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Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11 Automated Installer     Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Comparing JumpStart and Automated Installer

2.  Converting Rules and Profile Files

3.  Converting Configuration Files

4.  Installing Oracle Solaris 10 Using JumpStart on an Oracle Solaris 11 Server

Setting Up an Oracle Solaris 11 System as an Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart Server

Workarounds for Known Issues

rm_install_client Script Issue

check Script Issue

Workarounds for Known Issues

This section gives instructions for avoiding particular problems.

rm_install_client Script Issue

CR 6646677: The rm_install_client script does not work with Solaris 10 dig based

To work around this issue, make the following changes in the rm_install_client script in your Oracle Solaris 10 net image. For example, if you have set up an Oracle Solaris 10 net image at /export/s10u9/dvds/latest, then make the following changes in the rm_install_client script at /export/s10u9/dvds/latest/Solaris_10/Tools/rm_install_client:

Change line 168 from this:

ANS=`nslookup ${K} 2>&1`

to this:

ANS=`nslookup ${K} | /bin/sed '/^;;/d' 2>&1`

Change line 273 from this:

ANS=`echo $ANS | sed -e 's/#.*$//'`

to this:

ANS=`echo $ANS | sed -e 's/ #.*$//'`

check Script Issue

CR 6838095: opensolaris jumpstart server doesn't run the check script correctly

To work around this issue, change the check script in the JumpStart profile directory /export/profile/s10profile to use /usr/sunos/bin/sh. Replace the first line of the check script with the following line:
