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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Tutorial for Oracle WebCenter Spaces Users
11g Release 1 (
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2 Before You Begin

This chapter introduces you to WebCenter Spaces, then explains a bit about the scenarios you'll work through in this tutorial. Each scenario is designed to familiarize you with key features of WebCenter Spaces, including navigation, resource management (such as page templates), and content integration with Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM). This tutorial will also help you explore features such as Web 2.0 services, workflow, and other productivity aids.

This chapter includes the following sections:

2.1 What Is Oracle WebCenter Spaces?

Oracle WebCenter Spaces is a ready-to-use application that enables you to deliver team-based sites, along with enterprise and departmental portals. WebCenter Spaces provides easy ways to connect with people, collaborate content and business objects, and deliver business communities. With WebCenter Spaces, you can:

For a more in-depth look at WebCenter Spaces, see:

By working through this tutorial, you will learn more about using WebCenter Spaces to build a portal, plus you'll have a chance to experiment with some of its rich social networking tools. If you want more information on any aspect of WebCenter Spaces you encounter in this tutorial, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

2.2 What Will This Tutorial Teach You?

This tutorial will help you build a portal site using some of the WebCenter Spaces key features. It will also help you explore Web 2.0 services that let you share knowledge, collaborate with people, and keep you up-to-date with what's happening in the communities and groups you're connected with.

2.2.1 Scenario 1: Build a Portal Site

In the first part of this tutorial, you will build a portal for El Piju, a fictitious construction company specializing in natural building. Natural building is all about achieving sustainability through the use of minimally-processed, plentiful, and renewable resources, as well as recycled or salvaged materials that produce healthy living environments.

You'll create a Space with Portal Site features and develop it into the El Piju portal. A Space is a framework scoped to serve as a portal, team site, and community, when an appropriate template is applied. You'll create two Subspaces in the Space: one to carry the information about services provided by El Piju, the other to offer advice to El Piju customers. These Subspaces will have all the features of a portal site to enable collaboration of people and content. In the course of accomplishing this scenario, you'll work with built-in resources such as page template and navigation. You'll use the Documents service to make the pre-supplied content available to the Space and Subspaces. Finally, you'll use Content Presenter to publish the sample content in different layouts, and experiment with in-place editing.

The following table maps WebCenter Spaces features with the components of El Piju portal that you'll design using those features.

Use This WebCenter Spaces Feature To Create
Space The main El Piju portal, which in turn will host two Subspaces.
Subspaces Two sites that will house information on El Piju.
WebCenter resources: page template and navigation Layout, look and feel, and access to the El Piju Space and Subspaces.
Documents service Product and services information, as well as content to brand the portals.
Page service Construction, Green Building, and Key Decisions pages.
Content Presenter Interesting presentations of content.

Using a pre-supplied page template and content, you will build a portal that looks like this:

Figure 2-1 El Piju Portal

Description of Figure 2-1 follows
Description of "Figure 2-1 El Piju Portal"

2.2.2 Scenario 2: Take a Tour of a Social Site

The second part of this tutorial exposes you to the social networking features provided by WebCenter Spaces. In this scenario, you will create a team site, update your profile, examine your Space preferences, upload a document, explore wikis and blogs, post a discussion topic, announcement, and event, as well as experiment with other key features such as the Activity Stream, workflow, and so on.


Before you begin working through this tutorial, be sure your WebCenter administrator has followed the steps described in Preparing for the Tutorial, and that you know where the pre-supplied content and images reside. You'll need them to successfully populate your portal.