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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (
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16 Managing the Instant Messaging and Presence Service

This chapter describes how to configure and manage the Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) service for WebCenter applications.

Always use Fusion Middleware Control or WLST command-line tool to review and configure back-end services for WebCenter applications. Any changes that you make to WebCenter applications, post deployment, are stored in MDS metatdata store as customizations. See Section 1.3.5, "WebCenter Configuration Considerations."


Configuratation changes for the Instant Messaging and Presence service, through Fusion Middleware Control or using WLST, are not dynamic so you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed for your changes to take effect. See Section 8.2, "Starting and Stopping Managed Servers for WebCenter Application Deployments."

This chapter includes the following sections:


The content of this chapter is intended for Fusion Middleware administrators (users granted the Admin or Operator role through the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console). See also, Section 1.8, "Understanding Administrative Operations, Roles, and Tools."

16.1 What You Should Know About Instant Messaging and Presence Connections

The IMP service enables you to observe the presence status of other authenticated application users (online, offline, busy, or away) and provides instant access to interaction options, such as instant messages (IM) and mails.

A single connection to a back-end presence server is required.

WebCenter is certified with Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS) 2007 and Microsoft Office Live Communications Server (LCS) 2005, and it can integrate with other presence servers. Oracle WebLogic Communications Services (OWLCS) 11g is available for download on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at For information on OWLCS installation, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


To add or remove buddies to your account, you must use the Microsoft OCS, Microsoft LCS, or OWLCS client. In WebCenter applications you can see buddies, but you cannot add or remove buddies. For more information, see the Oracle WebLogic Communication Services Administrator's Guide.

You can register the presence server connection for your WebCenter application through the Fusion Middleware Control Console or using WLST. You must mark a connection as active for the service to work. You can register additional presence server connections, but only one connection is active at a time.

16.2 Instant Messaging and Presence Server Prerequisites

This section includes the following subsections:

16.2.1 Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS) Prerequisites

This section describes the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 (OCS) prerequisites as the presence server for the Instant Messaging and Presence service.

This section includes the following subsections: OCS - Installation

Refer to the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 documentation for installation information. OCS - Configuration

To use Microsoft OCS 2007 as the presence server for the IMP service, you must deploy the Oracle WebCenter proxy for Microsoft OCS 2007 in one of two topologies: Simple Deployment

In this topology, the WebCenter Proxy Application is deployed in the Internet Information Services (IIS) server hosted on the OCS box.

  1. Install Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 2.0 on the OCS box.

    For detailed information, see Section, "Installing UCMA v2.0."

  2. Deploy the WebCenter Proxy Application on the IIS server. The WebCenter Proxy Application provides web services for interacting with the OCS server and sending/receiving information. WebCenter talks to these web services and presents the data.

    For detailed information, see Section, "Installing the WebCenter Proxy Application." Remote Deployment

In this topology, the WebCenter Proxy Application is deployed on an IIS server remote to the OCS box. That is, the IIS server and the OCS server are hosted on separate machines.

Because the WebCenter Proxy Application is hosted on a remote box, you must set up a trust between the application and the OCS server. This is known as provisioning an application. Provisioning is done through the Application Provisioner utility shipped with Microsoft UCMA v2.0. For more details, see

Figure 16-1 provides an overview of the steps (including installing UCMA v2.0) to be performed on different deployment entities.

Figure 16-1 Microsoft OCS Configuration - Remote Deployment

Description of Figure 16-1 follows
Description of "Figure 16-1 Microsoft OCS Configuration - Remote Deployment"

The details of these steps are described in the following sections. Building Application Provisioner

This section lists the steps Microsoft provides for provisioning other IIS servers to access OCS.

  1. Install Visual Studio 2008 on any developer box (not necessarily IIS/OCS).

  2. Install UCMA version 2.0 on the same box following the steps in Section, "Installing UCMA v2.0." The Application Provisioner application comes with the UCMA SDK.

  3. Go to the directory Sample Applications\Collaboration\ApplicationProvisioner under the location where you installed UCMA Core (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2\UCMA SDK 2.0\UCMACore\Sample Applications\Collaboration\ApplicationProvisioner).

  4. The directory contains the Application Provisioner application. Build the application using Visual Studio 2008. This generates the ApplicationProvisioner.exe file.

  5. Copy the executable file to the OCS box. Provisioning WebCenter Proxy Application on OCS Server
  1. Install UCMA v2.0 core libraries on the OCS box. Follow the same steps in Section, "Installing UCMA v2.0," except that after installing Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable, run OCSCore.msi. This installs the WMI classes required to provision an application.

  2. Run the ApplicationProvisioner.exe file, generated in the previous section. This launches the Application Provisioner dialog.

  3. In the Application Provisioner dialog, enter WebCenterProxyApplication as the name of your application for the Application name, and then click Find or Create.

  4. In the Create Application Pool dialog, select the Office Communications Server pool for your application in the OCS Pool Fqdn list. For Listening port, enter the listening port for your application (for example, 6001). For Application server Fqdn, enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the computer on which the application is deployed. (This is the IIS box.)

    If the application is deployed on two or more computers, then select the Load balanced application checkbox, and for Load balancer Fqdn, enter the FQDN of the load balancer.

  5. The application pool now appears in the Application Provisioner dialog. Double-click the server entry. The View Server dialog appears. Note the information shown there; that is, Server FQDN, port, and GRUU.

  6. Create a certificate on the OCS server with the subject name as the Server FQDN noted in the previous step using the Office Communications Server Certificate Wizard. This certificate is used to authorize the requests coming from the IIS server.

  7. After the certificate is created, view the certificate. On the Details tab click Copy to File. This launches the Certificate Export Wizard. Export the certificate with the private key to a file. This creates a .pfx (Personal Information Exchange) file with the certificate name. IIS Server Configuration

Because the IIS server hosts the WebCenter Proxy Application in the remote deployment scenario, use the information from the previous section to make it a trusted authority.

  1. Install the certificate issued by the OCS server with the private key: Copy the .pfx file generated in step 7 under section "Provisioning WebCenter Proxy Application on OCS Server" to the IIS box, and double-click it. This launches the Certificate Import wizard. Import the certificate in Personal Folder under LOCAL_MACHINE.

  2. Give permission to IIS_WPG user for reading the certificate. This is required so that the IIS server has appropriate read access on the certificate. This could be done using a utility provided by Microsoft called Windows HTTP Services Certificate Configuration Tool ( Download the utility and install it. This creates an executable called winhttpcertcfg.exe. Go to the install location and run the following command to grant permission:

    winhttpcertcfg.exe -g -c LOCAL_MACHINE\MY -s "<certificate-name>" -a "IIS_WPG"
  3. Make an entry in C:/WINDOWS/system32/drivers/etc/hosts for the pool name of the OCS server as follows:

    <ip-address-of-ocs-box> <poolname-of-ocs-box>

    For example:
  4. Because the IIS server hosts the WebCenter Proxy Application, install Microsoft UCMA v2.0 on it.

    For detailed information, see Section, "Installing UCMA v2.0."

  5. After UCMA is installed, deploy the WebCenter Proxy Application on the IIS server. WebCenter Proxy Application provides web services for interacting with OCS server and sending/receiving information. WebCenter talks to these web services and presents the data.

    For detailed information, see Section, "Installing the WebCenter Proxy Application."

  6. Go to the location where WebCenter Proxy Application was extracted. Open Web.config and edit the appSettings XML node to add the values noted in Step 7 in previous section. Ensure to set value for RemoteDeployment to true.

    For example, the appsettings XML node should look somewhat like this.

      <add key="ApplicationName" value="WebCenterProxyApplication"/>
      <add key="RemoteDeployment" value="true"/>
      <add key="ApplicationServerFQDN" value=""/>
      <add key="ApplicationServerGRUU" value=";gruu;opaque=srvr:WebCenterProxyApplication:7mhSo94PlUK-5Q2bKPLyMAAA"/>
      <add key="ApplicationServerPort" value="6001"/>

The trust is established and the WebCenter Proxy Application can talk to OCS server. Installing UCMA v2.0

Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API v2.0 (UCMA) is an endpoint API that allows advanced developers to build server applications that can interact with the OCS environment.

In a simple deployment, the UCMA is installed on the same box as OCS. In a remote deployment, the OCS core libraries are installed on the OCS box, and the UCMA is installed on the IIS (proxy) box.

  1. Download UCMA v2.0 from the following location:

  2. Go to the directory (where the files from the previous step were extracted) and run vcredist_x86.exe. This installs run-time components of Visual C++ Libraries required for UCMA APIs. Go to directory called Setup and run UcmaRedist.msi. This installs the UCMA 2.0 assemblies in the GAC. Installing the WebCenter Proxy Application
  1. Extract from the companion CD. This creates a directory named OCSWebServices.

  2. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  3. Expand the server node and then Web Sites in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  4. Right-click Default Web Site, choose New, and then select Virtual Directory to create a site for the Oracle RTC Web service. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard displays. Click Next.

  5. Enter an alias for the virtual directory in the Alias field, for example RTC.

  6. Enter the path to the directory extracted from file. If you had extracted the zip file in C:\, then the path supplied should be C:\OCSWebServices. Alternatively, use the Browse button to navigate to that directory. Click Next.

  7. Ensure that the virtual directory has the Read, Execute, and Browse privileges. Click Next.

  8. Click Finish. The newly created virtual directory appears under Default Web Site in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager window.

  9. Right-click the newly created virtual directory for the Oracle RTC Web service, and then choose Properties to open the Properties dialog.

  10. In the Virtual Directory tab, under Application settings, click Create. Notice that the button label changes to Remove, and the name of your newly created virtual directory appears in the Application name field.

  11. Select Scripts and Executables from the Execute permissions dropdown list.

  12. Under the ASP.NET tab, select the ASP.NET version as 2.0 or higher from the ASP.NET version dropdown list. IIS should be configured to consume ASP.NET 2.0 applications. Click OK.

  13. Test the Web service by accessing the Web site from the following URL format: http://localhost/default_website/OCSWebService.asmx.

    where default_website is the virtual directory you created for the Oracle RTC Web service

    For example:

    http://localhost/RTC/OCSWebService.asmx OCS - Security Considerations

You must configure an external application for Microsoft Office Communications Server connections so that users can supply credentials to authenticate themselves on the OCS server.

With a secured application, users get presence status. With OCS, if security is required, then OCS should be on a private trusted network.

OCS provides an option for changing external credentials, which works as an alternative to using an external application. A logged-in user can click any Presence tag and select Change Credentials from the menu.

For more information, see Section 16.3.1, "Registering Instant Messaging and Presence Servers Using Fusion Middleware Control."

16.2.2 Microsoft Live Communications Server (LCS) Prerequisites

This section describes the Microsoft Live Communications Server 2005 (LCS) prerequisites as the presence server for the Instant Messaging and Presence service.

This section includes the following subsections: LCS - Installation

Refer to the Microsoft Live Communications Server 2005 documentation for installation information. LCS - Configuration

To use Microsoft Live Communications Server 2005 as the presence server for the Instant Messaging and Presence service, you must install and configure the Microsoft RTC API v1.3, and you must install the Oracle RTC Web service for Microsoft LCS 2005.

  1. To install the Microsoft RTC API v1.3, download the RTC SDK from Microsoft RTC Client API SDK 1.3, and run the installer. The installer provides the necessary installation components. If you choose the default options, the following two installers are available at C:\Program Files\RTC Client API v1.3 SDK\INSTALLATION:

    • RtcApiSetup.msi

    • RtcSxSPolicies.msi

    Run the RtcApiSetup.msi installer first, then the side-by-side policy switcher installer (RtcSxSPolicies.msi), and restart the system.

  2. To install the Oracle RTC Web service for Microsoft Live Communications Server 2005, extract the file from the Oracle Fusion Middleware companion CD. It is located in the directory /Disk1/WebCenter/services/imp/NT. The zip file contains the following:












  3. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  4. Expand the server node and then Web Sites in the IIS Manager window.

  5. Right-click Default Web Site, choose New, and then select Virtual Directory to create a site for the Oracle RTC Web service, as shown in Figure 16-2. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard displays.

    Figure 16-2 Creating a Virtual Directory

    Creating a virtual directory using IIS
  6. Click Next.

  7. Enter an alias for the virtual directory in the Alias field, for example RTC.

  8. Enter the path to the directory where you extracted the file. Alternatively, use the Browse button to navigate to that directory.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Ensure that the virtual directory has the Read, Execute, and Browse privileges. (Figure 16-3)

    Figure 16-3 Virtual Directory Properties

    Virtual Directory Properties
  11. Click Next.

  12. Click Finish. The newly created virtual directory appears under Default Web Site in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager window (Figure 16-4).

    Figure 16-4 Adding a Virtual Directory

    Adding a Virtual Directory
  13. Right-click the newly created virtual directory for the Oracle RTC Web service, and then choose Properties to open the Properties dialog.

  14. In the Virtual Directory tab, under Application settings, click Create. Notice that the button label changes to Remove, and the name of your newly created virtual directory appears in the Application name field.

  15. Select Scripts and Executables from the Execute permissions dropdown list (Figure 16-5).

    Figure 16-5 Virtual Directory Properties

    Virtual Directory Properties
  16. Under the ASP.NET tab, select the ASP.NET version as 2.0 or higher from the ASP.NET version dropdown list. IIS should be configured to consume ASP.NET 2.0 applications.

  17. Click OK.

  18. Ensure that the LSC pool name in the LCS connection has been set.

  19. Test the Web service by accessing the Web site from the following URL format:


    Where default_website refers to the virtual directory that you created for the Oracle RTC Web service.

    For example:

    http://localhost/RTC/ApplicationConfigurationService.asmx LCS - Security Considerations

You must configure an external application for Microsoft Live Communications Server connections so that users can supply credentials to authenticate themselves on the LCS server.

With a secured application, users get presence status. With LCS, if security is required, then LCS should be on a private trusted network.

LCS provides an option for changing external credentials, which works as an alternative to using an external application. A logged-in user can click any Presence tag and select Change Credentials from the menu.

For more information, see Section 16.3.1, "Registering Instant Messaging and Presence Servers Using Fusion Middleware Control."

16.2.3 Oracle WebLogic Communications Server (OWLCS) Prerequisites

This section describes Oracle WebLogic Communications Server (OWLCS) prerequisites as the presence server for the Instant Messaging and Presence service.

This section includes the following subsections: OWLCS - Installation

For detailed OWLCS installation instructions, see the Oracle WebLogic Communication Services Installation Guide. OWLCS - Configuration

OWLCS supports both identity propagation and external application-based connections. Oracle recommends using identity propagation for OWLCS connections, since additional security can be set with WS-Security.

OWLCS and the WebCenter application should point to the same LDAP-based identity store. If the OWLCS server and the WebCenter application use different LDAP-based identity stores, then you must configure an external application for the connection so that users can supply credentials to authenticate themselves on the OWLCS server.

For information on reassociating the WebCenter application's identity store, see Section 28.1, "Reassociating the Identity Store with an External LDAP Server."

If necessary, reconfigure OWLCS to use the same identity store. For more information, see the Oracle WebLogic Communication Services Administrator's Guide. OWLCS - Security Considerations

If the OWLCS server is running with WS-Security enabled, then the administrator must set the policyURI parameter in the presence server connection.

If WS-Security is not required, then the administrator should disable WS-Security on the OWLCS server.

For more information, see Section 32.4, "Securing Oracle WebLogic Communication Services (OWLCS) with WS-Security" and Section 31.11, "Securing the WebCenter Spaces Connection to OWLCS with SSL." OWLCS - Limitations

With OWLCS, user creation and deletion is manual. Any time a new user is added to (or removed from) the application's identity store, the same user must be created in (or removed from) the OWLCS user store.

Each OWLCS user has a watcher list, which is a list of the other users allowed to see his presence. This watcher list must be under 125 KB (approximately 400 users). In WebCenter, the presence of all users must be visible, even if they are not contact of the logged-in user. To get their presence, WebCenter creates a new account on OWLCS with the Space GUID and adds this new user as a watcher of the visible users. In other words, each member of a Space has an entry of that Space GUID in his watcher list. A problem can arise when a user is part of many Spaces. Because the watcher list contains entries for each Space, its size can grow greater than 125KB. When that happens, updates to the watcher list are rejected, giving the user a "Subscription Request" popup with that scope GUID. If this happens, then the user should just cancel the subscription request.

16.3 Registering Instant Messaging and Presence Servers

You can register multiple presence server connections with a WebCenter application but only one of them is active at a time.

To start using the new (active) presence server you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed.

This section includes the following subsections:

16.3.1 Registering Instant Messaging and Presence Servers Using Fusion Middleware Control

To register a presence server connection:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for the WebCenter application. For more information, see:

  2. Do one of the following:

    • For WebCenter Spaces - From the WebCenter menu, choose Settings > Service Configuration.

    • For WebCenter Portal applications - From the Application Deployment menu, choose WebCenter > Service Configuration.

  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Service Configuration page, choose Instant Messaging and Presence.

  4. To connect to a new presence server, click Add (Figure 16-6).

    Figure 16-6 Configuring Instant Messaging and Presence Services

    Configuring Instant Messaging and Presence Services
  5. Enter a unique name for this connection, specify the presence server type, and indicate whether this connection is the active (or default) connection for the application (Table 16-1).

    Table 16-1 Instant Messaging and Presence Connection - Name

    Field Description


    Enter a unique name for the connection. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter application.

    Connection Type

    Specify the type of presence server:

    • Microsoft Live Communications Server (LCS)

    • Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 (OCS)

    • Oracle WebLogic Communications Server (OWLCS)

    Out-of-the-box, three presence connection types are available— LCS, OCS, and OWLCS.

    Active Connection

    Select to use this connection in the WebCenter application for instant messaging and presence services.

    While you can register multiple presence server connections for a WebCenter application, only one connection is used by the IMP service—the default (or active) connection.

  6. Enter connection details for the server hosting instant messaging and presence services (Table 16-2).

    Table 16-2 Instant Messaging and Presence Connection - Connection Details

    Field Description

    Server URL

    Enter the URL of the server hosting instant messaging and presence services.

    For example:

    Policy URI

    (OWLCS Only) Specify the URI to the WS-Security policy that is required for authentication on the Oracle WebLogic Communication Server. Specify oracle/wss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_policy when OWLCS is WS-Security enabled.

    Authentication Method

    (OWLCS Only) Specify how to authenticate users against the instant messaging and presence server. Select from:

    • Identity Propagation - Select this option if you want the application and OWLCS to use the same user identity.

    • External Application - Use an external application to authenticate users against the instant messaging and presence server. Select this option to use public, shared, or mapped credentials.

    If an external application is used for authentication, use the Associated External Application list to identify the application. If the application you want is not listed, select Create New... to define the external application.

    User Domain

    (OCS Only) Enter the name of the Active Directory domain (on the Microsoft Office Communications Server) that is associated with this connection. The user domain is mandatory for OCS connections.

    Refer to Microsoft Office Communications Server documentation for details.

    Pool Name

    (LCS and OCS Only) Enter the name of the pool that is associated with this connection. The pool name is mandatory for LCS and OCS connections.

    Refer to Microsoft Live Communications Server or Microsoft Office Communications Server documentation for details on the pool name.

    Associated External Application

    Associate the instant messaging and presence server with an external application. External application credential information is used to authenticate users against the instant messaging and presence server.

    An external application is mandatory for LCS and OCS connections.

    You can select an existing external application from the list, or click Create New to configure a new external application.

    The external application you configure for the Instant Messaging and Presence service must use the POST authentication method, and specify an additional field named Account (Name property) that is configured to Display to User (checked). For more information, see Chapter 25, "Managing External Applications."

    Connection Timeout (in seconds)

    Specify a suitable timeout for the connection.

    This is the length of time (in seconds) the WebCenter application waits for a response from the presence server before issuing a connection timeout message.

    The default is -1 which means that the service default is used. The service default is 10 seconds.

  7. Sometimes, additional parameters are required to connect to the presence server.

    If WS-Security is enabled on this connection, add a property named recipient.alias and enter the alias used to import the OWLCS certificate. Ensure that this value is unique and is not used by some other service. If no alias name is supplied, then the default value is used (webcenter_owlcs).

    Table 16-3 lists additional parameters.

    Table 16-3 Additional IMP Connection Properties

    Additional Connection Property Valid IMP Servers Description



    URL to the OWLCS Presence service.

    Required if the OWLCS Presence service is deployed on a separate node. When no value is specified, the Server URL property is used.



    URL to the OWLCS Contact Management service.

    Required if the OWLCS Contact Management service is deployed on a separate node. When no value is specified, the Server URL property is used.



    URL to the OWLCS Third Party Call service.

    Required if the OWLCS Third Party Call service is deployed on a separate node. When no value is specified, the Server URL property is used.



    Third party call method.

    Valid values are: sip and pstn. When set to sip, third party calls are forwarded to Oracle Communicators. When set to pstn, calls are forwarded to PSTN telephones (contact.number.attribute provides the phone number).



    Domain name of the PSTN gateway.

    Required when the call.method is pstn. If no domain name is supplied, the connection's Domain value is used.



    User profile attribute used to store users' phone numbers. The default attribute is BUSINESS_PHONE.

    Required when the call.method is pstn.



    Alias used to import the OWLCS certificate. The value must be unique and must not be used by another service.

    If no alias name is supplied, the application uses the default value webcenter_owlcs.

    If additional parameters are required to connect to the presence server, expand Additional Properties and enter details as required (Table 16-4).

    Table 16-4 Instant Messaging and Presence Connection - Additional Properties

    Field Description


    Click Add to specify an additional connection parameter:

    • Name -Enter the name of the connection property.

    • Value - Enter the default value for the property.

    • Is Property Secured - Indicate whether encryption is required. When selected, the property value is stored securely using encryption.

      For example, select this option to secure the admin.password property where the value is the actual password.


    Click Delete to remove a selected property.

    Select the correct row before clicking Delete.

    Note: Deleted rows appear disabled until you click OK.

  8. Click OK to save this connection.

  9. To start using the new (active) connection you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. For more information, see Section 8.2, "Starting and Stopping Managed Servers for WebCenter Application Deployments."

16.3.2 Registering Instant Messaging and Presence Servers Using WLST

Use the WLST command createIMPConnection to create a presence server connection. For command syntax and examples, see the section, "createIMPConnection" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Section, "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands."

To configure the Instant Messaging and Presence service to actively use a new IMP connection, set default=true. For more information, see Section 16.4.2, "Choosing the Active Connection for Instant Messaging and Presence Using WLST."


To start using the new (active) connection you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. For more information, see the section, "Starting and Stopping WebLogic Managed Servers Using the Command Line" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

16.4 Choosing the Active Connection for Instant Messaging and Presence

You can register multiple instant messaging and presence server connections with a WebCenter application but only one connection is active at a time. The active connection becomes the back-end presence server for the application.

This section includes the following subsections:

16.4.1 Choosing the Active Connection for Instant Messaging and Presence Using Fusion Middleware Control

To change the active connection:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for the WebCenter application. For more information, see:

  2. Do one of the following:

    • For WebCenter Spaces - From the WebCenter menu, choose Settings > Service Configuration.

    • For WebCenter Portal applications - From the Application Deployment menu, choose WebCenter > Service Configuration.

  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Services Configuration page, select Instant Messaging and Presence.

    The Manage Instant Messaging and Presence Connections table indicates the current active connection (if any).

  4. Select the connection you want to make the active (or default) connection, and then click Edit.

  5. Select the Active Connection checkbox.

  6. Click OK to update the connection.

  7. To start using the new (active) connection you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. See Section 8.2, "Starting and Stopping Managed Servers for WebCenter Application Deployments."

16.4.2 Choosing the Active Connection for Instant Messaging and Presence Using WLST

Use the WLST command setIMPConnection with default=true to activate an existing presence server connection. For command syntax and examples, see the section, "setIMPConnection" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

To disable a presence server connection, either delete it, make another connection the 'active connection' or use the removeIMPServiceProperty command:

removeIMPServiceProperty('appName='webcenter', property='selected.connection')

Using this command, connection details are retained but the connection is no longer named as an active connection. For more information, see the section, "removeIMPServiceProperty" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Section, "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands."


To start using this active connection you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. For more information, see the section, "Starting and Stopping WebLogic Managed Servers Using the Command Line" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

16.5 Modifying Instant Messaging and Presence Connection Details

You can modify instant messaging and presence server connection details at any time.

To start using an updated (active) connection you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed.

This section includes the following subsections:

16.5.1 Modifying Instant Messaging and Presence Connections Details Using Fusion Middleware Control

To update connection details for an instant messaging and presence server:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for the WebCenter application. For more information, see:

  2. Do one of the following:

    • For WebCenter Spaces - From the WebCenter menu, choose Settings > Service Configuration.

    • For WebCenter Portal applications - From the Application Deployment menu, choose WebCenter > Service Configuration.

  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Service Configuration page, select Instant Messaging and Presence.

  4. Select the connection name, and click Edit.

  5. Edit connection details, as required. For detailed parameter information, see Table 16-2, "Instant Messaging and Presence Connection - Connection Details".

  6. Click OK to save your changes.

  7. To start using the updated (active) connection you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. For more information, see Section 8.2, "Starting and Stopping Managed Servers for WebCenter Application Deployments."

16.5.2 Modifying Instant Messaging and Presence Connections Details Using WLST

Use the WLST command setIMPConnection to edit presence server connection details. For command syntax and examples, see the section, "setIMPConnection" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

If additional parameters are required to connect to your presence server, then use the setIMPConnectionProperty command. For more information, see the section, "setIMPConnectionProperty" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Section, "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands."


To start using the updated (active) connection you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. For more information, see the section, "Starting and Stopping WebLogic Managed Servers Using the Command Line" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

16.6 Deleting Instant Messaging and Presence Connections

You can delete instant messaging and presence connections at any time but take care when deleting the active connection. When you delete the active connection, user presence options are not available, as these require a back-end instant messaging and presence server.

When you delete a connection, consider deleting the external application associated with the instant messaging and presence service if the application's sole purpose was to support this service. For more information, see Section 25.5, "Deleting External Application Connections."

This section includes the following subsections:

16.6.1 Deleting Instant Messaging and Presence Connections Using Fusion Middleware Control

To delete an instant messaging and presence server connection:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for the WebCenter application. For more information, see:

  2. Do one of the following:

    • For WebCenter Spaces - From the WebCenter menu, choose Settings > Service Configuration.

    • For WebCenter Portal applications - From the Application Deployment menu, choose WebCenter > Service Configuration.

  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Service Configuration page, select Instant Messaging and Presence.

  4. Select the connection name, and click Delete.

  5. To effect this change you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. For more information, see Section 8.2, "Starting and Stopping Managed Servers for WebCenter Application Deployments."


    Before restarting the managed server, mark another connection as active; otherwise, the service is disabled.

16.6.2 Deleting Instant Messaging and Presence Connections Using WLST

Use the WLST command deleteConnection to remove a presence server connection. For command syntax and examples, see the section, "deleteConnection" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Section, "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands."

16.7 Setting Up Instant Messaging and Presence Service Defaults

Use the WLST command setIMPServiceProperty to set defaults for the IMP service:

For command syntax and detailed examples, see the section, "setIMPServiceProperty" in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Section, "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands."

16.8 Testing Instant Messaging and Presence Connections

Web services expose a set of Web methods that you can invoke to test the validity.

To verify a Microsoft OCS or LCS connection, try accessing the endpoint for the WebCenter RTC Web services deployed on it. For example (assuming the application context path is /RTC):

To verify an OWLCS connection, try accessing the endpoint for the following Web services. For example: