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LIBTUX メッセージ 4200-4299

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ERROR:Unknown group name returned from routing function
ERROR: ルーティング関数から不明なグループ名が返されました。


The function used to perform data dependent routing during a method invocation indicated that the current data is to be routed to a group name that does not exist. If using the routing functions for TUXEDO System/T supplied types, this should not happen.


BEA TUXEDO システムの Technical Support にお問い合わせください。


ERROR:data type for field fld does not match routing criteria definition
ERROR: フィールド fld のデータ型とルーティング基準の定義が一致しません。


The routing field fld had a different data type in routing criteria entry for buffer type and subtype than specified for the FIELDTYPE.


Split the routing specification for the two buffer types into separate entries, each with routing rules appropriate for the data type of the field in that buffer type. Alternatively, the buffer types themselves may be changed to bring the data types into alignment. This would typically mean modifying an FML field or a VIEW specification.


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