You are here: Suspense > Search for Suspense Records

Search for Suspense Records

Suspense records are used to track and hold money in a suspense account. A unique suspense number is generated with each suspense record for identification purposes. Search for suspense records in OIPA by following the steps below.  


Steps to Search for an Existing Suspense Record

  1. Select Suspense from the Main menu and click Suspense Records.

  2. Click Find at the bottom of the Suspense Record screen.

  3. Type the criteria for the search and click Find. Use the % (percent) sign as a wild card in any of the name fields or search by suspense number, date or amount.  


Note: To search by amount, enter a dollar amount and select a currency type 


  1. Click the record in the search results window. The suspense record information will be displayed. 

  2. Make changes to the record and then save the changes. If the suspense record status is closed, the record cannot be updated. 


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