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Oracle® Health Sciences Information Manager Policy Monitor Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 1.2

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1 Installing and Configuring OHIM Policy Monitor

This chapter provides information about the OHIM Policy Monitor components and templates. It then leads you through the steps to import the Policy Monitor template, create a Policy Monitor VM, and then configure a Policy Monitor VM.

The Policy Monitor implements an Audit Record Repository (ARR) as required by the ATNA profile. The following links provide some context as to what "ARR" represents in this guide. Before beginning to set up your OHIM Policy Monitor VM, we recommend you review these links.

This chapter includes the following sections:

1.1 Understanding OHIM Policy Monitor Components and Templates

The OHIM Policy Monitor template uses the "Paravirtualized" virtualization method. The template is distributed as a compressed tar file (*.tgz). The compressed tar file contains two binary files and a text file. The binary files are the disk images taken from a fully configured and functional VM. The text file is a VM configuration file.

1.1.1 OHIM Policy Monitor Components

The contents of the compressed tar file is listed below:

  • Disk Image with Oracle Software


  • Disk Image with Operating System


  • VM Configuration File


1.1.2 Policy Monitor VM Template

The VM consists of the following pre-installed software:

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (as in System.img)

  • OHIM specific software (as in appliance.img)

    • Apache Ant 1.8.1

      Install directory: /home/common/ant

    • Java Development Kit 1.6.0_21

      Install directory: /home/common/java/latest (symbolic link to JDK 1.6.0_21)

    • For hiauser only:

      • OHIM Policy Monitor 1.2

        Install directory: /home/hiauser/arr

  • VM Memory Settings:

    • 2 GB (2048 MB) of RAM


      The RAM memory setting can be changed after installation in VM Manager.
    • 16 GB of Disk Space

  • Linux Users:

    • Root user

      • Username: root

      • Linux Group: root

      • Password: ovsroot

    • OHIM specific user

      • Username: hiauser

      • Linux Group: hiauser

      • Password: hiapass


    For security purposes, it is recommended that you change the default passwords after installation.

1.2 Importing the OHIM Policy Monitor Template

To import the OHIM Policy Monitor VM template:

  1. Copy the OHIM Policy Monitor VM template .tgz file to the /OVS/seed_pool directory of your Oracle VM Server machine.

  2. Uncompress the .tgz file:

    > tar -zxvf <FILENAME>.tgz

    This step creates a directory with the name of the template.


    > cd /OVS/seed_pool
    > tar -zxvf /OVS/seed_pool/OVM_HIMV12_X86_POLICYMONITOR_PVM.tgz

    Creates the directory:



    If you are using 64 bits, you would use OVM_HIMV12_X86_64_POLICYMONITOR_PVM.
  3. Log in to the Oracle VM Manager


    The default location for the Oracle VM Manager log in screen is http://<VM_MANAGER_HOST_NAME>:8888/OVS.
  4. From the Oracle VM Manager console:

    1. Click the Resources tab. The Virtual Machine Templates screen is displayed.

    2. Click the Import button. The Source screen is displayed.

    3. Choose the Select from Server Pool (Discover and register) radio button.

    4. Click Next. The General Information screen is displayed.

      Enter or select the following general information:

      - The server pool on which the virtual machine will be located.

      Server Pool Name: <SERVER_POOL_NAME>

      - The operating system of the Virtual Machine Operating System:

      Oracle Enterprise Linux 5

      - The Oracle VM template to be imported.

      Virtual Machine Template Name: <VM_TEMPLATE_NAME>

      - The username used to log in to the Virtual Machine.

      Virtual Machine System Username: root

      - The password used to log in to the Virtual Machine.

      Virtual Machine System Password: ovsroot

    5. Click Next. The Confirm Information screen is displayed.

    6. Click Confirm. The Virtual Machine Template screen is displayed with a message to confirm the VM template has been imported.

  5. Click the Resources tab to see the list of available VM templates.

  6. To make the Virtual Machine template available for use, select the Virtual Machine template and click Approve, moving the VM template from the "Pending" state to the "Active" state.

    The VM template is imported and ready for use in Oracle VM Manager.

1.3 Creating the OHIM Policy Monitor VM

To create the OHIM Policy Monitor VM from the VM template:

  1. Create a new VM using the Policy Monitor VM template just installed by following the instructions in the VM Manager 2.2 User's Guide (refer to Section 6.3.1, "Creating Virtual Machine from a Template").

  2. To power on the Virtual Machine select the Virtual Machines tab, select the Virtual Machine Name, and click Power On.

  3. In the VM Manager Console ensure that the Policy Monitor VM is now in the running state (Status=Running).

1.4 Configuring the OHIM Policy Monitor VM

This section provides instructions for configuring the OHIM Policy Monitor VM.

1.4.1 How to VNC into a VM

To VNC into a VM:


To enable the VNC Port link in the VM Manager follow the instructions in "Installing OVM Console" at

Expand the details of the VM by clicking the + on Show. You can VNC into the box from the VM Manager by clicking on the VNC Port link under the VM details, or you can use a VNC client to log in using the address:


1.4.2 Configuring the VM Network Settings

To configure the VM to use static IP:


The VM is configured by default to use DHCP to assign an IP address.

If you are using DHCP addressing you can skip the following steps.

  1. To configure the VM to use static IP, log in as the root user (default password: ovsroot) and set the IP using the following steps:

    1. Select System, Administration, and then Network.

    2. Choose Devices, click Edit, select the Statically Set IP Address radio button, and then enter the following values:

      - Address: <VM_IP>

      - Subnet mask: <SUBNET_MASK>

      - Default Gateway address: <DEFAULT_GATEWAY_ADDRESS>

      - From the Ethernet Device panel, select the Hardware Device tab, and then click the Probe button that corresponds to "Bind to MAC address".

      This sets the correct MAC address for this machine.


      Make certain that you a record the MAC address.
    3. Click OK.

    4. Choose File and then click Save.

    5. Click the DNS tab and then enter the following values:

      - Hostname: <VM_HOST_NAME>

      - Primary DNS: <PRIMARY_DNS>

      - Secondary DNS: <SECONDARY_DNS>

      - Tertiary DNS: <TERTIARY_DNS>

      - DNS search path: <VM_NAME_SUFFIX>

    6. Choose Next and click Save.

    7. Choose the Hosts tab, click New, and then enter the following values:

      - Address: <VM_IP>

      - Hostname: <VM_HOST_NAME>

      - Aliases: <VM_NAME_PREFIX> hostname

    8. Click Okay.

    9. Choose File and then click Save.

    10. Restart Network Services from a terminal window.

      > service network restart

    11. Check the output for <VM_IP>.

      > ifconfig

    12. Check the output for <VM_HOST_NAME>.

      > hostname

    13. Check the success of:

      > ping <VM_IP>

    14. Check the success of:

      > ping <VM_HOST_NAME>


(Optional) In order to preserve the static IP address when the OVM is powered off, follow below steps, but only if the line

vif = ['mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:AA:CC,bridge=xenbr0']

does not match what you have in the vm.cfg file (see below).

  1. Power off the Virtual Machine by selecting the Virtual Machines tab in the VM Manager, choose the Virtual Machine Name, and click Power Off.

  2. Edit the vm.cfg file that is found on the VM Server under /OVS/seed_pool/<template_name> by replacing the line:

    vif = ['bridge=xenbr0,type=netfront']

    with the MAC corresponding to that virtual machine:

    vif = ['mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:AA:CC,bridge=xenbr0']

    where AA:BB:CC:DD:AA:CC is the MAC corresponding to the created OVM noted above.

1.4.3 Preparing the Policy Monitor Database

To prepare the Policy Monitor database tables for Oracle:

  1. Copy the files under /home/hiauser/arr/database/oracle to a machine with Oracle SQL*Plus installed.

  2. To create the Policy Monitor database user load the script create-user-oracle.sql into the database.


    > sqlplus system@<SID>
    SQL> @create-user-oracle.sql
  3. To create the Policy Monitor database tables:

    1. > cd /home/hiauser/arr/bin

    2. Run the script to create the properties file used to configure the Policy Monitor application, selecting [oracle] as your target database.


      > sh
      – The dialect of your database installation:
      Choose target database: oracle
      – The hostname of your Oracle Database
      Enter oracle_host: <ORACLE_HOST>
      – The Oracle TNS Listener port of your Oracle Database
      Enter oracle_port: <ORACLE_PORT>
      – The Oracle System ID (SID) of your Oracle Database
      Enter oracle_sid: <ORACLE_SID>
      – The Oracle Database username
      Enter oracle_username: <ORACLE_USERNAME>
      – The Oracle Database password
      Enter oracle_password: <ORACLE_PASSWORD>
      – The port of the syslog server
      Enter arr_port: <ARR_PORT>
      – The output properties file name
      Enter properties_file_name: <ARR_PROPERTIES>
    3. Run the script using command create-tables.


      > -propertyfile <ARR_PROPERTIES> -command create-tables

1.4.4 Configuring OHIM Policy Monitor VM

To configure the OHIM Policy Monitor VM:

  1. Log in to the VM as hiauser (default password: hiapass).

  2. Navigate to the directory: /home/hiauser/arr/bin.

  3. Edit the file <ARR_PROPERTIES_FILE>.

  4. Enable remote syslog access by reconfiguring firewall.


    Opening ports below 1024 require root permissions.

    To permit connections on a port from other systems:

    * Enable a TCP connection

    1. Select System, Administration, Security Level, and Firewall.

    2. Click Other ports, and Add.

    3. Enter <ARR_PORT> in the Port(s) field, and specify tcp as the Protocol.

    4. Click OK.

    * Enable a UDP connection

    1. Select System, Administration, Security Level, and Firewall.

    2. Click Other ports, and Add.

    3. Enter <ARR_PORT> in the Port(s) field, and specify udp as the Protocol.


      For a non root user to be able to start the ARR Server in UDP/TLS mode, ensure the port number is greater than 1024. For example, if the default port number is 514, increase it to 5514 in (arr.port=5514).
    4. Click OK.


    Before proceeding to the next step, make sure that the hostname does not return a fully configured name for the Virtual Machine. Please check the following commands before proceeding:

    > hostname (should return just the hostname)

    > hostname -f (should return a fully configured hostname)

    > hostname -d (should return the domain)

  5. Run the script to install the self-signed certificate. It does the following things:

    • Creates the keystore for the private internal key

    • Exports the certificate that will authenticate the internal key

    • Imports the trusted certificates into the truststore

    • Provides these certificates to the Policy Monitor to use for authentication purposes

      > sh


      Before proceeding to the next step, copy the certificate of the host computer <HOSTNAME.cer> to /home/hiauser/arr/bin/keystore folder.
  6. To install a host machine's certificate, run the script

    > sh

    Enter the hostname of the machine whose certificate is being imported into the truststore: <HOSTNAME>.

  7. Start the server using the following commands:

    • > cd /home/hiauser/arr/bin

      • To start in UDP mode:

        > -propertyfile <ARR_PROPERTIES_FILE> -command start-udp-server

      • To start in TLS mode:

        > -propertyfile <ARR_PROPERTIES_FILE> -command start-tls-server

1.4.5 Validating the Policy Monitor VM

To validate the Policy Monitor software on the VM after it is configured:

  1. Ensure that the Policy Monitor Server is up and running.

  2. Validate the configuration using the test client distributed with the VM:

    1. > cd /home/hiauser/arr/bin

    2. To send a message in UDP mode:

      > -propertyfile <ARR_PROPERTIES_FILE> -command send-udp-msg -arr.input_file ../docs/test_syslog_msg.txt

      To send a message in TLS mode:

      > -propertyfile <ARR_PROPERTIES_FILE> -command send-tls-msg -arr.input_file ../docs/test_syslog_msg.txt

    3. Login to your database and confirm that the test record has been stored in the ARR_SYS_MSG table (for additional information, see "Overview of Policy Monitor Database").

1.5 Avoiding a Java Security Certificate Exception

To avoid a you need to ensure that your OHIG/OHIM hostnames are not fully qualified.

To Make the Hostname Not Fully Qualified

  1. Set the OHIM and OHIG hostnames to be not fully qualified.

  2. Add aliases for all hosts.

  3. Regenerate and re-import the certificates.

  4. Restart all the servers.

  5. Test that you do not have a Java security certificate exception.