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Oracle® Fusion Middleware WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Administration Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server
11g Release 1 (10.3.4)
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2 Configuring Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector

The following sections describe how to configure the Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector.

Summary of Environment Changes and Considerations

This section provides an overview of the changes you must make to the Oracle Tuxedo and Oracle WebLogic Server environments before you can start using the Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector.

Oracle Tuxedo Changes

Tuxedo users need to make the following environment changes:

  • If an existing Tuxedo application is already using Tuxedo /T DOMAINS, then a new domain must be added to the domains configuration file for each connection to an Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector instantiation.

  • If the existing Tuxedo application does not use domains, then the domain servers must be added to the TUXCONFIG of the application. A new DMCONFIG must be created with a Tuxedo /T Domain entry corresponding to the Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector instantiation.

  • Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector requires that the Oracle Tuxedo domain always have encoding turned on. MTYPE should always be unset, or set to NULL, or set to a value different from the MTYPE in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section in the DMCONFIG file.

For more information on Oracle Tuxedo domains, see "Using the Tuxedo Domains Component."

WebLogic Server Changes

The following sections describe WebLogic Server changes required to use the Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector:

Administration and Programming

WebLogic Server users need to make the following environment changes:

  • Create Java clients or servers. For more information on creating Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector clients or servers, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Tuxedo Connector Programmer's Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  • Configure the Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector using the WebLogic Server console, command-line interface, or WLST. For more information on how to configure the Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector, see Configuring Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector for Your Applications.

  • If the Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector ACL Policy is set to Local, access to local services does not depend on the CredentialPolicy. The Tuxedo remote domain DOMAINID must be authenticated as a local WebLogic Server user. For more information, see User Authentication.

WebLogic Server Threads

The number of client threads available when dispatching services from the gateway may limit the number of concurrent services running. For this release of Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector, there is no Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector attribute to increase the number of available threads. Use a reasonable thread model when invoking service EJBs.You may need to increase the number of WebLogic Server threads available to a larger value.


AWTC server uses three threads plus one thread for every Local Access Point defined.

Configuring Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector for Your Applications

This section provides information on how to configure the Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector to allow WebLogic Server applications and Tuxedo applications to interoperate.

Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector MBean Classes

The Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector uses MBeans to describe connectivity information and security protocols to process service requests between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo. These configuration parameters are analogous to the interoperability attributes required for communication between Tuxedo domains. The configuration parameters are stored in the WebLogic Server config.xml file. Table 2-1 lists the MBean types used to configure Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector:

Table 2-1 NBean Types Used to Configure Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector

MBean Type Description

Parent MBean containing the interoperability attributes required for a connection between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo. Defines your WTC Service when configured using the Administration Console.


Provides configuration information to connect available remote Tuxedo domains to a WTC Service. You must configure at least one local Tuxedo access point. Defines your Local Tuxedo Access Points when configured using the Administration Console.

Note: Because of dynamic configuration, you can create and deploy an empty WTC Service.


Provides configuration information to connect a WTC Service to available remote Tuxedo domains. You may configure multiple remote domains. Defines your Remote Tuxedo Access Points when configured using the Administration Console.


Provides information on services exported by a local Tuxedo access point. Defines your Exported Services when configured using the Administration Console.


Provides information on services imported and available on remote domains. Defines your Imported Services when configured using the Administration Console.


Specifies global field table classes, view table classes, and application passwords for domains. Defines your Resources when configured using the Administration Console.

Support for MBSTRING is provided using RemoteMBEncoding and MBEncodingMapFile attributes


Specifies the configuration information for inter-domain authentication. Defines your Passwords when configured using the Administration Console.


Specifies global configuration information for the transfer of messages between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo. Defines your Tuxedo Queuing Bridge when configured using the Administration Console.


Specifies the source, target, direction, and transport of messages between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo. Defines your Tuxedo Queuing Bridge Redirects when configured using the Administration Console.

For more information on the Oracle WebLogic Server management and the config.xml file, see Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Reference.

Configuring Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Using the Administration Console

The Administration Console allows you to configure, manage, and monitor Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector connectivity. To display the tabs that you use to perform these tasks, complete the following procedure:

  1. Start the Administration Console.

  2. Locate the Interoperability node in the left pane, then expand the WTC Service.

  3. Create or modify the WTC Server you want to configure.

  4. Follow the instructions in the Online Help. For links to the Online Help, see Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 shows the connectivity tasks, listed in typical order in which you perform them. You may change the order; just remember you must configure an object before associating or assigning it.

Table 2-2 Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Configuration Tasks

Task # Task Description


Creating a WTC Service

On the General tab in the right pane, you set the attributes for Name and Deployment Order.


Creating a Local Tuxedo Access Point

Set the attributes that describe your local Tuxedo access point in the General, Connections, and Security tabs. You must configure at least one local Tuxedo access point.

Note: Because of dynamic configuration, you can create and deploy an empty WTC Service.


Creating a Remote Tuxedo Access Point

Set the attributes that describe your remote Tuxedo domains in the Local APs tab.


Creating Exported Services

Set the attributes that describe your exported WebLogic Server services in the Exported tab.


Creating Imported Services

Set the attributes that describe your imported Tuxedo services in the Imported tab.


Creating a Password Configuration

Set the attributes that describe your passwords in the Password tab.


Creating a Resource

Set the attributes that describe your Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector resources in the Resources tab.


Creating a Tuxedo Queuing Bridge Connection

Set the global configuration information for the transfer of messages between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo.


Creating a tBridge Redirection

Sets the attributes used to specify the source, target, direction, and transport of a message between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo


Assign a WTC Service to a Server

Select a target server for your WTC Service.

Configuring Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Using the Command-Line Interface

The command-line interface provides a way to create and manage Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector connections. For information on how to use the command-line interface, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool.

Set the WebLogic Server Environment

You need to set the environment of your WebLogic Server application by running the setExamplesEnv script located at WL_HOME\samples\domains\examples.

  • Windows users: run setExamplesEnv.cmd.

  • UNIX users: run

If you are setting the environment for the first time, you will need to review the settings in the script. If necessary, use the following steps to modify the settings for your application environment:

  1. From the command line, change directories to the location of the WebLogic Server application. Copy the setExamplesEnv script located at WL_HOME\samples\domains\examples to your application directory.

  2. Edit the setExamplesEnv script with a text editor, such as vi.

    • Windows users: edit setExamplesEnv.cmd.

    • UNIX users: edit

  3. Save the file.

How to Set Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Properties

PasswordKey and encoding are WebLogic Server Properties. If you need to set these properties, update the JAVA_OPTIONS variable in your server start script. Example: 

Set PasswordKey

Use PasswordKey to specify the key used by the utility to encrypt passwords: 

where mykey is the key value.

For more information on PasswordKey, see Configuring a Password Configuration.

Set encoding

To transfer non-ascii (multibyte) strings between WebLogic Server and Tuxedo applications, you must configure Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector to provide character set translation. Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector uses an Oracle WebLogic Server property to match the encoding used by all the Tuxedo remote domains specified in an Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector service. If you require more than one coding set running simultaneously, you will require Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector services running in separate WebLogic Server instances.

To enable character set translation, update the JAVA_OPTIONS variable in your server start script. Example: 

where codesetname is the name of a supported codeset used by a remote Tuxedo domain. See Supported Encodings at for list of supported base and extended coding sets.

You may not be able to select the exact encoding name to match the encoding used by the remote domain. In this situation, you should select an encoding name that is equivalent to the remote domain.


  • The Supported Encoding list includes EUC_JP

  • The remote domain is supported by a Solaris operating system using eucJP

Although the names don't match exactly, EUC_JP and eucJP are equivalent encoding sets and provide the correct string translation between WebLogic Server and your remote domain. You should set the encoding property to EUC_JP:

Set Dumping of User Data

To enable dumping of user data, add the following line to the java.weblogic.Server command.


Enabling this causes user data to be dumped after the connection is connected. If no other debugging properties are enabled, then this will be the only WTC information dumped, except normal WTC error/informational messages. The dump is available in the WLS server log file.

The dump has the following format.

  • For outbound messages

    Outbound UDATA: buffer type (<type>, <subtype>)
    +++++ User Data(size) +++++
  • For inbound messages

    Inbound UDATA: buffer type (<type>, <subtype>)
    +++++ User Data(size) +++++

For example, a WLS client sends data "strings" in a STRING typed buffer and the Tuxedo TOUPPER service converts it to "STRINGS". The WLS server log shows the following dump.

Outbound UDATA: buffer type (STRING, null)
+++++ User Data(16) +++++
00 00 00 07 73 74 72 69 6E 67 73 00 00 00 00 00 ....strings.....
+++++ END +++++

Outbound UDATA: buffer type (String, null)
+++++ User Data(12) +++++
00 00 00 07 53 54 52 49 4E 47 53 00 ....STRINGS.
+++++ END +++++

System Level Debug Settings

Because TraceLevel is deprecated, use system debugging. By default all the debug tracing is off. Use the following settings to turn debug trace on.

  • For tracing WTC-CORBA runtime

  • For tracing WTC-GWT runtime

  • For tracing WTC-JATMI runtime

  • For tracing WTC-tBridge runtime

  • For tracing WTC Configuration runtime


Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Configuration Guidelines

Use the following guidelines when configuring Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector:

  • You may have more than one WTC Service in your configuration.

  • You cannot target 2 or more WTC Services to the same server. A server can only be a target for one WTC Service.

  • Some configuration changes implemented in a WTC Service after a target server is selected will not be updated in the target server instance. You must remove the WTC Service from the server and then add the updated WTC Service add to the target server. For example, changes to tBridge requires you to undeploy and then deploy the WTC server to make configuration changes effective. However, some configuration changes, such as KeepAlive, KeepAliveWait and RetryInterval, take effect when you activate the change. For more information on selecting a target server, see "Assign a WTC Service to a Server" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.