About Publishing the Websheet Application URL

Once you complete your Websheet application, you can publish your production URL.

You can determine the URL to your Websheet application by selecting the Websheet application from the Application home page and positioning the mouse over the Run icon. The URL displays in the status bar at the bottom of the page.

Consider the following example:



  • apex.somewhere.com is the URL of the server.

  • pls is the indicator to use the mod_plsql cartridge.

  • apex is the database access descriptor (DAD) name. The DAD describes how Oracle HTTP Server connects to the database server so that it can fulfill an HTTP request. The default value is apex.

  • ws?p= is a prefix used by Oracle Application Express to link to a Websheet application.

  • 123 is the Websheet application being called.

  • home is the home page alias defined as Home Page on the Application Properties page.

To run this example application, you would use the URL:


When users log in, they receive unique session numbers.