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Booting and Shutting Down Oracle Solaris on x86 Platforms     Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library
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Document Information

About This Book

1.  Booting and Shutting Down an x86 Based System (Overview)

What's New in Booting and Shutting Down a System

Administratively Provided driver.conf Files

Bitmapped Console Support

Boot and Shutdown Animation

Fast Reboot

x86: Removal of Support for 32-Bit Kernel

Booting and Shutting Down an x86 Based System (Topic Map)

Guidelines for Booting an x86 Based System

Reasons to Boot a System

Service Management Facility and Booting

Changes in Boot Behavior When Using SMF

How Run Levels Work

What Happens When a System Is Booted to a Multiuser State (Run Level 3)

When to Use Run Levels or Milestones

Overview of the Oracle Solaris Boot Architecture

How the x86 Boot Process Works

GRUB-Based Booting

GRUB Components

Purpose and Function of the GRUB Menu

GRUB Device-Naming Conventions

x86 and GRUB Boot Terminology

2.  Booting an x86 Based System to a Specified State (Tasks)

3.  Shutting Down a System (Tasks)

4.  Rebooting an x86 Based System (Tasks)

5.  Booting an x86 Based System From the Network (Tasks)

6.  Modifying Boot Parameters on an x86 Based System (Tasks)

7.  Creating, Administering, and Booting From ZFS Boot Environments on x86 Platforms (Tasks)

8.  Keeping an x86 Based System Bootable (Tasks)

9.  Troubleshooting Booting an x86 Based System (Tasks)


Chapter 1

Booting and Shutting Down an x86 Based System (Overview)

Oracle Solaris is designed to run continuously so that enterprise services, such as databases and web services, remain available as much as possible. This chapter provides overview information and guidelines for booting and shutting down an x86 based system.

Note - This guide focuses primarily on booting and shutting down a single Oracle Solaris instance on servers and workstations. Information about booting and shutting down Oracle Solaris on systems that have service processors and systems that have multiple physical domains is not covered in detail in this document. For more information, see the product documentation for your specific hardware at

The following is a list of the information that is in this chapter:

For information about booting and shutting down a SPARC based system, see Booting and Shutting Down Oracle Solaris on SPARC Platforms.