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Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Installation Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.0
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1.  Planning the Oracle Solaris Cluster Configuration

Finding Oracle Solaris Cluster Installation Tasks

Planning the Oracle Solaris OS

Guidelines for Selecting Your Oracle Solaris Installation Method

Oracle Solaris OS Feature Restrictions

System Disk Partitions

SPARC: Guidelines for Oracle VM Server for SPARC in a Cluster

Planning the Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment


Software Updates

Public-Network IP Addresses

Console-Access Devices

Public Network Configuration

Quorum Server Configuration

NFS Guidelines

Service Restrictions

Network Time Protocol (NTP)

Oracle Solaris Cluster Configurable Components

Global-Cluster Name

Global-Cluster Voting-Node Names and Node IDs

Private Network Configuration

Private Hostnames

Cluster Interconnect

Transport Adapters

Transport Switches

Global Fencing

Quorum Devices

Zone Clusters

Global-Cluster Requirements and Guidelines

Zone-Cluster Requirements and Guidelines

Planning Global Devices, Device Groups, and Cluster File Systems

Planning Global Devices

Planning Device Groups

Planning Cluster File Systems

Choosing Mount Options for UFS Cluster File Systems

Mount Information for Cluster File Systems

Planning Volume Management

Guidelines for Volume Manager Software

Guidelines for Solaris Volume Manager Software

UFS Cluster File System Logging

Mirroring Guidelines

Guidelines for Mirroring Multihost Disks

Guidelines for Mirroring the ZFS Root Pool

2.  Installing Software on Global-Cluster Nodes

3.  Establishing the Global Cluster

4.  Configuring Solaris Volume Manager Software

5.  Creating a Cluster File System

6.  Creating Zone Clusters

7.  Uninstalling Software From the Cluster


Planning the Oracle Solaris Cluster Environment

This section provides guidelines for planning and preparing the following components for Oracle Solaris Cluster software installation and configuration:

For detailed information about Oracle Solaris Cluster components, see the Oracle Solaris Cluster Concepts Guide.


Ensure that you have available all necessary license certificates before you begin software installation. Oracle Solaris Cluster software does not require a license certificate, but each node installed with Oracle Solaris Cluster software must be covered under your Oracle Solaris Cluster software license agreement.

For licensing requirements for volume-manager software and applications software, see the installation documentation for those products.

Software Updates

After installing each software product, you must also install any required software updates. For proper cluster operation, ensure that all cluster nodes maintain the same update level.

For general guidelines and procedures for applying software updates, see Chapter 11, Updating Your Software, in Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide.

Public-Network IP Addresses

For information about the use of public networks by the cluster, see Public Network Adapters and IP Network Multipathing in Oracle Solaris Cluster Concepts Guide.

You must set up a number of public-network IP addresses for various Oracle Solaris Cluster components. The number of addresses that you need depends on which components you include in your cluster configuration. Each Oracle Solaris host in the cluster configuration must have at least one public-network connection to the same set of public subnets.

The following table lists the components that need public-network IP addresses assigned. Add these IP addresses to the following locations:

Table 1-2 Oracle Solaris Cluster Components That Use Public-Network IP Addresses

Number of IP Addresses Needed
Administrative console
1 IP address per subnet
Global-cluster nodes
1 IP address per node, per subnet
Zone-cluster nodes
1 IP address per node, per subnet
Domain console network interface
1 IP address per domain
(Optional) Non-global zones
1 IP address per subnet
Console-access device
1 IP address
Logical addresses
1 IP address per logical host resource, per subnet

For more information about planning IP addresses, see Chapter 1, Planning the Network Deployment, in Oracle Solaris Administration: IP Services.

Console-Access Devices

You must have console access to all cluster nodes. A service processor (SP) is used to communicate between the administrative console and the global-cluster node consoles.

For more information about console access, see the Oracle Solaris Cluster Concepts Guide.

You can use the Oracle Solaris pconsole utility to connect to the cluster nodes. The utility also provides a master console window from which you can propagate your input to all connections that you opened. For more information, see the pconsole(1) man page that is available when you install the Oracle Solaris 11 terminal/pconsole package.

Public Network Configuration

Public networks communicate outside the cluster. Consider the following points when you plan your public network configuration:

For more information about public-network interfaces, see Oracle Solaris Cluster Concepts Guide.

Quorum Server Configuration

You can use Oracle Solaris Cluster Quorum Server software to configure a machine as a quorum server and then configure the quorum server as your cluster's quorum device. You can use a quorum server instead of or in addition to shared disks and NAS filers.

Consider the following points when you plan the use of a quorum server in an Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration.

NFS Guidelines

Consider the following points when you plan the use of Network File System (NFS) in an Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration:

Service Restrictions

Observe the following service restrictions for Oracle Solaris Cluster configurations:

Network Time Protocol (NTP)

Observe the following guidelines for NTP:

See the Oracle Solaris Cluster Concepts Guide for further information about cluster time. For more information about NTP, see the ntpd(1M) man page that is delivered in the Oracle Solaris 11 service/network/ntp package.

Oracle Solaris Cluster Configurable Components

This section provides guidelines for the following Oracle Solaris Cluster components that you configure:

Global-Cluster Name

Specify a name for the global cluster during Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration. The global cluster name should be unique throughout the enterprise.

For information about naming a zone cluster, see Zone Clusters.

Global-Cluster Voting-Node Names and Node IDs

The name of a voting node in a global cluster is the same name that you assign to the physical or virtual host when you install it with the Oracle Solaris OS. See the hosts(4) man page for information about naming requirements.

In single-host cluster installations, the default cluster name is the name of the voting node.

During Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration, you specify the names of all voting nodes that you are installing in the global cluster. Node names must be unique throughout the cluster.

A node ID number is assigned to each cluster node for intracluster use, beginning with the number 1. Node ID numbers are assigned to each cluster node in the order that the node becomes a cluster member. If you configure all cluster nodes in one operation, the node from which you run the scinstall utility is the last node assigned a node ID number. You cannot change a node ID number after it is assigned to a cluster node.

A node that becomes a cluster member is assigned the lowest available node ID number. If a node is removed from the cluster, its node ID becomes available for assignment to a new node. For example, if in a four-node cluster the node that is assigned node ID 3 is removed and a new node is added, the new node is assigned node ID 3, not node ID 5.

If you want the assigned node ID numbers to correspond to certain cluster nodes, configure the cluster nodes one node at a time in the order that you want the node ID numbers to be assigned. For example, to have the cluster software assign node ID 1 to phys-schost-1, configure that node as the sponsoring node of the cluster. If you next add phys-schost-2 to the cluster established by phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2 is assigned node ID 2.

For information about node names in a zone cluster, see Zone Clusters.

Private Network Configuration

Note - You do not need to configure a private network for a single-host global cluster. The scinstall utility automatically assigns the default private-network address and netmask even though a private network is not used by the cluster.

Oracle Solaris Cluster software uses the private network for internal communication among nodes and among non-global zones that are managed by Oracle Solaris Cluster software. An Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration requires at least two connections to the cluster interconnect on the private network. When you configure Oracle Solaris Cluster software on the first node of the cluster, you specify the private-network address and netmask in one of the following ways:

If you choose to specify a different netmask, the scinstall utility prompts you for the number of nodes and the number of private networks that you want the IP address range to support. The utility also prompts you for the number of zone clusters that you want to support. The number of global-cluster nodes that you specify should also include the expected number of unclustered non-global zones that will use the private network.

The utility calculates the netmask for the minimum IP address range that will support the number of nodes, zone clusters, and private networks that you specified. The calculated netmask might support more than the supplied number of nodes, including non-global zones, zone clusters, and private networks. The scinstall utility also calculates a second netmask that would be the minimum to support twice the number of nodes, zone clusters, and private networks. This second netmask would enable the cluster to accommodate future growth without the need to reconfigure the IP address range.

The utility then asks you what netmask to choose. You can specify either of the calculated netmasks or provide a different one. The netmask that you specify must minimally support the number of nodes and private networks that you specified to the utility.

Note - Changing the cluster private IP address range might be necessary to support the addition of voting nodes, non-global zones, zone clusters, or private networks.

To change the private-network address and netmask after the cluster is established, see How to Change the Private Network Address or Address Range of an Existing Cluster in Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide. You must bring down the cluster to make these changes.

However, the cluster can remain in cluster mode if you use the cluster set-netprops command to change only the netmask. For any zone cluster that is already configured in the cluster, the private IP subnets and the corresponding private IP addresses that are allocated for that zone cluster will also be updated.

If you specify a private-network address other than the default, the address must meet the following requirements:

See Chapter 1, Planning the Network Deployment, in Oracle Solaris Administration: IP Services for more information about private networks.

Private Hostnames

The private hostname is the name that is used for internode communication over the private-network interface. Private hostnames are automatically created during Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration of a global cluster or a zone cluster. These private hostnames follow the naming convention clusternodenode-id -priv, where node-id is the numeral of the internal node ID. During Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration, the node ID number is automatically assigned to each voting node when the node becomes a cluster member. A voting node of the global cluster and a node of a zone cluster can both have the same private hostname, but each hostname resolves to a different private-network IP address.

After a global cluster is configured, you can rename its private hostnames by using the clsetup(1CL) utility. Currently, you cannot rename the private hostname of a zone-cluster node.

The creation of a private hostname for a non-global zone is optional. There is no required naming convention for the private hostname of a non-global zone.

Cluster Interconnect

The cluster interconnects provide the hardware pathways for private-network communication between cluster nodes. Each interconnect consists of a cable that is connected in one of the following ways:

For more information about the purpose and function of the cluster interconnect, see Cluster Interconnect in Oracle Solaris Cluster Concepts Guide.

Note - You do not need to configure a cluster interconnect for a single-host cluster. However, if you anticipate eventually adding more voting nodes to a single-host cluster configuration, you might want to configure the cluster interconnect for future use.

During Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration, you specify configuration information for one or two cluster interconnects.

You can configure additional cluster interconnects, up to six interconnects total, after the cluster is established by using the clsetup utility.

For guidelines about cluster interconnect hardware, see Interconnect Requirements and Restrictions in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.0 Hardware Administration Manual. For general information about the cluster interconnect, see Cluster Interconnect in Oracle Solaris Cluster Concepts Guide.

Transport Adapters

For the transport adapters, such as ports on network interfaces, specify the transport adapter names and transport type. If your configuration is a two-host cluster, you also specify whether your interconnect is a point-to-point connection (adapter to adapter) or uses a transport switch.

Consider the following guidelines and restrictions:

Transport Switches

If you use transport switches, such as a network switch, specify a transport switch name for each interconnect. You can use the default name switchN, where N is a number that is automatically assigned during configuration, or create another name.

Also specify the switch port name or accept the default name. The default port name is the same as the internal node ID number of the Oracle Solaris host that hosts the adapter end of the cable. However, you cannot use the default port name for certain adapter types.

Clusters with three or more voting nodes must use transport switches. Direct connection between voting cluster nodes is supported only for two-host clusters. If your two-host cluster is direct connected, you can still specify a transport switch for the interconnect.

Tip - If you specify a transport switch, you can more easily add another voting node to the cluster in the future.

Global Fencing

Fencing is a mechanism that is used by the cluster to protect the data integrity of a shared disk during split-brain situations. By default, the scinstall utility in Typical Mode leaves global fencing enabled, and each shared disk in the configuration uses the default global fencing setting of prefer3. With the prefer3 setting, the SCSI-3 protocol is used.

If any device is unable to use the SCSI-3 protocol, the pathcount setting should be used instead, where the fencing protocol for the shared disk is chosen based on the number of DID paths that are attached to the disk. Non-SCSI-3 capable devices are limited to two DID device paths within the cluster. Fencing can be turned off for devices which do not support either SCSI-3 or SCSI-2 fencing. However, data integrity for such devices cannot be guaranteed during split-brain situations.

In Custom Mode, the scinstall utility prompts you whether to disable global fencing. For most situations, respond No to keep global fencing enabled. However, you can disable global fencing in certain situations.


Caution - If you disable fencing under other situations than the ones described, your data might be vulnerable to corruption during application failover. Examine this data corruption possibility carefully when you consider turning off fencing.

The situations in which you can disable global fencing are as follows:

If you disable global fencing during cluster configuration, fencing is turned off for all shared disks in the cluster. After the cluster is configured, you can change the global fencing protocol or override the fencing protocol of individual shared disks. However, to change the fencing protocol of a quorum device, you must first unconfigure the quorum device. Then set the new fencing protocol of the disk and reconfigure it as a quorum device.

For more information about fencing behavior, see Failfast Mechanism in Oracle Solaris Cluster Concepts Guide. For more information about setting the fencing protocol of individual shared disks, see the cldevice(1CL) man page. For more information about the global fencing setting, see the cluster(1CL) man page.

Quorum Devices

Oracle Solaris Cluster configurations use quorum devices to maintain data and resource integrity. If the cluster temporarily loses connection to a voting node, the quorum device prevents amnesia or split-brain problems when the voting cluster node attempts to rejoin the cluster. For more information about the purpose and function of quorum devices, see Quorum and Quorum Devices in Oracle Solaris Cluster Concepts Guide.

During Oracle Solaris Cluster installation of a two-host cluster, you can choose to have the scinstall utility automatically configure an available shared disk in the configuration as a quorum device. The scinstall utility assumes that all available shared disks are supported as quorum devices.

If you want to use a quorum server or a Sun ZFS Storage Appliance NAS device from Oracle as the quorum device, you configure it after scinstall processing is completed.

After installation, you can also configure additional quorum devices by using the clsetup utility.

Note - You do not need to configure quorum devices for a single-host cluster.

If your cluster configuration includes third-party shared storage devices that are not supported for use as quorum devices, you must use the clsetup utility to configure quorum manually.

Consider the following points when you plan quorum devices:

For more information about quorum devices, see Quorum and Quorum Devices in Oracle Solaris Cluster Concepts Guide.

Zone Clusters

A zone cluster is a cluster of non-global Oracle Solaris zones. All nodes of a zone cluster are configured as non-global zones of the solaris brand that are set with the cluster attribute. No other brand type is permitted in a zone cluster. The isolation that is provided by the Oracle Solaris Zones feature enables you to run supported services on the zone cluster in a similar way as running the services in a global cluster.

Consider the following points when you plan the creation of a zone cluster:

Global-Cluster Requirements and Guidelines

Zone-Cluster Requirements and Guidelines