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Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11     Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library
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1.  Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11 (Overview)

2.  Transitioning to an Oracle Solaris 11 Installation Method

3.  Managing Devices

4.  Managing Storage Features

5.  Managing File Systems

6.  Managing Software

7.  Managing Network Configuration

8.  Managing System Configuration

9.  Managing Security

10.  Managing Oracle Solaris Releases in a Virtual Environment

Installing and Managing Oracle Solaris 11 Virtualization Features

Oracle Solaris 11 Zone Features

Oracle Solaris 10 Branded Zones Preparation

Transitioning an Oracle Solaris 10 Instance to an Oracle Solaris 11 System

11.  User Account Management and User Environment Changes

12.  Using Oracle Solaris Desktop Features

A.  Transitioning From Previous Oracle Solaris 11 Releases to Oracle Solaris 11

Transitioning an Oracle Solaris 10 Instance to an Oracle Solaris 11 System

You can transition your Oracle Solaris 10 environment to a non-global zone on an Oracle Solaris 11 system by creating a zone archive and migrating the zone archive to an Oracle Solaris 11 system. The following steps describe this process.

  1. Install the Oracle Solaris 10 zone package on your Oracle Solaris 11 system. For example:

    s11sysB# pkg install system/zones/brand/brand-solaris10
  2. Copy the zonep2vchk script from your Oracle Solaris 11 system to the Oracle Solaris 10 instance or system to identify any issues that might prevent the instance from running as a solaris10 zone.

    s10sys# ./zonep2vchk
    --Executing Version: 1.0.5-11-15652
      - Source System: tardis
          Solaris Version: Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 s10s_u10wos_17b SPARC
          Solaris Kernel:  5.10 Generic_147440-01
          Platform:        sun4u SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440
      - Target System:
          Solaris_Version: Solaris 10
          Zone Brand:      native (default)
          IP type:         shared
    --Executing basic checks
  3. Create a ZFS file system that will contain the flash archive of the Oracle Solaris 10 system instance, if necessary.

    Then, create a NFS share of the ZFS file system on your Oracle Solaris 11 system. For example:

    s11sysB# zfs create pond/s10archive
    s11sysB# zfs set share=name=s10share,path=/pond/s10archive,prot=nfs,root=s10sysA
    s11sysB# zfs set sharenfs=on pond/s10archive
  4. Select an Oracle Solaris 10 instance, which could be a virtual environment or a global zone on a Solaris 10 system. Note the Oracle Solaris 10 system's hostid.

    s10sysA# hostid
  5. Create an archive of the Oracle Solaris 10 instance that you would like to migrate to a non-global zone on the Oracle Solaris 11 system.

    s10sysA# flarcreate -S -n s10sysA -L cpio /net/s11sysB/pond/s10archive/s10.flar
  6. Create a ZFS file system for the Oracle Solaris 10 zone.

    s11sysB# zfs create -o mountpoint=/zones pond/zones
    s11sysB# chmod 700 /zones
  7. Create the non-global zone for the Oracle Solaris 10 instance.

    s11sysB# zonecfg -z s10zone
    s10zone: No such zone configured
    Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
    zonecfg:s10zone> create -t SYSsolaris10
    zonecfg:s10zone> set zonepath=/zones/s10zone
    zonecfg:s10zone> set ip-type=exclusive
    zonecfg:s10zone> add anet
    zonecfg:s10zone:net> set lower-link=auto
    zonecfg:s10zone:net> end
    zonecfg:s10zone> set hostid=8439b629
    zonecfg:s10zone> verify
    zonecfg:s10zone> commit
    zonecfg:s10zone> exit
  8. Install the Oracle Solaris 10 non-global zone.

    s11sysB# zoneadm -z s10zone install -u -a /pond/s10archive/s10.flar
    A ZFS file system has been created for this zone.
    Progress being logged to /var/log/zones/zoneadm.20110921T135935Z.s10zone.install
        Installing: This may take several minutes...
     Postprocess: Updating the image to run within a zone
       Postprocess: Migrating data
            from: pond/zones/s10zone/rpool/ROOT/zbe-0
              to: pond/zones/s10zone/rpool/export
  9. Boot the Oracle Solaris 10 zone.

    # zoneadm -z s10zone boot
  10. Configure the Oracle Solaris 10 non-global zone.

    s11sysB# zlogin -C s10zone
    [Connected to zone 's10zone' console]
    s10zone console login: root
    Password: xxxxxxxx
    # cat /etc/release
                       Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 s10s_u10wos_17b SPARC
      Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
                                Assembled 23 August 2011
    # uname -a
    SunOS supernova 5.10 Generic_Virtual sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-T1000
    # zfs list
    rpool              4.53G  52.2G   106K  /rpool
    rpool/ROOT         4.53G  52.2G    31K  legacy
    rpool/ROOT/zbe-0   4.53G  52.2G  4.53G  /
    rpool/export         63K  52.2G    32K  /export
    rpool/export/home    31K  52.2G    31K  /export/home