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Oracle® Health Sciences Information Gateway Secure Health Email Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 1.2

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2 Configuring OHIG Secure Health Email

This chapter leads you through the steps to install, set up, and configure the James Mail Enterprise Server (James) version 2.3.2 to use with OHIG and OHIM. OHIG Secure Health Email is built on top of the Apache James Mail Server.

This chapter includes the following sections:


For a high-level overview of the Secure Health Email network, see Appendix H, "High-level Network Diagram."

2.1 Preparing the Databases

There are two sections with details about preparing the databases:

For advanced configuration information, follow the links provided in Appendix I, "Apache James Mail Server."

2.1.1 Preparing the Apache James Mail Server Database

To prepare the Apache James Mail Server database tables for Oracle:


Because the Apache James Mail Server Database stores sensitive data, it should be set up with encryption turned on.
  1. Copy the files under /home/hiauser/config/files/database/oracle to a machine with Oracle SQL*Plus installed.

  2. Update the script create-james-user-oracle.sql with TABLESPACE parameters matching your environment. Also assign a password for the James database user by assigning a value to variable JAMES_USER_PASS. Remember to clear the value after you execute the script.

  3. To create the Apache James Mail Server database user load the script create-james-user-oracle.sql into the database.


    > sqlplus system@<SID>
    SQL> @create-james-user-oracle.sql
  4. To create the Apache James Mail Server database load the script create-james-tables-oracle.sql into the database.


    > sqlplus <JAMESUSER>@<SID>
    SQL> @create-james-tables-oracle.sql

2.1.2 Preparing the OHIG Secure Health Email Database

To prepare the OHIG Secure Health Email database tables for Oracle:

  1. Copy the files under /home/hiauser/config/files/database/oracle to a machine with Oracle SQL*Plus installed.

  2. Update the script create-direct-user-oracle.sql with TABLESPACE parameters matching your environment. Also assign a password for the OHIG Secure Health Email database user, by assigning a value to the variable DIRECT_USER_PASS. Remember to clear the value after you execute the script.

  3. To create the OHIG Secure Health Email database user load the script create-direct-user-oracle.sql into the database.


    > sqlplus system@<SID>
    SQL> @create-direct-user-oracle.sql
  4. To create the OHIG Secure Health Email database load the script create-direct-tables-oracle.sql into the database.


    > sqlplus <DIRECTUSER>@<SID>
    SQL> @create-direct-tables-oracle.sql

2.1.3 Setting Up a New Source System in OHMPI for Secure Health Email Server

  1. In the OHMPI Oracle Database, create an OHMPI source system for the Secure Health Email Server to create new patients.


    Make sure to enable patient feed from OHMPI to RLS as described in section 1.4.3, “Configuring Assigning Authority Patient Feed - Application Server,” in Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager OHMPI Installation and Configuration Guide (Part Number E22762-01).
  2. Execute SQL (below) in the OHMPI database using OHMPI DB user account.


    Record If the value in the “systemcode” column is different than “1.1.1”, record the value.
    INSERT INTO sbyn_systems (systemcode, description, status, id_length,format, input_mask, value_mask, create_date, create_userid) VALUES ('1.1.1', 'ORCL_DIRECT', 'A', 23, '[0-9]{23}', 'DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD', 'DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD', sysdate, 'MPI');

2.2 Configuring the Apache James Mail Server

This provides the settings for configuring OHIG Secure Health Email, the Apache Mail Server for SSL, and the Remote Manager:


For advanced configuration information follow the links provided in Section I.3, "Apache James Mail Server".

2.2.1 Loading Initial Data into OHIG Secure Health Email Database

Using the OHIG Secure Health Email Configuration Tool, update the tables with initial data as listed below. See Appendix A, "The OHIG Secure Health Email Configuration Tool," for instructions on tool usage.


A version of Open SSL is available in the VM, and, if needed, you may want to use it.
  • Add a domain corresponding to your Secure Health Email Server's host name.

    Example: ant direct-add-domain

  • Add trusted anchors which could include trusted Certificate Authorities.

    Example: ant direct-add-anchor -Dcert_file=certs/oracle-cacert.der

  • Add trusted public certificates associating public certificates with external trusted email addresses.

    Example: ant direct-add-public-cert -Dcert_file=certs/patient1-cert.der

  • Add trusted private certificates associating public/private certificate pairs with system secure email addresses. Note The email address used in this step should be used to update config parameter james_init.systemEmailAddress in the next section.


    The email address used in this step should be used to update config parameter james_init.systemEmailAddress in the next section, "Configuring Apache James Mail Server for SSL".

    Example: ant direct-add-private-cert -Demail_address= -Dcert_file=certs/direct-cert.der -Dkey_file=certs/private/direct-key.der

  • Add trusted private certificates associating public/private certificate pairs with internal secure email addresses.

    Example: ant direct-add-private-cert -Demail_address= -Dcert_file=certs/DrJohnDoe-cert.der -Dkey_file=certs/private/DrJohnDoe-key.der

  • Add addresses mapping internal secure email addresses to internal corporate email addresses and to a domain.

    Example: ant direct-add-address -Ddomain_name= -Ddisplay_name=”Dr. John Doe” -Dendpoint=Dr.John.Doe@

2.2.2 Configuring OHIG Secure Health Email Properties

  1. > cd /home/hiauser/config

  2. Edit the file.


    Refer to for property file formatting rules. This link specifies formatting rules for

    OHIG Secure Health Email Settings

    • james_init.xdsRegistryEndpointUrl

      XDS registry endpoint URL used to query for submission set documents and metadata.

    • james_init.xdsRepositoryEndpointUrl

      XDS.b repository URL. In case you are testing against the HIG Adapter Repository service, your URL will look like the following URL:


    • james_init.xdsRepositoryId

      XDS repository UID.

    • james_init.xdsDocumentOidRoot

      Object ID root to be used while generating new document UUIDs.

    • james_init.xdsSubmissionSetOidRoot

      Object ID root to be used while generating new submission set UUIDs.

    • james_init.assigningAuthorityId

      OID of XDS affinity domain assigning authority. Used as "root" of the patient ID in conjunction with the EUID, which is used as "extension". This should match with the Assigning Authority OID configured in the HIG Adapter and OHMPI.

    • james_init.mpiServiceUrl

      OHMPI's web service endpoint URL.

    • james_init.mpiSystemCode

      System code setup in OHMPI for use by the OHIG Secure Health Email for creating new patients. The value should be the one noted in the previous step ("Setting Up a New Source System in OHMPI for Secure Health Email Server"), followed to update the OHMPI database.

    • james_init.mpiDelayAfterPatientInsertSecs

      Wait time in seconds before XDS processing to allow for OHMPI to send patient feed XDS registry.

    • james_init.domain

      Hostname of OHIG Secure Health Email.

    • james_init.systemEmailAddress

      OHIG Secure Health Email system email address used to send Message Disposition Notification messages, Notification of Document Availability messages, and error message notifications.

    • james_init.manualEmailAddress

      Email address which receives error message notifications.

    • james_init.useIheNav

      Flag determining whether or not to use standard IHE Notification of Document Availability messages.

    • james_init.arrHost

      Policy Monitor hostname.

    • james_init.arrPort

      Policy Monitor port number.

    Apache James Mail Server Database Settings

    • james_db.driver (Example: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver)

      Database driver class.

    • james_db.dburl (Example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<ORACLE_HOSTNAME>:1521:orcl)

      Database connection URL.

    • james_db.username (Example: jamesuser)

      Database username.

    • james_db.password (Example: jamespass)

      Database password.

    OHIG Secure Health Email Database Settings

    • direct_db.driver (Example: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver)

      Database driver class.

    • direct_db.dburl (Example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<ORACLE_HOSTNAME>:1521:orcl)

      Database connection URL.

    • direct_db.username (Example: directuser)

      Database username.

    • direct_db.password (Example: directpass)

      Database password.

  3. > ant config-james

For advanced configuration properties, see Appendix E, "Advanced OHIG Secure Health Email Property Reference".

2.2.3 Configuring Apache James Mail Server for SSL

  1. > cd /home/common/james/apps/james/SAR-INF

    Edit the config.xml file.

    1. Search for "pop3server" and uncomment:




    2. Search for "smtpserver" and uncomment:




    3. Search for "server-sockets" and ensure the correct values are supplied below after un-commenting the tag <factory name=”ssl”..> :

      <factory name="ssl" class="org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.sockets.TLSServerSocketFactory">














If connecting to remote SMTP gateway or SMTP server also thru SSL, makes sure to specify to use as socket factory by “ExtendedRemoteDelivery” mailet.

For example:

<mailet match="RecipientIsRemote" class="ExtendedRemoteDelivery">

2.2.4 Configuring the Remote Manager

  1. > cd /home/common/james/apps/james/SAR-INF

    Edit the config.xml file.

    1. Search for "remotemanager", and edit the following two lines:


      <account login="root" password="root"/>

    2. To enable secure telnet, uncomment:




2.2.5 Configuring Logging

Configuring Apache James Mail Server Logging

> cd /home/common/james/apps/james/SAR-INF

Edit the "log-level" settings in the environment.xml file.

Configuring Application Code Logging

  1. Create a JDK file in the /home/common/james/bin directory.

    Example of a file:

    handlers= java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler, java.util.logging.FileHandler.level= INFOjava.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = INFOjava.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter#java.util.logging.FileHandler.level = ALLjava.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatterjava.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = logs/direct%g.logjava.util.logging.FileHandler.limit = 50000java.util.logging.FileHandler.count = 10


    You must create the "logs" directory prior to starting the server.
  2. Start the Apache James Mail Server with the system property:

2.3 Managing the Apache James Mail Server

This section provides steps to start the Apache James Mail Server, and to connect to the Remote Manager and then manage the Apache James Mail Server:

2.3.1 Starting the Apache James Mail Server


In order for the default SMTP email ports to open, the James Email Server needs to be started by root user.

Use the UNIX aliases set for root and hiauser to start and stop James server service.

  • Stop the James service running with default configuration by running the alias command “stop”.

  • Start the James service to run with newly configured parameters, by running the alias command “start”.

  • Use the alias command “jameslog” to see a running tail-end view of the James console log.

2.3.2 Connecting to the Remote Manager

This section provides details for connecting to the Remote Manager and then managing the Apache James Mail Server. It also provides an example of adding a user.

> telnet localhost <PORT> (Default: 4555)

JAMES Remote Administration Tool 2.3.2

Please enter your login and password

Login id:

<USERNAME> (Default: root)


<PASSWORD> (Default: root)

Welcome root. HELP for a list of commands


Currently implemented commands:

  • help

    Displays this help.

  • listusers

    Displays existing accounts.

  • countusers

    Displays the number of existing accounts.

  • adduser [username] [password]

    Adds a new user.

  • verify [username]

    Verifies if a specified user exists.

  • deluser [username]

    Deletes the existing user.

  • setpassword [username] [password]

    Sets a user's password.

  • setalias [user] [alias]

    Locally forwards all email for 'user' to 'alias'.

  • showalias [username]

    Shows a user's current email alias.

  • unsetalias [user]

    Unsets an alias for 'user'.

  • setforwarding [username] [emailaddress]

    Forwards a user's email to another email address.

  • showforwarding [username]

    Shows a user's current email forwarding.

  • unsetforwarding [username]

    Removes a forward.

  • user [repositoryname]

    Changes to another user repository.

  • shutdown [repositoryname]

    Kills the current JVM (convenient when James is run as a daemon).

  • quit [repositoryname]

    Closes the connection. Example of Add User


Create system user (james_init.systemEmailAddress) and manual processor or error (james_init.manualEmailAddress) email user accounts configured earlier.

For example:

adduser direct directpass

adduser error errorpass

2.4 Configuring OHIG Secure Health Email

See Appendix A, "The OHIG Secure Health Email Configuration Tool" for configuration instructions.

2.5 Additional Configuration

Editing the System Email Templates

> cd /home/common/james/bin/templates

Edit the files in the templates directory (see Appendix C, "System Email Template Reference").

2.6 Testing OHIG Secure Health Email

Inbound and Outbound Examples

> cd /home/hiauser/config/examples

Follow the instructions in the README.txt file.