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Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for Oracle Data Guard     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.0
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Document Information


1.  Replicating Data With Oracle Data Guard Software

2.  Administering Oracle Data Guard Protection Groups

3.  Migrating Services That Use Oracle Data Guard Data Replication

Detecting Cluster Failure on a System That Uses Oracle Data Guard Data Replication

Detecting Primary Cluster Failure

Detecting Failure of the Standby Cluster

Migrating Services That Use Oracle Data Guard With a Switchover

How to Switch Over an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group From the Primary to the Standby Cluster

Actions Performed by the Geographic Edition Software During a Switchover

Forcing a Takeover on Systems That Use Oracle Data Guard

How to Force Immediate Takeover of Oracle Data Guard Services by a Standby Cluster

Actions Performed by the Geographic Edition Software During a Takeover

Recovering Oracle Data Guard Data After a Takeover

How to Resynchronize and Revalidate the Protection Group Configuration

How to Perform a Failback Switchover or Failback Takeover

Recovering From an Oracle Data Guard Data Replication Error

How to Recover From a Data Replication Error

A.  Geographic Edition Properties for Oracle Data Guard Broker Configurations


Recovering From an Oracle Data Guard Data Replication Error

When an error occurs at the data replication level, the error is reflected in the status of the resource in the replication resource group of the relevant the Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration.

For example, suppose that Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration sales-pg, which contains the replicated database sales, is changed from protection mode MaxAvailability to MaxPerformance. The state changes for FAULTED are reflected in the following resource status:

Resource Status = "FAULTED"
Resource status message = "FAULTED - Protection mode "MaxAvailability" given 
for local database sales does not match configured value "MaxPerformance""

Note - The Resource State remains Online because the probe is still running correctly.

Because the resource status has changed, the protection group status also changes. In this case, the local Data Replication state, the Protection Group state on the local cluster, and the overall Protection Group state all become Error.

To recover from an error state, perform the following procedure.

How to Recover From a Data Replication Error

  1. Use the procedures in the Oracle Data Guard documentation to determine the causes of the FAULTED state.
  2. Recover from the faulted state by following the Oracle Data Guard procedures.

    If the recovery procedures change the state of the Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration, this state is automatically detected by the resource and is reported as a new protection group state. If the replication mode does not match the Geographic Edition settings, type:

    phys-paris-1# geopg modify-replication-component \
    -p replication_mode=New-protection-mode \ ODGConfigurationName protectiongroupname
  3. Revalidate the protection group configuration.
    phys-paris-1# geopg validate protectiongroupname

    where protectiongroupname specifies the name of the Oracle Data Guard protection group.

  4. Review the status of the protection group configuration.
    phys-paris-1# geopg list protectiongroupname

    where protectiongroupname specifies the name of the Oracle Data Guard protection group.