2. Edit the provider registration, which was registered in Oracle Portal 10g, to reference the new JPDK provider URL:

    1. Locate the provider.xml file for the JPDK sample:


      In this example, replace DOMAIN_HOME with the patch to the Oracle WebLogic Server domain directory.

    2. Comment the following section in the provider.xml file:

    3. Uncomment the following section in the provider.xml file:

      oracle.portal.provider.v2.preference.FilePreferenceStore section
    4. Save and close the provider.xml file.

  3. Start the deployed JPDK application.

  4. Use the PDK-Java Preference Store Migration and Upgrade Utility to change Oracle Portal preferences store to a file-based store.

    Example 4-2 shows the command you can use to perform this task.

    In the example, replace the following variables with the actual path to the corresponding Oracle home: 10g_ORACLE_HOME, 11g_ORACLE_HOME, DOMAIN_HOME.

    For more information, see "Using the PDK-Java Preference Store Migration and Upgrade Utility" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal.

    Example 4-2 Using the Preference Store Migration and Upgrade Utility to Upgrade the 10g JPDK Customizations to an Oracle Portal 11g File-Based Store

    java -classpath
         -mode filetofile 
         -remap language 
         -countries GB,US 
         -pref1UseHashing true 
         -pref1RootDirectory 10g_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4JPortal/applications/
         -pref2RootDirectory DOMAIN_HOME/servers/WLS_PORTAL/tmp/_WL_user/
         -pref2UseHashing true Upgrading the jpdk.ear file and Its Customizations to an 11g Database Preference Store

To redeploy the jpdk.ear file and upgrade its customizations from Oracle Portal 10g to an Oracle Portal 11g database preference store:

  1. Deploy the jpdk.ear file as an application to the WLS_PORTAL managed server in the Oracle WebLogic Server domain that was created during the Oracle Portal 11g installation.

    Note the following:

    • In many cases, the WLS_PORTAL managed server is part of an Oracle WebLogic Server cluster. In those cases, you deploy the jpdk.ear file to the cluster that contains the WLS_PORTAL managed server.

    • The jpdk.ear file is located in the following directory of the Oracle Portal Oracle home:

    • For information, see "Install applications and modules" in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console online help.

  2. Start the deployed JPDK application.

  3. Identify an existing 11g database preference store, or create a new database preference store.

  4. Note the database connection details for the preference store. For more information, see Section, "Creating a New Database Preference Store for PDK-Java or WSRP Applications".

  5. Use the PDK-Java Preference Store Migration and Upgrade Utility to change Oracle Portal preferences store to a database-based store.

    Example 4-2 shows the command you can use to perform this task.

    In the example, replace the following variables with the actual path to the corresponding Oracle home: 10g_ORACLE_HOME, 11g_ORACLE_HOME.

    For more information, see "Using the PDK-Java Preference Store Migration and Upgrade Utility" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal.

    Example 4-3 Using the Preference Store Migration and Upgrade Utility to Upgrade the 10g JPDK Customizations to Oracle Portal 11g Database Preference Store

    java -classpath 11g_ORACLE_HOME/portal/jlib/pdkjava.jar:11g_ORACLE_HOME/portal/jlib/ptlshare.jar:
        -mode filetodb 
        -remap language 
        -countries GB,US 
        -pref1UseHashing true 
        -pref1RootDirectory 10g_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/
        -pref2User <portal_schema_user> 
        -pref2Password <schema_passwd> 
        -pref2URL jdbc:oracle:thin:@<db_connect_string_in_host:port:sid_format

4.1.3 Removing the Community News Portlet

Starting with OracleAS Portal 10g (10.1.4) and later, the Community News portlet is no longer supported.

This portlet is still available on Oracle Portal pages, but when you attempt to edit this portlet, a blank page is displayed. You can manually delete the Community News portlet from portal pages, as follows:

  1. Log in to Oracle Portal.

  2. Navigate to the page from which you want to delete the portlet.

  3. Click Edit at the top of the page to switch to Edit mode.

  4. Click Actions next to the Community News portlet.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. On the confirmation page, click Yes to delete the portlet and return to the page.

4.1.4 Configuring End-to-End SSL for an Upgraded Oracle Portal Environment

After you upgrade to Oracle Portal 11g, you can configure end-to-end secure socket layer (SSL) security connections for all your Portal connections.

For general information about configuring SSL for Oracle Fusion Middleware products, see "Secure Sockets Layer" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

To configure SSL for Oracle Portal 11g after upgrade, perform the following tasks.

Task 1   Enable the WebLogic plug-in, and enable the WLProxySSLPassThrough and WLProxySSL parameters

For more information, see "Enable the WebLogic Plug-In, and WLProxySSL and WLProxySSLPassThrough Parameters" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal.

Task 2   Add the Oracle Web Cache certificate to the Oracle WebLogic Server managed server keystore

For example:

  1. Obtain the Oracle Web Cache certificate.

    There are several methods for performing this task. For example, you can export it from your Microsoft Internet Explorer browser as follows:

    1. Access the Portal URL so the index page is dislayed.

      For example:
    2. From the Internet Explorer View menu, select Security Report.

    3. From the Website Identification dialog box, click View Certificates.

    4. In the Certificates dialog box, click Details, and then Copy To File to display the Certificate Export wizard.

    5. On the Export File Format page of the wizard, select Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER).

    6. On the File to Export page of the wizard, enter a path and file name for the certificate file (for example, self.cer).

  2. You can find the location of the keystore from the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console:

    1. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

    2. In the left pane of the Console, expand Environment and select Servers.

    3. Select the WLS_PORTAL managed server.

    4. Select Keystores and locate the Java Standard Trust Keystore entry in the Trust section of the Keystores page.

      The value of the Java Keystore Trust Keystore field is the path to the Oracle WebLogic Server managed server keystore.

  3. Import the certificate into the managed server keystore.

    There are several methods to import a certificate into the keystore. For more information, see "Common Certificate Operations" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

    In particular, refer to the following:

    • "Importing a Certificate or Trusted Certificate into a Keystore Using Fusion Middleware Control"

    • "Importing a Certificate or Trusted Certificate into a Keystore Using WLST"

Task 3   Restart OPMN and the WebLogic servers

For more information, see "Starting and Stopping Oracle Fusion Middleware" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

4.1.5 Removing Obsolete Partner Applications After Upgrade

If you select the Use source Oracle home ports in destination option when you upgrade to Oracle Portal 11g, then you will notice that, after the upgrade, some extra partner applications will appear on the SSO Administration page in the Oracle Portal 11g instance.

You can safely remove these extra partner applications after upgrade, since they are replaced by the upgraded partner applications.

For more information about the Use source Oracle home ports in destination option, see Section 3.6.2, "Task 6b: Upgrade the Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer Middle Tiers".

For more information about viewing the partner applications in Oracle Portal 11g, see "Using the Oracle Portal Administer Tab" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal. You use the Portal Administer tab to access the Oracle Single Sign-On administration features in Oracle Portal.

4.1.6 Relative Hypertext Links to Images and Documents May Break After Upgrade

When upgrading to Oracle Portal 11g, relative hypertext links to images and documents may be broken. This can occur when the relative hypertext link uses a different case than the file name. For example, if a pre-upgrade image was uploaded to your portal with the name PROCESS1.GIF, and a hypertext link is referring to process1.gif, after the upgrade, the relative hypertext link to the image will be broken. You are most likely to encounter this in HTML templates or in documents that refer to images or other documents.

To address this issue, edit image and document names, making their case agree with the case used for the file names.

4.1.7 Resetting FILE_ACCESS_ROLE if Set Before Installing or Upgrading to Oracle Portal 11g

If you have set the FILE_ACCESS_ROLE system parameter in the database before installing or upgrading to Oracle Portal 11g, then consider resetting it after the installation or upgrade.

The FILE_ACCESS_ROLE system parameter is used to specify the name of a database role that is authorized to create an index using the FILE or URL datastores. If the parameter is set, any user attempting to create an index using FILE or URL datastores must have this role otherwise the index cannot be created.

In database versions earlier than Oracle Database 11g Release 2, if the FILE_ACCESS_ROLE parameter was not set, users did not need to have a specific role to create indexes using the FILE or URL datastores. From Oracle Database 11g Release 2 onwards, if the FILE_ACCESS_ROLE parameter is not set, the URL and File datastore are disabled and indexes using the FILE or URL datastores cannot be created. For more information, see the Oracle Text documentation at

When installing or upgrading to Oracle Portal 11g, into a database that is Oracle Database 11g or higher, the following events occur:

  • The "PORTAL_SEARCH_FILE_ACCESS_ROLE" role is created.

  • The "PORTAL_SEARCH_FILE_ACCESS_ROLE" role is granted to the portal schema.

  • The FILE_ACCESS_ROLE system parameter set to "PORTAL_SEARCH_FILE_ACCESS_ROLE" regardless of whether the preference was originally set

If the FILE_ACCESS_ROLE system parameter was set before installing or upgrading to Oracle Portal 11g from a previous version, you may want to set it back to the original role. If you reset it to another role, you must grant that role to the Oracle Portal schema for Oracle Portal Search to function correctly.

4.1.8 Refreshing the Database Provider to Fix Missing Translated Content

After you upgrade to Oracle Portal 11g, language translations of some components or portlets will be missing (for example, survey builder, User Surveys, and so on).

To fix this issue, you must refresh the database provider. Log in to the Oracle Portal, then go to Navigator, Providers, Registered Providers and then select your database provider, and then click Refresh. After refreshing you should be able to see the translations.

4.1.9 Refreshing OMNI, WebClipping, or Sample Producers After Upgrade

After you upgrade to Oracle Portal 11g, you will not able to refresh the tools producers (omni, webclip, or sample) that were registered from the previous release.

To fix this problem, log in to Oracle Portal, then go to Administer. Click Portlets tab, and enter the name of your registered producer (registered from the previous release) in the Remote Providers section. Click Refresh.

4.1.10 Upgrading Sample WSRP Providers During a Portal Midtier Upgrade

The Sample WSRP provider does not upgrade automatically during a Portal midtier and any instances of portlets on pages from that producer will give an error post upgrade. To upgrade the SampleWSRP Web Provider, do the following:

  1. Deploy the wsrp-samples.ear file to the new Portal managed server (WLS_PORTAL) instance using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. Make the preference store that the old producer used available to the new instance. You can do this, by making the new producer use the same preference store (in scenario, where the data base preference store is used), or by migrating the preference store using the preference store migration utility.

  3. Update the registration details in portal to point to the new location of the producer, by using the Edit Registration page within Portal.

4.1.11 About OmniPortlet Repository Changes

In Oracle Portal 11g, OmniPortlet connection details are stored in the Oracle Platform Security Service (OPSS) credential store. In earlier versions of Oracle Portal, connection details for OmniPortlet are stored in the Web Clipping repository.

After you upgrade any Oracle Portal application containing OmniPortlet, connection details for OmniPortlet are automatically upgraded from the Web Clipping repository when you run the OmniPortlet for the first time after upgrade.

The first time run of OmniPortlet can be either accessing the OmniPortlet Test Page or displaying an OmniPortlet instance on an application page. The migration process is recorded in the log file of Oracle WebLogic Server.

After the upgrade, in OmniPorlet's provider.xml, the vaultId tag is marked with the prefix MIGRATED_FROM_VAULT_ID_old_vault_id.

If there is any error during application migration, you may need to run the migration procedure again. For example, if application migration fails due to the Web Clipping repository being unavailable, you must ensure that the database is up and running and then migrate your application again.

To re-run the migration procedure for an application that contains an OmniPortlet:

  1. From the OmniPorlet's provider.xml, remove the MIGRATED_FROM_VAULT_ID_old_vault_id prefix.

  2. Restart the OmniPortlet producer.

  3. Access the OmniPortlet Test Page by using the following URL format:


    Where, host and port refer to the host name and port number of the system where you installed Oracle Portal.

4.2 Post-Upgrade Tasks and Information for Oracle BI Discoverer

The following sections describe the post-upgrade tasks you should consider performing after you upgrade to Oracle BI Discoverer 11g:

4.2.1 Upgrading Oracle BI Discoverer Plus OLAP 10g User Privileges to 11g

After the upgrade to 11g, make sure that all your existing Oracle BI Discoverer Plus OLAP users have the proper access privileges to the Oracle BI Discoverer 11g Discoverer Catalog.

Oracle BI Discoverer provides command-line utilities to help you authorize new users and to update the privileges of existing users. For more information, see "Using the Discoverer Plus OLAP command line utility to manage the Discoverer Catalog" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer.

Refer to the following sections for specific post-upgrade tasks to complete using the command-line utilities: Authorizing a New User to Access the Discoverer Catalog

Use the following commands to authorize one or more users so they can access the Discoverer Catalog:

java -classpath path_to_d4o_jar_file load . java -classpath path_to_d4o_jar_file authorize -h hostname -po portname 
     -sid database_SID -p d4osyspasswd -u user

For example:

java -classpath C:\temp\d4o.jar load . java -classpath C:\temp\d4o.jar authorize -h -po 1521
     -sid disco_db1 -p nPword432 -u jones

In this example, you must run the load command only once before authorizing any number of users. For example, if you want to authorize ten users, run the load command once, and then run the authorize command once for each user. Updating the Privileges of an Existing Discoverer Catalog User

To update the user's privileges to access all private and shared folders, use the following command:

java -classpath path_to_d4o_jar_file updatePrivileges -h hostname -po portname
     -sid database_SID -p d4osyspasswd -u user

For example:

java -classpath C:\temp\d4o.jar updatePrivileges -h -po 1521
     -sid disco_db1 -p nPword432 -u jones

In this example, if you provide the -u option, then the privileges will be upgraded only for that user. If you do not provide the -u option, then the privileges will be upgraded for all users.

4.2.2 About Using the Oracle BI Discoverer End User Layer in Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

Oracle BI Discoverer 11g uses the same End User Layer version (5.1) as Oracle BI Discoverer 10g Release 2 (10.1.2).

For more information, see "Creating and maintaining End User Layers" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer.

4.2.3 Configuring Application URLs in Fusion Middleware Control After Upgrading Using the 10g Ports

If you select the Use Source Oracle home ports in destination option while using the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the Oracle BI Discoverer middle tier, then you must configure the application URLs that appear on the Oracle BI Discoverer Home page in Fusion Middleware Control.

For more information, see "How to configure application URLs displayed on the Fusion Middleware Control Discoverer Home page" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer.

4.3 Post-Upgrade Tasks for Oracle Forms Services

Review the following list of manual tasks that you might have to perform after using the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade Oracle Forms Services 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.


For information on upgrading from Oracle Forms Release 6i , refer to "Upgrading to Oracle Forms Services" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Forms Services Deployment Guide.

Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Forms Services Deployment Guide for detailed information about performing these tasks in Oracle Forms Services 11g:

4.4 Post-Upgrade Tasks for Oracle Reports

After you upgrade to OracleAS Reports Services 11g, review the following sections, which provide information about typical post-upgrade tasks for OracleAS Reports Services users:

4.4.1 Configuring Security After Upgrade to Oracle Reports 11g

When you upgrade to Oracle Reports 11g, the security configuration is not upgraded. As a result, the security configuration of Oracle Reports 11g remains the same as it was before the upgrade.

For information about the security features available in Oracle Reports 11g and how to configure them, see "Securing Oracle Reports Services" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Publishing Reports to the Web with Oracle Reports Services.

4.4.2 Additional Oracle Reports Post-Upgrade Tasks

The following sections describe some other common post-upgrade tasks to complete after upgrading to OracleAS Reports Services 11g: Modifying Oracle Reports Shell Scripts After Upgrade

Any shell scripts that are stored in the bin directory of the Oracle Reports 10g Oracle home, such as,, and are not upgraded automatically during the upgrade process. Instead, you must change these scripts manually, as needed. After the upgrade, you can find these scripts in the following Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g directory:

ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/reports/bin Modifying Oracle Reports DAT Files After Upgrade

OracleAS Reports Services DAT files are upgraded during the upgrade process. However, if job command entries in the DAT files contain references to old Oracle Home path names or invalid path names, then those jobs will fail. Therefore, you must reschedule any such report jobs. About the In-process Server Target After Upgrade

In OracleAS Reports Services 10g, the in-process server target appears in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control as Reports Server.

However, after you upgrade to OracleAS Reports Services 11g, the in-process server does not appear as Reports server in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control. Instead, it appears as a Reports application, called reports, and you can manage the in-process server target and the Reports servlet on the Reports application page. Viewing Cached Reports Output Files After Upgrade

Cached Reports output files are not upgraded to Oracle Reports 11g.

4.5 Post-Upgrade Tasks and Information for the Web Tier Components

The Web tier components (Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Web Cache) are required for Oracle Portal. For that reason, they are installed and configured automatically when you install and configure Oracle Portal.

Refer to the following sections for information about post-upgrade tasks you must perform after upgrading to Oracle Web Cache 11g:

4.5.1 Resetting the Oracle Web Cache Passwords in Oracle Web Cache and Oracle Portal After Upgrade

For Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, the Oracle Web Cache administration and invalidation passwords are saved in the Oracle Fusion Middleware credential store. In past releases, they were stored in the webcache.xml configuration file.

However, the Oracle Web Cache upgrade process is unable to update the passwords in the credential store. These passwords are used not only for Oracle Web Cache monitoring and invalidation, but they are also used by Oracle Portal for internal communications between the two components.

As a result, you should update the Oracle Web Cache passwords in two places as soon as possible after upgrade of your Oracle Portal and Oracle Web Cache components:

  • Set the monitoring and invalidation passwords using the Oracle Web Cache management pages in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

    For more information, see "Configuring Password Security" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Web Cache.

  • Set the Oracle Web Cache invalidation credentials for Oracle Portal so that Oracle Portal uses the same invalidation password as the one you modified in Oracle Web Cache.

    For more information, see "Managing Oracle Web Cache" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal.

4.5.2 Web Tier Component Post-Upgrade Tasks When Using Oracle Single Sign-On

If you are using Oracle Single Sign-On, and you did not select the Use Source Oracle home ports in destination option in the Upgrade Assistant when you were upgrading any of your Oracle Forms, Reports, or Discoverer components, then you must perform an additional post-upgrade task.

Specifically, you must register mod_osso with Oracle Single Sign-On and update the port values in the osso.conf file:

  1. Run the ssoreg script on the Single Sign On host to re-register mod_osso:

    ORACLE_HOME/sso/bin/ -oracle_home_path ORACLE_HOME
       -config_mod_osso TRUE
       -config_file ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/myosso.conf
  2. Back up the original osso.conf file and copy the new osso.conf to the following directory in the upgraded Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g instance directory.

    For example, on the UNIX operating system:

    cd ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OHS/ohs_instance_name/
    mv osso.conf osso.conf.ORIG
    cp ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/myosso.conf osso.conf
  3. Perform one of the following tasks, depending upon whether or not your environment is configured to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL):

    • If you are not using SSL connections, then modify the ServerName entry in the Oracle HTTP Server 11g httpd.conf file by replacing the 10g Oracle Web Cache listening port with the 11g Oracle Web Cache listening port:

      For example:

    • If you are using SSL connections, then modify the ServerName entry in the Oracle HTTP Server 11g ssl.conf file by replacing the 10g Oracle Web Cache listening port with the 11g Oracle Web Cache listening port:

      For example:

  4. Restart the OPMN in the instance:

    opmnctl stopall
    opmnctl startall

4.5.3 Additional Web Tier Component Post-Upgrade Tasks

For more information about tasks and information for Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Web Cache after you upgrade to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, see "Task 5: Perform Any Required Post-Upgrade Tasks for the Web Tier Components" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Java EE.