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Oracle® Configuration Manager Companion Distribution Guide
Release 10.0.1

Part Number E14501-02
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2 Mass Deployment

There are Oracle products that currently do not bundle Oracle Configuration Manager as part of their kit. Also, there are previous product installations where Oracle Configuration Manager was installed, but not configured. The manual installation of Oracle Configuration Manager in these environments can be tedious and time consuming. Mass Deployment can facilitate the deployment of Oracle Configuration Manager in these environments, as well as update and configure various systems from a single location.

Mass Deployment was created to remedy these situations.

This chapter provides the following:

2.1 What Is Mass Deployment?

The Oracle Configuration Manager Mass Deployment Utility (Mass Deployment) provides a mechanism by which you can distribute Oracle Configuration Manager to any Oracle home where the Oracle Configuration Manager is not installed, or installed but not configured. Mass Deployment also updates existing homes where Oracle Configuration Manager installations are out of date, reconfigures existing installations, and instruments the database located in that Oracle home.

Mass Deployment is made up of the following components:

2.1.1 Prerequisites

The following prerequisites are needed.

  • To successfully use the Mass Deployment Utility, the JAVA_HOME environment variable can be set to any JDK greater than version 1.5.

  • For target homes, you must ensure the availability of the required JDK version (1.2.2 or later on UNIX, and 1.3.1 or later on Windows). One of the following must be true:

    • The JDK is installed in the target home.

    • A symlink to a JDK installation is present in the target home.

    • The JAVA_HOME environment variable, defined in the .kshrc for the user, points to the appropriate JDK installation.

  • The Mass Deployment Utility uses SSH to transfer files and execute remote commands (thus this installation method is not appropriate for environments that do not use, or block, SSH connections). SSH offers the following benefits:

    • The ability to transfer files

    • The ability to set/modify environments

    • The ability to remotely execute host commands

    • A high level of security compared to other remote execution methods (for example, rsh)

    While SSH is typically present on most Linux/UNIX systems, Windows hosts do not usually support SSH access by default. To allow the Mass Deployment Utility to connect to Windows hosts, SSH services need to be installed. The Mass Deployment Utility needs this along with other software tools that come with the Cygwin suite. The full suite can be downloaded from:

    See Appendix B, "Setting Up SSH (SSHD) Server on Microsoft Windows" for information of how to do these installs.

  • Decide if the Support Hub is required for the targets to connect to an Oracle server. See Chapter 3, "Oracle Support Hub" for information regarding the Support Hub. If the Support Hub is required by the targets, the Mass Deployment Utility must be set up to configure the use of the Support Hub for all targets. To enable the configuration of the Support Hub, do the following:

    1. Edit the file located at <path>/ocm/md/config directory.

    2. Add the following line:

         <host_name> is the host where the Support Hub is deployed
         port is the port used to access the Support Hub

    When this property is set, all installations done by this utility will configure the Support Hub.

2.2 Installing and Upgrading Mass Deployment

The Companion Distribution kit is a single zip file ( available for download from both the Collector tab on My Oracle Support and patch download 8355285 from Automated Release Update (ARU). Copy the file to the location where you want to install the companion distribution files.

Unzip the file as follows:

unzip -d <full_path>

where <full_path> represents the full path of where you want to locate the kit

For example:

unzip -d /scratch/jsmith/install/

As a result, the following will be placed in the ocm_companion/distribution destination directory:

Therefore the ocm_companion/distribution destination directory contains:

ocm_companion/distributions (Mass Deployment Utility kit) (Support Hub kit)

Copy these zip files to the location where you want to install them.

Unzip the file. This will install Mass Deployment in <your_directory>/ocm/md.

The following components in <your_directory>/ocm/md/bin make up the Mass Deployment Utility:

2.3 Configuring Mass Deployment

All configurations for the Mass Deployment Utility are in the <your_directory>/ocm/md/config/ file. You can edit this file to modify configuration. The important properties follow.


    Location of the temporary directory on the remote machine with any version of Windows operating system. All the files required for remote operations are copied at this location on the remote machine. Default value is C:\. If required you can modify the default.

    Ensure that this directory is available on all the remote machines and all the users have read and write privilege on this directory.


    You must use a double slash (\\) in the file to configure the file, for example,\\tmp\\md-tmp.
  2. md.unix.tmp

    Location of the temporary directory on the remote machine with an operating system other then Windows. All the files required for remote operations are copied at this location on the remote machine. Default value for this is /tmp. If required you can modify the default.

    Ensure that this directory is available on all the remote machines and all the users have read and write privilege on this directory.

  3. md.repeater.uri

    Use this to provide the Support Hub URL if you need the Support Hub to connect to an Oracle server. See Chapter 3, "Oracle Support Hub" for information regarding the Support Hub. If this is set, all installations done by this utility will configure the Support Hub.

2.4 Running Mass Deployment

When you run either of the Mass Deployment utilities for the first time, you will be prompted for a password. This password will be required each time either the remote_op or secure_password utility is used. The password must be at least 8 characters long.

Since the purpose of the Mass Deployment Utility is to take action on remote target homes in your enterprise, you need a mechanism by which to provide input to the Mass Deployment Utility. The mechanism is an input csv file which contains the necessary data.

To facilitate the use of the input file, the Mass Deployment Utility contains a template (sample_input.csv) for you to use to provide the field values.

2.4.1 password.csv File

The password.csv file is used to associate a group name with credentials (username/password pair). By defining a password group, you can use the name of the password group as input into the username field and leave the password field empty in the input file. This enables you to store all your passwords, in encrypted form, in one file.

When you add a password group for the first time:

  1. Copy the password.csv.template file located in the ocm/md/config directory and name it password.csv

    cp password.csv.template password.csv
  2. Ensure the renamed file is in the ocm/md/config directory

  3. Edit the password.csv file

The password.csv file is made up of the following fields: password group name, user name, and password. The password group name replaces the user name in the input csv file. For example, the first line in the password.csv file could look like:

<group name>,<user name>,<password>
where <group name> is the name of the group
      <user name>  is the name of the user
      <password>   is the password associated with the user name

For example, the first line of the password.csv file could be:


Therefore, a line within the input file that uses the password group could look like:

where install is the action
      abc22 is the host
      [accounting] is the password group name which must be in brackets
      ,, denotes that the password field is left blank 

Note the following:

  • Name of the file is password.csv, all lower case

  • password.csv file must be in the config directory, that is, ocm/md/config/password.csv

  • All types of credentials are stored in this file, for example, MetaLink, proxy, database, and so on.

  • The password.csv file is always encrypted whenever the secure_password or remote_op utilities are executed.

2.4.2 secure_password Utility

The secure_password utility encrypts passwords located in the password.csv and input files. Consider running the secure_password utility when you create or modify the password.csv file. This encrypts the passwords immediately.

An example of the output follows:

OCM Mass Deployment Utility - Release:
Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Please enter the password for Mass Deployment Utility.

Lines with errors are displayed with an explanation of the errors, for example, user name missing. On success, the prompt is displayed.

Note the following:

  • Encrypted passwords in the password.csv and input files begin with ENCR_

  • Previously encrypted passwords are ignored

  • Passwords are encrypted on lines without errors. When input lines contain errors, the passwords, if they are present on those lines, will be encrypted but these groups will not be considered for processing.

  • Oracle provides a password.csv file template that contains only headers: group name, user name, password.

  • Files that contain encrypted data are not portable. Encryption is tied to the Mass Deployment installation. Help for secure_password Utility

There is a help option available for the secure_password utility. To access help, type:

secure_password -help

For example:

secure_password -help
OCM Mass Deployment Utility - Release:
Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Usage: secure_password [-input_file]
 -help                   : prints help for the command
 -input_file <input.csv> : input file to secure
Example: secure_password -input_file input.csv
         reads the config/password.csv file and input.csv.
         It will modify these files by encrypting  all clear text passwords. Arguments for secure_password Utility

The arguments for the secure_password utility are:

  • -input_file

    Name of the input file. Use this argument to encrypt the password in the input file without running remote_op.

2.4.3 remote_op Utility

Once the input file is created from the template, execute the Mass Deployment Utility using this file:

remote_op -input_file <input.csv> [-out_file <out_file.csv>] [-check]

for example:

bin/remote_op -input_file ~/md_scripts/install_soh_2dir.csv

You will then see the following text displayed on the screen:

OCM Mass Deployment Utility - Release:
Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Please enter the password for Mass Deployment Utility.
Password:         [Password must be correct or execution will not occur.]
Please be patient, process may take some time.
Log File: /scratch/jsmith/massdeploy/ocm_companion/ocm/md/out/output-2009-07-19_04-32-43-PM-install_soh_2dir.csv.log
Please see the output file /scratch/jsmith/massdeploy/ocm_companion/ocm/md/out/output-2009-07-19_04-32-43-PM-install_soh_2dir.csv Help for remote_op Utility

There is a help option available for the remote_op utility. To access help, type:

remote_op -help

For example:

remote_op -help
OCM Mass Deployment Utility - Release:
Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Usage: remote_op -input_file <input.csv> [-out_file <out.csv>] [-check]
 -check                  : actual remote operation is not performed
 -help                   : prints help for the command
 -input_file <input.csv> : input from this file
 -out_file <output.csv>  : output to this file
Example: remote_op -input_file input.csv
         reads the input.csv file and performs remote
         OCM operations like install, config, upgrade.
         It will also invoke secure_password command implicitly. Arguments for remote_op Utility

The arguments for the remote_op utility are:

  • -input_file

    Name of the input file. There are no restrictions on the name of the file. For example, the name of the input file could be account_payables.csv

  • -out_file

    Optional argument. If specified, this is the name of the output file. If this argument is not specified, the output file name will default to the input file name prepended by output- and the timestamp, for example, output-2009-07-21_10-39-36-AM-account_payables.csv and will be located in the ocm/md/out directory.

  • -check

    Verifies that the information is correct in the input file without performing the actual remote operation. Results of Running remote_op Utility

The results of running the remote_op utility are as follows:

2.4.4 Credentials

Credentials is the general term for the various user names and passwords in the input file (host credentials, MetaLink credentials, proxy credentials, and database credentials). There are 3 ways to provide credentials in the input file.

  • Use the group name defined in the password.csv file. This file is located in the ocm/md/config directory.

  • If you want to be prompted for the password as the remote_op utility processes the input file, type __PROMPT__ in the password fields in the input file. For example: install,host123,jsmith,__PROMPT__,

    The word PROMPT is case sensitive and must be in upper case. Otherwise, the word will be considered a password. Once processed, __PROMPT__ is replaced with the encrypted password (starts with ENCR_) in the input file.

    You can also use __PROMPT__ instead of the password in the password.csv file. In this case, the user will be prompted for the password when secure_password (or remote_op) is executed.

    Here is an example of the output when using __PROMPT__. (The prompting is in bold.)

    OCM Mass Deployment Utility - Release:
    Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Please enter the password for Mass Deployment Utility.
    Password for user aime (host:abcd123):          
    Confirm Password:          
    Password for user (metalink):          
    Confirm Password:          
    Encrypting input file /home/jsmith/md_scripts/instrument.csv
    Please be patient, process may take some time.
    Log File: /scratch/jsmith/massdeploy/ocm/md/out/output-2009-07-27_07-07-44-AM-instrument_nt.csv.log

    The input file no longer contains __PROMPT__, it now contains the encrypted password.

  • Include the credentials in the input file and then run the secure_password utility on the input file. If you do not run secure_password on the input file, the first time you run the remote_op utility, the passwords are encrypted.

2.4.5 Input File

The input csv file is the input to the remote_op utility. The file contains a line for each action / host /target home combination. If a password group name is used rather than credentials, the group name in brackets replaces the user name and the password is left empty.

A template, named sample_input.csv, is available and looks like the following:

#Action,HostName,Host-user,Host-Password,Product Home Path,Oracle Config Home
Path,OCM Version,OCM Status,OCM Mode (connected/disconnected),Db SID,DB Type
(EM/Ebiz/db),ML-user (Metalink user
ID),ML-Pwd,Proxy-Host,Proxy-Port,Proxy-user,Proxy-Pwd,DB-user (SYSDBA
user),DB-Pwd,DB-App-user (Ebiz user if db type is Ebiz),DB-App-Pwd (Ebiz user
password if db type is Ebiz or SYSMAN password if db type is EM),Cmd Status
(Status of the remote operation)

Note that the pound sign (#) in the template is used to denote a comment. The remote_op and secure_password commands ignore lines starting with a pound sign (#).

The following table describes the elements in the input file. The sample input file is located at ocm/md/sample_input.csv. You can use a spreadsheet for easier input.

Table 2-1 Fields in the Input csv File

Field Description


Mandatory field. Specifies what action is to be performed in the Oracle Home. Options are:

  • install (incorporates installation, registration, and configuration)

  • upgrade

  • chmod_con (change from disconnected mode to connected mode)

  • config (reconfigure Oracle Configuration Manager)

  • get_info (give the mode, status, version)

  • instrument - Instruments the database so that configuration information is collected. The database type must be specified: db (standard database), EM (Enterprise Manager Repository) or Ebiz (E-Business Suite Repository).


Mandatory field. Host domain name or host IP.


Mandatory field. Host user or group name as input [group].


Host password or blank if group name is provided in the Host-User field. See Section 2.4.4, "Credentials"

Product Home Path

Mandatory field. Location where the command will be executed

Oracle Config Home Path

Optional field. Specify if this is a shared Oracle home.

OCM Version

Output only. OCM version installed in an Oracle home.

OCM Status

Output only. OCM status.

OCM Mode

Output only. OCM connection mode: connected, connected (unauthenticated) for e-mail only registrations, or disconnected.


Database system identifier. Used for install and instrument actions. If specified for Install action, the database will automatically be instrumented.

DB Type

EM, ebiz, db. Specify only for Install and Instrumentation actions.


MetaLink User (can be a group name [group]). Required for install, config, and chmod_con actions.


MetaLink Password (blank if group name is provided in the ML-User field). This field is not mandatory. If the MetaLink password is not provided, the Oracle Configuration Manager is configured in unauthenticated registration mode. See Section 2.4.4, "Credentials"


Proxy host (optional, only used if required)


Proxy port (optional, only used if required)


Proxy user (or group) (optional, only used if required)


Proxy password (blank if group used) (optional, only used if required)


SYSDBA user - This field is not required if OS Authentication is enabled on the database


Password for the SYSDBA user. This field is not required if OS Authentication is enabled on the database.


When DB type is Ebiz, specify the Ebiz application user name.


Ebiz application user password if DB Type is Ebiz or SYSMAN password if DB type is EM.

Cmd Status

Output only. Status of the remote operation. Provides detailed error message for each operation.

The checks performed by the Oracle Configuration Manager operations are described in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Checks Performed By Oracle Configuration Manager Operations

Oracle Configuration Manager Operation Checks To Be Performed


  1. Utility can connect to the host.

  2. Host user has read / write/ execute privileges on the Oracle home and is the owner of Oracle home.

  3. Network connectivity to Oracle repository or Support Hub is available (Direct connection or through proxy specified).

  4. MetaLink credentials are valid (if MetaLink password is provided).


  1. Utility can connect to the host.

  2. Oracle Configuration Manager is installed and configured.

  3. Host user has read / write / execute privileges on the Oracle home and is the owner of Oracle home.


  1. Utility can connect to the host.

  2. Host user has read / write / execute privileges on the Oracle home and is the owner of Oracle home.

  3. Oracle Configuration Manager is installed and configured.

  4. Oracle Configuration Manager is in disconnected mode.

  5. Network connectivity to Oracle repository or Support Hub is available (Direct connection or through proxy specified).

  6. MetaLink credentials are valid (if MetaLink password is provided).


  1. Utility can connect to the host.

  2. Host user has read / write / execute privileges on the Oracle home and is the owner of Oracle home.

  3. Oracle Configuration Manager is installed and configured.

  4. Network connectivity to Oracle repository or Support Hub is available (Direct connection or through proxy specified).

  5. MetaLink credentials are valid (if MetaLink password is provided).


  1. Utility can connect to host.

  2. Oracle Configuration Manager is installed and configured.

  3. Determines the mode in which Oracle Configuration Manager has been installed: connected, connected (unauthenticated) for e-mail only registrations, or disconnected.

  4. Host user has read / write / execute privileges on the Oracle home and is the owner of Oracle home.


  1. Utility can connect to the host.

  2. Host user has read / write / execute privileges on the Oracle home and is the owner of Oracle home.

  3. Oracle Configuration Manager is installed and configured.

  4. Database is present in the Oracle home.

  5. User has provided valid sys user credential.

  6. If the application is EM or Ebiz, then if user has provided valid application user credential or not.

2.4.6 Mass Deployment Output File

After you run the input file through the Mass Deployment Utility (remote_op), the results are in the output file. If you specify the -out_file argument and provide a file name, that is the name of the file.

However, if you do not specify the -out_file argument, the output file name will default to the input file name prepended by output- and the timestamp, for example, output-2009-07-21_10-39-36-AM-account_payables.csv and located in the ocm/md/out directory.

The fields in the out csv file are the same as the fields in the input csv file with the following fields updated.

  • Action

    Action name is replaced with a set of double quotes ("") if the action is successful.

  • OCM Version

    Output only. OCM version installed in an Oracle home.

  • OCM Status

    Output only. Current OCM status (for example, idle or scheduled collection running).

  • OCM Mode

    Output only. OCM connection mode: connected, connected (unauthenticated) for e-mail only registrations, or disconnected

  • Cmd Status (Status of the remote operation)

    Status of the remote operation. Provides detailed error message for each operation.

2.4.7 Log File

Along with the output CSV file, the Mass Deployment Utility also generates a log file. This file gives details of all the files copied and commands executed along with their output on the remote host.

The log file is located in the same directory as the output file and has the same name as the output file with .log appended, for example, <output_file.csv>.log

2.4.8 Restrictions

The following restrictions apply when you are working with Mass Deployment.

  • For a specific user on a remote machine, only a single invocation of Mass Deployment Utility at any instance is supported. Attempting to invoke multiple instances of Mass Deployment simultaneously on a single remote machine for a specific user can result in unpredictable errors.

2.5 Upgrading Mass Deployment

When Oracle makes enhancements to the Mass Deployment Utility, Oracle suggests that you upgrade your version of the utility. To upgrade Mass Deployment, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the Companion Distribution kit

    Copy the file to the location where you want to install the Companion Distribution kit.

    Unzip the file as follows:

    unzip -d <full_path>

    where <full_path> represents the full path where you want to locate the companion distribution kit

    For example:

    unzip -d /scratch/jsmith/install/

    As a result, the Mass Deployment Utility kit ( will be placed in the ocm_companion/distribution destination directory. For example,

    ocm_companion/distributions (Mass Deployment Utility kit)

    Copy the file to the location where you want to install the Mass Deployment Utility.

  2. Install the Mass Deployment Utility

    Unzip the file. This will install the Mass Deployment Utility in <your_directory>/ocm/md directory.

  3. In the Mass Deployment input file, enter the information for your Oracle Home locations.

  4. To identify which of your Oracle Homes have the unauthenticated Oracle Configuration Managers, use the Mass Deployment action get_info. In the output file, check the value of the OCM Mode field for any homes with the value of "Connected (unauthenticated)" and check the MetaLink User field which indicates the MetaLink User who can access the authentication mode. See Example 2-1 and Example 2-2.

    Example 2-1 Input File

    #Action,HostName,Host-user,Host-Password,Product Home Path,Oracle Config Home
    Path,OCM Version,OCM Status,OCM Mode (connected/disconnected),Db SID,DB Type
    (EM/Ebiz/db),ML-user (Metalink user ID),ML-Pwd,Proxy-Host,Proxy-Port,Proxy-user,Proxy-Pwd,DB-user (SYSDBA
    user),DB-Pwd,DB-App-user (Ebiz user if db type is Ebiz),DB-App-Pwd (Ebiz user
    password if db type is Ebiz or SYSMAN password if db type is EM),Cmd Status
    (Status of the remote operation) 

    Example 2-2 Output File

    #Action,HostName,Host-user,Host-Password,Product Home Path,Oracle Config Home
    Path,OCM Version,OCM Status,OCM Mode (connected/disconnected),Db SID,DB Type
    (EM/Ebiz/db),ML-user (Metalink user
    ID),ML-Pwd,Proxy-Host,Proxy-Port,Proxy-user,Proxy-Pwd,DB-user (SYSDBA
    user),DB-Pwd,DB-App-user (Ebiz user if db type is Ebiz),DB-App-Pwd (Ebiz user
    password if db type is Ebiz or SYSMAN password if db type is EM),Cmd Status
    (Status of the remote operation)
    (unauthenticated),,,,,,,,,,,,,Success: get_info operation
  5. To convert unauthenticated Oracle Configuration Managers to authenticated ones, use the Mass Deployment action config. See Example 2-3 and Example 2-4.

    Example 2-3 Input File

    #Action,HostName,Host-user,Host-Password,Product Home Path,Oracle Config Home
    Path,OCM Version,OCM Status,OCM Mode (connected/disconnected),Db SID,DB Type
    (EM/Ebiz/db),ML-user (Metalink user
    ID),ML-Pwd,Proxy-Host,Proxy-Port,Proxy-user,Proxy-Pwd,DB-user (SYSDBA
    user),DB-Pwd,DB-App-user (Ebiz user if db type is Ebiz),DB-App-Pwd (Ebiz user
    password if db type is Ebiz or SYSMAN password if db type is EM),Cmd Status
    (Status of the remote operation)

    Example 2-4 Output File

    #Action,HostName,Host-user,Host-Password,Product Home Path,Oracle Config Home
    Path,OCM Version,OCM Status,OCM Mode (connected/disconnected),Db SID,DB Type
    (EM/Ebiz/db),ML-user (Metalink user
    ID),ML-Pwd,Proxy-Host,Proxy-Port,Proxy-user,Proxy-Pwd,DB-user (SYSDBA
    user),DB-Pwd,DB-App-user (Ebiz user if db type is Ebiz),DB-App-Pwd (Ebiz user
    password if db type is Ebiz or SYSMAN password if db type is EM),Cmd Status
    (Status of the remote operation)
    075ACDEB39C61A874BA0F6FD4B93BF52,/home/jsmith/db10g,,,idle,Connected,,,,ENCR_8EBB07D9D486C17A4BA0F6FD4B93BF52,,,,,,,,, Success: config

2.6 Troubleshooting - Errors That May Occur

You may see the following errors when running Mass Deployment: