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How To Use This Help

Use the directory tree along the left side of the screen to expand nodes and find links to the various help pages. The book icon Closed book icon in Help in the directory tree represents the main topics. Double-click a book to open Open book all the individual help pages associated with that topic.


The individual help pages Page icon contain information on specific policy events that are performed in OIPA. Double-click a help page to open the page and view the information.


Click the index Index image button to look up specific topics and find related information. The index button is located in the left navigation menu directly below the book and page Table of Contents.


Help Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar is located along the top of the screen. A description of each icon is provided below.


Help menu

Help Navigation Bar


Back and forward buttons in help These buttons allow a user to navigate back to previous pages. After clicking the back button, the user may use the forward button to advance forward through the pages visited. Once the page is reached where the back button was first clicked, the help will no longer advance. Click a topic in the Table of Contents to continue.


Stop button This button stops a page from loading.


Refresh button This button refreshes the information on the screen.


Home button This button takes the user back to the Introduction page of the help.


Closed book This button opens the Table of Contents in the Left Navigation menu.


Index image This button opens the Index in the Left Navigation menu.


Search icon This button opens the Search box at the top of the Left Navigation menu.


Forward and Back Topic icon These buttons move back to a previous topic or forward to a topic.




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